PAGE 1 NOVEMBER 2013- NEWPAGE JERSEY ABLE NEWSPAPER VOLUME 8 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2013 AWARD-WINNING New Jersey THE NEWSPAPER POSITIVELY FOR, BY & ABOUT THE DISABLED PROUD IN N.J. IN THIS ISSUE Parents Lose Suit Hundreds Joined in Disability Parade Appeal Court Rules City Not Liable PAGE 2 ANCOR Declaration Focuses on Obstacles To Health Care for IDD PAGE 2 ADAPTers Arrested Government’s Broken Promises Upset Advocates PAGE 3 Max Gold Grounded Smithsonian Refuses To Reasonably Accommodate PAGE 4 Clearinghouse Mandate Web Has Repository of Info On Products and Services PAGE 5 Clinical Trial Approved FDA Says Stem Cell Therapy OK for MS PAGE 9 Sports The third annual New Jer- celebration on East Lafayette N.J. Division on Disability Ser- Swimming, Goalball sey Disability Pride Parade St. vices and the N.J. Council on & Powerlifting and Celebration was held Oct. In honor of National Disabil- Developmental Disabilities PAGE 12 4 in Trenton. ity Employment Awareness spoke. Hundreds of people and Month, the Commissioner of “The Disability Pride Parade many organizations represent- the N.J. Department of Human is an opportunity for people VISIT ing a wide variety of disabili- Services, Jennifer Velez, Esq. with disabilities to show that ties marched from the New as well as representatives from having a disability is a part of ABLE'S Jersey State House on West N.J. Department of Vocational human diversity,” said Velez. WEBSITE State St. to the disability pride Rehabilitation Services, the Continued on page 11 WWW. ABLENEWS.COM Parents Lose Appeal N.J. ABLE NEWSPAPER P.O. BOX 395, OLD BETHPAGE, NY 11804 n appeals court unani- on the allergy list that Begley’s control over that school. The 516 939-2253 mously ruled that the parents provided to the school court also dismissed the FAX 516 939-0540 City of New York is not when he was enrolled. Further- parent’s lawsuit against the www.ablenews.com Aliable for the 2004 death of a more, it was never proven that school and their son’s nurse, 9-year-old boy with disabilities the boy did in fact eat or come ruling that the defendants had who went into toxic shock at into contact with the fruit. taken the appropriate steps to his private school in New Jer- The private nurse the city save the boy’s life. The court sey. hired to accompany the boy to also felt bound to the fact that Jonathan Begley, of Staten school and to all his classes ad- no evidence was submitted by Island, attended The Forum ministered three doses of epi- plaintiffs to prove that blueber- School of Waldwick, N.J., after nephrine when he went into ries triggered Jonathan’s aller- it was determined that his edu- distress, but the treatment gic reaction. Published By cational and medical needs was unsuccessful. The school’s “The evidence submitted by Melmont Printing could not be met at schools in nurse was called to the scene, The Forum School ... showed Publisher his community. The school spe- who soon thereafter called 911. that it took reasonable steps to Angela Miele Melledy cializes in the education of stu- His parents believe that protect Jonathan by alerting dents with disabilities, school staff and their son’s teachers and staff to his aller- EDITORIAL STAFF In Begley v. City of New nurse could have prevented gies and instructing that he Assistant York, the court ruled that the their son’s death. They also not be given any food except Allison Howe NEW JERSEY ABLE NEWSPAPER-NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 2 Department of Education claimed that the school had that which came from his (DOE) “was entitled to reason- violated their son’s Individual home,” declared the four-judge Staff Writer Beth Guarino(emerita) ably rely on that school to act Education plan (IEP) by sta- panel. “In addition, The Forum Kevin Limiti responsibly in providing for tioning his nurse in the hall School personnel appropriately Norman Smith Jonathan’s medical needs and just outside the classroom. The called for emergency assis- protecting his safety.” court held that there was no tance ... within minutes after Columnists Begley was autistic, asthmatic specific requirement in the IEP Jonathan first began to exhibit Director’s Desk and allergic to a large number of requiring a nurse to be by his signs of respiratory distress.” Joseph Amoroso substances and foods. He died side at all times, although she The state supreme court had Acting Director County Comments two weeks after going into ana- was permitted to enter the previously rejected the Directors of the phylactic shock at school. classroom when necessary. Begleys’ claim for punitive Offices for the Disabled His parents believe that The court found that the city damages against the school their son had an allergic reac- and its DOE cannot be held re- and the nurse, but allowed STAFF tion to blueberries that the sponsible for a child who was their claim for compensatory Production Director