Weather Distribution Temperature 7 «, m., 24 de- Today grees. Mostly cloudy today with BEDBANK efcaoee of nxnr tonight I ending late tomorrow. High today and 18,900 tomorrow, near V>; low tonight Tfadeperutent Daily f la »Y. Sunday talr .itA wanner. [ MONDAY THKVGHrilDAY-tST.lCI J See weather, page 2. ' 0»al SH I-0010 Isiuert dally. Monday toroujli trMj. iteoncl Cisu Posu«i VOL 84, NO. 144 Paid at Red Bin* MO- »V Additional Hailing Qnicei. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Says Education Aid f[Ye Fires Strike Area; MtMust BBe ExpandedErted TRENTON (AP)—State aid to local school income tax to keep up state services. At his districts must be expanded, Gov. Richard J. news conference today, Hughes said he had Hughes said yesterday. no intention of going beyond his campaign Loss He added that he hoped to finance in- pledge "to do everything I can to avoid a creased state aid to education without resort- ' broad-based tax, but not to have any qualms Ing to a broad-based tax. if and when the time comes. The remarks came at a news conference HOLDS DECISION 300 Battle Blazes when Hughes announced the appointment of In effect, Hughes left the decision on the David L. Yunich of Newark, president of L. broad-based tax just where, he left it Wednes- Bamberger & Co., to the state Tax Policy day, up in the air. Commission, succeeding W. Paul Stillman of He said Wednesday he does not plan to In Bitter Weather Cooney Ter., Fair Haven. call for a broad-based tax in his first budget message next month, but said this does not The commission is making a study of Fires claimed heavy losses in Monmouth County's ways to increase state aid to education. Most preclude consideration of such a tax later in advocates of expanded state aid favor adop- the year's "legislative session. sub-freezing weather last night as upward of 300 fire- tion of a broad-based tax. Advocates of the broad-based tax to sup- fighters battled blazes in Marlboro, Asbury Park, Mana- port increased aid to education point out that SHARES CONCERN lapan, Raritan Townshipand Long Branch. Hughes said he does not believe Yunich the state now provides about $100 million of has any preconceived views on the tax prob- the $500-million-a-year cost of running local At Marlboro, Julia's Drive-In Restaurant and Bar, schools. lem. , Rt. - 9, Robertsville, was But the governor added: Any increase would have to come from "He shares my concern that we have to the state, they say, probably from a new tax. destroyed in an estimated do some thinking and planning for the future. Nebraska is now the only other state in' the $75,000 loss. Supports He shares one of. the themes of my campaign, nation without a broad-based tax. Four stores on Cookman that in the normal course there would have Hughes said he plans to appoint a com- Ave., Asbury Park, in the heart to be an expansion of state aid to education." mittee to study the whole tax situation, but of the business district, were In his Inaugural address Tuesday, Hughes only after he has had a chance to meet with damaged with probably a, bet- 19 More hinted he might call for a sales or personal the Tax Policy Commission. ter than $30,000 loss valuation. In Manalapan, a former cold storage warehouse on the Kane RaceDays In Little Silver Brothers Farm was lost; at Rari- tan, a bam was destroyed in the TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Rich- Hazlet area, and in.Long Branch ard J. Hughes said yesterday he a house was damaged. favors 19 additional days of horse Flames shooting up from a racing in the state but is cool Deny Variance basement French fryer were toward other extensions of gam: blamed for the virtual destruc- bling. tion of Julia's Drive-in. "1 don't conceive that the ad DEMOLISHED — Thi» is «|| that remains of a car which collidflcAwith a Budd Jer- ISO Volunteers dition of 19 days of racing is a sey Central Railroad ear train last night at the Church St. croiiing, Belford. Driver John Christgoulou, manager so-called foot in the door for an For Apartments of the car, Mist Lois A. Smith, 26, of 195 Church St., was killed in the crash. and one member of a corpora- extension of gambling," the gov tion which acquired the one-story ernor said. LITTLE SILVER - The Zon Drazin, 25 Reckless PI.