PAN-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC SCIENCES - PANAMJAS Executive Editor: Gonzalo Velasco Scientific Editors: María Cristina Oddone, Daniel Loebmann, Ronaldo Angelini, Ana Cecília Giacometti Mai, Danilo Calliari and Pablo Muniz. Honorary members: Jorge P. Castello, Omar Defeo, and Kirk Winemiller. Advisory committee: Júlio N. Araújo, André S. Barreto, Sylvia Bonilla S., Francisco S. C. Buchmann, Adriana Carvalho, Marta Coll M., César S. B. Costa, Karen Diele, Ruth Durán G., Gisela M. Figueiredo, Sergio R. Floeter, Alexandre M. Garcia, Ricardo M. Geraldi, Denis Hellebrandt, David J. Hoeinghaus, Simone Libralato, Luis O. Lucifora, Paul G. Kinas, Mônica G. Mai, Rodrigo S. Martins, Manuel Mendoza C., Aldo Montecinos, Walter A. Norbis, Enir G. Reis, Getúlio Rincon Fo., Marcelo B. Tesser, João P. Vieira, and Michael M. Webster. PanamJAS is a non-profit Journal supported by researchers from several scientific institutions. PanamJAS is currently indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals Online Access to Research in the Environment IndexCopernicus International Thomson BiologyBrowser database Electronic Resources from Smithsonian Institution Libraries Divulgador Científico Ensenadense Sistema de Bibliotecas SISBI-UFU PAN-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC SCIENCES 2006, 1-2 2008, 3 (3) Quarterly Journal ISSN 1809-9009 (On Line Version) CDU 570 Cover photo of this issue: A couple of dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) laying their eggs in a pond at the Reserva Natural do Patrimônio Natural Hotel Serra Grande, state of Ceará, Brazil. Picture taken on October 2005 by Daniel Loebmann. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences Special articles from 1º Seminário Nacional de Monitoramento e Estatística da Atividade Pesqueira Estatística pesqueira do litoral sul do estado de São Paulo: subsídios para gestão compartilhada. MENDONÇA, J. T & DE MIRAN, L. V. ...............................................................................................152 Sistemas de estatísticas pesqueiras no Pantanal, Brasil: aspectos técnicos e políticos. CATELLA, A. C., MASCARENHAS, R. O., ALBUQUERQUE, S. P., ALBUQUERQUE, F. F. & THEODORO, E. R. M. Z. ............................................................................................................................................174 Sistema integrado de estatística pesqueira para a Amazônia. RUFFINO, M. L. ................................................................................................................................193 A estatística pesqueira no litoral do Pará: resultados divergentes. ISAAC, V. J., ESPÍRITO SANTO, R. V. & NUNES, J. L. G. .....................................................................205 Research articles Caracterização das comunidades de anelídeos poliquetas ao longo de um gradiente de profundidade na região do Ancão (Algarve - Portugal). SILVA, M. C., PEREIRA, P., FALCÃO, M. & FONSECA, L. C. ..............................................................214 La pesquería de langostino en Punta Del Diablo (Uruguay): un primer acercamiento. SEGURA, A. M., DELGADO, E. A. & CARRANZA, A. .........................................................................232 Do phosphates improve the seafood quality? Reality and legislation. GONÇALVES, A. A. & RIBEIRO, J. L. D. ............................................................................................237 Quality evaluation of frozen seafood (Genypterus brasiliensis, Prionotus punctatus, Pleoticus muelleri and Perna perna) previously treated with phosphates. GONÇALVES, A. A., RECH, B. T., RODRIGUES, P. M. & PUCCI, D. M. T. ..........................................248 Estructura y parámetros poblacionales de Callinectes arcuatus Ordway, 1863 (Decapoda: Portunidae), en el sistema lagunar La Joya-Buenavista, Chiapas, México. Julio a diciembre de 2001. RAMOS-CRUZ, S. ..............................................................................................................................259 First record of the invasion of Dendrocephalus brasiliensis Pesta, 1921 (Crustacea: Anostraca: Thamnocephalidae) in São Paulo State, Brazil. MAI, M. G., SILVA, T. A.S., ALMEIDA, V. L. S. & SERAFINI, R. L. ...................................................269 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2008) 3 (3): 152-390 Experimental results with a reducing device for juvenile fishes in a tropical shrimp fishery: impact on the invertebrate bycatch. GARCÍA, C. B., PEREZ, D., DUARTE, L. O. & MANJARRES, L. ..........................................................275 Biological observations on the smallspotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) off the Languedocian coast (southern France, northern Mediterranean). CAPAPÉ, C. REYNAUD, C., VERGNE, Y.