July 18, 2021—16th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Thomas Becket 1321 North Burning Bush Lane • Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 PJG PG`7 N_,7 847- 827-9220 847-827-0370 A0 PJG E-_JY: [email protected] PJG +7,J7: www.shomasbecketmp.org PJG OAAJ-7 H Monday— Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm Saturday & Sunday - closed Find us on fb FACEBOOK! MASS TIMES Saturday: 4pm Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am in Polish Weekdays: 9am Mass: Monday - Friday Friday - 7pm Mass in Polish CONFESSIONS Friday: 6:15pm - 6:45pm First Friday: 6pm - 6:45pm BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS Please call the parish office PARISH STAFF to make arrangements. Faith Formaon Coordinator: Pastor: Rev. Chris Kulig Renata Sosin: [email protected] [email protected] PARISHIONERS Music Director (English): When moving in or out of Pastor Emeritus: Rev. John Roller Paula Kowalkowski: (847) 298-5450 the parish, please nofy the [email protected] Business Director: parish office. Patrick Reynolds: [email protected] Music Director (Polish): Adam Wojcik Office Manager/Bullen Editor: Liz Mika: (847) 827-9220 Maintenance: [email protected] Jan Kalita Page 2 Welcome to St. Thomas Becket 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Save the Date! Sunday, August 29th 3:00pm – 7:00pm WELCOME BACK “GET TOGETHER” Bring your chairs, blankets, conversaon and appete! St. Thomas Becket Parish is inving you to join us on the back lawn for great food, beverages, games for children, and an adult raffle! It’s me to celebrate ~ we’ve been couped up and socially distancing for too long ~ so let’s reacquaint ourselves with each other in a safe outdoor seng. More informaon will follow. ZAZNACZ TĄ DATĘ W KALENDARZU! Niedziela, 29 sierpień od 3:00pm do 7:00pm WITAMY Z POWROTEM! Przynieś swoje krzesło, koc, dobry humor i apetyt! Zamiast corocznego pikniku, parafia Św. Tomasza Becketa zaprasza wszystkich na towarzyskie spotkanie przy smacznej przekąsce, zimnych napojach, będą zajęcia dla dzieci oraz loteria dla dorosłych! Czas na świętowanie - zbyt długo byliśmy zamknięci i oddaleni od siebie - więc zapoznajmy się na nowo w bezpiecznym otoczeniu na świeżym powietrzu. Więcej informacji już wkrótce. Nie możemy zasłonić MASKĄ naszej radości z Waszego powrotu! St. Emily/St. Thomas Becket Religious Education Program Registrations for the 2021-22 school year are now available for our joint parish Religious Ed program! For this coming year, we will be offering in-person sessions (Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30pm, grades 1-8) and homeschool options for grades 1-7. In class, children learn what we believe as Catholics, how to pray and how to serve. We also have a lot of fun! Students are also prepared to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Sunday School for children in PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten is also available. (Sundays from 9:30am until 10:30am - bring your child and stay for Mass!) Have you ever thought about becoming a catechist? It's a wonderful way to deepen your own understanding of the faith and serve the Church. We are looking to fill a few positions for the coming school year in grades 5, 7 and 8. More information and online registration available at Contact David Mika ([email protected]) for more information. www.stemilyreled.org July 18, 2021 Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Page 3 BLESSING OF THE CARS in honor of St. Christopher— the saint patron of all travelers — will be on Saturday, July 24th at 5pm in the parking lot. All are welcome. Poświęcenie samochodów ku czci patrona wszystkich podróżujących, Św. Krzysztofa, odbędzie się w sobotę, 24-go lipca o godz. 5pm na naszym parkingu. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich. Page 4 Welcome to St. Thomas Becket 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARKING LOT SUPPORT Our entire parking lot will be completely stripped and repaved. The goal is to complete this project over the summer months and the esmated cost of re-doing our parking lot is over $200,000. ANY donaon, no maer how big or small, will be greatly appreciated. Donaons can be made by: ~~ special envelopes “2021 PARKING LOT SUPPORT” are located in the lobby or by the confessional ~~ donate on-line at: www.givecentral.org/locaon/224 ~~ support the Building Fund collecon—first Sunday of each month Together, we have accomplished many great things in this parish, we can do this too. God Bless you for your generosity. ******************************************************* Nasz parking ulegnie całkowitej naprawie: stary asfalt będzie usunięty i nowy zostanie wylany. Celem jest ukończenie tego projektu przez lato. Szacowany koszt przebudowy naszego parkingu to ponad $200,000. Każda ofiara, nieważne jak duża czy mała, będzie bardzo doceniona. Donacje można składać: ~~ specjalne koperty "2021 PARKING LOT SUPPORT / OFIARA NA PARKING” umieszczone są przy konfesjonale i w przedsionku kościoła ~~ bezpiecznie elektronicznie: www.givecentral.org/locaon/224 ~~ wspierać zbiórki na utrzymanie budynków parafialnych (BUILDING FUND) - każda pierwsza niedziela miesiąca. Razem dokonaliśmy wielu wspaniałych rzeczy w tej parafii, dokonamy i tego. Bóg zapłać za hojność. 