California Western Law Review Volume 56 Number 1 Article 4 2-15-2020 The Myth of Enforcing Border Security Versus the Reality of Enforcing Dominant Masculinities Jamie R. Abrams Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/cwlr Recommended Citation Abrams, Jamie R. (2020) "The Myth of Enforcing Border Security Versus the Reality of Enforcing Dominant Masculinities," California Western Law Review: Vol. 56 : No. 1 , Article 4. Available at: https://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/cwlr/vol56/iss1/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by CWSL Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in California Western Law Review by an authorized editor of CWSL Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Abrams: The Myth of Enforcing Border Security Versus the Reality of Enfor Abrams camera ready FINAL (Do Not Delete) 1/22/2020 11:43 AM THE MYTH OF ENFORCING BORDER SECURITY VERSUS THE REALITY OF ENFORCING DOMINANT MASCULINITIES JAMIE R. ABRAMS∗ I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 70 II. ENFORCING MASCULINITIES AT THE BORDER ................................. 73 III. HOW TRUMP DEPLOYED “RAPISTS,” “BAD HOMBRES,” AND“ANIMALS” IN A TOXIC MIXTURE OF RACE, XENOPHOBIA, AND MASCULINITIES............................................................................. 74 A. Trump’s Rise to Power .......................................................... 75 B. Masculinities Manipulation .................................................. 81 IV. TRUMP’S PRESIDENCY AND POLICIES MOVE DOMINANT MASCULINITIES TO LAW AND POLICY ................................ 85 A. Immigrant “Othering” Pushes Toxic Masculinities from the Margins to the Mainstream ................................................. 85 B. Controlling Women and Children Resurrects Regressive Patriarchal Governance .......................................... 91 C. The Masculinized State and the Hyper-Masculinity of Border Militarization........................................................... 100 V. WHY MASCULINITIES MATTER ..................................................... 101 ∗ Jamie R. Abrams (LL.M., Columbia University School of Law; J.D., American University Washington College of Law; B.A., Indiana University Bloomington) is a Professor of Law at the University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law. The Author extends her sincerest thanks to participants in the Border Myths Symposium at California Western School of Law (San Diego, CA 2019) and the Uses and Abuses of History in the Trump Era at the Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, N.Y. 2019) and Dara Purvis for feedback on this project. Thanks to Shanna Ballinger, Katie Davidson, and Erin Langley for research and editing assistance. 69 Published by CWSL Scholarly Commons, 1 California Western Law Review, Vol. 56 [], No. 1, Art. 4 Abrams camera ready FINAL (Do Not Delete) 1/22/2020 11:43 AM 70 CALIFORNIA WESTERN LAW REVIEW [Vol. 56 I. INTRODUCTION This essay explores the masculinities underpinnings in modern immigration law, policy, and rhetoric. Existing analysis has captured the ways in which Trump-era immigration laws, policies, and rhetoric are explicitly and implicitly packaged in alarming racism and xenophobia.1 These critical lenses continue a long and deeply worrisome legacy of “othering” and dehumanizing immigrants2 and, more broadly, marginalizing communities of color in the United States.3 1. See, e.g., Marc Hooghe & Ruth Dassonneville, Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments, POL. SCI. 528 (2018) (concluding that “racist resentment and anti-immigrant sentiment” were instrumental in Trump’s election); John Pomfret, Trump Takes Us Back to the Dark Days of American Xenophobia, WASH. POST (Oct. 31, 2018), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2018/10/31/trump- takes-us-back-to-the-darkest-days-of-american-xenophobia/?noredirect=on&utm_ term=.f882a5968278; Alvaro Huerta, President Trump’s Racially Charged Immigration Rhetoric and Policies Are So Dangerous, SCHOLARS STRATEGY NETWORK (June 28, 2018), https://scholars.org/contribution/why-president-trumps- racially-charged-immigration-rhetoric-and-policies-are-so (explaining how the United States is at risk for repeating dangerous and destructive policies); Alvaro Huerta, Latina/o Immigrants in the Racist Era of Trump, IMMIGR. PROF BLOG (May 14, 2018), https://lawprofessors.typepad.com/immigration/2018/05/ latinao- immigrants-in-the-racist-era-of-trump-by-alvaro-huerta-phd.html (describing the divisive “us-versus-them” politics); JORGE RAMOS, STRANGER: THE CHALLENGE OF A LATINO IMMIGRANT IN THE TRUMP ERA 6 (2018) (describing Trump’s presidency as “one of the saddest moments in an already long list of racial and ethnic strife”). 