REFERENCE LIST FOR TAXONOMIC TREATMENTS OF AGARICS WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON WESTERN UNITED STATES TAXA Copyright © Dennis E. Desjardin This list is by no means a complete inventory of taxonomic references to Agaricales. It is an itemization of pertinent literature from which California agarics may be identified. Where multiple references are provided for a genus, they are listed in order of importance for determining California taxa. General References: in the rhodophylloid fungi II. Alboleptonia, a new genus. Mycologia 62: 437-452. Thiers, by H. D. (Ed.). Agaricales of California, Noordeloos, M. E. 1987. Entoloma (Agaricales) vols. 1-11. Mad River Press, Eureka, CA. in Europe. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 91: 1-419. Moser, M. 1978. Keys to Agarics and Boleti. (English edition, 1983). Roger Phillips Publ. Alnicola — see Naucoria Arora, D. 1986. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd ed. Ten Speed Press. Amanita Smith, A. H., H. V. Smith, & N. S. Weber. 1979. How to know the gilled mushrooms. Wm. Thiers, H. D. 1982. Amanitaceae. In: Agaricales C. Brown Co. Publ. of California. Ed. by H. D. Thiers. Mad River Press, Breitenbach, J. & F. Kränzlin. Fungi of Eureka CA. 53 p. Switzerland. Vols. 1-5 (1984-2000). Jenkins, D. T. 1986. Amanita of North America. Mad River Press, Eureka CA. 197 p. Agaricus Jenkins, D. T. 1977. A taxonomic and nomenclatural study of the genus Amanita sect. Kerrigan, R. W. 1986. Agaricaceae. In: Amanita for North America. Biblio. Mycol. 57: 1- Agaricales of California. Ed. by H. D. Thiers. Mad 126. River Press, Eureka CA. 62 p. Bas, C. 1969. Morphology and subdivision of Cappelli, A. 1984. Agaricus. Fungi Europaei 1. Amanita and a monograph on its section Liberia editrice Biella Giovanna, Saronno. 560p. Lepidella. Persoonia 5(4): 285-579. Agrocybe Anellaria [see also Panaeolus] Watling, R. 1982. Bolbitiaceae: Agrocybe, Stamets, P. 1978. Psilocybe mushrooms and their Bolbitius & Conocybe. British Fungus Flora 3: 1- allies. Homestead Press, Seattle, WA. 86 p. 138. Roy. Bot. Gard., Edinburgh. (included in Panaeolus) Singer, R. 1977. Keys for the identification of Watling, R. & N. M. Gregory. 1987. species of Agaricales I. Sydowia 30: 194-206. Strophariaceae & Coprinaceae p.p. British Fungus Flora 5: 1-121. Roy. Bot. Gard., Edinburgh. (included in Panaeolus) Alboleptonia See also under other Panaeolus references. Largent, D. L. Entolomatoid fungi of the western United States and Alaska. 1994. Mad Arcangeliella River Press, Inc., Eureka, CA. 516 p. Largent, D. L. & R. G. Benedict. 1970. Studies Thiers, H. D. 1984. The genus Arcangeliella Cav. Page 1 of 20 in western United States. Sydowia 37: 296-308. Astrosporina [see also Inocybe] Horak, E. 1987. Astrosporina in the alpine zone Armillaria of the Swiss National Park (SNP) and adjacent regions. pp. 205-234. In: Arctic and alpine Volk, T. J., and H. H. Burdsall, Jr. 1998. A key mycology. II. Ed. by Laursen, G. A., J. F. to North American Armillaria . on the World Wide Ammirati & S. A. Redhead. Plenum Publ. Corp. Web at the following URL: www.wisc.edu/botany/fungi/armkey.html Horak, E. 1979. Astrosporina (Agaricales) in Indomalaya and Australasia. Persoonia 10(2): Volk, T. J., H. H. Burdsall, Jr., and M. T. 157-205. Banik. 1996. Armillaria nabsnona, a new species from western North America. Mycologia 88: 484- 491. Baeospora Thiers, H. D. & W. J. Sundberg. 