2021 PARKING LOT SUPPORT / OFIARA NA PARKING DONOR NAME______________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________ AMOUNT $______________ GOD BLESS / BÓG ZAPŁAĆ July 18, 2021 Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Page 5 SUMMER MISSION COLLECTION As part of the annual diocesan collecon for the missions, the second collecon this weekend will be sent to help build a church, school and health centre in Congo. God bless you for your generosity and help in spreading the Good News. ******************** W ramach corocznej diecezjalnej kolekty na rzecz światowych misji, druga kolekta w ten weekend będzie przesłana na pomoc w budowie kościoła, szkoły i ośrodka zdrowia w Kongo. W dzielnicy Konga-Brazzaville posługują dwaj tarnowscy misjonarze ks. Maciej Fleszar i ks. Karol Kuźma. Bóg zapłać za hojność i pomoc w głoszeniu Dobrej Nowiny. PART TIME SERVICE CLERK NEEDED—MARYHILL CEMETERY IN NILES Must be a high school graduate or equivalent with at least three years’ experience in office procedures and systems, and public contact. Ability to speak the Polish language a plus. Must be able to work at least 20 to 25 hours per week—Monday through Friday, and Saturdays if needed. Starng salary of $15.00 per hour. Contact James Griffith—Manager, Human Resources @ 708-236-5433 jgriffi[email protected] CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Archdiocese of Chicago www.catholiccemeterieschicago.org Page 6 Welcome to St. Thomas Becket 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL—AS OF JUNE 16, 2021 DOROCZNA KWESTA KATOLICKA—Z DNIEM 16 LIPCA Parish Goal $30,463.86 THANK Amount Pledged $21,075.90 Amount Paid $20,065.90 SERDECZNIE YOU Balance Due $1,010.00 DZIĘKUJEMY VERY TO TEACH WHO CHRIST IS—AS OF JUNE 15, 2021 UCZYĆ KIM JEST CHRYSTUS—Z DNIEM 15 LIPCA MUCH Parish Goal $657,938 Amount Pledged $566,952 Amount Paid $560,675 60 % for parish $336,405 40 % for Arch $224,270 BRICKS in our MEMORY GARDEN Bricks can be ordered to mark any special occasion in your life, or for your deceased loved ones, or just in thanksgiving. Bricks can be ordered anyme through the parish office. For more informaon please call the parish office: 847-827-9220. Cegiełki w naszym Ogrodzie Pamięci—mogą być zamawiane ku czci pamięci naszych zmarłych lub na każdą inną specjalną okazję: ślub, chrzest, dziękczynna, etc. Informacja w biurze parafialnym: Elżbieta (847) 827-9220. Cegiełki są wspaniałym miejscem odwiedzin wielu rodzin, szczególnie tych, które mają swoich bliskich pochowanych w Polsce. *********************************************************** 8”x8” brick - 6 lines maximum, 14 characters on each line including punctuaons and spaces @ $150 8”x4” brick - 3 lines maximum, 14 characters on each line including punctuaons and spaces @ $75 Icons are also available – please contact the parish office for choices. PLEASE PRINT _______________________________________________ PURCHASER'S NAME : _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ (Imie i nazwisko zamawiającego) _______________________________________________ EMAIL:_______________________________ _______________________________________________ (email adres) PHONE #: _____________________________ _______________________________________________ I have enclosed $______________ _______________________________________________ Checks payable to St. Thomas Becket. July 18, 2021 Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Page 7 LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION FOR THE WEEK We only have so much psychological and spiritual energy. We easily get red. Responding to life’s demands and people’s needs can really zap us of all of our energy. Anger, frustraon, exhauson, discouragement, helplessness, and even apathy can run wild. We can find ourselves bier and irritated by the fact that we have to do it all again. We need to rest, connect, and focus. Deserted places, free of unnecessary distracons and demands, are great places of refreshment and we all need them. Desiring to be alone for a bit and rest does not indicate selfishness. Rather, it radiates wisdom. God is the source of all we do and the sasfacon of every human heart. If we are going to use the gi s God gave us well, then we have to make sure our baeries are recharged and replenished. Jesus invites us to go to a desert place to rest and pray. Where is yours? ©Lpi CATHOLIC TRIVIA – JUST FOR FUN—How did God reveal himself to Elijah? a) Earthquake b) Fire c) A dream d) Flood Answer: b ******************************************************** ŻYJ LITURGIĄ - INSPIRACJA NA TYDZIEŃ Mamy ograniczoną ilość energii psychicznej
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