Spiritus Gladius The Weekly News Letter of the Collegiate Church of Saint Paul the Apostle, Savannah Episcopal Diocese of Georgia The Weekday Kalendar The Sixth Sunday of Easter Rogation Sunday Monday St. John before the Latin May 5, 2013 Gate MP 9:00 am 8:00 a.m. Low Mass HE 12:15 pm 9:15 a.m. Christian Education EP 5:30 pm 9:45 a.m. Morning Prayer Tuesday John of Beverly MP 9:00 am 10:00 a.m. Solemn High Mass EP 5:30 pm 11:45 a.m. Church School (September–May) HE/HS 6:00 pm 12:15 p.m. Misa en Español Wednesday Dame Julian of Norwich 5:30 p.m. Evensong (weekly) MP 6:45 am th HE 7:00 am & Benediction (4 Sunday) EP 5:30 pm 6:30 p.m. Evening Mass Wonderful Wednesdays There is a 3 pm Mass at St. Bartholomew’s, Chevis Road at Wild Heron Road on the Thursday Ascension Day 2nd and 4 th Sundays of the Month MP 9:00 am HE/HS 10:00 am EP 5:30 pm The Propers HE 6:00 pm The Lesson –Acts 16: 9-15 Ascension Dinner Palm 67 Friday Feria The Epistle – Revelations 21: 10, 22-22.5 MP 6:45 am HE 7:00 am Gospel - John 14: 23-29 EP 5:30 pm Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9 am-3 pm / closed on Friday 912.232.0274 (Voice) MP - Morning Prayer HS - Healing Service 912.232.0337 (Fax) HE - Holy Eucharist EP - Evening Prayer Visit our Web Site at www.StPaulSavannah.org Reflection The Pope and the Archbishop This spring has seen appointment of two men to be leaders of the largest and third largest Chris- tian communions worldwide. The Jesuit from Argentina, Jorge Bergoglio (77), now is Pope Francis, and the Bishop of Durham, Justin Welby (57), now is our Archbishop of Canterbury. Similarities : Both are men of deep prayer, and constantly ask for our prayers. Both have great concern for the poor. Both minimize the ostentatious traditions that have attached to their office. Canterbury wears black cassock, not purple; Francis wears simple vestments brought from his home country Argentina. Differences, Background, Ministry & Authority: Francis is the product of Jesuit schooling and ministry (1969), a high commendation. Canterbury began adult life in business, and after semi- nary and ordination (1993), served as a parish priest and as Dean of Liverpool Cathedral. Fran- cis has great autocratic power he may choose to use in overseeing the Roman Catholic Church. Both, as leaders of their Christian communities, also are bishops of dioceses. Francis is Bishop of Rome, and his cathedral ( cathedra) is St. John Lateran in Rome (not St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican). Canterbury is bishop of the diocese of Canterbury and has actual authority only in the Church of England. However, he is “first amongst equals” among the bishops of the 38 self- governing Anglican Provinces worldwide. The Archbishop calls all the bishops to assemble every ten years (Lambeth Conference), and chairs other international Anglican bodies. The Archbishop describes himself as an evangelical. Hopes : That the Archbishop will be able to reconcile those ‘Global South’ Anglican Provinces which have not accepted the several disciplinary (in contrast to dogma and doctrine) changes made by the Episcopal Church, the Canadian Church, and several other Anglican Provinces. Many in both communions hope Pope Francis will be able to increase collegiality, relax the au- tocracy of the Vatican, make celibacy optional for priests (an 11 th Century discipline), advance the role of women in the Church, and reconsider certain Roman Catholic positions on human sexuality. Basic to these expectations is the issue of relationships between the local church (diocese) and the universal church in decision making. Ecumenism : Both Church leaders seem interested in ecumenism. The Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (as well as national dialogues) has been the great hope for intercom- munion (similar to our agreement with the Lutherans) since the 1960s following Vatican II. Dif- ficulties persist. Several Anglican Provinces have made developments (women priests and bish- ops, inclusion of partnered homosexuals) that the Roman Church has not. On the other hand, three Roman dogmas exist that are not likely to be accepted by Anglicans (Papal Infallibility, Immaculate Conception & Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Let us join with them in fervent prayer. + H W Shipps Parish News and Events Lunch on the Lawn EYCS News We will hold our annual