16818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE July 23, 1993 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, July 23, 1993 The House met at 10 a.m. Coyne Kasi ch Pomeroy Grams Livingston Ros-Lehtinen The Chaplain, Rev. James David Cramer Kennedy Porter Grandy Machtley Roth Danner Kennelly Poshard Greenwood Manzullo Roukema Ford, D.D., offered the following Darden Kildee Price (NC) Hancock McColl um Royce prayer: de la Gan.a Kleczka Ra.ball Hansen McCrery Saxton 0 gracious God, as You have blessed Deal Klein Reed Hastert Mc Dade Schaefer DeLauro Klink Reynolds Hefley McHugh Schiff Your people with the potential for dis­ Dellums Kopetski Richardson Herger Mcinnis Sensenbrenner cernment in all things, we pray that we Derrick Kreidler Roemer Hobson McKeon Shaw will dedicate ourselves to use our Deutsch LaFalce Rose Hoekstra McMillan Shays words in ways that promote justice and Dicks Lambert Rostenkowski Hoke Meyers Shuster Dingell Lancaster Rowland Horn Mica Skeen encourage mercy and compassion, so Durbin Lantos Roybal-Allard Huffington Michel Smith(TX) our words unite us in understanding. Edwards (TX) LaRocco Sabo Hunter Miller (FL) Smith(MI) You have called us, O God, to be faith­ Engel Laughlin Sangmeister Hutchinson Molinari Smith(OR) English (AZ) Lehman Sa.rpa.lius Hyde Moorhead Snowe ful in all things and we pray that we English (OK) Levin Sawyer Inbofe Morella Solomon will translate that faithfulness into the Eshoo Lewis (GA) Schenk lstook Murphy Spence words we use so they do not become Evans Lipinski Schumer Jacobs Nussle Stearns weapons of discord, but vehicles of rec­ Farr Lloyd Scott Johnson (CT) Oxley Stump Fazio Long SeITano Kim Paxon Sundquist onciliation and sensitivity and toler­ Filner Lowey Sharp King Petri Talent ance. We pray for the ability to listen Fingerhut Maloney Shepherd Kingston Pombo Ta.ylor(NC) and to speak with grace, to heed Your Fish Mann Sisisky Klug Portman Thomas(WY) Flake Manton Skelton Knollenberg Pryce (OH) Thomas (CA) still, small voice of peace and so be the Foglietta Margolies- Slaughter Kolbe Quillen Torkildsen people You would have us be. In Your Ford (TN) Mezvinsky Smith (IA) Kyl Quinn Upton name, we pray. Amen. Frank(MA) Martinez Smith (NJ) Lazio Ramstad Vucanovich Furse Matsui Spratt Leach Ravenel Walker Gejdenson Mazzoli Stark Levy Regula Weldon Gephardt Mccloskey Stenholm Lewis (CA) Ridge Wolf THE JOURNAL Geren McCurdy Strickland Lewis (FL) Roberts Young (FL) Gibbons McHale Studds Lightfoot Rogers Zeliff The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Gillmor McNulty Stupak Linder Rohrabacher Zimmer ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Gilman Meehan Swett Glickman Meek Swift NOT VOTING-46 ceedings and announces to the House Gonzalez Menendez Synar Ba.ker (LA) Henry Rush his approval thereof. Gordon Mfume Tanner Bevill Hinchey Sanders Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ Green Miller (CA) Tauzin Bonior Jefferson Santorum nal stands approved. Gunderson Mineta Taylor (MS) Chapman Johnson, Sam Schroeder GutieITez Minge Tejeda Collins (IL) Kaptur Skaggs Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, pursu­ Hall (OH) Mink Thompson Conyers Markey Slattery ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Hall (TX) Montgomery Thornton Cooper McCandless Stokes on agreeing to the Speaker's approval Hamburg Moran Thurman De Fazio McDermott Tucker Hamilton Murtha Torres Dixon McKinney Vento of the Journal. Harman Myers Torricelli Dooley Moakley Walsh The SPEAKER. The question is on Hastings Natcher Towns Edwards (CA) Mollohan Washington the Chair's approval of the Journal. Hayes Neal(MA) Traficant Fields (LA) Nadler Whitten The question was taken; and the Hefner Oberstar Unsoeld Fields (TX) Neal (NC) Wilson Hilliard Obey Valentine Ford (Ml) Packard Young (AK) Speaker announced that the ayes ap­ Hoagland Olver Velazquez Frost Parker peared to have it. Hochbrueckner Ortiz Visclosky Gallegly Rangel Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I object Holden Orton Volkmer Houghton Owens Waters 0 1023 to the vote on the ground that a Hoyer Pallone Watt quorum is not present and make the Hughes Pastor Waxman Mr. TAYLOR of Mississippi changed point of order that a quorum is not Hutto Payne (NJ) Wheat his vote from "nay" to "yea." present. Inglis Payne (VA) Williams So the Journal was approved. Inslee Pelosi Wise The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER. Evidently, a quorum Johnson (GA) Penny Woolsey is not present. Johnson (SD) Peterson (FL) Wyden as above recorded. The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab­ Johnson, E. B. Peterson (MN) Wynn Johnston Pickett Yates sent Members. Ka.njorski Pickle PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The vote was taken by electronic de­ vice, and there were-yeas 232, nays NAYS-156 The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman from New York [Mr. KING] please come 156, not voting 46, as fallows: Allard Buyer Dornan [Roll No. 359] Armey Callahan