www.thedanishpioneer.com www.dendanskepioneer.com Oldest Danish Community Newspaper in North America - Since 1872 - Nationwide Circulation - Articles Written in English & Danish 147TH YEAR JUNE / JULY 2019 ISSUE # 12 Gillian Nielsen Named 2019 Danish Maid for Solvang Danish Days he non-profit Solvang Danish Days Foundation Thas named Solvang’s own Gillian Nielsen as the 2019 Danish Maid. Gillian will pre- side over this year’s “Solvang Danish Days” (www.Solvang- DanishDays.org), California’s premier Danish heritage festi- val, which returns for its 83rd anniversary with a three-day event weekend, Friday through BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group designs new Sunday, September 20 through H.C Andersen Hotel for Tivoli in Copenhagen 22, 2019. Courtesy of Hasse Ferrold, The Danish Pioneer’s Staff Photographer “Ever since I was a little girl Two Danish top brands, BIG and Tivoli, are partnering for a spectacu- I’ve looked up to the Danish lar development in Copenhagen’s iconic amusement park in the center Maid as a celebrity. I’ve been of the Danish capital. The H. C. Andersen Hotel project includes an waiting until I was old enough 18-story addition to the 1893 Tivoli Castle, thereby continuing Tivoli’s to be considered for the role. tradition of balancing its old-world charm with visionary architecture. For both parties, a sustainable profile is essential. ecently, at the Nimb Hotel in Tivoli, Tivoli CEO Lars Liebst and BIG Founding Partner Bjarke Ingels revealed plans for the H. C. Andersen Hotel, situated inside Tivoli Gardens amusement park R New Maid Gillian Nielsen becomes the first in her family to bear the and vis-à-vis Copenhagen City Hall. The project consists of refurbishing and re-purposing the 1893 Tivoli Castle, renovating the 1883 Panorama “Nielsen” name as Danish Days Maid. (Photos courtesy: Mike Mesikep) Pavilion and building a new 18-story pagoda. The H. C. Andersen Hotel Being Danish Maid is such an bears the name ‘Nielsen’. That’s is named after Danish Fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen. honor for me because I have the a point of pride which I can add Bjarke Ingels explains, “Tivoli is a unique oasis of lush gardens and pleasure of serving on behalf of to those of my ancestors before whimsical architecture in the center of Copenhagen. A truly cosmopoli- our beautiful City of Solvang and me,” said Gillian. tan neighborhood in the heart of the Danish capital, Tivoli’s cultural and the historical Danish Days cel- Since its modest beginnings bio-diversity is unlike any other place in Copenhagen. With a renovation ebrations. Also, I will be the first in 1936, when a one-day celebra- of the 1893 Tivoli Castle and the addition of a new building, we have at- Danish Days Maid representing tion commemorating the 25th tempted to capture and accentuate the character of the existing castle, cre- my father’s side of the family who MAID: Continued on Page 2 HOTEL: Continued on Page 3 Danish Queen Visits Estonia June 15-16 er Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark visited Estonia HJune 15-16, 2019 to mark the Danish flag Dannebrog’s 800th anniver- sary and Estonia’s 100th Anniversary. The events included the welcoming of the Royal Yacht Dannebrog, Official Welcoming Ceremony at The Estonian Photos by Hasse Ferrold, The Danish Pioneer Newspaper’s Staff Photographer Maritime Museum, Meeting of Heads of State, Walk by the Queen and Estonia’s President in the Rose Garden, Opening of the Golden Age Exhibition at Kadri- org Art Museum in Tallin, Wreath-Lay- ing at Freedom Square, Public Celebra- tion of the Danish and Estonian Flags, Opening of the History Exhibition at Kiek in de Kök Tallinn, Opening of the Danish Queen’s Garden, Visit to the Danish King’s Garden, Gala Concert, Gala Dinner and more. See Page 8. TIME-DATED MATERIAL - DO NOT DELAY - DO NOT MATERIAL TIME-DATED Page 2 THE DANISH PIONEER ISSUE #12 - JUNE/JULY 2019 spirerende at opleve, og netop derfor fokuserer vi på at oplyse eleverne om Gillian Nielsen Named 2019 klima og bæredygtighed igennem Danish Maid for Solvang Danish Days vores undervisning,” siger Torben Vind Rasmussen, der er formand for Continued From Page 1 Efterskoleforeningen. anniversary of Solvang’s 1911 this year’s Danish Days theme, De danske unge påtager sig et founding was conceived, Danish specifically celebrating the Danish medansvar for en bæredygtig frem- Days has evolved into a weekend- national flag. tid. 81 pct. går nemlig op i at leve long festival showcasing the vil- Gillian, now age 17, will be bæredygtigt, og knap en tredjedel af lage’s heritage. The annual event, entering her senior year at Santa de unge går i høj eller meget høj grad which celebrates the town’s Dan- Ynez Valley Union High this fall. op i det. På spørgsmålet om hvem ish roots, includes authentic food, She enjoys traveling and learning der har det