« O 'O: WWAV. m (ABC) Wilmlnaton ! a a *i inr* « \» rp*nni i a n\/ 4 a . u wt<_l. (NBC) Wilmington iniuw-ijj, AiLAPiii^-ta. viaiuN-LiLi..TTTT""- O WBTW (CBS) Florence i OM I unurt T rCDHUMn T 13 wtvd (ABC) Durham u © WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington * © r. WJK A. (CBS) Wilmington 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 ' O .«£ CBN. Va Fomily, Beach NICK Beyond Eureeka s Dennis the Flipper Doug Rugrats Muppet Muppet What You Guts Salute Hey Dixie O » FOX. Fox Broadcasting 24 O [U] Belief Castle Menace Babies Batwes Do Shorts (R) « O i:hBO (Pay) New Yoik TBS Andy Between Real News ( 35) Jonny ( OS) Bonan/a The ( 05) WCW Power Hour (05) National Rediscovery of World '» O ,)i ARTS. A&E New Yoik CP x Griffith the Lmes for KkJs Quest F lannei Mouth Gun Geographic E«pk>re» 3 O ESPN New Sports. York MAX (4 30) ( 45) Movie *1 .. Quest for the ( 15) Movie Hard Promises (1991) A footloose Movie Duel at Diablo (1966 (45) Man ?< O NICK (Children s TV). NY JO [21; Moscow Mighty Sword (1990 Fantasy) husband learns that his wife has divorced him Western) James Garner Trou ID Atlanta >e;TBS (Ind ). SHOW (5 00) Movie *#*' We Have We Have Movie . *' The Fortune <1975. Movh1 Madhouse (1990 Chris Ready or 30 ,zi. MAX (PayV Clnernox NY n 'tt Captain Bk>od (1935) Tales Tales Jach Nicholson John Larroquette (S) (CC) Cross (S) Not (S) J* omedy) Comedy) SHOW. (Pay). Showtime WGN White Shadow Artist Feed the World U S Farm Business I News (CC) Motor I Good Golf Show Paid it .3 WGN. (Ind ). Chicago 2% Q [v] Children Tomorrow Report Rpi I Week (S) | Fishing Program .5 m TMC NY (Pay). Moyies. TMC (4 10) ( 40) Movie The Maltese Falcon (1941) Sam ( ?0) Move **'. Without a Clue ( 10) Movie *** WarGames (1983) A teen age :i«WWOR (Ind.). New York 16 CD Chaplin Spade searches lor a jewel-entrusted statue (1988 Comedy) M>chael Came (CC) computer whi/ nearly begms World Wa> III (S) > ID :m:cnn (Ind), News. Atlanta .**¦ WWOR Paid Pad Paid Paid Paid Paid Pdid Paid Pa?d Pa»d Paid Paid LIFE. lifetime, New York M jgram wam Program Program Prt>gram Program Program Program Program Program i« © 'M DISN Calif Pro^an^ Program (Pay), Disney. CNN Daybreak Big Story Daybreak Sports Daybreak Real News Health Showbi/ Style Science Basketball Listings ii ® M TNN.The Nashville Network » o (CC) (CC) Close-up ICQ for Kids works This Week Tech Pre 2 ED >o"USA Variety. New York LIFE is O ;iS Paid Paid Paid Pa»d Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Your Child Your Baby TNT, (Ind ). Atlanta i? Program Program Program Program Program jqram aqram r pgr am Program Program 6 to 1? (H) and Child DISN Mouser Dumbo s Pooh Umbrella Pony Gummi Charlie Movie The Wind in the Bear s is QD 'j$ cise Circus Corner Tree Tales Bears Brown Wt?:owsii985 Fantasy) Wedding TNN (Off Air) Remodel Shadetree Championship Rodeo Orlando Roland 'a si :m: Mechanic Br one and Wilson - ing Today buHndmg Martm I WEEKDAYS FEBRUARY 17 FEBRUARY 23 USA Paid Paid Paid |Pa»d Paid I Paid Paid Hollywood WWF Mania Wrestling Parker Itsy Bitsy 2 g) >0; Program Progran^j^rogram^ ProgranijPrograrn Program Insider Lewis 3p.der TNT (5 45) Our Gang Hondo The Hondo Sudden T own How the West Was Wild Wild West Movie Flaming 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 |10 AMj 10:30 |11 AM 11:30 15 cd us Hercules Shorts Commancheros Won Feather (19b?) WWAY Good Mowing Carolina Good Mo'nm,; A :a live Regis A Kathie Current Rush 4 o ;ip; Affair limbauqh 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WECT Carolina m the Morning Today Jane Whitney 6 O 'JI WWAY College Basketball Florida Stale al Oemson College Basketball Virginia at North Carolina (Live) Growing Webster Southern 4 Pains WBTW Npws O'ymptc Winter Game* Maury Pov»ch Rolonda Price Is IVaried o M (L've) Sportsman u WECT InsKle lekwar Tekiords (S) Softball Ail Star PGA GoH Bob Hope Chrysler Classic Third Round From * | Palm Calif WTVD Good Morning Carolina Good Morn-n. A Satty o:t: Stuff Special Desert. (Live) WBTW Auto Racing NASCAR Olympic Winter Games (Live) (CC) WUNJ Ha»o DarhA'ng Garfield Me'rie I Goo' Ta'e Spin Pa»d Kenneth Paid 13 :ig Twin 125s (CC) 11 CP *> Spenee* DuCk Range-s I Melodies T» p Prog'jm Copeiand Program WTVD Soul Tram (S) American Gladiators PBA Bowling Hall of Fame College Basketball Georgia at Louisiana State From Baton (CC) La WJK A Kennetr Olympic \\r Guiding Light Little House on the Price Is Varied Champ'ons^'p (L've) Rouge (Live)iCCi 2f> (D [2] Copeianc? Prairie Programs WUNJ Business I Business Business I Something Something I Sociology ISocologi- Victory Inn iFrugai Wood I This Old u IB Law Ir.ieiCC) File (CC) I Ventured Ventured |ca> |cal Garden Country | Gourmet wright I House WJK A Auto Racing NASCAR Olympic Winter Games (Live) (CC) 26 <D [2] Twin 125s (CC) - WEEKDAYS FEBRUARY 17 FEBRUARY 23 FAM Big Valley Wagon Tram The Les Roots Based on Ale* Haley s best seller tracing h.s ancestors frmv. Inuai yea«s in Africa (Part 1 7 o:«£ a Giant ¦i'k1 Story of 2) FOX WCW Mam Event WCW Pro Wrestling Athletes in Club Golf ion. Anglers Angler s Paid Knight Rider 2010 (S) 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30* 3 PM 3:30* 4 PM j 4:3o" 5 PM 5:30 9 on; Wrestling Motion F»ame Action Edge ^PrcKjram^ HBO Death on the Job Five Movie .. Miracle Beach (1992 Mr Bean Movie The Addams Family My Girl 2 Movie * * Near Mrs WWAY loving An My Children One Life to L<* General Hospita! In the Heat ot the Night Andy ¦'elated accidents Ann Polem * o 'ni Griffith o iomedy) (S S) (CC) (1991 Comedy) Anjehca Huston (S) |First Look (1991) Judge Reinhold WECT Lives Another World Monte' Williams A&E Biography (R) (Part 1 Movie The Defection of Simas Kudirka Movie Castle Keep i1969) Inlantrymen try Evening at the Iniprov Days of Our Op*ah Winfrey People s i9 of Alan Arktn. H.' ,r t> O J] Court o 2) (1978 Drama; Slurley Knight ¦; (R) ESPN College Basketball Wake Forest at Georgia Tennis U S Pro Indoor Championships Fishing BiHfish Horse Fountain WBTW Young- Varied Bold As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Wmtrey News Inside 3 Tech Semifinal From Tournament Racing 13 Restless >grams Edition o <Ltve) Philadelphia of Youth BeauMu^ Wild WTVD An NICK A Looney Looney Cartoon Wild S»de Monster Maker (R) Double Welcome I Salute Loving My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Oprah Winfrey 2« .0 M. Cta/y Kids Tunes Tunes Kablooey Dare Freshmen I Shorts TBS Ob) Movk- Matlock The Don Movie ?* **" WUNJ Pani Monte' Williams the ( (t986i Matlock 05) Matlock The Court Martial ( 05) Movie Matlock The Power Brokers Jenny Jones Conan Tom and Tiny Toon Animan Bonkers Batman CD >: defends a crime boss framed for murder <1987 Griffith Linda Piiri Drama) Griffith ii © P'C\jra'* Adventurer Jerry Kids Adv iacs Series dying Mystery! Angy (1987 Andy Ralph Bpi'ani) MAX 4bt Movie ** Man *'.. .* WJKA Vaned the (11 Trouble Movie Graffiti Bridge (1990 Movie Loverboy (1989 (45) Movie **'. Labyrinth (1986 Designing Young Bold As World Turns Dennis the Goof Bonkers Star TreH The Nent 10 [2i] (1992 Jack Nicholson Musical) Prmce (Si (CC) Patrick Pai d Pc*>e « o Women Restless Programs Beautiful Menace Troop Generation Comedy) (Si Comedy) Dempse\ (S) (CC) Fantasy) (S) (CC) SHOW Movie Baby on Board (1991. Movie * Leonard Part 6 11987 Movie * .'. The Cutting Edge 45) Movie * . The Man in the . 'xc dmedy) Judge Reinhold (S) Comedy) B<n Cosby (S (1992 Comedy)D8 Sweeney (S) Moon (1991) Sam Watprston (S) tryon-cp:, atlantic-o. vision-® WGN Soul Tram (S) TBA Energy Knight Rider 2010 (S) | Movie Nicholas Nickleby <1947) A determined THURSDAY FEBRUARY 17 28 O Express lad h'ps to save h<s family from an evil uncle TMC ( 05) Movie National Lampoon's Movie Kickboier III The Art ( 05) Movie Once Upon a 40) Movie* **'. Psycho IV: The i6 C3 Loaded Weapon 1 (1993 Comedy) of War (199? Sa haMitct ,>n (CC) Crime (1992. Comedy) John Candy |(|Beginning (1990) Anthony Perkins 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WWOR A Team A Little Town Knight Rider Murder Knight Rider Michael is Highlander The Senes Kojak Renegade ;iC Witn an Accent attempt', at motevjross p.ifMHHl t)> i.'irrma! Posse n Tim l«Ou»r v^mreis rc'9v)"i ioj Primetime Live I JDI 3 UnhoJ^Aihanct^ 4 O .1I (S) (CC) (CO (Pan 2'ct 2) (CC (CC) Niqhthne CMK naudy L*dn> ft ixtfWMiay mtfWS neann- un tne Your big btory > uture tariyppme IBoth Sides « ci) (CCl Novak ICCI maker works (R) Menu Money (R) Watch WECT NOC News Wheel o' Jeopardy' Mad About VVmgs (S) Seinfeld Frasier (S) L A La* CokJ Cuts Tonight * o :k Fortune (CC) You (R» (S) (CC) The Pie (CC) (S) (CC) Show (S) LIFE Lifetime Maga /me Supermar Shop T il L A Law Fuli Marital Unsolved Mysteries Movie .
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