EXHIBIT A to Ordinance No. 38-19 2018/2019 DOCKET File Number: CPA2018‐102 & Z2018‐105 Applicant: City of Richland Fire Department The Richland Fire Department is proposing to amend the Land Use Map from undesignated to Public Facility with a concurrent rezone from undesignated to Parks & Public Facilities for a single parcel of 2.05 acres located at the intersection of Stevens and SR 240 (Parcel Number 134081000029000). File Number: CPA 2018‐103 Applicant: Rew (HJBT Properties, LLC) The applicants are proposing to amend the Land Use Map from Developed Open Space (DOS) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) for a portion of property consisting of approximately 1.99 acres located immediately south of the Horn Rapids Golf Course Clubhouse (Parcel Number 128082000001005). File Number: CPA2019‐101 & Z2019‐101 Applicant: Bethel Church The applicants are proposing to amend the Land Use Map from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) with a concurrent rezone from Low Density Residential R‐1‐12 to High Density Residential – R3 for two parcels totaling approximately 10.25 acres located on the north side of Shockley Boulevard and west of the existing Bethel Church (Parcel Numbers 122983000006002 & 122983000006003). File Number: CPA2019‐102 & Z2019‐102 Applicant: North Stone Development (Stewart Stone) The applicant is proposing to amend the Land Use Map from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) with a concurrent rezone from Low Density Residential R‐1‐10 and Medium Density Residential R‐2 to Medium Density Residential R‐2S upon a portion of property totaling approximately 54.40 acres (Parcel Number 120083000009010). File Number: CPA2019‐103 & Z2019‐103 Applicant: Tim Bush The applicant is proposing to amend the Land Use Map from Developed Open Space (DOS) to High Density Residential (HDR) with a concurrent rezone from Parks & Public Facilities (PPF) to High Density Residential R‐3 upon property totaling 1.81 acres located at 1380 Duportail Street (Parcel Number 115981013592002). 1 File Number: CPA 2019‐104 & Z2019‐104 Applicant: Tim Bush The applicant is proposing to amend the Land Use Map from Developed Open Space (DOS) to Commercial (C) with a concurrent rezone from Parks & Public Facilities (PPF) to Retail Business (C‐2) totaling 2.02 acres located at 1383 Lawless Drive (Parcel Number 115981013592004). File Number: CPA2019‐105 & Z2019‐105 Applicant: City of Richland The City of Richland is proposing to perform minor mapping amendments to both the Land Use Map and the Zoning Map as “housekeeping purposes” at the following locations: 1. Leslie Groves Park – Amend Land Use Map by extending the Natural Open Space (NOS) designation north along the riverfront from the existing Natural Open Space (NOS) boundary north to Newcomer Street with a concurrent rezone to Natural Open Space (NOS) (Portion of Parcel Number 111981020624001). 2. Howard Amon Park – Amend Land Use Map from Natural Open Space (NOS) to Developed Open Space (DOS) to match the rest of the developed city park and to be consistent with the existing Parks & Public Facilities (PPF) Zoning (Portion of Parcel Number 013981000000000). 3. Amon Preserve South – Amend the Land Use Map at the south end of the Amon Preserve from Commercial (C) to Natural Open Space (NOS) to be consistent with the existing Natural Open Space (NOS) Zoning (Southern portion of Parcel Number 101882000001003). 4. Amon Preserve East – Amend the Land Use Map upon Parcel Number 101883000002000 from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Natural Open Space (NOS) with a concurrent rezone from Low Density Residential R‐1‐10 to Natural Open Space (NOS) 5. Amon Preserve North – Amend the Land Use Map from High Density Residential (HDR) to Natural Open Space (NOS) with a concurrent rezone from Multiple Family Residential (R‐3) to Natural Open Space (NOS). 6. W.E. Johnson Park – Amend the Land Use Map from Natural Open Space (NOS) to Developed Open Space (DOS) in the area referred to as the “old dump” (Parcel Numbers 104984000013000 & 104984000014000) and change the zoning from Parks & Public Facilities (PPF) to Natural Open Space (NOS) upon land located east and south of the “old dump” to match the existing Land Use Map designation (Parcel Numbers 104984000015000, 109981000004000, 109981000005000, 109981000006000 & 109984000004000). File Number: CPA2018‐104 Applicant: City of Richland Fire Department The City of Richland Fire Department is proposing to amend Policy #3 of the Capital Facilities Element and Add a new Policy #4. 