LLANDUDNO Cylchgrawn Plwyf Parish Magazine February 2010 50p 1 Services Holy Trinity Church, St. Tudno’s Church, Mostyn Street Great Orme Sundays 9.00 am Morning Prayer (Sat) 8.00 am Holy Eucharist 11.00 am Open Air Service (Sun from end of May to end of 10.30 am Sung Eucharist (1st, 3rd, 4th September) & 5th Sundays) On the first Sunday of Matins followed by each month, the service is nd shortened Eucharist (2 followed by a shortened Sunday) Eucharist in the church. 5.00 pm Evening Prayer 6.00 pm Exploring Worship - in The pattern of Sunday and Weekday Church Hall (2nd Sunday services sometimes changes. Please unless notified otherwise) check the calendar in each month’s Weekdays magazine and the weekly bulletin. 8.30 am Morning Prayer (Tue, Wed Thurs & Fri) 9.00 am Holy Eucharist (Wed) 11.00 am Holy Eucharist (Thurs & major saints’ days) Holy Eucharist in Welsh © 2010 Rectorial Benefice of (Sat) Llandudno Registered Charity 1131171 5.00 pm Evening Prayer (Tue, Wed, Thurs & Fri) www.llandudno-parish.org.uk The deadline for copy for any edition is oOo the 7th of the previous month. Please The Rector is in Holy Trinity church leave copy in box near pulpit in Holy on most Saturday mornings from Trinity Church or e-mail: 11.30 - 12.00 to see parishioners on [email protected] any matter – for confessions, spiritual Copy may be on disk, printed or guidance, the booking of baptisms or handwritten. weddings etc. 3 From the Rectory If you attended the Sung that will be opposed so that Eucharist on the Feast of the the inner thoughts of many will Presentation (kept on Sun- be revealed – and a sword will day January 31st) you may pierce your own soul too.’ (Lk remember taking part in the 2:35) following dialogue just after So from the ‘tidings of comfort we extinguished our candles and joy’ of Christmas we turn at the end of the service: towards the austerity of Lent Here we now stand near the place of and Holy Week. If we meant what we baptism. said on the Sunday of the Presentation, and really want to ‘enter more deeply Help us, who are marked with the into the Easter mystery, then we must cross, to share the Lord’s death and use the opportunity which Lent and Holy resurrection. Week provide to grow in our faith and in Here we turn from Christ’s birth to his our commitment to the Lord.’ Passion. Ash Wednesday falls on the 17th of this Help us for whom Lent is near, to month. On that day we are marked with enter more deeply into the Easter a cross of ash, and invited by the priest mystery. to ‘the observance of a holy Lent, by self- examination and repentance, by prayer, The commemoration of the Presenta- fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and tion of Christ in the Temple marks a meditating on God’s holy word.’ Of course transition in the Christian Year between each of us will interpret this invitation the ‘Incarnation cycle’ (Advent, Christ- in our own way, using those Lenten mas & Epiphany) and the ‘Easter cycle’ disciplines which we find most helpful (Lent & Eastertide). Our thoughts move in our particular circumstances. They from the events surrounding the birth might include being more regular in our of Jesus to those surrounding his death church attendance, more disciplined in and resurrection. our times of prayer or bible reading, What sparks-off this transition is the behaving more charitably to someone moment in St. Luke’s account of the we don’t like, taking on a commitment Presentation when Simeon, holding the to voluntary work, eating less or giving infant Jesus in his arms, says to Mary: up a luxury etc. etc. As we do these ‘This child is destined for the falling and things we will be aware that they won’t rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign in themselves bring us closer to God 7 or make us better Christian disciples. some Lenten talks at Sunday Evening Rather they will hopefully be outward Prayer and the Thursday Eucharist; signs of an inner desire to love Him there will be the usual Quiet Day at better, to make ourselves more open to the Loreto Centre; and I am planning to His grace working within us, to become have Stations of the Cross throughout more like Christ in all that we do. Lent now that we have some perma- nent plaques. Full details will be given The Church can of course help us in in the weekly bulletin. our Lenten endeavours. At the time of writing (early January) the details of our But now ‘as we turn from Christ’s birth