2. See, e.g., Douglas Epps & Rich Furman, The “Alien Other”: A Culture of Dehumanizing Immigrants in the United States, 14 SOC. WORK & SOC’Y INT’L ONLINE J. 1, 2 (2016); Mariela Olivares, Intersectionality at the Intersection of Profiteering and Immigration Detention, 94 NEB. L. REV. 963 (2016) (describing the history of detaining immigrants and its connection to detention practices of people of color). 3. See generally MICHELLE ALEXANDER, THE NEW JIM CROW (2012); FRANK H. WU, YELLOW: RACE IN AMERICAN BEYOND BLACK AND WHITE (2003); EDUARDO BONILLA-SILVA, RACISM WITHOUT RACISTS: COLOR-BLIND RACISM AND THE PERSISTENCE OF INEQUALITY IN AMERICA (2018); Jessica Autumn Brown, Running on Fear: Immigration, Race and Crime Framings in Contemporary GOP Presidential Debate Discourse, 24 CRIT. CRIM. 315, 315–19 (2016) (describing the use of “racially divisive appeals” designed to “denigrate[] a particular minority, frame[] that group as a threat to the target audience, advocate[] for special restrictions against them, or https://scholarlycommons.law.cwsl.edu/cwlr/vol56/iss1/4 2 Abrams: The Myth of Enforcing Border Security Versus the Reality of Enfor Abrams camera ready FINAL (Do Not Delete) 1/22/2020 11:43 AM 2019] THE MYTH OF ENFORCING BORDER SECURITY 71 Outside of the immigration law lens, separate strands of scholarship and media coverage have highlighted the toxic masculinities of the Trump era.4 These discussions have generally focused on President Trump’s treatment of women,5 the gendered campaign dynamics with other candidates and reporters,6 the modern #MeToo movement,7 and Trump’s overall leadership style.8 reassure[] the audience of their rightfully privileged position vis-à-vis the problematized group”). 4. See, e.g., ARLIE RUSSELL HOCHSCHILD, STRANGERS IN THEIR OWN LAND: ANGER AND MOURNING ON THE AMERICAN RIGHT (2018); Emily K. Carian & Tagart Cain Sobotka, Playing the Trump Card: Masculinity Threat and the U.S. 2016 Presidential Election, 4 SOCIUS: SOC. RES. FOR A DYNAMIC WORLD (2018); Kali Holloway, How Toxic Masculinity Explains the Trump Presidency, NAT’L MEMO (Aug. 16, 2019), https://www.nationalmemo.com/toxic-masculinity-explains-trump- presidency/ (“But Trump is more than just a case study in male posturing and fragility; he’s a reflection of the culture that elevated and embraced him.”). 5. See, e.g., Katie Reilly, Donald Trump’s ‘Locker Room Talk’ Was the Last Straw for Many Young Voters, TIME (Oct. 14, 2016), http://time.com/4530118/donald-trump-locker-room-talk-college/. 6. See, e.g., Philip Rucker, Trump Says Fox’s Megyn Kelly Had ‘Blood Coming Out of Her Wherever’, WASH. POST (Aug. 8, 2015), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/08/07/trump-says- foxs-megyn-kelly-had-blood-coming-out-of-her- wherever/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.1657ba4b8397. 7. See, e.g., Mark Lander, Trump, Saying ‘Mere Allegation’ Ruins Lives, Appears to Doubt the #MeToo Movement, N.Y. TIMES (Feb. 10, 2018), https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/10/us/politics/trump-porter-me-too- movement.html; Richard Godwin, Men After #MeToo: ‘There’s a Narrative that Masculinity Is Fundamentally Toxic’, GUARDIAN (Mar. 9, 2018), https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/09/men-after-metoo-masculinity- fundamentally-toxic; Felicia Sonmez, Trump Mocks #MeToo Movement in Montana Rally, WASH. POST (July 5, 2018), https://www.washingtonpost.com/ politics/trump- mocks-metoo-movement-in-montana-rally/2018/07/05/fad40ce2-80b3-11e8-b660- 4d0f9f0351f1_story.html?utm_term=.85d0e054b784. 8. See, e.g., Crispin Sartwell, All the President’s Men and Their Styles of Masculinity, WALL STREET J. (Aug. 4, 2017), https://www.wsj.com/articles/all-the- presidents-men-and-their-styles-of-masculinity-1501874928; Marc Fisher, Bravado and Branding: Trump Brings a New Leadership Style to the White House, WASH. POST (Jan. 19, 2017), https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/bravado-and- branding-trump-brings-a-new-leadership-style-to-the-white-house/2017/01/ 17/91cbe4d2c623-11e6-bf4bc064d32a4bf_story.html?utm_term=.0dfc66cc9b79; William Ming Liu, How Trump’s ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Is Bad for Other Men, TIME (Apr. 14, 2016), https://time.com/4273865/donald-trump-toxic-masculinity/. Published by CWSL Scholarly Commons, 3 California Western Law Review, Vol. 56 [], No. 1, Art. 4 Abrams camera ready FINAL (Do Not Delete) 1/22/2020 11:43 AM 72 CALIFORNIA WESTERN LAW REVIEW [Vol. 56 This essay brings these strands of scholarship together to examine the masculinities underpinnings of modern immigration law, policy, and rhetoric in addition to the much more examined racist and nativist frames.9 This masculinities lens continues my prior work from 2013 titled Enforcing Masculinities at the Border.10
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