- Red brick, glass-fronted property last ing Board of Adjustment last Bank, had asked the board to The 19 additional days of rac year, said several employees and Car, Train Collide night denied a variance applica- continue the hearing until his Ing were recommended by the customers escaped uninjured. tion to build luxury garden clients were able to produce state Racing Commission, which As the first of 15 pieces of fire apartments on the Slotkin tract, architectural drawings end said it would bring in an addi- apparatus, and of more than 150 Seven Bridge Rd. sketches oi the proposed apart' tional $3 million a year in reve- firemen, reached the scene the nue. The present 150 days of rac- More than 100 people crowded ment project. Woman Killed in Crash building was enveloped in flames ing in New Jersey add $25 mil- Into Borough Hall to comment The applicants are Samuel and and smoke, Chief Al Storer of lion annually to the state's cof- BELFORD—A 26-year-old wom- on the proposal. They applauded Fannie Slotkin of Elberon and The train was on a dead-end That crash involved a township Edward W. McFeely of 524 the Robertsville Fire Company fers. an was killed last night when her (non-stop) run to Matawan. truck and a Budd train. the board's decision. reported. car collided with a Jersey Cen- Branch Ave., a real estate bro- Opposed Increase Miss Smith becomes the first There are no gates or signals The board ruled the applicants Fire burned through the floor tral Railroad Budd car at the ker. Mr. McFeely is identified David L. Yunich Governor Robert B. Meyner, traffic accident victim of the at the Eighth St. crossing, scene had not presented 'proof" on under the lunch counter and that Hughes' predecessor, had opposed Church St. crossing, here. which the board members could in the application as contracting year in the township. jot that crash. segment collapsed into the base- the increase. Police identified the victim as act. The applicants' attorney, purchaser. The scene of crash was near ment. In his farewell message to the Miss Lois A. Smith of 195 Church The body was removed to the Thomas T. Warshaw, represent Mr. Warshaw declined to com- another crossing where tvajp town- Scott Funeral Home. Favor Firemen drafted water from an Legislature, M « y n e r cautioned 1 ment publicly as to whether his St. ing the law olfice of Louis M ship road employees we e killed Patrolman Robert Lanno is clients intended to re-apply. irrigation pond and relayed against legalising «ny more gam- Misi Smith was pronounced last March. conducting the investigation. Near Point Rd. through a half-mile host circuit. bling, on groundis it could easily dead at the scene by Dr. C. Water froze almost as quickly lead to more extensions. He said The Slptkin property lies about State Aid Malcolm B. Gilman, Navesinfc as it poured out and made for he was not refeVrirtg to the Rac- 305 feet* southeast of Point Rd. River Rd. Budget, extremely slippery conditions un ing CommisstW proposal. The 29-acre tract has 420 feet of Saw Car der foot. Chief Storer said, how- Hughes said no saw no need Officials to Confer frontage on 'Seven Bridge Rd., Change for an increase in the number of Thomas Cobley, Hazlet, eng, and borders the Shrewsbury Riv- ever, that no firemen were in- Educator jured in fighting the fire, which flat tracks. There are three now, neer on the two-car Budd train, er Branch, (Middle Creek). The PRINCETON (AP) — Most o each limited to 50 days. told police ho was approaching area has a low level and is fre- broke out at 8:30 p.m. and kept the members of the New Jersey Hughes said he had not thought the crossing from the east when On Payroll Probe quently inundated during high the volunteers on the spot until Tax Policy Commission favor much about the Issue of legalized he saw Miss Smith's car heading tides and storms. The area is in 12:30 a.m. KEANSBURG- Borough Coun- A spokesman in the counly change in the state school aid night harness racing, but added, for the intersection. a top residential zone where only Bought for $125,000 cil and superior officers of the prosecutor's office said that the formula to provide more money "certainly I'm not warm toward He said he blew his horn and one-family dwellings are allowed. The Drive-In was acquired by police department will meet to- prosecutor has not been advised RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Three for fast growing communities tho new owners last year for it." tried to stop the train but that candidates for the Board of Ed- Milton Kosene, Fair Haven at- according to Commission .chair- It was too late to avoid the crash. day at 1 p.m. to determine the of the details of the probe. ucation, O. John Reed, Mrs. torney and mayor of the same (See FIRES, Page 2) (See HUGHES, page 3) course of action lo be taken in He said the prosecutor is wait- man Dr.
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