THE METAL MARKET. THE WEATHER. Hew Milm rur portion; local thunder shower In eastvtportion ; wsrmer flew York copper north central portion: Wednesday ratty f7W4 fair. zfv New York lead MJoaKM Arizona Tuedy and Wndntiy gener New York Mirar ally fair; not murh change In temperature. v bona rm paid f V il Texa Tuesday and Wdneday l uiam generally irnn JJ fair 37TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1916. ENGLISH SECTION 1 2 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS REFUGEES CLAIM VILLA ATTACK ON CHIHUAHUA WAS SUCCESS Mexican Mediators Declare Battle at BANDIT CHIEFTAIN ROASTS Chihuahua City Will Clarify Situation CARRANZA IS HELPLESS TO DEFEND EVENLARGEST CITY Interrupting the Little Game of (IVith)Draw at New London. SAY TASK OF "Can Go Where I Please and Do What I Please' Is Pancho' MIO Announcement to Followers While Fighting Is in Progress in State Capital. HUNTING I I Martial Law Declared Throughout State and Trevino Orders 01 Citizens Shot Who Appear on Streets After Ten at Night; Whol esale Arrests Made. That Villa's attack upon chlhuanua city ammunition from the arsenal. Tbey dntrgen CHIEmilflPLIFIED wa urcerul from every standpoint n iitimuor or rbiii piece out nd hitched claimed by terugor who arrived In in.; the horse to them. Hare they were joined rrSJB th.it rlt) yesienlay Mom than ) by o si men, the entire rorre rrom one rerugee ai r ved In Juarez, brltnruig tfn id the rout CarranclaU barrarka. rut ays witness account or the right that Artillery Capture) by Bandlla. Difficulty Heretofore Been to Find Villa Rather Than have been recczved in Kl l'ao. The riral "At even o'clock In the morning tne Hu or reports the right emanated rmm carran aiibimoblles, loeded with auimiiniuon. and Fight Members of Commis- -' to Him American rlata arriciáis, and aiumunred nothing but the ricld plecee aliout 90, I think were sion Are Informed. Carraiuisia victories. r.'im. il in long line. nd atarted out of Villa, from a bae rour mite from the the city, With an BSOOTl or approximately c t arbere be directed the attack, anaouncscl im men rrom the csrrnnt mutineers. I the object or the ill k aa a demonstration did not see It again, hut heard that It went Message From Carranza Emphasizes That Gathering Is for for the leiiefit or llm New London through the ueet and out of the city to Purpose of Discussing Withdrawal of American ..f the inability oí carranza Ui con in nortnwert without being rired al by Irol eVen the largeat or his rltie This word the Can amista Troops and Border Problems. was brought n F1 Paao by Mexicana who About o'clock firing commenced from personally heard the announcement. the nanus Hosa battery nn the government Mita Na Carranza Helpless. building, which were evacuated quickly by l atSMlMsd Pres.. the leadership or the dedillo brother, who "Carranza la helplraa bernre me," aald the VHlistas. The building, particularly the New London, Conn.. Sept. ta Villa1 al- call then, selves rgallsus Men rormerly Villa. "I ran go where l please and do capítol, was shelled ,lMg after the Vllilstaa ta k on chihuahua City. Max.. and the re Identlried with tietieral Carrara Torrea are what I I'lease. and he cannot prevent tne. had lert. The palace waa struck by eleven pulMt of hla rnrcea ny General Trevlno alao aald to be in the hands, fine putenger I can enter hi i i geat rlt:es when please, hells Will tend losrlartfy relatlnna between rrom San Luis Potosí reported tonlrht that nn lie can do nothing." Villa made this Trevlno Wouaded by Traitor. ami tlie Untied States, la the opinion of Oeneral Davlla. rovernor or Ban Lula Poloal, announce meal rrom the sad.iie to m muM "Trevino waa in command or the BanU waa Bm Mexican rrpreaentativna on the Joint called to Mexico Clly to rill a cabinet D nissi remaining with hlin Wall the llosa battery The shell at rirat want wild. portrollo fie TrJVljrj rnmmllon In session here to formulate laat week, but that while en attack wa lit progress. accused hla men of firing wildly an srtlve program Tor protection alona the route every member or his staff waa killed. ITM Vllllsla raptured the penitentiary, a Intemionally. When una shell atruck Davlla waa dressed In civilian clothea, took verlUble rorlre In itself without a tirug- - own home, he ordered Ibe men from border. y to Tha Chlhttahtil battle rigiired prominent- the brush and aurceened In reaching San le ami llbei ateii its prisoners They cap- the guns, shooting one who failed u obey Lula Poloal. Engagement ly In the discussion of the commission occurred laat lured the state capítol building and arsenal hla order. One ofTrevlno's own officer today. Friday and Saturday at Donor Arroyo in and Ibe government buildings They secured then drew hi revolver and rired at Tre- Nuevo Leon, Will Villa Dawn and rtorrlega, San Lula