, --...... OBI 10 L B SOCII Y A magazIne devoted to the study of Horatio Alger, Jr., his life, lNorks, and InOuence on the culture of Amerlcl<. 1832 - \899 VOLUME XXXI JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1993 NUMBER 1 'Forging Ahead in Philly' -- '93 convention preview, Page 3 'The Odds Against Him' -- See Page 5 Page 2 NEWSBOY January-February 1993 HORATIO ALGER SOCIETY To fl/rther tlu philo ophyafHomtio I 'er, Jr. and to enCOI/Tn e Presitfent's column thespiritof trivealld llcceedthatforhalfacentury lided I er's undaunted herO/! -- lads whose struggle epitomized the great American dream and flamed hero Ideal in cOl/ntle mil/iolls of YOllnx Americans. Make your reservations now OFFICERS En I sed in this i sue f ewsboy y lU will find ROBERT E. KASPER PRESIDE c mpl te nventi n in~ rmati n, in luding our regi ­ MARY DITCH VICE-PRESIDENT n~ nin~ trati rmandm telr rvati rmati n(th blu J DY ROOBIAN-MOHR TREASURER heet) and I ator map and agenda (the yell w h t) CARL T. HARfMAN EXE UTIVE SE RETARY plu th au ti n book listand bid h t. Ourc nvention WILLIAM R. GOWE (1993) DIRECTOR hot,Murra Le in,hasbeenw rkingveryhardth last JIM THORP (1993) DIRECTOR few w k and ha produ ed a full and int re ting OWE R. COBB (1993) DIRECTOR pr gram. BERNARD BIBERDORF (1994) DIRECTOR It h mid be n ted h r that th Ramada Inn i M RRAYLEVI (1994) DIRECTOR h )Iding 4 r ms f r the x:ie but cann t guarantee IVAN McCLYMONT (1994) DIRECTOR ROBERT COLLMER (1995) DIRECTOR th m (a w 11 a th pial H. .. onvention rate) BOB HUBER (1995) DIRECTOR after March 29, 1993. In oth r word, th m tel will JOHN CADICK (1995) DIRECTOR r I ather m onafir tc m -fir t rveba i Oda LEO "BOB" BE E1T EMERITUS pri r to ur c n enti n. If y u make our r ervatio RALPH D. CARD ER EMERITUS after Mar h 29 it i5 P sible that the motel ould be full and u will have to find altemati e ace mmodati ns. Newsboy. the offiCial newsl tL r of the HoraUo Alj1;er f >Ur e,ther areother,m ree pen ivem tel nearb Socl ty. Is published bi-monthly ( be Is u p r year). but it' n t much fun t be awa from th ent r f Membership fl for any 12-month period I 20. with acti i slnj1;,le issues ofNewsboy co Unj1; $3.00. Pleas make all remltlanc payabl to th HoraUo Alj1;er Socl ty. Mem­ I hr the Alger 011 - b r hlp appUcaUons. r newals. hange ofaddr and ti n d n ted b Mr. Ralph nd r n (PF-l44). The be t other correspondenc should be ent to Ex cuUv 26 k re el t d ~ r mail bid that m mber r lary Carl T. Hartmann. 4907 Alli on Driv . Lan Ing. unabl t) att nd the onventi n w uld have a chan e to MI 8910. impro e th ir olle ti ns. There will be appr) imatel New boy Is lnd x d In th Mod m Lanj1;uaj1; 100 oth r lx k fl' er quality in th ucti n. Mo t of AssoclaUon' lnt maUonal BlbUowaphy. the lx)ok wiU be pia ed in bo I t and will be a ailable for Ii e bid only. Plea e remember that the BOOKS RE OMME OED BY HAS. u"Horati AI r. Jr.. A .omprehen Iv HlbUography'" by Bob ntire pr e d f thi a~ ti n will g t th H.A.. BeIIIlt'll . lr au, ) be gener u with our bid ! --"lIoratio AI r or. Th Americ. n Hel'{) Era..' b l{a1ph D. A u can ee fr m th n I ) ed agenda, there i a Gardn r. I t of fr tim on Frida and Saturda aft rn n. Thi u"PuuUcall n Format of the 5 lork by lIorallo A1~t·r. Jr. a Rt'printed by In John " Win Ion ,'. ;ompill"d by Bob wyer wa deliberatel plann d 0 that m mber can take in lPF-455) and Jim TI10!') (PF-574). the I( al ight. toni are th re I t )f u ed book- ••..lIorall A1~er Book Publi heel by A.L. Burt," by Dradf< rei S. tore, flea market and oth r pia t find that lu iv Chase (PF-4) 2). Aig r titl ,but plenty of historical place t vi it als ). In --'Illt' Lost Life:' of lIordllo Alger, Jr...