Extra No. 282 REGISTERED No.L2/RNP/ G/GNR-84 äëìæýÀ áäëÉÜÞù Øß wë. 3000/- © The Gujarat Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. LIV] MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 2013/BHADRA 18, 1935 Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a Separate Compilation. PART IV-B Rules and Orders (Other than those published in Part I, I-A and I-L) made by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat Acts. REVENUE DEPARTMENT N O T I F I C A T I O N Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar, 9th September, 2013. GUJARAT LAND REVENUE CODE,1879. No: GHM/2013/84/M/PFR/102013/139/L.1:- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879 (Bom. V of 1879) and in suppression of all the previous notifications so far as they relate to constitution of Una taluka, the Government of Gujarat, with effect from 9th September, 2013, hereby divides the area comprised immediately before the said date of Una taluka so as to form it into two new talukas, namely:- (1) Una taluka with headquarter at Una shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-A annexed hereto; and (2) Girgadhada taluka with headquarter at Girgadhada shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-B annexed hereto. S C H E D U L E - A VILLAGES OF UNA TALUKA Sr. No. Village Sr. No. Village 1 Ambada 47 Naliya Mandvi 2 Amodra 48 Naliyeri Moli 3 Anjar 49 Nana Samadhiyala 4 Bandharda 50 Nandan 5 Bhacha 51 Nandrakh 6 Bhadasi 52 Nathal 7 Bhadiyadar 53 Nathej 8 Bhebha 54 Navabandar 9 Bhingrana 55 Nesda 10 Chanchakvad 56 Olvan 11 Chikhli 57 Padapadar IV-B-Ex.-282 282-1 C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFConverter\temp\NVDC\27465DF9-93A8-4698-B2B8-BF2FD9274080 \4a2b963b-36cc-4844-8e23-bca20cd568beIV-Ex.-282 Dt.8-9- 2013VD.doc 282-2 GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Ex., 09-09-2013 [PART IV-B VILLAGES OF UNA TALUKA Sr. No. Village Sr. No. Village 12 Chorali Moli 58 Paldi 13 Damasa 59 Pankhan 14 Dandi 60 Paswala 15 Delwada 61 Patapur 16 Dudhala 62 Rajput Rajpara 17 Elampur 63 Rameshvar 18 Gangda 64 Rampara 19 Garal 65 Ranvasi 20 Gundala 66 Ratad 21 Jhankharvada 67 Revad 22 Kajardi 68 Saiyad Rajpara 23 Kakidi Moli 69 Samter 24 Kalapan 70 Sanakhda 25 Kanakbarda 71 Sanjavapur 26 Kandhi 72 Senjaliya 27 Kansari 73 Shahdesar 28 Kesariya 74 Siloj 29 Khajudra 75 Simar 30 Khan 76 Simasi 31 Khapat 77 Sokhda 32 Khatriwada 78 Sonari 33 Kheda 79 Sondarda 34 Kob 80 Sondardi 35 Kothari 81 Sultanpur 36 Lamdhar 82 Tad 37 Lerka 83 Umej 38 Luvari Moli 84 Una (M) 39 Madhgam 85 Untwala 40 Maghardi 86 Vajdi 41 Manekpur 87 Vankiya 42 Men 88 Vansoj 43 Mota Desar 89 Varsingpur 44 Mota Samadhiyala 90 Vavarda 45 Motha 91 Yajpur 46 Moti Moli S C H E D U L E - B VILLAGES OF GIRGADHADA TALUKA Sr. No. Village 1 Ambavad 2 Ankolali 3 Babariya 4 Bediya 5 Bhakha C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFConverter\temp\NVDC\27465DF9-93A8-4698-B2B8-BF2FD9274080\4a2b963b-36cc-4844-8e23-bca20cd568beIV-Ex.