2 Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 1 0 a, r tn a) ‘.3 C” III ~Ioo a. CD c3 CD 0 C 9-.~~3 0) 3 CD -a CD i-fl a ~-. C~) C, a River Park Dr ç Kingsgate Way 0 -o C ‘1) ——I 0) Ll~ ‘1) 0 ø~a12~co VINTAGE AVE DO01~J~ •iLiiii Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 2 RIESLING ST ITi ri~ (N3d0 ION) d~ 3J.VDSN]3fl0 Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 3 Land Use Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential N 0 00 200 400 600 Map I A / I, 4 a eq~~ Ia 74 ~m 7 4 IT a 04~a” Land Use Legend DOS 4 bags HDR LDR S MDR S PBF __ l.a C” 0 -J z 0 -J -J LU 0~ Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 4 0 0 -J LU 0 0r -J -J Ui WYMAN ST II riD 0 0 0 Ui S a)C 0) ‘1) 2~ooO o° ~ D00Z~0~ 111101 Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 5 Land Use Assign Parks & Public Facilities Land Use N Map 0100200 410 610 A I 0 Land Use Legend COM DOS HDR 0 IND I ILDR MDR COAST ST PBF a N — Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 6 Land Use Howard Amon Map (From NOS to DOS) A JSITE Land Use Central Business District SITE Commercial Developed Open Space -lb Medium Density Residential Public Facilities Waterfront set. Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 7 Land Use Leslie Groves N Map (From DOS to NOS) A Newcomer St a, a, z z C C a, ~< (0 I (U 0 McMurray St Land Use Developed Open Space High Density Residential Low-Density Residential Natural Open Space — Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 8 III Ill Eastwood Piper Street (5’ 0(11 4 00’ 00) 0-n Cl) CD -I CD m I m Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 9 Land Use Amon Preserve N (North From LDR to NOS) Map (South From COM to NOS) A •0 Ct 0 I! (0] -t SITE I, 0’ 44’ •0 ~0’ “4 ‘4’ _40 .4 ‘4 0 4’ pI 4’ 4% ‘S.0 p SITE _________ SSI ‘4 4) 44 _________Legend C 0 Cu 4% -J Developed Open Space a) Low-Density Residential C) I _ S ____ -J S Natural Open Space S a) S 0 Public Facilities 0 S z 4. I 4. 4. £0 4. I________ IFeet S flJLJ 44S 0 125250 500 750 1,000 Exhibit B to Ordinance No. 38-19 - Page 10 Land Use W.E. Johnson Park N Map (From NOS to DOS) A Va iese Str - et “rn SITE :1 ——S. 5- S — •5S ~• s—p em.’ 5—. —Nh I. U —. I I a. a a N a Badger Mountain South Sub-Area Plan Exhibit B to Ord. 38-19 Page 11 Scrivener's Error Correction µ Keene Road DallasRoad Hwy I-82 Legend BMS_Primary Reata Road BMS_ERROR Exhibit C Comprehensive Plan of the City of Richland City of Richland Comprehensive Plan 2017 CITY OF RICHLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 2017 – 2037 October 3, 2017 Updated October 1, 2019 Prepared for City of Richland Prepared by Prepared with assistance from Oneza & Associates Anchor QEA J‐U‐B Engineers Inc. ECONorthwest ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to the members of our community for valuable input. Thank you also to current and previous City Council Members and Planning Commissioners for your time and effort in the creation of this document and the original plan to build on. 2017 City Council Robert Thompson, Mayor Terry Christensen, Mayor Pro Tem Brad Anderson Dori Luzzo Gilmour Phillip Lemley Sandra Kent David Rose 2017 Planning Commission Amanda Wallner, Chair Kent Madsen, Vice Chair Clifford Clark James Wise Marianne Boring Kyle Palmer Debbie Berkowitz Michael Mealer City Staff Cindy Reents, City Manager Jon Amundson, Assistant City Manager Kerwin Jensen, Community & Development Services Director Rick Simon, Development Services Manager Pete Rogalsky, Public Works Director Bob Hammond, Energy Services Director Joe Schiessl, Park & Public Facilities Director Tom Huntington, Fire & Emergency Services Director Chris Skinner, Police Services Director Cathleen Koch, Administrative Services Director Heather Kintzley, City Attorney TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 Background ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Growth Management Act ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Community Profile ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 History ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Public Participation ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Planning Framework ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Integrated EIS .................................................................................................................................................................
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