teacher brought into class on in the custody of a private damages to proceed. The defen- Debbie Simko that day, although that par- school in another state and did dants appealed that decision, Art & Production Jennifer Becker ticular food was not indicated not have the ability to exercise which led to the appeal. Ann Imbrogno Susan Romeo(emerita) Declaration Outlines Means to Health Care Equality Marilyn Wheeler The American Network of ers and funders, such as Medic- mammograms, are more often Technical Assistance Community Options and Re- aid, must take to ensure they overweight and other disparities. Louis Melledy sources (ANCOR) recently issued have the same access to screen- Additionally, earlier this year, Office Manager a declaration on health parity for ing, preventive care and other the ANCOR board of directors Fannie Miele people with disabilities which medical needs as people without voted unanimously to endorse a Accounting seeks to remove barriers to health disabilities. position statement by the Ameri- Margaret Wenzel care for people with intellectual It also cites data from the Cen- can Association on Intellectual and/or developmental disabilities ters for Disease Control and Pre- and Developmental Disabilities Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request (IDD). vention that show people with dis- (AAIDD) and the Arc that called Postmaster: Send address changes to Able News The declaration outlines the abilities are more likely to expe- for the reduction in the incidence at P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, N.Y. 11804. Peri- odicals are being paid for at Bethpage, N.Y. post obstacles to health care for people rience delays in gaining access to of intellectual and developmental office. ©1994 ABLE NEWSPAPER. Able Newspaper with IDD and the steps that ser- health care, are less likely to re- disabilities through research and is published monthly by Melmont Printing, 6 Rob- ert Court, Bethpage, N.Y. 11714. Able welcomes vice providers, health care provid- ceive routine screenings such as prevention. manuscripts and suggestions for articles. However, to assure safe return, manuscripts must be accom- “Our members are doing every- panied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. thing they can to support people No responsibility is assured for unsolicited manu- scripts or art. Submissions are the author’s warranty FREE with IDD, as they live indepen- that the material is not an infringement of the rights of others and that the material may be published dently and make choices about without further approval. Editorial material does where to live and work and en- not necessarily reflect the view of the editor/pub- 69 Months of Able Online!!! lisher of Able Newspaper. Advertisers are respon- gage in their communities,” said sible for the content of advertisements. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the per- Renee Pietrangelo, ANCOR CEO. mission of the publisher. Able is not responsible for GIVE IT “The lack of equitable access to errors in advertisements beyond the price of the space occupied by the error. health care is shortening and di- A TRY minishing the quality of their lives disproportionately com- The Deadline for Or pared to people without disabili- Editorial and Advertising Convert your paper subscription ties. for the to online! Today we’re announcing our December Issue of ToJust sign email up [email protected] to our website andwww.ablenews.com we’ll sign you up! commitment to changing this Able is Nov. 15 alarming trend.” PAGE 3 NOVEMBER 2013- NEWPAGE JERSEY ABLE NEWSPAPER ADAPTers Arrested Over Broken Promises ixty ADAPT protestors where recently arrested at the White House dur- Sing a week-long visit to Washing- ton, D.C., meant to celebrate ADAPT 30 year anniversary of fighting for the rights of people with disabilities. “We are here because the Obama Administration and Vice President Joe Biden have pledged to work with people with disabili- ties on the Americans with Dis- abilities Act (ADA), Olmstead and the Affordable Care Act (ACA),” said Tom Earl of Philadelphia ADAPT. “They have promised ADAPT to move away from an institutional bias, but they have broken that promise. Even worse, they have begun a pattern of ignoring the disabil- ity community. The Department of Labor did not include the dis- ability community in promulgat- ing rules covering a companion exemption to the wage and over- time regulations.” The activists worked their way through gaps in the barricades at the entrance road to the White House. When they would not head police warnings, dozens of them ADAPT Protesters at White House were placed under arrest, many in wheelchairs. House, ADAPT stormed the of activists from across the coun- said Nancy Salandra of Philadel- “I’m getting arrested because I Longworth House Office Build- try about the lack of affordable, phia ADAPT.
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