DECLASSIFIED r ''-''1 • • 0, j _~:oo I COMMAND': 00:' CHRONOLOGY00. 0 0 , .: o }lOVlNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS: ~ t ,DECLASSIFIED AF'TER 12 YE,e,.i(S DOD DlR 520010 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ", bil J1· ·.ia - SECRET 28/klj 5750 , ,... .... 001497 JAN 141969 SECRET (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1» FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG III MAF ltr 3K/lhs 5750 Ser: 00242268 dated 27 Dec 1968 From: Commanding General Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Subj: Command Chronology (U) L The subject chronology has been reviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. ~~ )4,,-L__ w. E. ~~ By direction Copy to: CG, III MAF . DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTERVALSj ....gEClASSIF1ED AftER 12 YEARS 0. ilOD -DlR 6200.1Q ,_ 2 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ... COMMANDING GENERAL III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND. VIETNAM FPO. SAN FRANCISCO gee02 IN REPLY IUI'ER TO, 3K/lhs 5750 Ser: 27 DEC 1968 00242268 unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1) From: Commanding General To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Via: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Command Chronology (U) Ref: MCO P5750.lA FMFPacO 5750.8A Encl: (1) III MAP Command Chronology, November 1968 1. In aCcordance with references Ca) and (b), enclosure (1) is submitted herewith. C~I. HOFF BY DIRECTION _ CoPY~CoPi•• UNCLASSIfiED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ,. ......,. t HEADQUARTERS III Marine Amphibious Force Military Assistance Command, Vietnam San Francisco, California 96602 COMMAND CHROOOLOGX 1 November 1968 - 30 Nove-ber 1968 INQ,i); PART I - ORGANlZATlOOAL DATA PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS PART IV SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ENCLOSURE (,) 1 .. UNCLASSffiE.....--..." DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED - PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA 1. DESIGNATION COMMANDER III Marine Amphibious Force Lieutenant General Robert E. CUSHMd Jr. U. S. Matlln. Corps lJun67 - 3OBov68 DEPUTY COMMANDER Major General Rathvon McC. TOMPKIBS, U. S. Marine Corps 26Ma168 - 30Bov68 SUBORDINATE UNITS XXIV CORPS Lieutenant General Richard G. STILWELL, U. S. Aray lJul68 - 30Bov68 Third Marine Division Major General Raymond G. DAVIS U. S. Marine Corps 2ZMay68 - 30Nov68 First Cavalry Division Major General George I. FORSYTHE (Air Mobile) U. S. Army 19Aug68 - lORov68 10lst Airborne Division Major General Melvin ZAIS (Air Mobile) U. S. Army 19Aug68 - 30Bov68 First Marine Division Major General Carl A. YOUHGDALE U. S. Marine Corp. 26Jun68 - 30Nov68 First Marine Aircratt Wing Major General Charles J. QUILTER, U. S. Marine Corps 22Jun68 - 30Bov68 Americal Division Major General Charles M. GETTYS U. S. Army 2)May68 - 30Hov68 UNCLASSIFIED 2 --"--"-- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED #~:-Mt···t' . f'l Force Logistic Command Brigadier General Harry C. r~. i (' f' ,. "il ut~,~t..' ,-~ OLSON, U. S. Marine Corps ,'.' j 2l0ct68 - 30Nov68 Headquarters & Service Co. Colonel William K. WHITE III Marine Amphibious Force U. S. Marine Corps Headquarters Commandant 40ct68 - 30Nov68 ATTACHED UNITS Sub Unit #1, First Radio Lieutenant Colonel Patrick J. Battalion FENNELL, U. S. Marine Corps l70ct68-30Nov68 29th Civil Affairs Company Major Charles E. ESLER u. S. Army 200c t68 - 27N ov68 Lieutenant Colonel Robert R. RAFFERTY U. S. .A:rmy 28Nov68 - 30Nov68 7th Psychological Operations Major Donald D. KE~WER, Jr. Battalion U. S. Army 24Uay68 - 24Nov68 Major Michael FORTINI U. S. Aray 25Nov68 - 30Nov68 2. LOCATION. 