September 4, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1509 the California Parks and Recreation Society, struction to skilled psychological support for Food for Progress program for Bosnia be District III board. traumatized youth. UMCOR has contributed made available to NGOs to implement food Fred Castro has been a mentor to many about $4.7 million in private resources to or monetization programs. Bosnia since 1993. professionals within the parks and recreation 4. That the USAID Partnership with NGOs Rapid Response: NGOs are on the ground, be re-established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. community. The 13th district has been greatly have the experience, connections, and dem- CONCLUSION enriched by Fred Castro's enthusiasm and onstrated capacity to move quickly when the dedication. U.S. Government wants something done. We have heard the U.S. Government speak Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues When the U.S. Government wanted to imple- of the need for a relief-to-development ``con- ment $25 million worth of housing recon- tinuum,'' in which an emphasis is made to to join me in thanking Mr. Fred Castro for 32 ensure a smooth transition from relief ac- years of exceptional public service. struction immediately this year, they turned to the NGOs. tivities to more sustainable development ac- f Competitive Pricing: NGOs were not al- tivities. We do not believe the current policy lowed to compete for MIS and BRFF. We feel is following a continuum. Rather than in- TESTIMONY OF DR. KENNETH that NGOs can do provide the same level of cluding all levels of Bosnian society, the U.S. LUTGEN work as a for-profit contractor at a lower Government is making a rapid shift toward price and, in addition, bring substantial in- working only with the Bosnian Government HON. GEORGE P. RADANOVICH kind contribution to the projects. NGOs have and larger businesses. This limits assistance the capacity to implement large programs: which is direct to vulnerable groups and OF CALIFORNIA UMCOR is currently implementing a $30 mil- microenterprises which potentially could IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lion Shelter Materials project funded by the employ significant numbers of people. This Wednesday, September 4, 1996 United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- policy is not a continuum, it is a step back- gees and a $6.3 million Emergency Shelter wards, away from all the accomplishments Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I recently program funded by USAID/Office of Foreign made by U.S. Government assistance in learned that Dr. Kenneth Lutgen, deputy gen- Disaster Assistance. Bosnia over the last few years. eral secretary for the United Methodist Com- Sustainability: While a contractor will do f mittee on Relief will be testifying this fall be- the job and leave, NGOs are committed to- fore the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wards sustainable development and consider RECOGNIZING CHINESE NATIONAL the development of capable local organiza- DAY Subcommittee on European Affairs. Dr. Lutgen tions an important goal of their activities. is an insightful individual who possesses an UMCOR's USAID-funded Municipal Rehabili- excellent command of the projects necessary tation Project has rebuilt houses and com- HON. BILL BAKER to bring economic stability and political calm munity facilities, while promoting inter-eth- OF CALIFORNIA back to the war-torn areas of Bosnia. I would nic cooperation which will last long after IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like to include for the RECORD a useful sum- UMCOR leaves Bosnia. Wednesday, September 4, 1996 mary that Dr. Lutgen has provided me in ad- Strengthening of Democracy: Many of the vance of his subcommittee remarks. activities of NGOs directly implement the Mr. BAKER of California. Mr. Speaker, on goals of the Dayton accord, such as conflict SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TESTIMONY ON THE resolution, electoral mobilization, and inter- October 9, several thousand men and women BOSNIAN PEACE PROCESS BY THE UNITED ethnic cooperation. will gather in San Francisco to celebrate the METHODIST COMMITTEE ON RELIEF [UMCOR] Civilian Security: NGOs, by working close- 85th anniversary of the National Day of the TO THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COM- ly with beneficiaries, provide a sense of secu- Republic of China. This event recognizes the MITTEE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AF- rity. Throughout the war, NGOs were there beginning of China's move toward democracy, FAIRS for the most vulnerable groups and have and deserves the recognition of this House. The testimony will be presented by Dr. built up credibility with Bosnians. Working This past spring, the Republic of China held with for-profit groups brings in new players Kenneth Lutgen, the Deputy General Sec- the first-ever democratic election of its Presi- retary for the United Methodist Committee with no credibility at the grass roots level. on Relief. Positive Popular Impact: NGOs are popular dent. Prior to the election, I had the privilege