May 26, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E987 the classroom, and that doesn’t mean home- Five friends have joined the McGahee’s on of Hurricane Katrina when it impacted the Gulf work. A successful teacher will place a this voyage, which will include a stop at ‘‘Old Coast on August 29, 2005. thought in the minds of their students and Ebbitt Grill,’’ a legendary restaurant in the As the first evacuees began to enter the after a while the student will be able to pull heart of Washington, D.C. This restaurant has city, utilizing whatever means they could ac- something great out of that thought. Ms. Woolf served nearly every major American politician cess and utilizing what limited resources they achieves this greatness with her students. Her throughout its 150-year history. could carry, Mr. Bermes read the reports and involvement in the school is proof of how Nelson and Borden McGahee are wonderful newscasts and was not only early to under- much she cares about the quality of education people who have shared a wonderful mar- stand the plight these individuals faced, but the Edgewood High School students receive. riage. Their love for each other is inspirational, was quick to turn a compassionate concern She is a great leader in her field and deserves and surely their next 30 years will be as pas- into action. acknowledgement of her achievements. sionate as the first. This Southwest Georgia With the assistance of his wife, Frances, Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join with me today couple has chosen a distinctively American and other friends and associates from East in thanking Ms. Amy Woolf for providing her way to celebrate their anniversary and we Fort Worth, Mr. Bermes quickly organized a students, and the future of our Nation with the wish them nothing but happiness as they pro- community effort to coordinate volunteers, best possible gift she can, education. ceed full-steam ahead into their future. space and donations to provide for the deep f needs of the visitors arriving in the city in a f steady stream from the Gulf Coast. IN HONOR OF NELSON AND BOR- THE SIXTH DISTRICT’S AMERICAN By working through area churches and his DEN McGAHEE—30 YEARS OF IDOL network in the East Fort Worth Business As- MARRIAGE AND SERVICE sociation, Mr. Bermes addressed the imme- diate need for food, clothing and housing for HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. HON. HOWARD COBLE the evacuees. OF NORTH CAROLINA OF GEORGIA His efforts secured access to several unoc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cupied individual apartments in the Woodhaven community. Regular communica- Thursday, May 25, 2006 Thursday, May 25, 2006 tion through email, the Greater Meadowbrook Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, in the biggest News and fliers distributed through the com- today to honor a couple from my district, Mr. electoral debate since the Bush-Gore presi- munity assisted in providing toiletries, paper, and Mrs. Nelson McGahee of Columbus, dential election in Florida in 2000, people are canned goods, clothing and kitchen neces- Georgia, who on May 15th of this year cele- still talking about the selection of this year’s sities to allow the evacuees to reestablish brated their 30th wedding anniversary. American Idol from the television program with daily lives after arriving, frequently, with only Nelson served his country in the United the same name. With no disrespect intended the clothes on their backs. States Army before beginning a career as a toward this year’s winner, Taylor Hicks, most Mr. Bermes quickly recognized that beyond civil servant at Fort Benning in Columbus. He people think this year’s American Idol should this need the evacuees would quickly need has continued to serve his community as an have been Chris Daughtry of McLeansville, employment and other long-term solutions to active member of the Columbus Jaycees and NC. enable them to regain their self-sufficiency. the Columbus Airport Authority. I will admit, Mr. Speaker, that I am ex- Continued efforts on his part and with volun- His wife, Borden Black McGahee, has made tremely biased in this debate because Chris teers established a Jobs Resource Center in her career in broadcast journalism. She grew Daughtry is a resident of the Sixth District of one of the apartment units, equipped with up as a self-professed ‘‘Army brat,’’ and be- North Carolina. And it would have been the internet access for email and online searches. came an avid music lover at the tender age of second time that a town in the Sixth District Additionally, they were able to provide resume 3 years old while attending the opera with her produced the winning Idol, since previous win- creation assistance, counseling for interview mother, a season