Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 9-10-1936 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1936). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1869. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, SEPT. S, 1936 , .. II DANCE AT TYBEE •! Menza Frances Cumming, BULLOCH COl1NTY­ It Mathews, Bobble Smith, Chnrles Oil 8ULLOCB OOUlft'Y­ Iff Robert and Bill ;cc�u�� �111�iiii�cG)ik&i: Sharpe Kennedy ':"IIB BBAl"T OF GEORGIA. attended the dance at Tybee Thurs TIIB BBART 0. O"IIGlA. R L BRADY, Editor Phone 253 R day even 109 • "WBBaB � NATURB SMILES "WBBRBNATURB8Mn.L· "++++"+1,+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1,11'11+1+'+'0011"'1001'001'1-++++++++-1-++111-1"1'+01"1'1111111101 I1111II11 , I A�ED L;D"v' INJURED BULLOCH TIMES The f.,ends of Mrs Ada Northcutt Mrs Mr and MIS Ir-ving Aldred were Harold Averitt of �llllen was Will be anterested to learn that she (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE' a VISitor In Purely Personal \lSltOIS at Yellow Bluff Sunday the city Sunday afternoon IS recover mg from J\ broken hip She Mrs W 0 Shuptrine returned yes Mr and Mrs Will of Pem has been a at the • .============================================================================================================�============================�==========��.\ Lanier, patient Wesley Bulloch Times, Estabhshed 1892 from a two weeks In broke were Jack of terday stay Sa guests Sunday of Mr and Memorial Atlanta for the , Consohdated Janu 17 , 1917 Clancy, Savannah, vlsited Hospital, Statesboro News, Estabhshed 1901 } ary \snnnh Mrs Averitt month IS come STATESBORO, GA, THURSDAY, SEPT VOL fnends 10 the city Monday Barney past and expected to Statesboro Estabhshed 1917-Consohdated 10,1936 46-NO 26 Mrs i! Mr ann Mrs Eagle, December 9, 1920 MIss Helen Tucker has returned Virg Donaltlson and Mrs Dedrick Waters and to Statesboro In the near future to , Inman Dekle were In son Harold were from a week's stay at Tybee VISitors Sayan VISitors at Yellow be With her daughter, MIS F D nah Bluff the week M,ss Abbie Kate Riggs IS spending Monday durmg Thackston to further recuperate Mr and Mrs Harold Hall of Met Mr and JIIrs Fred Bland of · .. Collins To Speak At several days th,. week at Tybee !lllllen JOHNSON R�ENTS CARLOAD OF CLUB were JUICE Malhe of Savannah was the ter, guests Sunday of Mr and spent Sunday WIth her parents, Mr U D C lIIEETING -T� BOYS BUY 232 RUSSELL AND RIVERS MAKE CLEAN Exley, Teachers Mrs G W and Mrs W College week end guest of Robert Lanier Clark J Rackley The United Daughters of Confed Mrs Chff and IItr and Mrs MIsses Carrie Lee DaVIS and Sara Bradley daughter Lannie Simmons and eracy Will hold their first of MISS meeting STATE BEER TAX M D Colhns state school superin­ MOVE TIDS WEEK HEREFORD Hall "ere week end viaitors In Sa Sara Ahce, spent several days during Martha Wilma Simmons were the fiscal , STEERS SWEEP IN year Thursday afternoon, tendent, Will dehver the opening ad MTERDAY'S PRIMARY: :vannah the week at Tybee VISItors at Tybee Sunday September 10 at 4 a clock, at the res Macon Pas£or Condemns Use of dress at the South GeorgIa Teachers Crusher Here Pool has returned from Mrs Cone has returned from Mr and Mrs H P Jones anti sons Grape Located Young Farmers Procure Pure- l\hss Evelyn Henry idence of Mrs J J Zetterower, with here 26th a Hrs H College FrIday, September DEAL AND a VISit to her at VISit to he. daughter Gelston P Jr and John were VIS Mrs Free Text Books Purchased Handled bred Ammals m Lots WARNOCK SCHOOL PRESTON parents Cummings, Egbert, Zetterower, Mrs C M Cum for freshmen Already Thirty Large Lockhart, III Macon itors in Savannah Fnday Registrations begins TO OPEN Georgia mmg' Mrs W H Blitch and Mrs and for Tons of Fresh Frult, From Western Range. MONDAY Misses Helen Brannen Ehzabeth Mrs Oswald S� By Beer Tax, September 18th upper class WIN IN BULLOCH Misses Constance and Sara Kath Hadden, of Rentz, Brannan as co hostesses All �TURE Lloyd men September 22ntl erme of visited In DeLoach ane! Nell DeLoach were VIS apent last week end With her Warnock Jumor will Cone, Savannah, parents, membe�s are be present Preaident PIttman stated that The grape crusher located here has Bulloch county 4 H club boys and High School the the week itors nt Tybee $lIp,:!