Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder: National Pro-Life Action Committee: POTUS – Pro-Life Coalition – Cabinet Room– 01/23/1984 (2) Box: 14 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing Political i\ction ComDJ.ittee. lOlPark Washiqgton'c9tirf Falls:Chut:ch, VA-22046: ·· · For .. Relttase:· Mon~iy, Dey~IIW~r . ,... ' . ·. '.. -.. -.. - - 1>et<:!rJ3-. G:erruna, ·. _Jr. _Exectitive_Dir~ctor_ . ·: ', ' . -,, •:ANTT~AB©RTlliON. ,p.AC :EN])QRSES HATCH.;;:AMENDMENT. rN': J'.uo;rcrAL s1JBG@MMiTT•EE'·TESTIM0NY>· · J::/. : ,i~'ij±N~io~::~;::~J~Cc:11\ing lt'~:n t:h-e' 0 iist~~t~ arrd; JITOSt p-i'aC'tic:al ineains:·-'e·f-'.::eJcfii~~~~~~ ~; ·•·. t.h~ · i•ulfim9:t~ goal of ._nalting. abortion-on"".demand, 11 ·the Eltecutiv~ Pi,r.ect9i Ch.ai.iman. qf. :the Ncitional Prq""'Lite Politica,1 Action Hat6h'; c6A$12~futi6ri.cli,Am.ertdrnent· (SJR ll•Ol, and prorn:i::s:~a: to 11 \ifdrk 11 ~ig'or<.>usiy}fb~ ,.£ts' ,pc:fs$age . • \_:En >1;~~t~WPff~, .to;d9:y': })efcire the ·Semite Jlidicic1,ry\~'u.bc9~:lt..t~~-;~n•' 'the' dtin~tft;:tit,,j,;6n_,: f>'.efgi-.<~/ .. qe,mma;. ji'1 a,nd f:atliei:-\:charle~- Fi,d:re: ,~xplct·i#ed':'· . • .•· :;,·,,. .,t,lj~tr' rf(·,,~.- ~-t\~~SJ:':'~~i?~9r£;;'.9(\t:h~ H~tqh···· Alp~ridll}~~t i· .¥hiqh.~91:1t~ -~~1i\($/gpfr~i°f~fis,·.•. 0 )c:l.J:1ci./jt,_ctt~.--· ie~;i.~}i3;tlip~·s.:~cc:>i:ts~t;~iit•. pc:>wers. th :~r:{actUTa,Ws)pro}iib$fi11g>·aiioit'.t9ns,~· _·. 'f'b~?qri.Jy·• ~e,gAt~pj;i\cif'.'_'-t+h~ _tf~:t:i.ciil\'i:¥~1(_;,J}J:C-,01:>'e 1.iri.h~I?PY)w:i.tih J:hit.·. ~---. 0.i~L~~\~:::•·i/:·<·/i;/; :~~;~:_: ___ c, ·_ -.<:,..-;; __ ~~-- ::---~---c->--.'-~ ~~,~ ~-•~-~~=:~from.those unelected judges who iepresent no one but th<:!m;:.. _· . - .. gi:Ve it tb 6~i,, free].y elected··. Jegisla:tors·· _in •·cqngr,ess -and· in.· . •.· : ·--:_.· ... ·C:;.,. Fpr . too J;bn9 the ju'.dic:Lary· has he·14; .u.rirestt~fp@d\ ou.r lives .. ;_. ·-. O''Mosf Americans would agree.that no one thf:s .,-., . ' . ahsblut~ r:Lght. to an abortJonrl' Gemma ccmti.n~ed. · . ' woti'.l~: p~t;. t~at logical ~oriclusion intq the CoilstitU:tion where even r; . .-_ CoUrt 90\ildh'tcha:nge it. 11 vigorously for its passage." The National Pro-Life Political Action Committee, founded in 1977 by Father Charles Fiore, is the oldest and most successful anti­ abortion political action committee. In the past five years, NP-L PAC has supported over 100 candidates and spent approximately $500,000. -30- Note: Testimonies enclosed. National Pro-Life Political Action Committee 101 Park Washington Court Falls Church, VA 22046 (703) 536-7650 Board of Directors Rev. Charles t'iore, O.P. Chairman Statement 0£ Father Charles Fiore, O.P. Thomas F. Roeser Chairman, National Pro-Life Political Action Committee Morris Sheats Carmen V. Speranza, Esq. on SJR 110 Hon. Harold Froehlich December 7, 1981 William J. Isaacson, Esq. Rev. William Cogan t · Mrs. Susan Armacost ,Executive Director National Pro-Life Political Action Co:rri.mittee fully Peter B, Gemma, Jr. Advisory Committee endorses SJR 110 as a practical and effective way of · · Hon. John W. McCormack t Former Speaker or'Hous~ (MA) providing the means to ha.l t abortion. Hon. Orri'n G. Hatch United States Senator (UTi SJR 110 grants to Congress and state legislators Hon. Thomas N. Kindness Congressman, 8th DisqOH) respon~ibility to regulate abortions. Hon. Larry McDonald, M.D. Congressman, 7th Dist. (GA) This Amendment, introduced by Senator Hatch, Hon. Harold L. Volkmer Congressman, 9th Dist. (MO) conforms to majority opinion in the United States today Hon. Robert K. Dornan Congressman, 27th Dist. (CA) that unrestricted abortion is undesirable. It also Hon. Ron·Paul, M.D. · Congressman, 22nd Dist. (TX) presents a solution: the setting of federal and state Rev. Harold O.J. Brown Chm., Christian Action laws to restrict, prohibit and set standards iegarding Council (IL) Mrs. Randy Engel abortion. Pres., U.S. Coalition for Life (PA) Professor Victor Rosenblum The annual tide of abortions -- one million five Northwestern Univ. Law School (IL) hundred thousand reported each year -- demands that we Professor Charles E. Rice Notre Dame Law School (IN) act now to protect the dying. SJR 110 is the f.i,rst impor­ Rev. Donald M. Parker Editor, The Chris_tian Citizen (IL) tant step in halting abortion-on-demand. As we stated in Hon. Louis (Woody) Jenkins Stace Representative \LA) the October, 1981 issue of our PRO-LIFE POLITICAL REPORTER: Anthony J. Lauinger The heart of any constitutional amendment is to Chm., Oklahomans for Life (OK) Mrs. Alice Hartle authorize L;nabling legislation. The practical Past Ed., Nat"l