E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1999 No. 137 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was Street in Phoenix, Arizona, as the ``Sandra the shot, it is not surprising that a called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Day O'Connor United States Courthouse.'' growing number of our Nation's Re- pore (Mrs. BIGGERT). The message also announced that serve, Guard and active duty members f pursuant to Public Law 105±277, the are choosing to leave the service rather Chair, on behalf of the Majority Lead- than take a potentially unsafe vaccine. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO er, announces the appointment of the The harmful effects this issue is having TEMPORE following individuals to serve as mem- on the readiness of our Nation's mili- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- bers of the Parents Advisory Council tary is the driving force behind my ef- fore the House the following commu- on Youth Drug AbuseÐ forts to change the mandatory nature nication from the Speaker: Robert L. Maginnis, of Virginia (two- of the program. year term); and Recently the Washington Post fea- WASHINGTON, DC, tured an article about the overdue an- October 12, 1999. June Martin Milam, of Mississippi I hereby appoint the Honorable JUDY (Representative of a Non-Profit Organi- thrax inoculations intended for our re- BIGGERT to act as Speaker pro tempore on zation) (three-year term). serve force. The paper reported that these delays might threaten the effec- this day. f J. DENNIS HASTERT, tiveness of the anthrax vaccine. How- Speaker of the House of Representatives. MORNING HOUR DEBATES ever, even if the shots are administered f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- on schedule, there is little, if any, evi- dence supporting an exact number of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ant to the order of the House of Janu- ary 19, 1999, the Chair will now recog- shots that are needed to reach immu- A message from the Senate by Mrs. nize Members from lists submitted by nity. Despite the lack of information, the McDevitt, one of its clerks, announced the majority and minority leaders for anthrax vaccine is currently being ad- that the Senate had passed without morning hour debates. The Chair will ministered to our troops in a series of amendment a bill of the House of the alternate recognition between the par- following title: six shots followed by an additional shot ties, with each party limited to 30 min- each year the individual serves. A man H.R. 560. An act to designate the Federal utes, and each Member, except the ma- or woman who serves our Nation for 20 building and United States courthouse lo- jority leader, the minority leader, or cated at the intersection of Comercio and years must receive over 25 separate an- the minority whip, limited to 5 min- thrax vaccinations. As the Post re- San Justo Streets, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, utes. as the ``Jose V. Toledo Federal Building and ported, only 350,000 of the 2.4 million United States Courthouse''. The Chair recognizes the gentleman military personnel scheduled to take from North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 the vaccine have received their first The message also announced that the minutes. Senate had passed with amendments in shot. Current figures indicate that less f which the concurrence of the House is than 1500 have received all six shots. requested, a bill of the House of the fol- CALLING FOR MORATORIUM ON Madam Speaker, the Department of lowing title: ANTHRAX VACCINE UNTIL LONG- Defense reports that it has evidence of TERM SAFETY IS DETERMINED only 300, 300 adverse reactions and 200 H.R. 858. An act to amend title 11, District personnel refusing the vaccine, but of Columbia Code, to extend coverage under Mr. JONES of North Carolina. there are still millions of vaccines left the whistleblower protection provisions of Madam Speaker, for the past several the District of Columbia Comprehensive to be administered. While we wait for Merit Personnel Act of 1978 to personnel of months, I have taken a strong interest every member of the military to re- the courts of the District of Columbia. in the Department of Defense's manda- ceive their full course of shots, we risk The message also announced that the tory anthrax vaccine program. The losing even more military personnel Senate has passed bills of the following Third District of North Carolina, which who resign to avoid their anthrax vac- titles in which concurrence of the I am proud to represent, has a large cine date. House is requested: military presence that has increased Madam Speaker, it costs millions of my awareness to the anthrax vaccine. taxpayers' dollars to train each of our S. 1567. An act to designate the United As a result, it has also raised my level States courthouse located at 223 Broad men and women in uniform to defend Street in Albany, Georgia, as the ``C.B. King of concern about the safety, the effi- this Nation. We cannot afford to lose United States Courthouse.'' cacy and necessity of the vaccine for even one soldier, sailor, airman, or ma- S. 1595. An act to designate the United our men and women in uniform. Given rine to a vaccine that has many ques- States courthouse at 401 West Washington the lack of information we have about tioning its safety and efficacy; but it b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9823 . H9824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 12, 1999 seems that the more time passes, the communities without new rules, regu- fice to care because they want to and more troops we lose and the more ques- lations, fees and taxes for Americans because they have to start leading by tions surface about the current pro- and business. We can do so by having example. gram. the Federal Government simply lead by I strongly urge my colleagues to join The relationship between the Depart- example; work that is being done by me and over 140 House cosponsors of ment of Defense and BioPort, the only the General Services Administration, H.R. 670, the Post Office Community company that produces the anthrax for instance, and how they manage Partnership Act. vaccine, is beginning to draw concerns. over 300 million square feet of office BioPort is not even licensed by the space in our inventory. Another area f Food and Drug Administration to man- with tremendous potential is the Post ufacture the anthrax vaccination. Now Office which touches over 40,000 dif- SAY NO TO COMMUNIST CHINA'S despite its financial failings, the De- ferent areas across the country and ENTRY INTO THE WORLD TRADE partment of Defense has doubled the most Americans six times a week. ORGANIZATION amount of its original contract with Momentum is growing with over 100 BioPort. This aspect of the program House cosponsors for H.R. 670, the Post The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under alone has caused concerns among those Office Community Partnership Act. the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- who must take the shot. Last week before the Senate Govern- uary 19, 1999, the gentleman from Cali- Madam Speaker, the need to protect ment Affairs Committee, there was a fornia (Mr. ROHRABACHER) is recognized our United States military from poten- hearing, and I could not agree more during morning hour debates for 5 min- tial chemical and biological warfare is with the testimony provided by the Na- utes. critical, but we cannot accept the risk tional Association of Home Builders. Mr. ROHRABACHER. Madam Speak- of exposure as the only reason to man- They stated, and I quote: As home er, who is watching out for America? date the shot and ignore the lack of in- builders, our members abide by local That is the question of the day. Sup- formation on the long-term safety of zoning, permit, and building code laws posedly that is our first responsibility the vaccine. If the anthrax vaccine is in order to develop responsibly and pre- as elected officials, watching out for safe and can effectively combat the serve the integrity of communities. the United States of America. Today, threat of anthrax for our military, the The United States Postal Service, how- however, too many Americans with Pentagon has failed to convince the ever, is currently not required to ad- power and influence do not consider very people it is trying to protect. The here to State or local codes when relo- watching out for our country's inter- questions being raised are serious, le- cating, closing, consolidating, or con- ests and the well-being of our people to gitimate questions that must be ad- structing facilities. be their priority. Today we constantly dressed in order to ensure our military This noncompliance undermines the hear about globalism, and we con- receives the answers it needs. economic and social well-being of com- stantly hear the words world economy I introduced legislation this summer munities by permitting the Post Office as if the development of this new world to make the current anthrax vaccine to build new facilities or modify exist- order is the goal of America's leader- program voluntary. My colleague, the ing facilities without regard to local ship.
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