SUBCHAPTER G—REGATTAS AND MARINE PARADES PART 100—SAFETY OF LIFE ON 100.719 Annual Suncoast Offshore Challenge; Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL. NAVIGABLE WATERS 100.720 Annual Suncoast Offshore Grand Prix; Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL. Sec. 100.724 Annual Augusta Invitational Rowing 100.01 Purpose and intent. Regatta; Savannah River, Augusta, GA. 100.T01–0103 Special Local Regulation; Ex- 100.728 Special Local Regulations; Hurri- treme Sailing Series Boston; Boston Har- cane Offshore Classic, St. Petersburg, bor; Boston, MA. FL. 100.05 Definition of terms used in this part. 100.729 Columbus Day Regatta, Biscayne 100.10 Coast Guard-State agreements. Bay, Miami, FL. 100.15 Submission of application. 100.732 Annual River Race Augusta; Savan- 100.20 Action on application for event as- nah River, Augusta, GA. signed to State regulation by Coast 100.734 Annual Gasparilla Marine Parade; Guard-State agreement. Hillsborough Bay, Tampa, FL. 100.25 Action on application for event not 100.736 Annual Fort Myers Beach air show; assigned to State regulation by Coast Fort Myers Beach, FL. Guard-State agreement. 100.740 Annual Offshore Super Series Boat 100.30 Approval required for holding event. Race; Fort Myers Beach, FL. 100.35 Special local regulations. 100.801 Annual Marine Events in the Eighth 100.40 Patrol of the regatta or marine pa- Coast Guard District. rade. 100.901 Great Lakes annual marine events. 100.45 Establishment of aids to navigation. 100.902 [Reserved] 100.101 Harvard-Yale Regatta, Thames 100.903 Harborfest Dragon Boat Race; South River, New London, CT. Haven, MI. 100.102 Great Connecticut River Raft Race, 100.904 Celebrate Americafest, Green Bay, Middletown, CT. WI. 100.105 Head of the Connecticut Regatta. 100.905 Door County Triathlon; Door Coun- 100.106 Freeport Grand Prix, Long Beach, ty, WI. NY. 100.906 Haven Coast Guard Festival 100.112 Swim the Bay, Narragansett Bay Waterski Show, Grand Haven, MI. Narragansett, RI. 100.907 Milwaukee River Challenge; Mil- 100.113 Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life, waukee, WI. Provincetown, MA. 100.908 Charlevoix Venetian Night Boat Pa- 100.114 Fireworks displays within the First rade; Charlevoix, MI. Coast Guard District. 100.909 Chinatown Chamber of Commerce 100.116 Swim Buzzards Bay Day, New Bed- Dragon Boat Race; Chicago, IL. ford, MA. 100.910 Southland Regatta; Blue Island, IL. 100.119 Newport-Bermuda Regatta, Narra- 100.911 Bay City Airshow, Bay City, MI. gansett Bay, Newport, RI. 100.912 Detroit Bell Isle Grand Prix, De- 100.120 Special Local Regulations; Marine troit, MI. Events Held in the Coast Guard Sector 100.913 ACORA Garwood Classic Offshore Northern New England Captain of the Race, Algonac, MI. Port Zone. 100.914 Trenton Rotary Roar on the River, 100.121 Swim Across the Sound, Long Island Trenton, MI. Sound, Port Jefferson, NY to Captain’s 100.915 St. Clair River Classic Offshore Cove Seaport, Bridgeport, CT. Race, St. Clair, MI. 100.122 Fran Schnarr Open Water Champion- 100.916 Chris Craft Silver Cup Races, ships, Huntington Bay, New York. Algonac, MI. 100.124 Maggie Fischer Memorial Great 100.917 The Old Club Cannonade, Harsens Is- South Bay Cross Bay Swim, Great South land, MI. Bay, New York. 100.918 Detroit APBA Gold Cup, Detroit, MI. 100.501 Special Local Regulations; Marine 100.919 International Bay City River Roar, Events in the Fifth Coast Guard District. Bay City, MI. 100.701 Special Local Regulations; Marine 100.920 Tug Across the River, Detroit, MI. Events in the Seventh Coast Guard Dis- 100.1101 Southern California annual marine trict. events. 100.713 Annual Harborwalk Boat Race; 100.1102 Marine events on the Colorado Sampit River, Georgetown, SC. River, between Davis Dam (Bullhead 100.717 Annual Fort Myers Beach Offshore City, Arizona) and Headgate Dam Grand Prix; Fort Myers, FL. (Parker, Arizona). 100.718 Annual Suncoast Kilo Run; Sarasota 100.1103 Northern California annual marine Bay, Sarasota, FL. events. 241 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:20 Sep 07, 2011 Jkt 223130 PO 00000 Frm 00251 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 100.01 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–11 Edition) 100.1105 San Francisco Bay Navy Fleetweek sition: 42°21.3′ N; 071°3′ W, thence cross- Parade of Ships and Blue Angels Dem- ing the Fort Point Channel along onstration. Northern Avenue to position 42°21.3′ N; 100.1301 Seattle Seafair Unlimited Hydro- 071°2.9′ W, continuing Southeast along plane Race. 100.1302 Special Local Regulation, Annual the Shoreline past Fan Pier to the end Dragon Boat Races, Portland, Oregon. of the North Jetty at position 42°20.8′ 100.1303 Annual Kennewick, Washington, N; 071°1.4′ W, continuing and crossing Columbia Unlimited Hydroplane Races. Boston Harbor to the opposite shore 100.1304 Annual Seattle Yacht Club’s near Logan Airport at position 