TH NORTHERNEBKYUNIVERS Vol. s No.13 Friday, December 3, 1976 Travis recommended for provost position by Peg Moartl Dr. Janet L. Travis, desn of composed of Drs. Scholes, Lyle humanities and fine arts at the Gray, Robert Vitz, Janet MiUer and University of Northern Iowa in SG Vice-president Rob Antony, Cedar Falls, was unanimously voted began the nation-wide search at the the first-preference candidate for request of Albright, for "the NKU Provost by the provost principal academic officer to the '' screening committee Wednesday, responsible for all the instructional according to Committee programs for the institution and for Chairperson Dr. Gene Scholes. working with the faculty in Travis .heads the list in a developing those programs, recommendation to NKU President according to Scholes. Dr. A. D. Albright. Scholes said she Travis, in a visit to the NKU is followed by Dr. Leon Boothe, campus on Nov. 3, described the dean of arts and sciences at George "university role in educating is to Mason University and Dr. Noel provide valuable citizens for the Richards, dean of arts and sciences area that it serves," to increase at Rhode Island College in awareness pf the community Providence in tbat order. through educational leadership in Albright will consider the developing new programs, and to ' . ... committee's report in making the teach persons to survive ·-·~~- final decision, he has said. successfully in modern society and still achieve self.fulfillment. :HEERIOI ~ These atudento start their day off well by visiting the NKU The screening committee, Faculty Art Show In Covington at Carnegie Arts Canter, 1028 Scolt St. Hera are two oculpturH by faculty member Gary Armatrong. The lraa exhibit run a through Dec. 12. Nearly 700 sign anti-gun petition A petition expressing disapproval "We felt the consensus of the In a letter to Albright the Public Safety Committee hands of a recoi'Uilendation by the Public student body was not represented in Wednesday, the group asked that a over its full report, which should be Safety Committee that DPS officers the SG or the Public Safety vote," time be set up for it to meet with on or before Jan. I. wear firearms "at all times while on Niswander said. The petition Albright, Dean of Students Dr. Albright added that the group duty" has been signed by 690 originated with herself, SG James Claypool and Public Safety might take its grievances to SG students and 30 faculty, according Representative Dave Harden and Committee Chairman Dr. Dick first. He also reminded the group to SG secretary Suzanne students Mike Branch, Jim Kunkel Ward. that it is reacting to a story about Niswander. and Lou Milieu, according to Albright's letter of response, a the report which appeared in The The petition began circulating Niswander. copy of which he provided to The Northerner and that he has not yet Tuesday, Nov. 23 after The The petitiQn supports the present Northerner, says that he would "be received the committee's report. Northerner reported that SG had setup, which permits DPS officers glad" to meet with the group after voted to support the committee's to wear firearms only after 4 p.m. proposal. ... Exam schedule .. _ \1.-, ........... , ...... , SG to Carroll: f u• ow• ow' ........ we need TANK :--::.-~;~·· ~-~·:~·· ~:.... ·;:""' Authority of Northern a.... ........ ............ ~ ......... ............. ~··-~~-1! ... _..,\l~t State subsidy of the Transit Kentucky solvent. lllltl\1"' I!"K .... \1"' 111'\IIIK Authority of Northern Kentucky . therefore we encourage (TANK) wiU not be on the agenda of \lid........ you to include tu on your ............ ~ ........ the 1976 special session of the agenda for the 1976 lllll\l"t ~~;;;-·· -···-11111 \l"f.. ·· !!\IM Kentucky State Legislature, Special Sassion . according to a letter from Kentucky The telegarm was the result of an ............ '-110.•_ .. ............. Governor Julian M. Carroll to the SG vote which determined that IIIIM"t IWTII 11111\ 1~1 NKU Student Government. " without TANK, it would pose a l-:..,.,.,'"""---:==--,=,-:--~=.,..---:::=,.----------1 The letter was a reply to a serious problem to NKU and to the '-11•• ..•••• ..................................... telegram sent by SG President John Northern Kentucky area," in terms •t\\1-h •~'f-h ~onv.-h loiHI•.. h Nienabor on Nov. 18 which stated. of overburdened highways and parking areas and waste of fuel, said -... -·- -"•II _,.,11 in P':';~: . .the Student Nienabor. '1\l """ 'l!tJ .T. f 1\'f .. \1111 r nt .. IM Government of Northern Carroll thanked the students for 1----------------------------1 Kentucky University their concern, but felt there were '"'· .......... --.......... ,......... -.. .. -...... ,_,.... _,_h_. .......... ~o. .......... --.o~ .. ... ,..,,....,...,.,_..,.,.,.,_,_,.,.,.,.• ..,,.....,.. lf• ~ ..... ••-lo.•••<-u•--••-""'-''•••-.., ,.,.._..,.. wholeheartedly endor matters of greater importance that ··--··--····loor ......... - ··-~- ...........u ........ _, ........... lt.-• ............... \ ...... ~ •.••• ~- -·····-·--......w-oloor_ ............. ,.."'_..