_ay Mr and Mrs Grady Smith ur!e� �o 1I!!NV«>RL� OiAMPION CONBOY AND STUN'T MAN (Macon News, Sept 7) today Bulloch GIves Majority Praeo city dunng for the term on � the college would have the largest processed more than 30 tons of scup­ several farmers co operated to pllr open Monday, Sep­ M,s. has returned Robert Sharpe, of Sylvanm spent Mrs C P Olhff and her mother PARTY Condemnation of the Issuance of .t Carolyn Mundy BIRTHDAy] in tember tlcally Every OppoDent several as campus enrollment the history of pernonil's anti muscadines that have chase 60 additional head 14th The openlnll' hour will to her homo 10 after a days during the week the Mrs E L Smith have returned from of purebred Waynesboro Mrs Horace Smith entertained at were Dr of a free school boob because the school By that statement be 9 o'clock All studenta are re­ Talmadge Rerlme. V,.,t to Miss Helen Olhff guest Charles Olliff two weeks' ttay at White Springs they been put In barrels for shlPpmg The Hereford steers to use as a means of her home on South Main street Frl Pittman explained that he was sure Mrs W H MIS H D An Mrs D C McDougald IS VISIting Fla purchaaed With "polluted money" wu carload of which Will be feed from quested to be present at that time and Sharpe, day afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock In there would be more boarder. on the grape [uice, marketing their farms Dick Russell for _te and E. Dr her Mrs John 10 Mrs derson and MISS Carol Antlerson were daughter, Bland, Cecil Canuette and children, • made In the Vlneville Methodist church and friends are honor of her son who wa.s PERSON than ever are the first ever from this sec These steers were distributed here patrons Invited IN before "We shipped for a few Bobby, campus Rivers for gov.mar carried ill :visitors In Savannah Monday Forsyth days of Glennville, VISited her parents, Mr bulletm Georcta celebrating his eighth bIrthday Can yesterday overrun With requests for places on bon, Will move to Atlanta aornetime M.. H S Bhtch and Horace Mc Mrs Gene Barnhart left Monday and Mrs W S Preetoriua, during the Monday Wednesday's primary by .. veritable tests games were the feature of The condemnation under tbe campus and we have res from a for a Visit to relatives In Jaeksonville week an� ;pt'lnted during the week To date these farmers and clubsters landshde Dougald have returned stay was ON enou�h Along with them _at ill entertamment Harold DeLoacb SEE HIM THE STACrE "Are You a ervations to fill the new men s dor­ several at N C and other points In Florida Hoke Brunson Chnton title, Prohlbitloniat.?" Three truck. are all the have CITY mGH SCHOOL of days Saluda, Wllhams, covering their order to as awarded the nrize In the contest. mitory, which Will be completed Janu grouped purchase VIctOrs practically every ap� MISS Marlon Lamer several Mrs S J Crouch IS spending sev­ Fayte DeLoach and Burman Bowen stated that acceptance of the books spent Thirty live Itttle fnends were invited MEET HIM AND O-ET HIS Dr Pittman said "Until counties adjOining Bulloch and' are 232 head of steers from the Western of the eral this week 10 S"avannah With left , ary 1st," Talmadre regime days during the week 10 Atlanta with days Tuesday for South Bend, Ind on would the forces of our Out ot-town guests were Ben Joe and give "hquor that date we are asking the students picking ull four to eight tons of ranges 102 head bave While her sister, Mrs Hubert AmaRon her Sister, Mrs Ronaltl Va�n business However, only HAS BIG OPENING compLete figure. are _ Ehzabeth Waters, of Savannah, and .state their greatest victory" to co With us and crowd Mr and Mrs J W of M,ss Jamce who has been operate up grapes dally The grapes are dehv­ been dehvered With the others ex available at the moment MISS Louise DeLoach, Miss Myrtle Peacock, Arundel, Vera Helen and Martha Ann AUTOORAPH/' of going to Eastman Mooney, The statement, written by the pas 10 the old boys' dormitory" It was Everett and Carl VISited her mother Mrs J spendlng the summer With relatives ered to the crusher here They are pected in the county tbe week Citizens and Patrons Attend at noon DeLoach, Wright of Sylvama Punch dixie cups and that It would be to tlurmg press Thursday, the ftguNli F the week end In OhIO will Rev Silas was diatrib reportetl necessary iFrankhn spent at Tybee Brannen, during Cincinnati, returne the "tor, Johnson, then crushed and In a barrel Various are lend Sunday cake were served anti lollypops were put three boys 10 a room in West Hall placed packing compams Exerci.
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