Right to Life effect of the Hatch Amendment is essentially the News(MN) Donald T. Manion, M.D. same as other Human Life Amendments, inasmuch as Physician & Surge-,n (OR) it authorizes both federal and state laws pro­ John F. Hillabrand, M.D. hibiting abortions ... And, of special appeal to Alternatives to Abortion International (OH) pro-lifers, arproval of the Hatch Amendment would Herbert J. Ratner, M.D. remove the abortion issue from the courts -- where Ed., Child & family Quarterly (IL) the pro-life movement has been weak -- to the Francis P. Filice, Ph.D. Biologist, Univ. of San Francisco (CA) legislative and political arenas where the move­ John J,'inn, Jr. ment has proven again and again that it can win. Business Executive (CA) Titles for idem1fication only A <.:opy of our report i!) on file and may be purchased from The Federal Election Commission, Washington, O.C. -t Deceased -Political Action Committee 101 Park Washington Court Falls Church, VA 22046 (703) 536-76?0 · Board of Directors Statement of Rev. Charles l•iore, O.P. Peter B. Gemma, Jr., Executive Director Chairman National Pro-Life Political Action Committee Thom~ F. Roeser Morris Sheals on SJR 110 Carmen V. Speranza, Esq. December 7, 1981 Ho~; Harold Froehlich William J. ls1111cson, Esq. Rev. _William Cogan t Mrs.- Su11an Armacost Aa Executive Director of the National Pro-Life Executive Director Peter B. Gemma, Jr. Political Action Committee the oldest and most succe,ss.:.:.',:, Ad~isory Committee ful anti-abortion PAC in the country -- I am keenly aware Hon. John W. McCormack t Former Speaker of House (MA) of the numerous strategies that have been attempted over Hon. Orrin G. Hatch · Unhed States,Senator (UT) the years to achieve our ultimate goal of halting c:l.bcir\~on'~' Hon. Thomas N. Kindness I · Congressman, 8th Disl,(OH) on-demand in America. It is our view that SJR 110 is t'he Hon. Larry McDonald, M.O. C_ongressman, 7th Dist. (GA) fastest and most practical means of achieving that g~il~· . Hon_. Harold L. Volkmer Congressman, 9th Dist, (MO) The, beauty of SJR 110 from a tactician's po.int,. of Him. Robert K. Dornan Congressman, 27th Dist, (CA) view is that it is a piece of legislation that ~s ~ Hon. Ron Paul, M.D. Congressman, 22nd Dist: (TX) readily achieveable. It is something that, if properly ·Rev. Harold O.J. Brown Chm., Christian Action explained, should be acceptable to everyone legislatons,' Council (IL) Mrs, Randy Engel and the public alike. Pres., U.S. Coalition for Life (PA) · Professor Victor Rosenblum The only segment of the natiqn -that will be unha,pp'X Northwester:n Univ·. Law School (IL) with this proposal is the judiciary. The Hatch Amendment- Professor Charles E. Rice Notre Dame Law School (IN) would take mucl1 of the arbitrary power to rule on abortions.·· ··:·,: :· ··Rev.Donald M. Parker Editor, The Christian Citi.en (IL) away from the courts, from those unelected judges who - Hon. Louis (Woody)--:Jei1kir,s State Representative_ (LA) represent no one but themselves, and give it to. our fr~e;j­ ·Anthony J. Lauinger Chm., Oklahomans for Life (OK) elected legislators in Congress and in the states. Mrs. Alice Hartle . Past Ed., Nat'I Right to Life For too long the judiciary has held unrestrained,, News(MN) Donald T. Manion, M.D. unchecked power over our lives. The New York Daily Neo/s Physician & Surgeon (OR) John F. Hillabrand, M.D. once editorialized '' ... we wish there were some way to Alternatives to Abortion International (OH) keep the damn courts from trying to run the countrr.: Herbert J. Ratner, M.D. Ed., Chi14 & Family Quarterly (IL) They create infinitely more problems than they solve~~ Francis P. Filice, Ph.D. Biologist, Univ. of San Francisco (C.'\) Supreme Court Justice White's comments on the 1973 Suprem~· John flnn, Jr. llusiness Execlltive (CA) Court abortion decisions were more specific: "The 90U:r:t., : Titles for ·id~ntifica~ion only simply fashions and announces a new constitutional right: A cOpy ofour report is on file and m~y · be purchased from The Federal Election as an exercise of raw judicial power, the court perhap$ <;ommission, Washington, D.C. t Deceased (over) page 2 Peter B. Gemma, Jr. National Pro-Life Political Action Committee has authority to do what it does today; but in my view its judgment is an improvident and extravagant exercise of the power of judicial review which the Constitution extends to this Court." I'm not just speaking about abortion here. More and more, the people of our nation are becomin9 aware of the growing arrogance of the Court.
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