__,._.................... _._"', ..... , ....... ,_." the use of state funds to the TANK issue to be dealt with in ___ ._, 11-o oloorOfi .. Jollt,oo.-\-IOI.In••otl•-"'•lo ......... t>ltlo'"'••'"'' keep the Transit this sion. 1027.tif 2 THE NORTHERNER Friday, December 3, 1976 1 SG reports on ''state of university ' SO report to Albright on "SLate or department in which the complaint the report, there hao been oome the SLate Legiolature." the University" originated should be appointed to friction in the past between The report, which has yet to be St.udent Government bas the committee." community and otudenL groups oHicially approved by SO recommended to NKU President Dr. Under present griev•nce which wanted to use certain representatives, aJao suggests that: A.D. Albright that the university guidelines, a otudent muot follow a facilities at the same time. SG notes •"eerious consideration be given esLablish an academic grievance chain of contmand from instruct.or that "the top priority for use (of the to the construction or residence halls committee in place or the present t.o department chairperson to facilities! ohould be reoerved for on the NKU campus." grievance setup "which stymies and academic dean to the president. studenL11.and atudent groups." •the typewriters in the Steely dominates the student." The eotablishment of the • Albright ahould appoint several Library, which are in "poor The proposal wae one of nine committee, according to the report, " student asoistante" to provide him condition," be replaced with forwarded to Albright in a 14-page would "create an environment in with information and opinion on typewriters purchased with student report on the "State of the which fair judgemente or student student·related matters. Albright activity fee money, and be made University" prepared over the last complaints will be made." The new has appointed three faculty available for otudent use free or two months by SO. setup would aloo "lead to better assisLanLs and hao promised to charge. According to the report, SO student·faculty relationships," the appoint a fourth. •the rates for the xerox machines recommends that the academic r~port said. •a tri·partite committee should be in the Library be lowered to 2' for grievance committee be chaired by SO aloo recommended that: esLablished to dole out the student student• with a student activity fee Dr. Joseph Price, associate dean and •a university facilities study activity fee. According to the report, card. The remainder of the cost include two at·large student group should be set up to set the three members should include: would be paid from student activity representatives and one at-large guidelines for the usage or all Dean of Students, Dr. James fee money. faculty member. "In addition, at the university • facilities, "most Claypool, who currently makes the Albright told The Northerner that time a student brings a complaint to especially Regents Hall, the final decisions on how to distribute he has not yet had Lime to read the the committee, two faculty members baseball and intramural fields and the fee money; Dr. Barbara Smith, report and would comment on and one student major from the the university center." According to coordinator of student activities; specific proposals at a later date. and either SO President John Nienaber or Vice-President Rob.---------------, Antony. We make"getting there"easier .•. "Each (of the named members! is in a position to have an overall view directories are here of st.udent activities, student services and student needs," the Student Directories are in and can *Earnings report says. be obtained in the Student -Generous In seeking greater input for Activities office, N304. This was students in deciding where the fee *Safety paid for by Student Activity Fee they pay eoch semester goes, "SO is money, and was coordinated by -by FSLIC seeking for studente a true role in Student Government. Each student decisiOI)·making comparable to the is entitled to a free copy. *Service role assigned the student regent by NGS -with a Smile NEWPORT 1010 Monmouth Street 261 1155 FT. THOMAS 14 South Ft Thomas Ave I 441 224<1 HIGHLAND HEIGHTS 2650A1ex.-mdna P•ke I 781 4800 STUDENTS ,_. ___ ,_,_, _____ ,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, ____ ,_,_l Do You Want Cash j OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS For Your Books Dec. 6-1 0? l PARTY I !WHEN: Sat., December 11, 8:00 p.m. l !wHERE: 810 York Street, Newport, Ky. ~ l (home of Methodist Campus Minister) I Ask your instructor if they have sent their text request for spring to jWHAT: Free Food I the Bookstore. We can not buy 1 (Pizza, and Christmas Munchies) ( your books if the instructor has ,,ot j Drink (EggNog, Hot Chocolate, Soft Drinks) sent us the information for 1 ' l Christmas Tree Decorating, Spring. j Good Music, and Carols l'WHY: FOR THE FUN OF IT!! jWHO: Sponsored by United Methodist ; Campus Fellowship !;. For info: Phone Dr. Paul Laughlin, Methodist Campus Minister, N KU / 261 ·5028 or 292·5373 1 , Open to all students, staff, faculty and friends j' B0 0 KS T 0 RE i of NKU ··-----.
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