· by Gary S 'hamhor I with Jack Bal s (PF-258). the Mar h-April ew boy we'll have m re details n the many touri tattracti n inand ar>und Philadelphia. Remember, b the tim u get ur n t i u f ew boy (the fir t weekof pril), the nventi n motel will n tbeabl toguarant room for H.A.. m mber . Mak our plan now 0 u W( n be di appointed. Y ur parti 'Iar friend, Robert E. Ka P r (PF-327) 585 E. t. Andr w Drive Media, PA 19063 January-February 1993 NEWSBOY Page 3 'ForgingAhead in Philly' by Murray D. levin (PF-851) I am plea oed an:i proud to be the h l'l of the 199 on ention ofthe Horatio Alger ) ie .I ho e the title "Forging Ahead" for e eral rea~on . Fir t, of our e, b cau'e it i the title of d wonderful Iger b lk; e­ )I1dl ,thecon enti mwillbeheld 10 et histori aile Forge; and third and finaJl ,beCdu e Iam on in ed that und r th in pir d and capable ledder hip of lur pre oj­ dent, Rob Kasper (PF-327), H.A.5. i indeed forging ahead. h 1993 on ention willtak pia pril29 - Ma 2 in on enientl I( ated ort Wa hjn~on, Pa., at Exit 26 of the Penn~ Ivania Turnpike. For tho~e traveling b tran portation other th n their lwn dutomobile , Ii 'ted un Page 20 dre public tramportation lption a aildble with local and toll-fre phone number~ that ma prove u eful. Fort Wa~hinhrton i er con enient to major histuri al aUra tion in Philadelphid and Vall Forge. Fort Wa~hinhrton it~elf features Fort Wa~hington tat' Park, hi h ommemorate the ite of e lrge Wd~hingt()n'~ n lrtherndefen lineagdin 'tthe Briti~h in Independence Hall and the Commodore Barry 1777; Hope Lodge, a oj mal eorgian man ion which statue are prominent fixtures of "America's most wa h adquarter~ for neral John ochran after the historic square mile," in downtown Philadelphia. Battle of Germantown, and fedtures hi tori furni h­ ings, paintinKS and ceramic; and The Highland, a award . Included will be th pr ntati n If th triv Georgian man'ion m 4 a res built by Anthony orri, and ucc d Award toade r ingnew bo lrnew g-irl. who wa active in both state and fed ral g vemment, Thi event will be held in the Palae of A ia, a beautiful and which includes ~ rmal garden and cr nelated wall re taurant located adjacent to our con ntion hot I, th built in 1813 that ov rI k Whitemarsh Valle . Ramada Inn. I have, along with theh IpofRob Ka per, Bill G<: wen unday morning i' our gt.>tawa da ,dnd u are and oth r ,arranged for an e citing chedule ofevent . welcome to enj y a free contin ntal breakfa t in thE' We will kick things ff with a m st unu ual e ent -- a Palace of A ia a ou ay y ur good-b private Thur da night tour )f world-renowned Beth I will be plea ed to provide ou with dir etion' to holom ungr gation in nearb Elkin Park, Pa. It i the Renninger' AntiquE' Market in Adam town, Pa.1t i one onl synag01,'Ue in the world de igned b Frank L10 d ofth large t indoor antiqu c nter in th nit d tate Wright, and itisth ta tworkhed igned. Additi 11<111 , and h uldn't bE' mi d as it i onl one hour from th there will be a de ert reception there. con enti n ite and i al () locatE'd right off thE' P nn 1­ On Frida morning w will be treated to an informa­ vania Turnpike. tive pr gram curr ntl being planned by ewsboy To make r ervation for the con ention it elf, plea e editor Bill lwen. In the evening, there will be a uper u e th tear-off regi tration form (at the bottom of th ubmarine andwich party, followed b the annual blue information heet encl E'd with thi i' 'U f ew­ bu in meeting and two e citing auction. boy). If ou ha E' an qu tion, plea e feel free to all aturday morning is our annual H.A.. be )k ale, 0 mE' at (215) HR6-4750. If I am not home when ou call, plea e bring plenty of book t ell. We are e pecting a m wife, Mieh Ie, will be happ to try to an wer our large turnout, othi' i ourbe topportunity fthe ear que tion . to bu and ell Alg r and other book. Makingyourmotelr r ationsha'ne erbeE'n aIr.
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