1-30 November 1968, East Danang, Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam. 3. STAFF OFFICERS. Deputy Commanding General, Air Major General Charles J. QUILTER, U. S. Marine Corps 22Jun68 - 30Nov68 CHIEF Of Staff l;.ajor General Earl E. ANDERSON U. S. Marine Corps 21Dec67 - 20Nov68 Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Michael MOSTELLER U. S. Marine Corps 5Aug68 - 30Nov68 Enclosure (1) 3 UNCLASSifiED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED W..::-....,. ... ·fh t ~. - l! ~ l '" ~ f" ~~ '"7n U nl. l\oJ~"; ; ... PJ Deputy Chief of Staft Plans Brip41er GeJaal'al trarren It. _DiAf, 11. 1.,tnQ' SS.p68 - ....68 Assistant Chief of Statt, G-l Colonel Kavi•• BOaB, U. S....iRe C..,. 123ul68 - )8hY68 Assistant Chief ot Statt, G-2 Colon.l •• 3_1 n, a. Jlutiae O."s 29Jul68 - )II0y68 Assistant Chiet of Statf, G-3 Bri=er G_ral Carl 11. 110 t U. I. Xar1ne Corps lSluc68 - 3G1gy68 Deputy G-3 Colcm.l H. C. MLBY u, •• Jlutia. a_p. 1001;68 - .30."68 A..sistant Chief ot Stat'tt G-4 Colon.l La...... c. IOR'1'OB 11. I. Jluts.u Ceps Vul68 - 3-oriI Assistant Cld..t ot Staft't G-S Colon.l Boward A. VD~ u, a. Maria. C~s lI'ov68 - 30....'. Assistant Chi.t ot Stat't, G-6 Colon.l Bill B. BOll.. u, S. Karia. Corps 78.p68 - .....,. Porce P.70holol1oal Operations Colon.l Barold CB&l1l Otticer U. I. Jlara. Corps l.&.q68 - 30-",1 Forc. SUpp17 Ofticer Colon.l JJ.tJII.. C. ~AVB8 U. I. Jlar1De a.,s 22Jll1'8 - 3-",68 Force Statt' 3u4l. AdYooat. Colon.l Paul v. IJUBAUGB u. s. Haria. C~s SA,q68 - 30...68 Porce BDgin••r Ottio.r Colon.l 1eD1l.th ll. BJ.l1I]) U. S. Haria. CR,.s 22Ka768 - "'ori5 aCLOalJD (1) 4 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED ).' I SE l~RE T Force Adjutant Major James H. LYLES u. S. Marine Corps 8Aug68 - 30Nov68 Assistant Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel J. Comptroller FORD, U. S. Marine Corps 25Ju168 - 30Nov68 Force Information Services Colonel Paul M. MOrlIARTY Officer U. S. Marine Corps 29Ju168 - 3l0ct68 Officer in Charge, COC Lieutenant Colonel James H. I'1A.CLEAN, U. S. Marine Corps 2lJu168 - 30Nov68 For6e Food Services Officer Lieutenant Colonel Leslie P. DAY, U. S. Marine Corps 28Sep68 - 30Nov68 Force Chaplain Captain R. W. RADCLIFFE U. S. Navy 50ct68 - 30Nov68 Force Surgeon Captain John H. STOVER, Jr., U. S. Navy l2May68 - 30Nov68 Force Dental Officer Captain William L. DARNELL, Jr., U. S. Navy lJu168 - 30Nov68 Force Motor Transport Officer Major Joseph N. EGGLESTON, U. S. Marine Corps 9Mar68 - 30N ov68 Force Ordnance Officer Colonel James LEON U. S. Marine Corps 22Sep68 - 30Nov68 Protocol Officer Major Robert E. GIBSON U. S. Marine Corps 19Ju168 - 30Nov68 Force Special Services Officer Colonel Willian BIEHL, Jr., U. S. Marine Corps 30Aug68 - 30Nov68 Enclosure (1) 5 SE (~RE T DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED .-< .""".,."'•.