& QUIGNARD, J. P. ..............................................................282 Predation of Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns) (Cyprinodontiformes, Anablepidae) on copepods in laboratory conditions. CARDOZO, A. P., FIGUEIREDO, M. R. C., GAMA, A. M. S. & SAMPAIO, J. A. O. ...............................290 Interpopulational morphological analyses and fluctuating asymmetry in the brackish crab Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille (Decapoda, Gecarcinidae), on the Brazilian Northeast coastline DUARTE, M. S., MAIA-LIMA, F. A. & MOLINA, W. F. ......................................................................294 Mediterranean temporary ponds in Southern Portugal: key faunal groups as management tools? FONSECA, L. C., CRISTO, M., MACHADO, M., SALA, J., REIS, J. ALCAZAR, R. & BEJA, P. ................304 Initial assessment of age, growth and reproductive parameters of the southern fiddler ray Trygonorrhina fasciata (Müller & Henle, 1841) from South Australia. IZZO, C. & GILLANDERS, B. M. ........................................................................................................321 Ocorrência regular da garça-azul Egretta caerulea (Ciconiiformes, Ardeidae) no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. GIANUCA, D., QUINTELA, F. M., BARROS, J. A., GOMES JR., A. & GIANUCA, N. M. ........................328 Contribution to vital statistics of a guppy Poecilia reticulata Peters (Pisces: Cyprinodontiformes: Poecillidae) pond population in Santa Marta, Colombia. GARCÍA, C. B., TRONCOSO, W., SÁNCHEZ, S. & PERDOMO, L. .........................................................335 Distribuição e abundância de larvas de três espécies de Penaeídeos (Decapoda) na plataforma continental interna adjacente à Baía da Babitonga, Sul do Brasil. MARAFON-ALMEIDA, A., SOUZA-CONCEIÇÃO, J. M. & PANDOLFO, P. S. V. ....................................340 Gastrointestinal helminth parasites of Loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta Linnaeus 1758 (Testudines, Cheloniidae) in Brazil. WERNECK, M. R., THOMAZINI, C. M., MORI, E. S., GONÇALVES, V. T., GALLO, B. M. G. & DA SILVA, R. J. ..................................................................................................................................................351 Biological observations on a rare deep-sea shark, Dalatias licha (Chondrichthyes: Dalatiidae), off the Maghreb coast (south-western Mediterranean). CAPAPÉ, C., HEMIDA, F., QUIGNARD, J-P., AMOR, M. M. B. & REYNAUD, C. ..................................355 Food habits and feeding ecology of an estuarine fish assemblage of northern Pacific Coast of Ecuador. RAMÍREZ-LUNA, V., NAVIA, A. F. & RUBIO, E. A. ...........................................................................361 Population biology of Uca maracoani Latreille 1802-1803 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) on the south-eastern coast of Brazil. HIROSE, G. L.& NEGREIROS-FRANSOZO, M. L. ................................................................................373 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2008) 3 (3): 152-390 Copper accumulation and toxicity in the Plata pompano Trachinotus marginatus Cuvier 1832 (Teleostei, Carangidae). MARTINS, S. E. & BIANCHINI, A. ......................................................................................................384 Estatística pesqueira do litoral sul do estado de São Paulo: subsídios para gestão compartilhada 1, 3 2 JOCEMAR TOMASINO MENDONÇA & LAURA VILLWOCK DE MIRANDA 1 Pesquisador do Instituto de Pesca, E-mail: [email protected] 2 Pesquisador do Instituto de Pesca, E-mail: [email protected] 3 Instituto de Pesca, APTA/SAA, Núcleo do Litoral Sul, Av. Prof. Besnard, s/nº, C. Postal 61, CEP 11990-000, Cananéia-SP Abstract: Fishing statistics of south coast of São Paulo State: subsidies for fishing management. The stocks of the main Brazilian resources have been found in over fishing, and normative measures have been taken to prevent their collapse. To monitor the fishing activity helps in the implementation of these order rules. This work was carried out in the south coast of São Paulo State between 1995 and 2006, with fishing activity data collection, aiming at to become available technician data to the fishery management. The main fishing resources of this region are the broadband anchovy, the sea bob shrimp, the king weakfish, grey mullet, white mullet, the whitemouth croaker, the sea catfish and the mangrove oyster, with an annual average production greater than 4000 tons. The fishing fleet is essentially artisanal, with wooden boats and small autonomy of sea, using gillnet and shrimp trawl as main fishing gears, generally with catches direct to more than one fishing resource, diversifying the fishing gears and methods of fishing, depending of the species occurrence periods. The fishery management process has been carried
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