1976. Armillaria in western United States. Madroño 23: Desjardin, D. E. 1987. Tricholomataceae I. 448-453. Marasmioid fungi. In: Agaricales of California. Ed. by H. D. Thiers. Mad River Press, Eureka CA. 99 Jacobs, K. A., J. D. MacDonald, F. W. Cobb, p. Jr. & K. Wells. 1994. Identification of Armillaria species in California. Mycologia 86: 113-116. Lennox, J. W. 1979. Collybioid genera in the Pacific Northwest. Mycotaxon 9: 117-231. Bérubé, J. A. & M. Dessureault. 1989. Morphological studies of the Armillaria mellea Desjardin, D. E. 1985. The marasmioid fungi of complex: two new species, A. gemma and A. California. Master’s Thesis, San Francisco State calvescens. Mycologia 81: 216-225. Univ. 278 p. Shaw, C. G. & G. A. Kile. 1991. Armillaria root disease. USDA Agric. Handbook 691: 1-233. Bolbitius Hobson, H. H. 1940. The genus Armillaria in Watling, R. 1982. Bolbitiaceae: Agrocybe, western Washington. Mycologia 32: 776-790. Bolbitius & Conocybe. British Fungus Flora 3: 1- Kauffman, C. H. 1923. The genus Armillaria in 138. Roy. Bot. Gard., Edinburgh. the United States and its relationships. Pap. Singer, R. 1977. Keys for the identification of Michigan Acad. Sci. 2: 53-67. species of Agaricales I. Sydowia 30: 216-219. Armillariella Calliderma Singer, R. 1977. Keys for the identification of Largent, D. L. Entolomatoid fungi of the western species of Agaricales I. Sydowia 30: 211-216. United States and Alaska. 1994. Mad River Press, Singer, R. 1970. Omphalinae. Fl. Neotropica Inc., Eureka, CA. 516 p. Monogr. 3: 1-84. Callistosporium Arrhenia Singer, R. 1977. Keys for the identification of Redhead, S. A. 1984. Arrhenia and Rimbachia, species of Agaricales I. Sydowia 30: 261-264. expanded generic concepts, and a reevaluation Redhead, S. A. 1982. The systematics of of Leptoglossum with emphasis on musicolous Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum. Sydowia 35: North American taxa. Can. J. Bot. 62: 865-892. 223-235. Hiland, K. 1976. The genera Leptoglossum, Arrhenia, Phaeotellus and Cyphellostereum in Norway and Svalbard. Norwegian J. Bot. 23: Calocybe 201-212. Singer, R. 1977. Keys for the identification of species of Agaricales I. Sydowia 30: 278-279. Asterophora Moser, M. 1978. Keys to Agarics and Boleti. (English edition, 1983). Roger Phillips Publ. Moser, M. 1978. Keys to Agarics and Boleti. (English edition, 1983). Roger Phillips Publ. Page 2 of 20 Camarophyllopsis [correct name for systematique et description des especes Hygrotrama – see Hygrophorus] congolaise. Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 38: 195- 206. Camarophyllus [see also Hygrophorus] Largent, D. L. 1985. Hygrophoraceae. In: Chromosera Agaricales of California. Ed. by H. D. Thiers. Mad Redhead, S. A., J. F. Ammirati, and L. L. Norvell. River Press, Eureka CA. 208 p. Omphalina sensu lato in North America 3: Hesler, L. R. & A. H. Smith. 1963. North Chromosera gen. nov. Beih. Sydowia 10: 155- American species of Hygrophorus. Univ. of 167. 1995. Tennessee Press, Knoxville. 416 p. Chroogomphus Cantharellus [included here because of its gill-like hymenophore] Thiers, H. D. 1985. Gomphidiaceae. In: Agaricales of California. Ed. by H. D. Thiers. Mad Thiers, H. D. 1985. Cantharellaceae. In: River Press, Eureka CA. 20 p. Agaricales of California. Ed. by H. D. Thiers. Mad Miller, O. K. 1964. A monograph of River Press, Eureka CA. 34 p. Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae). Mycologia 56: Smith, A. H. & E. E. Morse. 