42°21.2′ ‘‘Opening Day’’ Marine Parade. N; 071°1′ W, continuing Northwest in a 100.1305 Richland, Washington, west coast straight line along the shoreline to outboard championship hydro races. ° ′ ° ′ 100.1306 National Maritime Week Tugboat Pier One at position 42 21.9 N; 071 02.5 Races, Seattle, WA. W, thence back across Boston Harbor 100.1307 Special Local Regulations, Strait to the point of origin at position Thunder Performance, Port Angeles, WA. 42°21.3′ N; 071°3′ W. 100.1308 Special Local Regulation; Hydro- (1) The following area within the spe- plane Races within the Captain of the cial local regulation area is specified as Port Puget Sound Area of Responsibility. the race area: All waters of Boston 100.1309 Special Local Regulation; Olympia Harbor near Boston, MA, surface to Harbor Days Tug Boat Races, Budd Inlet, WA. bottom, encompassed by an area start- ing at position: 42°21.59′ N; 071°02.52′ W, AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1233 thence to position 42°21.28′ N; 071°01.83′ SOURCE: CGFR 63–22, 28 FR 5155, May 23, W, thence to position 42°21.10′ N; 1963, unless otherwise noted. 071°01.95′ W, thence to position 42°21.20′ N; 071°02.26′ W, thence to position § 100.01 Purpose and intent. 42°21.15′ N; 071°02.31′ W, thence to posi- (a) The purpose of the regulations in tion 42°21.31′ N; 071°02.72′ W, thence to this part is to provide effective control the point of origin at position 42°21.59′ over regattas and marine parades con- N; 071°02.52′ W. This area will be clearly ducted on the navigable waters of the defined by floating buoys and will have United States so as to insure safety of the ability to be collapsed quickly to life in the regatta or marine parade allow for safe passage of traffic if they area. have obtained permission from the (b) Geographic coordinates expressed COTP or the designated representative. in terms of latitude or longitude, or (b) Regulations. In accordance with both, are not intended for plotting on the general regulations in 33 CFR Part maps or charts whose referenced hori- 100, to enter, transit through, anchor zontal datum is the North American in, or remain within the special local Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), unless such ge- regulation area is prohibited unless ographic coordinates are expressly la- permission has been authorized by the beled NAD 83. Geographic coordinates Captain of the Port (COTP) Boston, or without the NAD 83 reference may be the designated on-scene representative. plotted on maps or charts referenced to The ‘‘designated on-scene representa- NAD 83 only after application of the tive’’ is any Coast Guard commis- appropriate corrections that are pub- sioned, warrant, or petty officer who is lished on the particular map or chart designated by the COTP to act on his being used. behalf. The designated on-scene rep- [CGFR 63–22, 28 FR 5155, May 23, 1963, as resentative will be aboard either a amended by CGD 86–082, 52 FR 33811, Sept. 8, Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliary 1987] vessel. The COTP or the designated on scene representative may be contacted § 100.T01–0103 Special Local Regula- via VHF Channel 16 or by telephone at tion; Extreme Sailing Series Boston; (617) 223–5750. Boston Harbor; Boston, MA. (1) The following restrictions apply (a) Regulated Area. The following is to the special local regulation area designated as the special local regula- identified in section (a)(1) of this regu- tion area: All waters of Boston Harbor lation. near Boston, MA, surface to bottom, (i) Special Anchorage ‘‘A’’, which is a encompassed by an area starting at po- small vessel anchorage located near 242 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:20 Sep 07, 2011 Jkt 223130 PO 00000 Frm 00252 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\33\33V1.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Coast Guard, DHS § 100.15 Rowes Wharf, is the only permitted § 100.05 Definition of terms used in area for anchoring. All other anchoring this part. within this special local regulation (a) Regatta or marine parade means an area, including in Anchorage Area #1, organized water event of limited dura- is prohibited. tion which is conducted according to a (ii) This special local regulation area prearranged schedule. is designed to restrict vessel traffic, in- (b) [Reserved] cluding all non-motorized vessels, ex- (c) District Commander means the cept as may be permitted by the COTP Commander of the Coast Guard Dis- Boston or the designated on-scene rep- trict in which the regatta or marine resentative. parade is intended to be held. (See Part (iii) Within this area all vessels will 3 of this chapter for the geographical transit at the minimum speed nec- boundaries of Coast Guard Districts.) essary to maintain headway without (d) State authority means any official creating a wake.
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