største ansvar for at løse music, dancing, parades, live en- about different cultures, music klimaudfordringerne, peger 36 pct. tertainment and family activities. and art, and the outdoors. Gillian’s på politikerne, mens 35 pct. nævner The 2019 Solvang Danish Days post-graduation plans include borgerne. Virksomhederne følger theme – “A Salute to Denmark’s studies at Boise State, in commu- efter med 17 procent. Flag: Celebrating 800 Years of nications and sales. She also hopes Dannebrog” – will showcase the to enlist in the Marine Corps. as an København: Når IKEA slår nation’s 800-year-old flag, “Dan- officer, following in the footsteps dørene op på Vesterbrogade 65 efter nebrog”, which is reportedly the of her father, with an eventual goal sommerferien, er det med et nyt kon- world’s oldest national flag. of entering the public relations cept, som kun er set få steder i verden. In 2006, at the age of three, realm. Københavnerne vil i rolige og inspir- Gillian moved to Solvang with her Gillian continued, “Serving as erende omgivelser få fokuseret hjælp family – parents Chris and Diane this year’s Danish Maid will ac- af kompetente medarbejdere til at Nielsen, and her older twin broth- tually give me a glimpse into the realisere deres boligdrømme inden- ers, Ben and Kyle – after her fa- tourism PR and marketing world, Danmark Rundt (Map courtesy GraphicMaps.com) for køkken og garderobeløsninger. ther retired from the U.S. Marines as I act as a sort of ambassador Billund: Ruten mellem Billund ”Danskerne vil gerne have dag- Kunder får mulighed for at bestille with a rank of lieutenant colonel. for the City of Solvang, our Dan- og Las Palmas på Gran Canaria er frisk mælk, og det har vi i årevis ga- tid til planlægning, enten hos IKEA Chris is a Solvang native, making ish history and culture, and all that den niende Norwegian-rute fra Bil- ranteret med Arla24. De seneste år eller hjemme hos dem selv. Udover Gillian a fourth-generation Santa the thousands upon thousands of lund. Hos Norwegian er man glade har vi dog også kunnet se en stigende at åbne på en central beliggenhed i Ynez Valley resident. Her fam- people who visit annually, come to for at kunne fortsætte offensiven i efterspørgsel efter mælk fra køer på København, tilbyder IKEA lever- ily’s path to Solvang began more discover in my hometown of Cali- lufthavnen. græs. Vores økologiske mælk kom- ing af drømmekøkkenet dagen efter than a century ago when, in 1898, fornia’s ‘Little Denmark’.” Las Palmas på Gran Canaria er mer fra græssende køer, og derfor bestilling. Der er stor efterspørgsel her great-great-great-grandfather, Leading up to this year’s Dan- en af danskernes favoritdestinationer har det været et naturligt skridt for os på planlægning og køb af køkken og a lumberman by the name of An- ish Days weekend, Gillian will i vinterhalvåret. De rejsende fra Bil- også at føje køer på græs-garantien til garderobeløsninger i både Gentofte drew Johnson, left a small village sell “Win a Trip to Denmark” raf- lund har taget godt imod vores som- Arla24-linjen,” siger Jakob B. Knud- og Taastrup. Det er den efterspørgsel, in Sweden for the U.S., in search fle tickets at the weekly Solvang mersatsning, så nu glæder vi os til sen, landedirektør i Arla Danmark. vi nu imødekommer med etablerin- of a better life for his family. Farmers Market. She will also ap- at byde de rejsende ombord i vores gen på Vesterbrogade, siger Johan In 1953, Andrew’s great- pear at events for the Danish Broth- flåde af moderne, komfortable og Frederikshavn: Flådestationen Laurell. granddaughter, Marion Hanson, erhood, the Danish Sisterhood, the mere klimavenlige fly, siger Senior i Frederikshavn lægger lokaler til et Etableringen på Vesterbrogade met Gillian’s grandfather, Alton Vikings and at Valley Rotary Club Vice President Commercial Short arrangement, hvor tidligere udsend- markerer starten på IKEAs tilst- Nielsen, in Solvang. Alton was meetings, to talk about the upcom- Haul, Magnus Maursund. te kan møde virksomheder til en edeværelse i København, og show- the second son of Danish immi- ing Danish Days events and repre- Norwegians vinterprogram in- uforpligtende snak om job. Arrange- roomet vil være åbent indtil det nye grant C.V. Nielsen, a carpenter sent her Danish lineage. Gillian is deholder desuden to nye ruter fra mentet er en del af en større indsats, varehus på Kalvebod Brygge åbner. who landed in Solvang in 1917, also available for appearances to København (CPH) til henholdsvis som skal skabe job til veteraner. Der er endnu ikke sat dato på åb- and Anna Roth, whose family had speak about Danish Days, for oth- München med tre ugentlige afgange En række virksomheder som ningen af varehuset på Kalvebod moved to Solvang from Ferndale, er local boards or committees, or og Fuerteventura med en ugentlig eksempelvis Hydrema, KMD Brygge.
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