1947. The genus 526-549. Cantharellus in western United States. Singer, R. & J. Kuthan. 1976. Notes on Mycologia 39: 497-534. Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae). Ceska Mykol. Redhead, S. A., L. L. Norvell, and E. Danell. 30(2): 81-89. 1997. Cantharellus formosus and the Pacific Golden Chanterelle harvest in western North America. Mycotaxon 65: 285-322. Chrysomphalina Corner, E. J. H. 1966. A monograph of Norvell, L. L., S. A. Redhead, & J. F. Ammirati. cantharelloid fungi. Oxford Univ. Press, London. 1994. Omphalina sensu lato in North America 1-2. 255 p. 1: Omphalina wynniae and the genus Bigelow, H. E. 1978. The cantharelloid fungi of Chrysomphalina. 2: Omphalina sensu Bigelow. New England and adjacent areas. Mycologia 70: Mycotaxon 50: 379-407. 707-756. Redhead, S. A. 1986. Mycological observations Smith, A. H. 1968. The Cantharellaceae of 17-20: Nomenclatural notes on some omphaloid Michigan. Michigan Botanist 7: 143-183. genera in Canada: Chrysomphalina, Rickenella, Perreau, J. 1970. Chanterelles et Craterelles. Gerronema, Omphalina. Acta Mycol. Sinica, Rev. Mycol. 35: 280-286. (keys to European Suppl. I: 297-304. spp.) Clemençon, H. 1982. Kompendium der Blätterpilze Europäische omphalinoide Tricholomataceae. Z. Mykol. 48: 195-237. Catathelasma Kost, G. 1986. Zur Gültigkeit der Gattung Singer, R. 1978. Keys for the identification of Chrysomphalina Clç. Z. Mykol. 52: 233. species of Agaricales II. Sydowia 31: 193-194. Cladopus Cheimonophyllum Largent, D. L. Entolomatoid fungi of the western Singer, R. 1978. Keys for the identification of United States and Alaska. 1994. Mad River Press, species of Agaricales II. Sydowia 31: 198-199. Inc., Eureka, CA. 516 p. Largent, D. L. 1974. New and interesting species Chlorophyllum of Cladopus and Entoloma from the Pacific Coast. Madroño 22: 363-373. Only one species known from North America: C. Noordeloos, M. E. 1987. Entoloma (Agaricales) molybdites in Europe. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 91: 1-419. Heinemann, P. 1968. Le genre Chlorophyllum Mass. (Leucocoprinaceae). Apercus Page 3 of 20 Clitocybe to Gymnopus or Rhodocollybia) Bigelow, H. E. 1982. North American species of Halling, R. E. 1983. The genus Collybia Clitocybe. Part 1. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 72: 1- (Agaricales) in the northeastern United States 280. and adjacent Canada. Mycol. Mem. 8: 1-148. Bigelow, H. E. 1985. North American species of Lennox, J. W. 1979. Collybioid genera in the Clitocybe. Part 2. Beih. Nova Hedwigia 81: 281- Pacific Northwest. Mycotaxon 9: 117-231. 471. Desjardin, D.E., R.E. Halling & B.A. Perry. Bigelow, H. E. & A. H. Smith. 1962. Clitocybe 1997. Gymnopus villosipes * a common collybioid species from the western United States. agaric from California. Mycotaxon 64: 141-147. Mycologia 54: 498-515. Singer, R. 1978. Keys for the identification of Conocybe species of Agaricales II. Sydowia 31: 199-233. Bigelow, H. E. 1965. The genus Clitocybe in Watling, R. 1982. Bolbitiaceae: Agrocybe, North America. Sect. Clitocybe. Lloydia 28: 139- Bolbitius & Conocybe. British Fungus Flora 3: 1- 180. 138. Roy. Bot. Gard., Edinburgh. Bigelow, H. E. 1968. The genus Clitocybe in Watling, R. Unpublished keys to Conocybe. North America. Sect.Infundibuliformes. Lloydia Kits van Waveren, E. 1970. The genus 31: 43-62. Conocybe subgenus Pholiotina I. European Bigelow, H. E.
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