Dr. Lutgen will present a summary of with Bosnians and present a positive image of meeting with Mr. Chen Rong-jye, the sec- UMCOR's programs in Bosnia and for the U.S. Groups whose principal goal is ond-ranking official of the Taipei Economic Herzegovina. The UMCOR Former Yugo- to help the Bosnian people increase good will and Cultural Office here in Washington. He slavia Program began in 1993 and has since towards the U.S. showed me a map on which was indicated the expanded to over 15 projects, with a current We agree with the need for large infra- locations of mainland China's missile total value of over $42,000,000. UMCOR is op- structure and enterprise promotion pro- grams, but we feel that this is not a com- launchings in the area around Taiwan, erating out of eight program offices through- launchings intended to intimidate the Republic out Bosnia and has a staff of over 220. plete response to the needs of the Bosnian UMCOR, as well as other non-govern- people and the Bosnian Peace Process. of China and discourage its democratic elec- mental organizations (NGOs) operating in We feel that the USAID projects are overly tions. Bosnia, is deeply concerned about the cur- top-down and do not address the needs of This bullying tactic failed. The courage of rent U.S. Government policy toward assist- vulnerable groups. the Republic of China and its people deserves ance to the Bosnian reconstruction. As we There will be no funds specifically for in- come-generation, which would reach those high praise wherever liberty is of value, most understand it, the current policy of the U.S. especially in our own country. Agency for International Development in-need. Instead funds are channeled only through large-scale enterprise promotion ve- National Day is a time when the Chinese (USAID) is to channel all funds for Bosnia people can reflect on a proud heritage and through two projects, (1) the Municipal In- hicles. Sectors where NGOs typically work, in- frastructure project, and (2) the Bosnia Re- contemplate a future of hope and promise. I cluding education, social programs, pro- construction Finance Facility. These am pleased to extend my best wishes to all in motion of civil society, and conflict resolu- projects are designed to work primarily San Francisco who will gather to rejoice in the tion, are being neglected by current U.S. through U.S. contractors and banks, large Government assistance. blessings and benefits of their history, and Bosnian firms, and the Bosnian Government. The MIS and BRFF projects work with new commend them for upholding the values of There will be no funds available directly to players who will need to build up relations family, work, responsibility, and love of free- assist vulnerable groups, repatriating refu- and experience of working in Bosnia's unique dom so faithfully. gees, or microenterprises, groups tradition- environment. This represents time lost in f ally reached by NGO activities. Bosnia's reconstruction. We feel that these projects overlook the Therefore, UMCOR recommends the follow- DELAURO HONORS HOMETOWN benefits NGOs can provide to reaching other ing changes to the U.S. Government civilian OLYMPIAN groups, as well as a longer-term effect on the policy in Bosnia: Peace Process and the strengthening of de- 1. That the U.S. Agency for International mocracy in Bosnia. Development (USAID) make future funding HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO The unique benefits of NGOs include: for the Municipal Infrastructure Program OF CONNECTICUT Constituency: Many NGOs have large con- (MIS) available through open bidding, allow- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stituencies who support their overseas pro- ing NGOs to compete. grams. UMCOR represents 10 million United 2. That $30 million be set aside for NGOs Wednesday, September 4, 1996 Methodists worldwide who support projects from the Bosnian Reconstruction Finance with cash, relief supplies, and their own Facility (BRFF) to implement microenter- Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I am delighted time. UMCOR has sent over 250 United Meth- prise activities. to rise today to honor Steven Segaloff as he odist volunteers into Bosnia, providing as- 3. That the $10 million in agricultural re- returns from the 1996 Summer Olympic sistance in everything from building con- sources currently set aside for the USDA games in Atlanta, GA. On Wednesday, August E1510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 4, 1996 14 the Jewish Community Center of Greater tember 8, 1996, the Congregation Tifereth Is- will be formally inducted into the Missouri New Haven sponsored a Welcome Olympian rael, known to many as the Greenport Jewish Press Association Newspaper Hall of Fame in celebration for Steven. Center, will celebrate its 95th anniversary. honor of his exemplary contributions to jour- I have known Steven for many years and The temple's origins date back to the late nalism, his leadership in the industry, and his am a close friend of his parents, Barbara and 1800's, when these Jewish families came to commitment to the community.
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