July 23, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3697 As the youngest speaker at the March on ‘‘The United States will continue to great effect in changing hearts and Washington, his was a clarion call to end ra- stand by these principles, because of minds by meeting hate with love, and cial segregation and discrimination in the the conviction of the American people cruelty with kindness. United States. Over half a century later, as that unless the doctrine in which these I will forever remember and cherish unrest over systemic violence against Black Americans gripped our Nation in recent principles are inherent once again gov- the opportunity to join John Lewis in weeks, John reinforced what he knew was erns the relations between nations, the Selma, Alabama, this past March with true: rule of reason, of justice and of law—in my husband, my mom, and two daugh- ‘‘You cannot stop the call of history,’’ the other words, the basis of modern civili- ters. The time he spent with Grace and Congressman said. ‘‘You may use troopers. zation itself—cannot be preserved.’’ Caroline, describing to them what You may use fire hoses and water, but it can- Mr. Speaker, this declaration here re- ‘‘good trouble’’ was; walking across the not be stopped. There cannot be any turning fused to recognize the Soviet annex- Edmund Pettus Bridge one last time, back. We have come too far. We have made too much progress to stop now and go back.’’ ation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lith- and reminding us what happened there John was witness to our Nation’s history; uania. This nonrecognition lasted 5 55 years ago. he shaped it and his legacy will forever be decades. He said: ‘‘On this bridge, some of us part of that history. When I think of John This declaration enabled the Baltic gave a little blood to redeem the soul and Bobby, I am reminded of Stephen Spend- States to maintain free, diplomatic of America. Our country is a better er’s poem, ‘‘The Truly Great.’’ missions. And with this declaration, country; we are a better people. But we . those who in their lives fought for life, Executive Order 8484 protected Baltic have still a distance to travel to go be- Who wore at their hearts the fire’s centre. financial assets. fore we get there.’’ Born of the sun, they travelled a short while Today, the United States joins Esto- Thank you, John, for never giving up, toward the sun, nia, Latvia, and Lithuania in remem- And left the vivid air signed with their for never giving in, for keeping the honour. bering this declaration and recommit- faith, and for always keeping your eyes Sincerely, ting ourselves to peace, democracy, on the prize. Ethel Kennedy. freedom, and the rule of law. We know the work we have left to do, f Subsequently, their entrance into and you gave us the tools and the cour- NATO and the European Union assures age to continue your legacy. b 0915 them of being part of the family of Rest in peace, Congressman Lewis. 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE western democracies. f WELLES DECLARATION f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY HIGHLIGHTING CORRECTIONS OF- Chair recognizes the gentleman from OF CONGRESSMAN JOHN LEWIS FICERS AND STAFF AT FCC Illinois (Mr. SHIMKUS) for 5 minutes. ALLENWOOD AND USP The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, in 1939, LEWISBURG AS PA–12 COVID–19 Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Stalin’s HEROES Communist Soviet Union signed a se- Massachusetts (Mrs. TRAHAN) for 5 cret agreement to invade and create minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The spheres of influence. The Molotov-Rib- Mrs. TRAHAN. Mr. Speaker, walking Chair recognizes the gentleman from bentrop agreement allowed Hitler to the halls of the United States Capitol Pennsylvania (Mr. KELLER) for 5 min- invade the free and sovereign country this week has felt different, like a utes. of Poland, while the Soviet Union in- piece of what makes this institution Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise vaded the free and sovereign countries great is missing, because he is. It has today to highlight the work of the out- of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. been a somber reminder that this body standing corrections officers and staff Eighty years ago today the United and our country will never be the same at FCC Allenwood and USP Lewisburg States responded with the Welles Dec- without our guiding light, our moral during the COVID–19 pandemic and rec- laration. Let me read it. compass, Congressman John Lewis. ognize them as PA–12 COVID–19 heroes. ‘‘Department of State, July 23, 1940, I have never known someone to be Prior to and during the pandemic, Statement by the Acting Secretary of more devoted to our Nation than John the corrections officers at these two fa- State, the Honorable Sumner Welles. Lewis. He demonstrated that devotion cilities, located within Pennsylvania’s ‘‘During these past few days the devi- by setting standards high and requiring 12th Congressional District, stepped up ous processes whereunder the political her continuous improvement; calling in a big way. independence and territorial integrity out when our policies or practices These dedicated men and women of the three small Baltic republics, Es- didn’t live up to the words written in went to work every day, overseeing tonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, were to our Constitution; and never giving up Federal inmates, many of whom had be deliberately annihilated by one of on the pursuit of freedom and equality been moved across State lines to Cen- their more powerful neighbors, have for everyone in our country. tral Pennsylvania. In the face of these been rapidly drawing to their conclu- He committed his life to the fight for unprecedented challenges, our correc- sion. civil rights and, along the way, he per- tions officers took on expanded respon- ‘‘From the day when the people of suaded a Nation, through steadfast, sibility at great personal risk. these republics first gained their inde- peaceful protests. These corrections officers and staff pendent and democratic form of gov- Yes, John Lewis is a hero. He is also at USP Lewisburg and FCC Lewisburg ernment the people of the United the closest example I will likely ever answered the call and they deployed to States have watched their admirable know of a saint. But more than that, other BOP hotspot facilities to assist progress and self-government with deep he was a friend. with diminished staffing capacities due and sympathetic interest. To those of us who are new to Con- to COVID–19. ‘‘The policy of this Government is gress, John Lewis welcomed us. He Answering the ongoing call to duty, universally known. The people of the made time for each of us; got to know USP Lewisburg was asked to step up in United States are opposed to predatory us and, somehow, made you feel like a big way when storms destroyed por- activities no matter whether they are the only person in his presence. He tions of FCI Estill in South Carolina, carried on by the use of force or by the wanted you to know that he truly requiring nearly 1,000 new inmates to threat of force. They are likewise op- heard your words and that they be moved from that facility to Central posed to any form of intervention on mattered. Pennsylvania. the part of one state, however power- Part of what makes this job the For dealing with unprecedented chal- ful, in the domestic concerns of any honor of a lifetime is serving alongside lenges under pressing conditions and other sovereign state, however weak. giants like Congressman Lewis. Like so answering the call to duty, it makes ‘‘These principles constitute the very many in this Chamber, I stood in abso- me proud to recognize the corrections foundations upon which the existing lute awe of him. He embodied decency, officers and staff at FCC Allenwood and relationship between the 21 sovereign perseverance, justice, courage, and USP Lewisburg as PA–12 COVID–19 he- republics of the New World rests. compassion, traits that he used to roes. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:51 Jul 24, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JY7.005 H23JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE.
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