'. I' "I '. " ", 'I :/," , 'f. ••. '.'. ".1.; .j,,; '1" '/ J. I,. '_ ,..' 'J>,' ~ 'tl, "', -<'_ ".', ';,~ • I, "" 'i. 'lJ.,"./, ' .. 'I,. 'j. "" >, .• ". "",. I, 1'.#'1, I,. 'j 'I, ,: , All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ewS Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New! $5.00 Per Year 44 Pages-Two Sections-Section On. ________________VOL 29 - No. 30 ....:..._-=th::e:.:.:pOltEnteredOfficeas Secondat Detroll,Class!latterMtChll&nat GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, , Thursday, July , 25, 1968 IDe Per Copy -----------~---------------------------~) Speaking of A Pretty Kettle of Fish Drug Firm Victim Candidate~ IIEADLINES Seek to of the -.... .... FIll IN LE T WEEK ------......_---------- 10jEmbezzlements 10 Offices As Compiled by the Voters Also to Ballot on Grosse Pointe News "ver Three State Proposals OJ A ." $50 , 000 and One County Thursday, Ju!y 18 Proposition' AN ARMED PASSENGER Former Employes of Arnold Chain Admit Parts hijacked a National Airlines jet in Theft and Resale of Drugs and Merchandise August 6 is primary elec- DC,8 yesterday and forced the Over Four-Year Period tion day in the five Grosse pilot to fly to Havana, The Pointes. plane, carrying 64 passengers One man is awaiting trial in Wayne County Circuit Municipal officials esti- and seven crewman. en route Court on charges of embezzlement and receiving stolen mate that close to one.half from Los Angeles to Miami, property, and a second person in named as a co-conspir- of the Pointe's registered was the eighth oue to be hi- ator, but not a defendant, in the theft of thousands of voters will cast ballots for jacked to Cuba this year. • * .. dollars from a drug store chain, which has a branch store their parties' candidates fOl in the Woods, it was disclosed on Friday, July 18, by 10 county, state and federa AN EMBARGO on mail in. Woods Det. Everett Plumb_0-----------loffices. tended for Canadian destina. tions has been placed by the Officials of Arnold Dru,:". Inc., I Woods P k Voters will also decide 0 n United States postoffiee during 15186 West Eight Mile road. ar three state proposals relatin g Oak Park, an affiliate of Bor. to judicial tenure, state officiaL s' the Canadian postal strike. The Canadian Council of Postal man Food stores, Inc.. 12300 Is Scene of compensation and judicial v: 1- Mark Twain, Detroit are eom- cancies. and one county propO! ,i. Unions has rejected a govern plainants in the matter. F lion asking for extension of or Ie ment pay increase offer which reak M: "'hap mill tax levy increase grantt ~d made cenain a walkout of pos. Awaiting trial is Kenneth 110:' in 1964_ tal workers. Union sources pre. Geisler, 28. of 12522 Dresden, In the balloting for Way ne dicted the strike would last at Detroit, who is alleged to have Four Iniured as Parchute County offices, voters will ha ve least 10 days. disposed of numerous drug P II d h d their first opportunity to sell !ct " " " items and merchandise to vari. u e B& in Boat Drags candidates for a newly-institul ,ed EDWARD THOMPSON JR., ous sources, at 40 percent be- Them Over Breakwall 26-member county Boa r d of wanted for murder, rape and low cost price, and dividing the Into Water Supervisors. The Board repla ces kidnapping, was captured in money with William Burnstein, an old system of 130 essent.iJ aily Greensboro, N. C., with three 32, of 8547 Hedgeway, Utica. By Walter W. Fullcr ~ appointed supervisors. of his kidnap victims. The Mich. One of the most freakish Reform of the county adrniinis- bodies of two others believed Robbed Several Stores trative system followed the 'U,S. to be the victims of 'fhomp- Plumb said that Burnstein, accidents ever recorded in Supreme Court's historic "'one son. were found by Roanoke, Picture by John G. Von Stud!o! who had worked for the drug the Pointes resulted in se- man.one vote" ruling and a Va., police. A vacation with their parents at Daytona Beach, amberjack weighed 45 pounds and Keir's 47. The store firm, had admitted taking vere injuri~sand near- State Supreme Court ruling. that approximately $50,000 in drugs drownings. to four people this decision applies as ~U to * • " Fla., proved a rewarding experience for BRAD V AN catches were made while deep sea fishing aboard and other items from the Woods who had been enjoying an county representatives. Friday, ,July 19 SICKLE, left, and KEIR TODD, 14-year-oldEighth Capt. Bob Stone's "Broadbill." branch. and other firm stores to afternoon outing at the This 26.man Board of Supervi. THE SOVIET UNION de- Graders at Brownell Junior High School. Brad's