Evolução Natural e Antrópica Trafaria - Cova do Vapor - Costa de Caparica Marta Neves Simões Correia de Oliveira Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Arquitetura Paisagista Orientador: Professora Doutora Maria Manuela Silva Nunes Reis Abreu Coorientador: Arquiteta Paisagista Selma Beatriz de Almeida Nunes da Pena Baldaia Júri: Presidente: Doutor Luís Paulo Almeida Faria Ribeiro, Professor Auxiliar do Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de Lisboa. Vogais: Doutora Maria Manuela Silva Nunes Reis Abreu, Professora Catedrática do Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de Lisboa; - Doutor Pedro Miguel Ramos Arsénio, Professor Auxiliar do Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de Lisboa. 2015 “Se os teus projectos forem para um ano planta um grão, se forem para 10 anos planta uma árvore, mas se forem para 100 anos instrui um povo.” (autor desconhecido) Agradecimentos É desejo do autor expressar o seu reconhecimento pelo apoio e aconselhamento facultados no processo de realização deste trabalho. Em primeiro lugar agradece à Professora Doutora Maria Manuela Abreu, Professora Catedrática do Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, por todo o empenho, interesse e disponibilidade em transmitir os seus conhecimentos, o que permitiu levar a bom termo este trabalho. À Arquiteta Paisagista Selma Pena, Professora do Instituto Superior de Agronomia, por toda a ajuda e empenho na realização deste trabalho, contribuindo igualmente para o seu sucesso. Ao Engenheiro Celso Pinto, da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, pela disponibilidade no fornecimento de bibliografia técnica e apoio entusiástico para a concretização deste trabalho. À Engenheira Teresa Sá Pereira, da Autoridade do Porto de Lisboa, pela disponibilidade na explicação de intervenções da APL no estuário do Tejo. À Doutora Ana Santos, do Arquivo Histórico da Autoridade do Porto de Lisboa, pelo empenho e disponibilidade na cedência de bibliografia. À Dra. Margarida Nunes e à Dra. Ana Costa, do Museu da Cidade de Almada – Câmara Municipal de Almada, pela disponibilidade na cedência de imagens e informações importantes da área de estudo. Por fim, o autor não quer deixar de expressar o seu agradecimento à sua família e amigos, por toda a compreensão e apoio num período muito exigente. Resumo Na primeira década do século XX começa-se a assistir à ocupação do litoral. A ocupação cada vez mais intensa do troço Trafaria – Cova do Vapor – Costa de Caparica originou graves consequências, nomeadamente o desordenamento do território e a acentuada erosão, que se tornam um dos grandes problemas da atualidade. As ações antrópicas conjuntamente com as variações eustáticas, determinam no litoral português, particularmente no troço em estudo, forte incidência dos processos erosivos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se cronologicamente os acontecimentos naturais e antrópicos que têm contribuído ao longo dos anos para a evolução deste troço do litoral português. Com o recurso a imagens, cartografia e descrições constantes de documentação variada, apresenta-se a evolução deste troço litoral, que a partir dos anos 40 do século XX entrou num processo acentuado de erosão. A evolução antrópica deste litoral tem sido rápida, tendo na sua origem a ocupação por pescadores e que, a partir dos anos 30 do século XX, se tornou a estância balnear de maior procura na margem sul do Tejo. Como consequências apontam-se: desordenamento do território; agravamento dos riscos naturais a que está sujeito; crescente artificialização da linha de costa; obras emergentes de defesa costeira; industrialização; recuo progressivo da linha de costa. Palavras-chave: Erosão, Litoral, Antropização, Recuo da Linha de Costa, Golada do Tejo Abstract It was on the early decades of the twentieth century that the human occupation of the coast in Portugal showed a great increase. The intense occupation of the section Trafaria - Cova do Vapor - Costa de Caparica led to serious consequences; the lack of territorial planning; the sharp coast erosion. The anthropic actions together with the eustatic variations represent a high risk for the Portuguese coast, which becomes vulnerable to erosion processes. The objective of this dissertation is to present the natural and anthropic events that have contributed over the years to the evolution of this particular section of Portuguese coastline. Pictures, maps and descriptions were used to access the natural and anthropic evolution of this section. Since the 40s of the twentieth century, this area suffered sharp erosion processes. This coast erosion increase was due to the fast anthropogenic evolution of this section as a consequence of its occupation, firstly by fishermen and later by the increased demand on the south bank of the Tagus River