ticket holder. This love of ner, Fantasia, hailed from High Point, NC. skills and a jobs posting effort to match local music brought her to the radio, where she be- That being said, most online polls, fan blogs, employers with a new and anxious labor pool. came the news director of an Alabama radio numerous web sites, and general talk about Practical creativity allowed Mr. Bermes and station—a unique position at the time for a town all hailed Chris Daughtry as the next his volunteer assistance to press through the woman in Alabama. Upon moving to Colum- American Idol. systemic challenges and surprises, including bus, she soon moved to television, where she Most people know that my musical tastes warehousing and distributing a truckload of served as the news director for all three of the run more towards traditional bluegrass music, donated mattresses and the thousands of affiliate news stations in the city. She left jour- so I am not a good judge of what is hot in the other donations where they could be utilized nalism to work in public relations for the rock and pop music scenes. But I do know by those in need. Muscogee County School District and cur- politics, and from everything I could learn, By Thanksgiving, when they held the Cajun rently does freelance writing for the Columbus Chris Daughtry appeared to be the fan favor- Thanksgiving Party for all of the evacuees, Mr. Ledger-Enquirer and also for Columbus and ite. While I will not call for Congress to inves- Bermes had mobilized resources and individ- the Valley Magazine. tigate this Idol election process, those of us uals to provide for over 50 families and 140 in- Throughout their three decades together, who reside in the Sixth District of North Caro- dividuals. In doing so he touched engendered the McGahee’s have enjoyed Nelson’s pas- lina will always be convinced that our guy real- a sense of community among the newest resi- sion for all things railroad. Nelson’s great- ly won—sort of like fans of Al Gore in 2000. dents of East Fort Worth and showed the grandfather was a railroad employee, which Oh well, we are proud to say that we are warmth and compassion of North Texas. sparked in Nelson a lifelong interest in trains. the home of the real American Idol, Chris I am honored to represent Mr. Bermes and Their Columbus home is filled with railroad Daughtry of McLeansville, NC. the family and friends who know him and his compassion that made such a difference in memorabilia from a variety of historic rail lines. f In tribute to this shared interest, the couple providing hope, dignity and encouragement in has chosen to spend their 30th anniversary on IN RECOGNITION OF NORMAN the aftermath of such a tragedy on a scale our a train ride in a car filled with history. They se- BERMES’ OUTSTANDING SERVICE country has never before experienced. cured a ride from Jacksonville, Florida to TO THE EVACUEES OF HURRI- f CANE KATRINA Washington, D.C. aboard a 1930 Pullman car IN APPRECIATION OF MS. KERRIE pulled by Amtrak. In addition to its age, this BAUER car has had its share of famous passengers. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Former presidents Jimmy Carter, George H.W. OF TEXAS Bush, and Bill Clinton have all taken trips in HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MARYLAND this car. Past presidential candidates, Sen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ators JOHN KERRY and John Edwards, and Thursday, May 25, 2006 singer Aretha Franklin, have also traveled on Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Thursday, May 25, 2006 this car. Because of its illustrious passengers, recognition of Norman Bermes and his wife Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise the car has been fitted with Secret Service-ap- Frances. Mr. Bermes immediately mobilized before you today in appreciation of a fine edu- proved armor plating and bullet-proof win- private resources in East Fort Worth to re- cator from Joppatowne High School. Mathe- dows, which lie hidden behind the tastefully spond to the desperate needs of the evacuees matics Department Chair, Kerrie Bauer is wor- restored antique features. who arrived in the city, escaping the ravages thy of great recognition. She is an inspiration VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:32 May 27, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25MY8.086 E26MYPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 26, 2006 to her students and her peers. Her continued that gives us the edge over our adversaries lion in direct aid to Hamas, while redirecting faith in students has made a tremendous im- and that we have worked so hard to build up about $100 million from canceled projects to pact on a countless number of lives.
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