274 ar sts, 119 ci es, 35 countries DiverseCity features Singaporean and global ar sts, cultural leaders, and partners from diverse sectors harnessing the power of the arts and culture to create posi ve social change. It celebrates the richness of Singapore’s culture and our friendships with world communi es. PRESENTS 007 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Vijayalakshmi Mohan 100 MUSIC AND SOUND ARTS Wang Ruobing Arif Ayab Wee Hong Ling Bridges Collec ve 008 ARTS FOR GOOD Yunrubin Hoh Chung Shih and Ng Tian Hui Art of Sustainability Zhao Renhui Katryna Tan and Roberto Alvarez Arts & Disability Forum Kenny Hogan Arts Therapy Interna onal 078 PERFORMING ARTS L.A.B Humanitarian Mission Cake Theatrical Produc ons LalitAnjali CausewayEXchange Checkpoint Theatre Mantravine CHAIRITY: Arts and Design Chinese Theatre Circle ONE Chamber Choir Against Cancer Chowk Produc ons Ong Kian Peng Empowering Communi es Through Chua Soo Pong Resonance Arts Educa on Dance Ensemble Singapore Singapore Wind Symphony Play Me, I’m Yours DIAN Dancers T’ang Quartet The Kupang Project Hatch Theatrics Tan Li Yun Jocelyn Twin Ci es – Singapore Exchange Ho Tzu Nyen The A Cappella Society Unseen: Shi LAB KL How Drama The Pinholes Young Social Entrepreneurs X Culture In Source Theatre The Voodoo Sound Jade Opera Group Tropic Green Jamie Lewis 060 CULTURAL CONNECTIONS Lee Yeong Wen 110 MULTIDISCIPLINARY ARTS Li le Creators Boedi Widjaja Lynn Lu Daniel Kok 062 VISUAL AND LITERARY ARTS Movement Collec ve Joel Ong Adeleine Daysor Noor Eff endy Ibrahim and Group Kon Man Lo Ang Song Ming Maya Dance Theatre Lina Adam Angie Tan-Burns and Gregory Burns Kavitha Krishnan Mukta Ahluwalia Bedi Artesan Gallery Khairul Shahrin bin Muhamad Johry Singapore Contemporary Ben Puah Nu Style Dancers Young Ar sts Chng Seok Tin Odyssey Dance Theatre The Bhumi Collec ve Craig McTurk Operaworks Yellowren Produc ons Dawn Ng Peneroka Daya Tari Yuzuru Maeda Genevieve Chua Ramesh Meyyappan Zai Kuning Han Sai Por Shanghai Yue Opera Jason Lim Apprecia on Club SEA ArtsFest Jason Wee Shantha Ra i Singapour en France–Le Fes val Kamarulzaman bin Singai Tamil Sangam Something to Write Home About Mohamed Sapiee Singapore Hainan Society Max Kong Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Ren Zi Dance Theatre Royston Tan and How Wee Ng Siong Leng Musical Associa on Sim Chi Yin Sri Warisan Som Said Singapore Art Team Sophia Natasha Wei, Daniela Singapore Film Society Beltrani and Ezzam Rahman Social Crea ves Stephanie Burridge The Society of Chinese Ar sts T.H.E Dance Company Tsujii Junko The Finger Players TUJU Art Group Tradi onal Arts Centre Ver cal Submarine SHARE WAY OF LIFE, IDEAS AND VALUES CULTURE PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE PROMOTE URBAN LIVING UNDERSTANDING ARTS FOR FOSTER SOCIAL INCLUSION GOOD ENABLE LIVELIHOODS FORGE NEW FRIENDSHIPS EXCHANGE ENABLE CREATE COLLABORATIONS SOCIAL IMPACT 6 / DiverseCityDivver y CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE The arts are the expression of a society’s iden ty, way of life and perspec ve. As a medium that transcends language, it has the power to connect people and communi es, crea ng bridges and li ing barriers. At the Singapore Interna onal Founda on, people and partnerships are central to what we do; bringing Singaporeans to exchange with the interna onal community, sharing insights into our values and culture, and in return learning new perspec ves from friends all across the world. We are therefore delighted to have enabled a diverse and talented group of ar sts to share Singapore’s cultural experiences and innova on with world communi es, through our Singapore Interna onale programme. In 2016, we launched the Arts for Good ini a ve to harness the transforma ve power of the arts to bring people together and for social impact. Together with ar sts and prac oners, we sought to raise awareness of social issues, share best prac ces, as well as galvanise greater community involvement in sustainable change. This is consistent with the SIF’s work in connec ng communi es, enabling collabora on and eff ec ng change. This publica on presents a snapshot of the SIF’s work in Arts and Culture from September 2014 to September 2016, featuring nearly 300 ar sts, cultural leaders, social entrepreneurs and partners working together on 156 projects which had taken place in 119 ci es in 35 countries. We hope you will be inspired by their work, and join us in leveraging the arts and culture for a be er world! Ambassador Ong Keng Yong Chairman Singapore Interna onal Founda on DiverseCity / 7 ARTS FOR GOOD Arts for Good – Harnessing the power of arts and culture to create positive social change We partner ar sts, cultural ins tu ons and diff erent sectors of society to contribute to posi ve social change through the arts and