for touristic use (bathing area). The consequences of the human activities increase are: lack of territorial planning; aggravation of natural risks; artificiality of the shoreline; emerging coastal defense works; industrialization; progressive shoreline’s retreat. Key-words: Erosion, Anthropization, shoreline’s retreat, Tagus’s sandbank . Extended Abstract Coast erosion is, nowadays, one of the most important problems, which has received special attention and concern, expressed through studies, decisions and interventions. It was on the early decades of the twentieth century that the human occupation of the coast in Portugal showed a great increase. At the beginning, the coast areas were inhabited by people who had on the sea a way to earn their lives and to support their families. However, the discover of the therapeutic qualities of sun and sea gaves rise to the intense urbanization of the coast areas. The enhanced use and artificialization of these sensible and high dynamic areas is often accompanied by a lack of spatial planning, which is nowadays one of the most serious and irreversible problems. The anthropic actions together with the eustatic variations of the sea level represent a high risk for the Portuguese coast, which becomes vulnerable to erosion processes leading to the retreat of the coastline. The consequences of the human activities increase may led to: lack of territorial planning; aggravation of natural risks; artificiality of the shoreline; emerging coastal defense works; industrialization; progressive retreat of the shoreline. The objective of this dissertation was to present, in a chronological way, the natural and anthropic events that have contributed, over the years, to the evolution of a particular section of the Portuguese coastline Trafaria-Cova do Vapor-Costa de Caparica. Pictures, maps and descriptions were used to access the natural and anthropic (social and historic) evolution of this coast section. The intense occupation of the section Trafaria-Cova do Vapor-Costa de Caparica, located in the Almada municipality, on the Tagus south riverbank, led to serious consequences as the lack of territorial planning and the sharp coast erosion. The area was studied taking into account the concepts, not only within the scope of landscape architecture but also on the scope of the geosciences (geology, geomorfology, etc.), which are of extreme importance to the understanding of the area and its dynamics. Therefore, this work is divided into two parts: part one, where the fundamental concepts are developed, and the second section, where the case-study is presented. The Trafaria - Costa do Vapor - Costa de Caparica section is marked both for its unique beauty and also for a severe lack of spatial planning and serious erosion damage. The social and economic development of the area started on the first decades of the twentieth century, when the beach tourism had a significant impact on Portuguese society, initially for therapeutic reasons, but soon as a leisure activity. There are three important clusters within the area of study, each of them with very specific origins. Trafaria and Costa de Caparica were initially colonized by fishermen, mainly during summer, but was only during the XVIII century that they settled permanently. Costa do Vapor, is the third settlement, which development is a consequence of the growth of beach tourism in Costa de Caparica and Trafaria, with several holiday houses that eventually came to be used all year round. Costa de Caparica and Trafaria failed to properly meet the demands raised by the development of beach tourism. The need for tourist accommodations and infrastructures led to massive construction without any kind of urban planning or regulation. Very quickly, the lovely beaches that brought countless tourists every year changed to the nowadays urban chaos. Along with the lack of spatial planning, marine erosion has been responsible for major changes in the Portuguese seashore. Those consequences were observed since the second half of the twentieth century, especially on Cova do Vapor - S. João da Caparica section, with a progressive retreat of the coastline. Several measures were taken, namely the construction of spurs on Costa do Vapor and Costa de Caparica and, later, the artificial sand beach nourishment. None of these measures was completely effective and improvements were only temporary. Throughout the XXth and the XXIst centuries many plans and projects have been discussed, and some of them were even implemented. Part of them were total failures, others were strong contributors to the present state of disorder, and many never got out of the paper. Areas of such a unique beauty and rare natural features as Trafaria, Costa do Vapor and Costa de Caparica deserve
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