
December 4, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9249 Americans, especially people whom we while they were inside asleep. They ment. I wouldn’t call it a demonstra- represent. shot up the building and killed two of tion. A group of people is going to go to Madam Speaker, I am so grateful for the leaders. the location where Fred and Mark were this opportunity. I will now conclude, One was a young gentleman, 21 years killed, and they are simply going to Madam Speaker. I would like to thank old, Fred Hampton, articulate, grad- pay tribute. my colleagues who could not be here uated from high school with honors, I pay tribute now, and I pay tribute today or are here today. head of the youth NAACP, but a mem- to my colleague U.S. Representative And I would like to reiterate that we ber of the Black Panther Party. An- BOBBY RUSH because it was BOBBY who will defend the Affordable Care Act and other young fellow was an outstanding initiated this Special Order. Madam make sure that Latinos across America American, the son of ministers and Speaker, because of the Congressman, I are not further harmed by this admin- churchgoing people. The apartment am here. istration or partisan politics. was raided, and these two individuals It has been a pleasure to know that We are committed to lowering the were killed, assassinated. our paths have been crossing one way cost of prescription drugs and making It is my understanding that one of or another for more than 50 years be- sure that insulin remains available and the reasons that Congressman BOBBY cause I sat in the funeral home that affordable to all communities across RUSH is alive today—he was supposed night after Fred and Mark had been as- America and particularly communities to have been there but had gone home sassinated. My brother happened to be of color that are disproportionately af- to his apartment rather than spending a friend of Trey Rayner, and we sat fected by diabetes. And we will raise the night where the Panthers were. As kind of keeping vigil. hell every time that we find another a result, he was spared. My other good friend Frank instance of capricious price inflation or Obviously, there was a hue and cry, Lipscomb and I, we were both young market consolidation or an obvious at- and there were years of activity and schoolteachers. We went over to the tempt to shift the blame. litigation. house that afternoon after we left With that, Madam Speaker, the Con- Madam Speaker, it is good to see school and peered and peeked and gressional Hispanic Caucus will not that BOBBY has arrived. I just said that walked through. We were, quite frank- cease in our advocacy for the fate is such that he is here today, as ly, afraid but wanted to see with our healthcare and the well-being of our opposed to being where Fred Hampton own eyes, and so we did see. communities that we represent here in and Mark Clark are, wherever that is, Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- the Congress and across our country. because as fate would have it, he went tleman from Illinois (Mr. RUSH) and This is a crucial time in America someplace else. thank him for initiating this Special where the Affordable Care Act, as pre- Of course, as fate would also have it, Order. sented by the past administration, not I can’t help but note that I spoke with Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, it goes only provided access to healthcare for one of Father George Clements’ sons without saying that the love and re- people with preexisting conditions and the other day, who I understand helped spect that I have for my colleague from not only did it allow our children up to to kind of conceal and hide him out the Seventh Congressional District of the age of 26 to be part of our health while the police were looking for him. Illinois, my good friend Congressman plan, but it also provided funding for Fortunately, fate intervened. DANNY K. DAVIS, a man who is such an Medicaid and Medicare. It also pro- The activity caused a big hue and cry inspiration to us all, a man who is vided funding for mental health serv- from the community. As a result of steadfast in all that is good as it re- ices, an arena that has, for far too that, people began to look differently lates to what an elected official and long, been left aside with not having at what was known as law enforcement public servant should look like, should the appropriate funding that it needs, misconduct, police brutality. Some- be like, should walk like, and, hope- and for people suffering from opioid ad- times law enforcement individuals fully, if they are giving it, should talk diction. take matters into their own hands, not like, speak like. If we all could have worrying about what judges might do the voice of Congressman DAVIS, we b 1445 or judges might say, or courts of law, would be much better off. But if we These are the services that were pro- but would sometimes become execu- can’t have his voice, maybe we can as- vided by the ACA. This administration tioners. pire to the heart that Congressman has moved forward to dismantle it and As a result of that, the African DAVIS possesses. to put people’s lives in jeopardy. American community, of Chicago espe- Madam Speaker, I am here this after- Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- cially, changed its approach to politics. noon, as I have been many years now, ance of my time. While there was a big Democratic vot- speaking from the well of this Congress f ing bloc, they decided—we decided, be- in this institution that is the envy of cause I was voting age. BOBBY may not all governments throughout the world. PAYING TRIBUTE TO FRED have been, but I was voting age. We I am here for one purpose today and HAMPTON AND MARK CLARK elected a Republican, Bernard Carey, one purpose only, and that is to com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under to be the State’s attorney for Cook memorate the life of a young man who the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- County. was killed on this very day, December uary 3, 2019, the Chair recognizes the That also led to, ultimately, the 4, in 1969. His murder was not an acci- gentleman from Illinois (Mr. DANNY K. changes that elected Harold Wash- dent. His murder was planned by the DAVIS) for 30 minutes. ington, the first Black mayor of Chi- highest levels of law enforcement in Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. cago, which evolved, ultimately, into our Nation. Madam Speaker, I am pleased to join the election of Barack Obama as Presi- Madam Speaker, the Federal Bureau with Representative BOBBY RUSH, who dent of the United States of America, of Investigation collaborated on, con- reserved the time to talk about an because that is where his beginning spired on, and coordinated the assas- event that occurred 50 years ago when was. That was the base. sination of Frank Hampton and Mark I guess BOBBY was pretty much still a I just happen to have represented the Clark. Fred’s and Mark’s assassina- teenager and I was a young adult. Hampton family in the congressional tions, if not the only, were two of a few The event took place in our city, the district that I represent. Until re- instances of proven political assassina- city of the big shoulders, the city of cently, not a year went by that I didn’t tion by police forces or law enforce- Chicago, the city that sits on a lake spend some time with the Hampton ment agencies of this country. founded by an African American, Jean family, that is, with Fred’s mother, his I say that because toxicologists’ re- Baptiste Point du Sable. An event took father, and his brother, Bill, who car- ports concluded after the autopsy on place where the Chicago police, led by ried on the work. As a result of that, the body of Fred Hampton that he had an assistant State’s attorney, invaded that work is still going on. the barbiturate Seconal in his body. He the province of a group of young lead- I know that, on Sunday, in the com- had been drugged with Seconal. They ers known to be members of the Black munity where I live, there is going to said he had enough Seconal in his body Panther Party. They raided the group be a demonstration or an acknowledg- to immobilize an elephant. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:56 Dec 05, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04DE7.039 H04DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 4, 2019 They came into that apartment, There was a conspiracy, an assassina- Even now, young protest groups, Madam Speaker, on a cold December tion, a political assassination because Black Lives Matter and others, were morning at 4:30 a.m. Nobody was mov- the FBI, Edward Hanrahan, the Cook founded on the premise of and came ing on the streets. They came into the County State’s Attorney’s Office, and into existence because of the blood of West Side community camouflaged in the Chicago Police Department knew Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.
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