parish Lenten program had not been to his Passion’ at the Presentation of finalized so full details are not available Our Lord, we have a couple of weeks in this edition of the magazine. There to prepare for the season which has will certainly be the usual Wednesday so aptly been called ‘the Springtime of evening services of Compline and Ad- the soul’. dress at the Hospital; I hope to be giving Fr John News and Notices Thanks so hard on our behalf. At the time of writing the first Winter Warmers Coffee Morning after the Congratulations and prayerful Christmas break has just been held. support...... This gives me an opportunity to thank all those who work hard week by week, to our friends in our sister Llandudno both in the Winter Warmers and Sum- parish of Llanrhos which having been mer Coffee Morning Teams to raise joined with the parish of Llangystennin money for the parish and to provide has become the Rectorial Benefice of hospitality to both locals and visitors. At Rhos-Cystennin with seven churches, the Winter Warmers’ Christmas lunch and potentially at least five clergy! Angela Pritchard found special words On the 2nd of this month Canon Bob to say about every member of the Griffith will be formally licensed as Winter Warmers Team. Similar things Team Rector of the new parish at a could also be said of the members special service in St Paul’s, Craig-y-don of the Summer Coffee Morning Team and I have been invited to this service and indeed of the Summer Afternoon to represent Llandudno parish. Tea team too. We are grateful to every member of all these teams who work Fr John 8 Seventy-fifth Birthday Recitals at Holy Trinity where we were both involved with a number of things To celebrate my 75th birthday in Feb- but more particularly in the early ruary, I have been invited to play again 1990s with fund-raising appeals for at York Minster on the 10th February the Church. Betty readily offered to and at Chester Cathedral on the 18th organise a ‘Fashion Show’ I remember March. I thought it would be a good idea and very successful it was too. She to give the programme a trial run at had organised such events for other Holy Trinity which I will do on Wednes- charities. day the 3rd February at 8.00 pm. Betty had a marvellous sense of hu- Please come and join me and have a mour and always seemed pleased to glass of wine in the hall afterwards. The see you where ever and when ever programme will take about 45 minutes you met. I sometimes gave her a lift and there will be no charge. home to St. Andrew’s Place after the Norman Rimmer Sunday morning service, and used to apologetically say that I was only in the ‘old Rover’ today. She used to say ‘Stan Betty Foulkes (1923 - 2009) it’s one of the most comfortable cars I have ever ridden in,’ and I think she Sadly Betty died aged 87 on Christmas really meant it. I know she and Bryn Night while staying with son Justin had a similar model up to Bryn’s death and daughter in law Christine at Eglw- some five years ago. ysbach. At the funeral service on 5th January Many people will have known Betty and we heard daughter Elizabeth pay tribute probably for more years than me. I had to her mother and provide a resume known her since 1983 when I came to of her life. We learnt that from an early Llandudno, and she and Bryn were two age Betty adored pink and invariably of the first people Jean and I met after her ‘outfit’ included something of that moving to live in the town. colour. Indeed the photograph on the At that time Bryn and Betty lived at front of the service sheet showed Bodysgallen Farm and Betty had a dress Betty wearing a lovely big pink hat, a shop called Sophisticat in St George’s photograph that had been taken only Place (next to Burtons). She also had last year at her grandson Olliver’s wed- a shop in Reform Street where she ding. Apart from her later businesses in had an amazing selection of wedding the town, Betty had been a teacher at dresses and accessories. Conwy and Llandudno Junction schools but had ‘retired’ when she married Apart from knowing her through my Bryn in 1951. When Bryn died five work and her business, we also met years ago they had been married for 9 54 years. holding a fund-raising evening, par- ticipating in nature conservation at the We shall miss you Betty. RSPB Conwy, holding an activity based Stan Whittaker on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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