THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 42: ISSUE 14 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Club 23 attempts to rebound after shooting Students wary of patronizing South Bend bar where two seniors were shot and wounded Aug. 21; attendance remains low night that seniors Matthew threatening injuries, was shot By MARY KATE MALONE Collins and Mitchell Depree in the abdomen and leg. News Writer were shot outside the bar's Depree was also shot in the front door while they were leg. They have recovered and Club 23, the popular South waiting for a ride. are attending class, but did Bend bar where two Notre Hussein had gone outside to not want to comment. Dame students were shot and speak with Collins and Depree Now, nearly four weeks wounded Aug. 21. has been five minutes before they were after the incident, South Bend making a slow comeback shot, he said, to make sure police are still searching for after faeing dwindling popu­ they weren't violating the· the shooter, and many Notre larity in the shooting's after­ open-container law. The boys Dame students are wary math. told Hussein they were wait­ about returning to the former The bar's longtime owner, ing for a ride, and Hussein, Monday night hotspot. Mahmoud Hussein, fears that satisfied, went back inside. "Clearly the shootings have Notre Dame students are Soon afterwards, Hussein changed people's opinions," "boycotting" the club, located heard the windows rattle. said off-campus senior Dan at 744 N. Notre Dame Ave., "We went outside and both Ott, who has been trying to because they no longer feel kids were on the ground," recruit students to join him at safe in the neighborhood. Hussein recalled. He moved Club 23 on Mondays. "The last few Mondays have Collins and Depree inside the "People don't feel comfort- been bad," said Hussein, who entrance and called 911. Mahmoud Hussein, owner of Club 23, fills a pitcher of beer Wednesday. was working at Club 23 the Collins, who sustained life- see CLUB 23/page 6 The nightclub has seen lower attendance since the shooting Aug. 21. Facebook, way to 'meet' new roommate NFL ad Some freshmen ask for roommate change features based on summer profile impressions Residence Life and B. Quinn By THERESA CIVANTOS Housing. News Writer "People think they facebook know their roommates Spots offer positive As the Office of based on a Facebook Hesidence Life and profile, and they make portrayals of players Housing set up housing judgments before even arrangements for nearly meeting," he said. By BRIAN McKENZIE LlP!Oold pilotAIO PLt•l'.• h not!>'> 'N' tt,;, iolt~Kt ,_,. ..,.,,., "'·"'· '-.,,-,,}, 2,000 fr-eshmen this These calls are not News Writer ~ :·;-:: __ ~ tr~; '.:..:.·:-, prWt¥:V wttir~ ;_;, ·~~·.=";~~ ~.t.c- ~-; ·;-~;.: .r1t. summer, they received a purely the result of 'D.,..... !"'W~ -;,r;;, ·,. ,,, , -: ,., . ·:.· "· <>1. "';::.n:! ·;>, few unusual phone calls Facebook's growing pop­ Former Notre Dame quar­ - parents who, after ularity, Kachmarik said. terback Brady Quinn appears seeing the Facebook "It's been going on for prominently in a new NFL profile of their child's eight or nine years," he advertising campaign future roommate, want­ said. "Even before designed to show a warm and ed the selection Facebook, judgments friendly side of football play­ changed. would be made based on ers. "We receive two or web pages or e-mails. In The campaign features five three such calls every the old days it was players, including two of year," said Scott phone calls." DUSTIN MENNELLA/The Observer Quinn's current teammates Kachmarik, associate Incoming freshmen can 'friend' new roommates on Facebook and on the Cleveland Browns. director for the Office of see SERVICE/page 6 see personal profiles, before even meeting in person. According to NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy, the ads were designed to show aspects of players that fans don't neces­ sarily see at games. Quinn was selected. McCarthy said, Vodafone chair111an gives China perspective because he was well-spoken and a good role model. Quinn focused on academ­ Bond sees bright economic future for country he has ics during his 30-second appearance in the commer­ lived, worked in; says growth won't threaten U.S. cial. He mentioned his degree in finance and said he Bond first traveled to China plans to attend law school. By JOSEPH McMAHON when he was 21 to take a job as an He also mentioned the aca­ News Writer international manager at HSBC demic rigor he found at Notre Holdings, one of the largest bank­ Dame. China, a country he has lived and ing and financial services organi­ "I studied every hour of worked in most of his adult life, zations in the world. He said he fell every day," Quinn said with a will develop an economy the size of in love with the people and the cul­ smile on the commercial. the United States, predicted Sir ture. "That's how it works in Notre John Bond, chairman of the His interaction with the people Dame." Vodafone Group, the world's and his time in the country, he McCarthy said Notre Dame largest mobile telecommunications said, support his view that the was included in the ad company. country's economic growth will because the University · Bond spoke about China to a continue. appeals to a diverse national mixed group of undergraduates, "China is in the middle of a audience and is generally MBAs, professors and entrepre­ steady period of growth, much like held "in high esteem, aca­ neurs from the South Bend area the 40-year period seen by Japan demically and athletically." Thursday in the Jordan Auditorium after the end of World War II," he Notre Dame is the only Vodafone chairman Sir John Bond speaks of the Mendoza College of Thursday in the Mendoza College of Business. Business. see CHINA/ page 6 see QUINN/page 8 ----------------------------------------------------- -- -------- --- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Friday, September 14, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT ARE YOUR PREDICTIONS FOR THE N0-MICHIGAN GAME? The love of the gatne Wlwn I ww; a kid I hated (iJotball. Tlwre are seriously no words to describe how much I disliked it. I was never really a big sporl'i fan, but lilotball Jessica Shott Lauren Lassus Laura Cronmiller Chris Green Jake Beaulieu was just awli!l. I thought it was a Vanessa Gempls freshman junior junior sophomore grad student stupid and viohmt Saint Mary's Holy Cross Holy Cross Sarin off campus sport and that any­ Photographer one who watched it "/ think it will "ND is going to "Hopefully one "If we can get "It will be an was out of his or her mind. My dad is a huge li1otball fan, and when be close, but ND win the ofthem will the offense ugly first half I was a kid. I would always tell him how will pull turnaround of win, and clicking we can for ND but the dumb I thought football was and laugh at through." the season and hopefully ND win, because tide will change him li1r liking such a stupid sport. lie would always try to convince my lit­ the biggest had a heart to Michigan has in the ]rd quar- tle sister and me that fi,otball was awl~­ upset in heart with shown they ter, and we will some. There were even times when he'd Michigan Charlie and will have no come back in be able to eonvin1:e us to watch a few games with him. Whenever that hap­ history." be inspired. " defense." the 4th for an pened, my sister m1d I eanw up witl1 a exciting game. " couple of little things to keep us amused. The lirst was th1~ "root-against-whoev­ er-daddy-is-dwering-for" gmne. It w<t..'i fun bemuse it annoyed my dad, but after IN BRIEF a while we stopped because we didn't know what W<t..'i going on, and we got Thomas Malonn will give a bomd. speech entitled "The Future of The second game wa'i much more Work" today from 12 p.m. to entertaining. My sister and I would piek 1:15 in the Jordan Auditorium out a player from ea1:h team and of the Mendoza College of tlmlllghout the course of the game, wn Business. would count how many times our players got hit. Whoever's player got hit the most Actors from the London won tho gmne. This dnfinitnly made filot­ Stage will present "Macbeth" ball morn diverting, but I still didn't like at 7:30 p.m. tonight at lilotball. Washington Hall. Tickets can All that 1:hanged hL'it year. be purchasnd by calling (574) When I got hnrn, I still didn't like fiiOt­ 631-2800. ball. I didn't hate it lt..'i much as when I wa.'i younger but I still muldn't stand it. I The DeBartolo Performing w1mt to the first game watch of thn year Arts Center will show the on North Quad because I didn't mally movie "Sunshine" tonight at 7 have anything else to do. and 10 p.m. Tickets arn $:~ for I muld lilel a sense of !lXdl!ld antidpa­ students. l.ion building up in me, if only to see what li10t.hall at. Notm Dame wac; all about. And The Notre Dame women's I lilrvontly hoped that we would win soccer team will play Princeton bemuse the only thing worse than wateh­ in the ND Inn at Saint Mary's ing a lilotball game would have been if I Classic tonight at 7::~0 p.m.
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