Lunch on the Lawn Episcopal Youth and Children's Services is on Saturday, May 18th from 11 am till 1pm. an organization within the Diocese of Geor- Come out and join us and get to know our gia that offers needs-based college scholar- neighbors. ships. Funds to provide these scholarships are raised each year through the annual Thanksgiving Appeal - the "gold envelopes". Ascension Day If you know a graduating high school senior Mark you calendars now for our Ascension or currently enrolled college student who Day Mass and Lamb Dinner. Mass is at 6 might be interested, please encourage them pm on Thursday, May 9, followed by our to go to www.eycs.georgiaepiscopal.org to traditional lamb dinner. Ascension Day is download the application, which is due one of the Church’s major feasts days so May 15 . All applicants must be an Episco- make every effort to attend this holy feast palian, 22 years of age or under, and legal and then stay for the dinner. The proceeds residents of and members in good standing from this dinner go to the Sisters of St. Mar- within the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia. garet in Haiti. There is a sign-up sheet in the —Cuffy Sullivan, EYCS President parish hall for reservations. Confraternity of the Blessed Sacra- Correction: ment The correct phone number for Father Charles A meeting of the Confraternity of the Blessed is: 441.9027. Sacrament will be held here at St. Paul’s on June 1st at 9 am. There will be a High Mass at Just Two more weeks... 10:30M with a luncheon to follow. Everyone is And then Picnic Time!! Be sure to wear invited to attend. your picnic clothes to church and then onto the picnic at Captain Butler’s after the 10am Notice Mass. The 1st Quarter Statements are available in the You should bring: A friend or a parishioner Narthex. Please call Marjory Stephens at who needs a ride. A side dish such as: 355.4393 if corrections are needed. potato salad, cole slaw, pasta salad or dessert. Don’t miss this fun afternoon. Spiritus Gladius (USPS) 477040 is published weekly at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1802 Abercorn Street. Periodi- cals Postage Paid at Savannah, Georgia. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Spiritus Gladius 1802 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31401 May 5, 2013 Lay Ministers Saint Paul’s Church Thanksgivings & Me- 1802 Abercorn Street - Savannah, GA 31401 8 am 1.912.232.0274 David Saussy High Altar Flowers Marjory Stephens (Lector) The Episcopate The flowers are given in The Rt. Rev. Scott A. Benhase, D. Min., D.D. Bishop of Georgia thanksgiving for St. Paul’s. 10 am The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Shori, Ph.D. Ed Minor (Sub Deacon) Presiding Bishop and Primate Sanctuary Lamp Episcopal Church, USA Vicki Minor (Lector) The Lamp is given in The Most Rev. & Rt. Hon. Justin Welby, D.D. Rebecca Chancey (MC) Archbishop of Canterbury thanksgiving for the birthdays of her sons, Michael and Acolytes Clergy Theodore, by Eleanor Parker. Canon J. Robert Carter Jr., Ph.D. Roy Morris Father George B. Salley Jr. Eric Nowicki Father Robert R.M. Bagwell Virgin Altar Lamp Leila Sullivan The Rev. John G. Anderson The Lamp is given by Eleanor Fiona Sullivan Lutheran Pastor in Residence Parker in thanksgiving for the The Rt. Rev. Harry W. Shipps, D.D. Verity Sullivan Bishop in Residence birthdays of her sons, Michael and Theodore. The Very Rev. Dr. Wm. Willoughby III, MStJ Coffee Hour Hosts Rector & Dean of Savannah Kathy Fisher and Ellen Wyatt The Rev. Charles E. Todd, SSAR Curate & Hispanic Missioner Usher The Rev. Susan E. Gahagan, SSAR Deacon Tim Guay Staff Tony Chancey, Music Director Birthdays Year-To-Date Gabriel Lawrence, Choir Director Jonah Eckmann 05 Kay Saussy, Parish Secretary Inflows 3.31.13 $91,852.02 Theresa Woodcock 07 Joe Daniels, Sexton Gabriel Lawrence 08 Outflows 3.31.13 $97,000.92. Rebecca Alt, Youth Minister Ella Marie Hoskins 10 Balance: ($5,148.90) The Vestry Marsha Tolbert, Senior Warden, ‘15 Budget needed each week Eric k Nowicki, Junior Warden, ‘14 $7,524.00 Richelle Southwick Clerk, ‘15 Ron Anderson 14, Alan Boulton ,14, Offering 4/28/13 Christina Chancey 16, $5,167.00 Kyle Eckmann 15, Amy Ford 14, Ben Head, 16, Tony Joiner, ‘16, Restricted Offering Beth Robinson 16, Laura Walker 15 $189.00 Bryan Murphy, Treasurer .
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