-282 Dt.8-9- 2013VD.doc PART IV-B] GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Ex., 09-09-2013 282-3 VILLAGES OF GIRGADHADA TALUKA Sr. No. Village 6 Bhiyal 7 Bodidar 8 Dhokadva 9 Dhrabavad 10 Dron 11 Fareda 12 Fatsar 13 Fulka 14 Gir Gadhada 15 Itvaya 16 Jamvala 17 Janjariya 18 Jaragli 19 Jhudvadli 20 Juna Ugla 21 Kanakiya 22 Kaneri 23 Kansariya 24 Khilavad 25 Kodiya 26 Mahobatpara 27 Motisar 28 Nagadiya 29 Nitli 30 Panderi 31 Rasulpara 32 Sanosri 33 Sanvav 34 Sonariya 35 Sonpura 36 Thordi 37 Ugla 38 Umedpara 39 Undarari 40 Vadli 41 Vadviyala 42 Velakot By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, PARIMAL SHAH Joint Secretary to Government. ---------------------- C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFConverter\temp\NVDC\27465DF9-93A8-4698-B2B8-BF2FD9274080\4a2b963b-36cc-4844-8e23-bca20cd568beIV-Ex.-282 Dt.8-9- 2013VD.doc 282-4 GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Ex., 09-09-2013 [PART IV-B REVENUE DEPARTMENT N O T I F I C A T I O N Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar, 9th September, 2013. GUJARAT LAND REVENUE CODE,1879. No: GHM/2013/85/M/PFR/102013/139/L.1:- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879 (Bom. V of 1879) and in suppression of all the previous notifications, so far as they relate to constitution of Junagadh taluka, the Government of Gujarat, with effect from 9th September, 2013, hereby divides the area comprised immediately before the said date of Junagadh taluka so as to form it into two new talukas, namely:- (1) Junagadh taluka with headquarter at Junagadh shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-A annexed hereto; and (2) Junagadh City taluka with headquarter at Junagadh shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-B annexed hereto. S C H E D U L E - A VILLAGES OF JUNAGADH TALUKA Sr_No Village Sr_No Village 1 Ambaliya 32 Makhiyala 2 Anandpur 33 Mandanpara 3 Avatadiya Mota 34 Mandlikpur 4 Avatadiya Nana 35 Mevasa Kamribaina 5 Badalpur 36 Mevasa Khadiya 6 Bagdu 37 Nava Pipaliya 7 Baliyavad 38 Navagam 8 Bamangam 39 Palasva 9 Bandhala 40 Patapur 10 Bela 41 Patrapsar 11 Bhalgam 42 Pipardi Timbo 12 Bhiyal 43 Prabhatpur 13 Bilkha 44 Rameshvar 14 Choki 45 Rupavati 15 Chokli 46 Sagdividi 16 Chorvadi 47 Salatha 17 Dervan 48 Sankhdavadar 18 Dungarpur 49 Semrala 19 Galiyavada 50 Sodvadar 20 Goladhar 51 Sukhpur 21 Hasnapur 52 Taliyadhar 22 Intala 53 Thumbala 23 Isapur 54 Toraniya 24 Ivnagar 55 Umrala 25 Jamka 56 Vadal 26 Jhalansar 57 Vadasimdi 27 Kathrota 58 Vadhavi 28 Kerala 59 Vanandiya 29 Khadiya 60 Vijapur 30 Khalilpur 61 Virpur 31 Majevdi C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFConverter\temp\NVDC\27465DF9-93A8-4698-B2B8-BF2FD9274080\4a2b963b-36cc-4844-8e23-bca20cd568beIV-Ex.-282 Dt.8-9- 2013VD.doc PART IV-B] GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Ex., 09-09-2013 282-5 S C H E D U L E - B VILLAGES OF JUNAGADH CITY TALUKA Sr.No Village 1 Bhavnath 2 Chobari 3 Dolatpara(Part) 4 Jhanjharda 5 Joshipura (M) 6 Junagadh Mun. Corpor 7 Khamdhrol (Part) 8 Sabalpor 9 Saragvada 10 TimbaVadi By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, PARIMAL SHAH Joint Secretary to Government. ---------------------- REVENUE DEPARTMENT N O T I F I C A T I O N Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar, 9th September, 2013. GUJARAT LAND REVENUE CODE,1879. No: GHM/2013/86/M/PFR/102013/139/L.1:- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the