culture. Arts for Good aims to foster inclusive communi es, promote sustainable urban living and enable livelihoods. “People are realising that sustainability for our future genera on is becoming a very important topic. In saving some materials to do a piece of art — the importance is not on the art itself, but the message behind it.” — Sun Yu-li, Co-founder, The Living! Project, Singapore 10 / DiverseCity “Culture is the driving force behind sustainable urban living as well as the soul of the city. Art, as a carrier of culture, is its most crea ve, progressive and diverse part, and calls for inclusiveness and open minds.” — Fu Jun, Co-curator, Art of Sustainability, China DiverseCity / 11 ART OF SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable urban living is a key theme to tackle for the 21st century, requiring mul disciplinary thinking towards fi nding innova ve solu ons for improving the quality of life. The SIF partnered the Shanghai People’s Associa on for Friendship with Foreign Countries (SPAFFC) to bring together Singaporean and Chinese curators and ar sts in a cross-cultural ar s c exchange, culmina ng in a joint exhibi on to spur the public towards living more sustainably. March to September 2016 Singapore and Shanghai, China The UN projects that 70% of the world’s popula on will be The exchange culminated in a joint exhibi on of artworks living in ci es by 2050. Given this scenario, how can ci es be at the Shanghai Dayuntang Art Gallery in September 2016, more sustainable? In Art of Sustainability, the SIF and SPAFFC which invited the public to refl ect on how they can lead worked with curators Fu Jun, Deputy Director of the Shanghai more sustainable lifestyles. The artworks have since inspired Oil Pain ng & Sculpture Ins tute Art Museum and Allan Lim, off shoot exhibi ons and were adopted as teaching materials Co-founder of The Living! Project to create a meaningful in schools in Shanghai. programme of exchange for ar sts from Singapore and China to contemplate this ques on. The project also brought sustainability experts and the arts community in Shanghai together to share their aspira ons The ar sts, Tan Sock Fong, Didier Ng, Karen Mitchell and for how the arts can intersect with various areas in society to Kenneth Lee from Singapore and Mao Donghua, Du Haijun, bring about more sustainable urban prac ces. Zong Xitao and Zhang Yue from Shanghai made study visits to both ci es in order to learn about the sustainability eff orts in each city. In order to raise public awareness on living sustainably, they also incorporated public engagements into their art installa ons, involving communi es in both ci es in the actual crea on of the artworks for a joint exhibi on (Top) in Shanghai. Singaporean ar st Tan Sock Fong working with residents of Xiaodongmen sub-district in Shanghai, placing personal [email protected] pledges to create a sustainable urban environment into www.sif.org.sg/artsforgood recycled bo les for her art installa on Promise 12 / DiverseCity (Top le ) (Bo om right) The ar sts together with curators discuss plans for an Chinese ar sts get up close and personal with the works of art exhibi on at the Shanghai Dayuntang Art Gallery Nanyang masters – Wu Guanzhong and Chua Ek Kay – at the Na onal Gallery Singapore (Top right) Curators Fu Jun (le ) and Allan Lim (right) both stressed that despite having diff erent values and perspec ves, the challenges to living sustainably remain the same and can be addressed by working together (Bo om le ) Chinese ar sts gain an overview of Singapore’s growth as a Co-organiser: global city from Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority Venue Partner: Shanghai Dayuntang Art Gallery Supporters: Scan to view Read the insights from the ar sts on sustainability www.sif.org.sg/publications/art-of- sustainability-pulse-of-a-city DiverseCity / 13 (Top le and right) (Bo om right) Residents from the Xiaodongmen sub-district, together As part of Tan Sock Fong’s artwork Promise, visitors to with student volunteers from the University of Shanghai for the exhibi on le pledges they can carry out to live more Science and Technology (Department of Anima on and Public sustainably: “I’ll cut down the use of plas c utensils by Arts) coming together at the Shanghai Dayuntang Art Gallery bringing fork and spoon from home to offi ce,” and to create part of the art installa on by Singaporean ar sts “Sort waste, use renewable materials,” are some of the promises le behind (Bo om le ) Residents from Ang Mo Kio district in Singapore having a go at weaving upcycled fabric for Didier Ng’s Ripple 14 / DiverseCity “In order for a city to be sustainable, the most important factor is that every resident must be able to fi nd a sense of presence in the city.
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