GOVERNMENT GAZE'I"I'E OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA R2,80 WI NDHOEK - 7 November 1992 No. 521 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 155 Electoral Act, 1992: General election for Regional Councils: Notification of candidates, polling days and hours and polling stations ............................... Government Notice OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER No. 155 1992 ELECTORAL ACT, 1992: GENERAL ELECTION FOR REGIONAL COUNCILS: NOTIFICATION OF CANDIDATES, POLLING DAYS AND HOURS AND POLLING STATIONS Under paragraph (b) of section 64(5) of the Electoral Act, 1992 (Act 24 of 1992), it is hereby made known - (a) that a poll shall be taken on 30 November 1992, I December 1992, 2 December 1992 and 3 December 1992, which poll shall commence at 07h00 on every day and shall close at 21 hOO on every day, for the election of a member of the regional council for the constituency mentioned in Column I of the Schedule hereto; 2 Government Gazette 7 November 1992 No. 521 (b) that each person whose names, registration number and residential address appears in Column 2 of the said Schedule has in terms of section 64( I) of the said Act been declared to be duly nominated in respect of the constituency mentioned in Column I opposite his or her name; and that such person has been nominated by the political party indicated opposite his or her name in Column 2 or that he or she is an independent candidate if so indicated; (c) that, in terms of the provisions of section 73, polling stations have been established in the constituency in question at the places mentioned in Column 3 of the said Schedule opposite the said constituency. JUDGE G.J.C. STRYDOM CHAIRMAN OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION - ) z 0 Vl -N 1 SCHEDULE -------------- --- COlumn 1 Column 2 Column 3 Constituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in respect Full names Registration Residential Political Party Polling a of a region stations 0 number address or Independent < ~ KUNENE REGION Surname First names ::s"'1 Opuwo Maundu Heinz Hariki AB2639 Opuwo SWANU of 1. Veterinary 3 Namibia Services ::s~ Hall ...... Opuwo a ~ Mumbuu Edward Uapundua AB2443 Opuwo DTA of Namibia ~ ...... Nganjone Erasmus AA4765 Opuwo SWAPO Party ~ Sesfontein Ganuseb Benny AC3768 Sesfontein SWAPO Party 1. Government -..I Buildings Sesfontein z 0 < Hendricks Johannes Isaak GU2078 Estorff UDF of Namibia ~ 3 Mbomboro Munene Chris JP1613 Warmquelle DTA of Namibia cr ~ Khorixas Gomachab Gottlieb Tjoliegie AD0695 AA17 DTA of Namibia 1. Community "'1 Khorixas Hall Khorixas \0 -\0 Tjongarero Simson AC4176 Khorixas UDF of Namibia N Witbooi Abraham AC3012 Farm Mopani SWAPO of No 4 Namibia Kaman jab Botha Frederick Albertus AF1720 Welfaart 752 DTA of Namibia l.Magistra- Outjo te's Court Kamanjab w """ 2 SCHEDULE - -- ---- Coluan 1 Column 2 Column 3 Constituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in respect Full naaes Registration Residential Political Party Polling a of a region nWIIber Address or Independent stations 0 <(1) Surnaae Pirst names ::s""' Uirab Esegiel Max AC3002 House DlO SWAPO Party 2. Boerevereniging 3 Khorixas Hall, Otj_ikondo (1) .-::s OUtjo Amporo Ernst Fanuel AB3220 Erf 315 SWAPO Party 1. Outjo High a Outjo School, Outjo Pl N (1) Kaura Theophelus Rapande AB4613 Heimwee No DTA of Namibia 1. Municipal .