Gujarat Land Revenue Code, 1879 (Bom. V of 1879) and in suppression of all the previous notifications so far as they relate to constitution of Deesa, Diyodar and Tharad talukas, the Government of Gujarat, with effect from 9th September, 2013, hereby divides the area comprised immediately before the said date of Deesa, Diyodar and Tharad talukas so as to form them into four new talukas, namely:- (1) Deesa taluka with head quarter at Deesa shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-A annexed hereto; (2) Diyodar taluka with headquarter at Diyodar shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-B annexed hereto; (3) Tharad taluka with headquarter at Tharad shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-C annexed hereto; and (4) Lakhni taluka with headquarter at Lakhni shall consist of the villages as specified in Schedule-D annexed hereto. S C H E D U L E - A VILLAGES OF DEESA TALUKA Sr. Sr. Sr. Village Village Village No. No. No. 1 Agdol 37 Juna Deesa 73 Rasana Mota 2 Akhol Moti 38 Kanajhara 74 Rasana Nana 3 Akhol Nani 39 Kant 75 Ratanpura 4 Aseda 40 Kasari 76 Robas Moti 5 Baiwada 41 Khardosan 77 Sadarpur 6 Balodhar 42 Khentva 78 Samau Motavas C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFConverter\temp\NVDC\27465DF9-93A8-4698-B2B8-BF2FD9274080\4a2b963b-36cc-4844-8e23-bca20cd568beIV-Ex.-282 Dt.8-9- 2013VD.doc 282-6 GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Ex., 09-09-2013 [PART IV-B VILLAGES OF DEESA TALUKA Sr. Sr. Sr. Village Village Village No. No. No. 7 Bhachalva 43 Kochasana 79 Samau Nanavas 8 Bhadath 44 Kotha 80 Sanath 9 Bhadramali 45 Kuchavada 81 Sandiya 10 Bhildi 46 Kunvara Padar 82 Saviyana 11 Bhoyan 47 Latiya 83 Shamsherpura 12 Bodal 48 Laxmipura 84 Sherganj 13 Bural 49 Lorvada 85 Sherpura 14 Chatrala 50 Lunpur 86 Sodapur 15 Chhatrala 51 Mahadeviya 87 Sotambla 16 Chora 52 Malgadh 88 Soyla 17 Dama 53 Manekpura 89 Sunthiya 18 Dasanavas 54 Meda 90 Taleganj 19 Davas 55 Mudetha 91 Talepura 20 Dedol 56 Nagafana 92 Tetoda 21 Deesa (M) 57 Nava 93 Thervada 22 Dhanavada 58 Nava Bhildi 94 Vadaval 23 Dharisana 59 Nesda Juna 95 Vadli Farm 24 Dharpada 60 Nesda Nava 96 Vahara 25 Dhedhal 61 Odhava 97 Varan 26 Dhuva 62 Paldi 98 Varnoda 27 Fagudra 63 Pamaru 99 Vasada 28 Fatepura 64 Pechhdal 100 Vasna (Juna Deesa) 29 Ghada 65 Rajpur 101 Velavapura 30 Gharnal Moti 66 Rampura 102 Viruna 31 Gharnal Nani 67 Ramsan 103 Viruvada 32 Gugal 68 Ramun 104 Vithodar 33 Javal 69 Ramvas 105 Yavarganj 34 Jhabadiya 70 Ranpur Athamno Vas 106 Yavarpura 35 Jherda 71 Ranpur Ugamno Vas 107 Zenal 36 Jorapura 72 Ranpur Vachlovas S C H E D U L E - B VILLAGES OF DIYODAR TALUKA Sr. No. Village Sr. No. Village 1 Sanav 35 Dhrandvada 2 Daua 36 Bhesana 3 Chibhda 37 Jada 4 Makhanu 38 Chamanpura 5 Makdala 39 Chagwada 6 Rantila 40 Liladhar 7 Vajegadh 41 Gangol 8 Jalodha 42 Soni 9 Narana 43 Jasali 10 Vatam Nava 44 Sardarpura (Jasali) C:\Program Files (x86)\PDFConverter\temp\NVDC\27465DF9-93A8-4698-B2B8-BF2FD9274080\4a2b963b-36cc-4844-8e23-bca20cd568beIV-Ex.-282 Dt.8-9- 2013VD.doc PART IV-B] GUJARAT GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, Ex., 09-09-2013 282-7 VILLAGES OF DIYODAR TALUKA Sr.
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