•. t -' SE l~HE T Director Transportation Control Lieutenant Colonel John F. Center GOULD~ U. S. Marine Corps lFeb6tl - 30Nov68 . Force Inspector Colonel James W. SHANK U. S. Marine Corps l6Sep68 - 30Nov68 USMC Liaison Officer, MACV Colonel Carl E. SCHMIDT U. S. Marine Corps 22Sep68 - 30Nov68 USMC Liaison Officer, 7thAF Colonel Carl H. SCHMIDT U. S. Marine Corps 22Sep68 - 30Nov68 USHC Liaison Officer, ROKMC Lieutenant Colonel Lewis J. BACHER~ U. S. Marine Corps 24Jun6tl - 3QNov68 Staff Secretary Major Harold E. HAvlKINS U. S. Marine Corps 2Sep68 - 30Nov68 ~losure (1) 6 SEC~ET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED '" SECHEl ~----.. 4. Average Monthly Strength a. III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters Officers Enlisted USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF H&S Co, HQ III MAr 14 2 0 0 308 7 0 0 HQ Staff, 111 MAF 208 12 26 1 508 8 13 2 SUl1,lST RADBN 26 0 0 0 368 4 0 0 CAG's 38 0 0 0 1885 145 0 0 29th CA Co (att) 0 0 9 0 0 0 24 0 7th l'syOps Co (sup) 0 0 15 0 0 0 57 0 b. III Marine Amphibious Force Officers Enlisted USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF 4988 427 4698 22 72102 2912 52543 30 ENCLOSURE ( I ) 7 SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • PART·l!.,..•.1!. _ 1. INTRODUCTION....-- PF __• a. GEtIERAL•. During November 1966,II:rHarlneAmphib:tous Foroe Headquar·terswas ~oeatedln Eas1i.Danang, Republic of Vietnam. The avera.ge p~rsonnelstre~thwa,s137,.72Zan increase of 342 over the previous month. b. ACTIVITIES. III MAFoontinues to be gu~ded by- COMUSMACV' Letter of Instruction (LOr 3-66Jdat~p.30Ma1"eh1966 .. in pursuit of its objectives for November. 1968•. 2. OVER4~JjE:VALUA!rION. QuangN8.lu all.9- northern Quang Tin Provinces weI'S the scene of the most 1mportantactions dm'ing the month of November. In South Eas~~rnQuangNa~aseven battalion Marine and ARVN task.fo:roe·~nOperation Meade River,. succeeded in encircling and destro;rinif two· enemy battalions and capturing large numbersot prisoners. Elsewhere in QuangNaIll,al"'tillerYdirectedbl}larine r-eccnnad.eaanee teams in Operation Hen4erson I!illaccounted for over two hundred enemy KIA. In oontrast to the intense aotiv:l'tt7.in central I Corps, hostilities in Northern r Oorp~andtliei:l'lUl1$5U-atevieinity of the DFrZ; remained at an unusually l!wlevel# with the enemy apparemtly unwilling or unable to commit his 'WIlts to a major effort in the area. DUI'ing November. III MAF units initiated ato1#a1 otfive new major unit operations in the ICTZ,. and te~m1nated ten. A total of eight were continuing at the endo! the month. ENCLOSURE« I) r~E-.···T·· CL_ (\.J I ~._ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED PART III (S) SEQUENTIAL LISTINGS OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS, NOVEMBE:R 1968 1. SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS. (The following three operations had moderate to significant contact. a. Operation MEADE RlViR. The 1st Marine Division (1st Marines) commenced clear and search opez-atacne. .in Quang Nam Province with significant contact for the period 20-30 November 1968. At 200845H a helicopter carrying part of the initial assault force crashed and burned. 6 USMC were KIA, 16 USMC WIA. Throughout the first day elements of 2/7 and 1/1 Marines continued to encoun­ ter scattered pockets of enemy. The largest contact occurred at 20l100H when a recon team engaged 9 NVA. The team fired small arms and was supported by air strikes. Results of the contact were 1 USMC WIA, 8 NVA KIA. At 202200H air strikes on a group of about 100 enemy in the open accounted for 35 NVA KIA. Between 2ll252H and 220120H artillery directed by recon teams accounted for 18 NVA KIA.
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