­ 460 Outjo Office, (1) Etoshapoort Murorua Dudu Themistoteles AB4740 Erf 1262 UDF of Namibia -J Khorixas z 0 OMUSATI REGION (1)< 3 Tsandi Kamanja Ananias AN2017 Onangalo DTA of Namibia 1. Tribal Office, r:::r Tsandi (1) Katoma Leevi AM0007 Tsandi SWAPO Party ""' \0 -\0 Uutapi Ainima Titus AK3401 Omukoko- SWAPO Party 1. Tribal Office N Ombalantu Uutapi Sakaria Menas AK3290 Uuta'Qi DTA of Namibia Anamulenge Andow a Gene rosa AK3052 Ohamuyala SWAPO Party 1. Anamulenge Primary School z 0 Vo N ) ) z 0 Vl -N 3 SCHEDULE ---------- - --- ---- -------- Column 1 ColWIID 2 ColWIID J Constituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in respect Full names Registration Residential Political Party Polling of a region stations number Address or Independent a Surname First Names 0 < Egumbo Titus Silvasius GV3145 Onelago DTA of Namibia ~...., ~ Ogongo Abrosius Florian AK1080 Uutapia DTA of Namibia 1. Agricul- 3 tural ~ College .....~ Ogongo a Kayone Sacky BA1006 Oshindete SWAPO Party ~ Ogongo .....~ ~ Oshikuku Endjambi Peter AB2566 Oshitutuma SWAPO Party 1. Ody's Shop -.....1 Omulamba z Kweenda Saima BR2669 Oshikuku DTA of Namibia 0 < Elim Enkala Nixon GW0486 Oneshila DTA of Namibia 1. Elim ~ Church 3 r:J ~ Mukwiilongo Nangolo AX0150 Elim SWAPO Party ...., \0 OSBANA REGION -\0 N Oshakati Moon go Phi limon BE0149 Oshakati DTA of Namibia 1. Confe- renee Hall Office of the Regional Commissioner vatuva Silvanus BE0917 House 490 SWAPO Party 2. Oshakati Oshakati Combined East School Vl 0"- 4 SCHEDULE --- COluan 1 COlumn 2 Column 3 COnstituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in respect Full names Registration Residential Political Party Polling of a region number Address or Inde11endent stations Surname First names 0 0 <: 3. Okandjengedi ~ Primary School ::s>-I 4. Onimwandi 9 Combined School ~ ::s....... 5. Omege Senior 0 Primary School .., N ~ Ongwediva Hamata Laban BG3350 Efidilomulunga DTA of Namibia 1. Ongwediva ....... Training College ~ Nehova Kandy BG0181 Efidilomulunga SWAPO Party 2. Gabriel -..) Taapopi Secondary School z 0 <: 3. Oupumako ~ Senior Primary 9 School <::1' ~ >-I 4. Omashekediwa Senior Primary '-0 -'-0 School N 5. Omaalala Senior Primary School Okaku Mnakapa Zen-Asser Hosea Evin BG 4015 Okaku DTA of Namibia 1. Okaku Senior Primary School Ya Kasita Henock Sheya BH0051 Okapya SWAPO Party 2. Oshitayi Combined School z 0 V'o -N ) ) z 0 VI -N 5 SCHEDULE - Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Constituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in respect Full names Registration Political Party Polling of a region Residential number Address or Independent stations 0 Surname First names 0 < 3. Ohalushu Senior ('1) Primary School ::s"1 3 4. Ondehaluka ('1) Combined School ::s 5. Oshikondilongo -0 Primary School ~ ('1) Okatana Antanga Fillipus BD2307 oneshila DTA of Namibia 1. Tribal Office Uukwangula -('1) Kashuupulwa Clemens BK0067 Ondjo-djo, SWAPO Party 2. Okatana Senior -....J Okatana Primary School z 0 3. Onanhadi Senior < Primary School. ('1) 3 Ondangwa Kalangula Peter Tanyengenge BR4388 Ondangwa Independent 1. Conference 0' ('1) Hall, Regional "1 Commissioner -\0 2.0luno _Community \0 Kanime Elifas Shikuma BP0334 Ondangwa Independent N Hall Shiimi Eliakim Prince BP0002 Eben-Ezer SWAPO Party 3. Eheke Combined Ondangwa School Shipanga Thimoteus BB2233 Onkuta DTA of Namibia 4. Ehafo Combined School 5. Omagongati Combined School -.J 00 6 SCHEDULE -- - ColWUl 1 Column 2 ColUIUl 3 Constituency Particulars of duly noainated candidates for regional council in Polling respect of a Full names Registration Residential Political Party stations region number Address or Independent a SurniUile First names 0 <(1) 6. Onangumbu ..., Senior Primary 0 School 3(1) 0 Ompundja Max Silas 801002 Oshakati OTA of Namibia 1. Omupundja Senior Primary -a School ~ Shitilifa Mwailepeni Titus 8E0410 01upumbu SWAPO Party 2. Eenguwantale (1) Onimwandi Senior Primary -(1) School - -..) 