PotoeL i.ui reiiiiiis rrom the Ceiram garrison. vlno rrom a distance or les than to feel. Trevlno Sua In which Carranza iia The Mexlran pointed nut the troops ware reported They captured and took rrom the arsenal (Continúen on Twn.l rnmmlloner to have suffered heavy loaaea. rg that If Villa had been located by the arUon a tniaattty or ainmnulllou and aeveral field at chihuahua, the task or running hlra down pieoeg and machine gun Mnally, they rs would be areatly simplified. Oeneral llrest rrom the rlty Slid Joined Villa, with they said, now will purgue villa re romparittvrly little loss or lire lentlegaly. The dirrirulty never had been MUCH INTEREST IN Trevlno Shot la BresaL MAYOR TO to Villa, aald. to rind mm. CfsJ DEW riirlit they but al Jacinto Trevlno was wounded In Removal of Troop Imperative the light breast, the bulb srnsrglllf at this It had been expected that the discussions side and inmrtret.ng the right arm. The today wfiuld be directed toward the Internal wound not serious. The body or nenerl HALF HOLIDAY FOR affair or Mexico. The Mexlran rfTeniber NEWYORKPRIMARY Jo,. Yin, salazar waa round on tie street broiiirhl sharply to the rront. however, tha of chihuahua following tlie rightiiiK How question of border rontrol and of the Amerl-- i he mei his iieith not known iieurral an troop In Mexico Thla was due to an Marnlo caraven wga arrested by Carran CIS MILITARY orrirlal communication from their govern- Demócrata and Republicans Will tas following the fight, and la now in prison PARADE ment In which they were aaked why they In ChlbusbUS Clly. were rHcuing the Internal affalra of their Watch Progressi ve Vote in These are this essenim detail of the at country with the repreacntatlvea of another lack, brought pi Juarez by rerugeea. Many Nominationa ay . government Instead of ronflnlng their dá- Tod other detail are told of the raid of the Tentative Route of March From bales to condition on the border. Villista into the heart of the atrongcat The mean of adjusting- - claim of Ameri- By Aaaorlaled Preaa. military stronghold of the Carranclataa In Fort Bliss Planned for Re- Mexico property can citizen airalnt for and New York. Hepi. s,Candldales for northern Mexico. view Tnursday. other loiaea may not be taken up for aoma I lilted Slates senator and . .,.,,,,1.1. ..... No Preparation Made for lrfrne day a. ticket will be iionnnaled at the state wide Although Villa had announced that he tT.qu.al Merchants to New Policy nf night 10 unary tomorrow, chief Interest in the would attack chihuahua City September in. Decorate Stores in What wa charactcrlxed a a "new policy election apparently tonight In absolutely no preparation wag made pi pro, Honor of National Guard or equal right" wai dlacuaaed, however. whether the former leaders of the leel the rlty against the attack, beyohd the Division. An official statement Isaued by the rommls-alo- party will be able to awing the Soldiers brtngtal of MkM soldiers and several field aald: votea or a majority or the rank and rile at Presidio DRY CANDIDATES Ptscst rrom Monterey to reinforce ibe gar- - 'The policy of the Mexican rovernment to Oovernor Charles 8. Whitman, leading Exchange Shots rtaon. The drvlalon review and parade throurh toward American and fnreiau lntereta waa llepubllcan candidate ror governor. One With Prldsy night the festivities on the eve or Hi. beets or the city hy the troop u given ronalderatlnn. The explanation waa plank or tha party ravora the election or Band of Smugglers the Metlrsn national independence day were Honed al Kl Paao will be mads the subject made that It waa the Carranza Idea to put Judge seabury. whoae candidacy ror gov- SAID TO HAVE INVADE GRAPE In prngre. line i.arramisia ofTlcsr, who or s proclamation by Mayor Tom Le de- both Mexlrn and foreign tntereat upon the ernor on the Democratic ticket la srrlved In Kl Paao ynstsrdáy, tell or iB claring Thursday morning a bsLT holiday. ame footing, allbwlng preference to Sol(Hera at Presas dies Tea., frus- night preceding the attack aa follows. There have been aeveral big military pa- neither. It waa aald by the Mexican National, at well aa state leadara of trated an attempt to amuxrsrle cat- "We were attending; a balls, or dance, rad held in Kl Paao In tlie past five years where many or that the hope waa that inch a both partlea are deeply Interested In the tle azi-ot- live river LnatM tlio military orrirlala wars. but Una will be the most Interesting of all BEEN BUILT without VINEYARDS to policy would make Mexican development by outcome of the Progressive primary Hop auid proper entry, according to We went the dance In rarrlagea through because it will be the first Ume that s full foreign capital both possible and ror they believe II may a downpour or rain.
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