manded that Czechoslovakian which he had been transferred_ Grosse Pointe Woods water- SOrS elected by the citizens on Communist Party Secretary Ale- 'I When inventory is completed at front park, located on Lake a one man.one vote basis is the ksandr Dubcek agree to a ",Four Youths these stores, the figure may go St. Clair in the far w~~tern most important bp,llot i~m on as high as $70,000, the detec. • th Aug t 6 b 11t meetinJ between PoUturbo and Driver Pays SUburban Action Center . tive added. The thefts occurred section of St. Clair Shores e ~s _ a o. - the Czechoslovak Praesidium. lFaceCharnes witbioa span of aboul four Saturday, July 13. ' ';::~Y~oU: 11~~~C;ta:~ ',' The Soviets are puttiDg the heat $J80 Fines in Being Established Here ~ years. The unique mishap occurred pOsaI Ballot which, if approved, on the liberal Czech Communist Recently, Geisler was ar'l about 2 p.m. when two boys, would establish a Judicial. Ten- Party, in what might be an at- r , I For Assau It raigned before Shores Judge Mark ~organ, 16 years old, 1014 ure Commission which would in- tempt to include dissenters in Park Court To Fight Racist Attitudes George Beauchamp, who pre- YorkshIre ro.ad, Grosse Pointe vestigate complaints to decide the Praesidium in a vote that ,' '" , Bra'',n'ch.'/'d o.'f. Interfa',th A'ct',on 'Co"u"c'll and New T • -B t S+. sided in Woods court in the ah- Park, and Michael Danaher. 15. whether judges should be reo would override the Czech liber- , .. wo 8oys ea e,,;orles sence of Municipal Judge Don of _69 Cloverly road, Grosse moved from office, after their als. Motorist Caught Speeding ( Detroit Committee Us~ Words a's . of Involved and Police Goodrow. Geisler stood mute Pomte Farms. attempted, for qualifications are called into Without Valid License Will I ." " W~apons; leaders Taking Course Account Contain Points and waived examination. A plea the second time, what st. Clair question. THE MEDICAL CENTER has , Also, Settle Past I been approved by the Common ________ of Confusion of innocent was entered for him Shores police called "a crazy Neeld Favored Obligations 'Grosse Pointe has been chosen as the site of one of and he was released on $1,000 stunt." Heavily favored to win reelcc. Council as the site of the new I __ bond pending the circuit court Arrive in Boat tion in the 14th U.S. Congres. Detroit General Hospital. A re- port prepared by a Mayor's When Thomas A. K,aram, 15 Detroit area Suburban Action Centers to be estab- b Four Grosseb' Pointeh Woodsd 't' triaL The boys arrived at the park sional District is incubent Demo. Committee recommended the of 22629 C0Iony avenue. lished late this summer to combat racist attitudes in the oys are emg c arge WI _'[1 Plumb said that Burnstein, in an inboard motor boat. Ac- crat Lucien 1\T. Nedzi, who is un. Medical Center site and asked st. Clair Shores, appeared h't 't Th C t b' h'ld f th I t assault and battery for theIr, who did the actual stealing, also cording to witnesses they then opposed in the Democratic pri- for immediate attention to -the in the. court of Grosse W.l e co~mum y. e en ers, a ramc 1 _'0 'e.n er- role in what Grosse Pointe admitted takmg $50, sometimes spread out on the shore "an mary balloting. The two Re. present D e t r Ii i t G e n era 1 Poin,te, . Park's Municipal faIth'u ActIOn d CounCIlth - and the New DetrOIt CommIttee, City. "policett ktermed t'" a "vi- ;;:75, and even $'.00, each week, Arm y-type parac hut"e, tral'1'mg nominationpuhlicans vyingare Lesliefor theirCraneparty'sand Hospital, formerly Receiving Judge C.', Joseph Belanger WI use wor s as elr weapons. CIOUS a ac on wo City during the past four years, av- a long line which they fastened Peter O'Rourke. Hospital. last Wednesday, July i17~ The Interfaith Action Counci1~')-------------- y?uths shortly before mid. eraging about $3,000a year, by to the stern of the boat. Morgan In the race for county Prose- he ran into more trouble isa group of Detroit.area tudes on racial questions in the mght July 12. merely ringing up un d e)'- donned a parachute harness, cut in g Attorney, Democratic THE UNITED STATES EM- than he had anticipated. clergymen, which in turn grew Pointes, and also liS a bridge According to City police, the charged sales, and pocketing and stayed with the parachute_ voters will choose from a ficld BASSY has identified three pi- K f t h d 'th lout of the Interfaith Emergency between suburbia and the Inner two boys aged 16and 17 ;topped the difference. Danaher drove the speedy boat of four - Nicholas Arvan, Wil.
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