3. Uukwiyuongwe Senior Primary z School 0 ~ Uukwiyu Amadhi1a Matheus 8V0842 Uukwiyu SWAPO Party 1. Uukwiyu 3 Combined School IJ' (1)..., Shikongo Josef 8P0810 Ondangwa OTA of Namibia \0 Okatjali Kapia Paulus Ii1onga 8W1938 Okatjali SWAPO Party 1. Okatjali \0 Primary School tv Uusizi Andreas 8P0112 Onambango OTA of Namibia OBANGWENA REGION Ongenga Namhadi Wapota Petrus 080808 Oshakati OTA of Namibia 1. Tribal Office Omunguelume Shimutwikeni Leonard CA3941 Oshindobe SWAPO Party 2. Ongenga Church Ogenga z 0 Vl tv ) ) ) z 0 VI N 7 SCHEDULE --------~ Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Constituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in Polling respect of a Full names Registration Residential Political Party stations a region number Address or Independent 0 < Surname First names ~..., ::::3 3. Okambebe 3 Primary School ~ ::::3 4. Elakalapwa a'"* Primary School Pl N Engel a Nghiwewelekwa He ita CB3372 Engel a SWAPO Party 1. Engel a ~ Church '"* '"*~ Paulus Lucia CR2188 Ombedi DTA of Namibia 2. Ohaingu -...,J Church. z 3. Omundudu 0 Primary School I' < ~ 4. Onambwebwe 3 Primary School 0" ~..., St Mary's SWAPO Party 1. Odibo Church I Oshikango Hishikushitja Michael CD0324 -o Mission --o Odibo N Samuel Victor CD 0015 Onaminda Independent 2. Edundja Church Shikonda Elia BG2349 Ondobe DTA of Namibia 3. Etomba Church 4. Enghandja Primary School ----- 'Cl -0 8 SCHEDULE Coluan 1 Coluan 2 Coluan 3 Constituency Particulars of duly noainated candidates for regional council in Polling respect of a Full naaes Registration Residential Political Party stations 0 0 region number Address or Independent < 0 '"I Surnaae First naaes ::s Ondobe 3 Mwaningange Billy William CR4869 Ondobe SWAPO Party 1. Ondobe Primary 0 School ::s..... Shimwefeleni Hosea Nghinomenwa CF0773 Onamunhanma DTA of Namibia 2. Oshandi Church 0 ~ 3.0hankelo Primary 0 School ..... 0 4. Onamunama Primary School -..) Eenhana Haikali Valde Panduleni CH1893 Eenhana OTA of Namibia l.Tribal Office z Eenhana 0 <0 Hashikutuwa Adolf CH4478 Eenhana SWAPO Party 2.0shaanga Primary 3 School r:r 0 3. Otunganga '"I Primary School 1.0- 1.0 4. Onangolo Church IV 5. Omafa Primary School 6. Onakalunga Primary School z 0 Ul IV ~ ) z 0 VI N 9 SCHEDULE Column 1 Column 2 Coluan 3 COnstituency Particulars of duly nominated candidates for regional council in Polling Q respect of a Full names Registration Residential Political Party stations 0 region number Address or Independent < ~ "'1 Surname First names ::s 3 Okongo Kasheendwa Puleni CN0228 Okongo SWAPO Party 1. Hasheela ~ Secondary ::s..... School Q ~ Weyulu Victory CM1149 Okongo DTA of Namibia 2. Oluwayo N Primary School .....~ 3. Ekoka ~ Primary School -....l Ohangwena Kandjambanga Hamutwe Josephine BG1474 Ohangwena SWAPO Party 1. Tribal z Office 0 < Ohangwena ~ 3 Sipora Dana CR2123 Ohangwena DTA of Namibia 2. onandova 'J' Primary School ~ "'1 3.
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