Dreier forward and lead the House in the Bachus (AL) Calvert Duncan Pledge of Allegiance. YEAS-232 Ba.ker (CA) Camp Dunn Mr. KING led the Pledge of Alle­ Abercrombie Becerra Bryant Ba.llenger Canady Emerson giance as follows: Ackerman Beilenson Byrne Ba.rrett (NE) Castle Everett Andrews (ME) Berman Cantwell Bartlett Clay Ewing I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Andrews (NJ) Bilbray Cardin Barton Clinger Fawell United States of America, and to the Repub­ Andrews (TX) Bishop Carr Bentley Coble Fowler lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Applegate Blackwell Clayton Bereuter Collins (GA) Franks (CT) indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Archer Borski Clement Bilirakis Cox Franks (NJ) Ba.cchus (FL) Boucher Clyburn Bliley Crane Gallo Ba.esler Brewster Coleman Blute · Crapo Gekas Ba.rca Brooks Collins (Ml) Boehlert Cunningham Gilchrest MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Ba.rcia Browder Combest Boehner De Lay Gingrich A message from the Senate by Mr. Ba.rlow Brown (CA) Condit Bonilla Diaz-Balart Goodlatte Ba.rrett (WI) Brown (FL) Coppersmith Bunning Dickey Goodling Hallen, one of its clerks, announced Ba.teman Brown(OH) Costello Burton Doolittle Goss that the Senate had passed without 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. July 23, 1993 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 16819 amendment a bill of the House of the the budget. The people in the region tion for Kurdish refugees, and 105 Re­ following title: who are affected deserve the comfort of publicans who voted against American H.R. 847. An act to provide for planning knowing that relief is on the way. flood disaster victims yesterday voted and design of a National Air and Space Mu- "yes" for Kurdish refugee disaster vic­ seum extension at Washington Dulles Inter­ tims. national Airport. REPUBLICANS ARE COMMITTED Mr. Speaker, I want to say this: It is TO PASSING AID FOR FLOOD unconscionable that Members would VICTIMS support foreign disaster victims and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER (Mr. GINGRICH asked and was given refuse help for victims of an American The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter­ permission to address the House for 1 disaster. tain 15 1-minute requests from each minute and to revise and extend his re­ Mr. WALKER. Regular order, Mr. side. marks.) Speaker. Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, let me Mr. GUNDERSON. Regular order, Mr. Speaker. DISASTER RELIEF FOR THE VIC­ say to my colleagues, first of all, that on the Republican side of the aisle we Mr. DURBIN. I ask for order in the TIMS OF THE FLOOD IN THE House, Mr. Speaker. MIDWEST are committed to passing emergency aid to the victims of flooding in the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (Mr. GEPHARDT asked and was Midwest. We are committed to passing MURTHA). The Members will please de­ given permission to address the House it today. We are prepared to stay here sist. for 1 minute and to revise and extend today to pass it, if that is appropriate. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. Speaker, I include his remarks.) We want to bring it up. here a list of Republican House Mem­ Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, yes­ bers who voted against consideration of But let me also say to all of my col­ flood assistance, yet voted on May 9, terday, in an unfortunate turn of leagues that we should look very care­ events, this House failed on a vote to fully at the rule that was brought in 1991, to use the emergency provision of consider disaster relief for the victims yesterday. They should ask why there the Budget Act to provide $236 million of the floods in the Midwest. People in are millions of dollars for one particu­ in assistance to Kurdish refugees. The my district, south of St. Louis, have lar program in Los Angeles that has list is as follows: tirelessly worked to protect their nothing to do with the flood. They Wayne Allard, Bill Archer, Richard Armey, homes from the onslaught of the raging Richard Baker, Cass Ballenger, Bill Barrett, should ask why we are redefining Herbert Bateman, Helen Bentley; Doug Be­ Mississippi, Missouri, and other rivers. "teenager" to be 30 years of age. They Members who voted "no" on bringing reuter, Thomas Bliley, Sherwood Boehlert, should ask why we are going to give John Boehner, Jim Bunning, Dan Burton, up the bill to provide these people as­ $100 a week to a number of people in Sonny Callahan. sistance have strong feelings about Los Angeles who may or may not be David Camp, William F. Clinger, Howard their votes. But the feelings of those part of a political machine, but who Coble, Chris Cox, Randy D. Cunningham, Members who represent flood victims have nothing to do, nothing, with the Tom DeLay, John Doolittle, David Drier, are just as strong. We have been told flood in the Midwest, but everything to Bill Emerson, Harris W.
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