
Table of Contents of Polling Stations Name of Local Authorities Constituency : WARANGAL Number and Name of Polling Station 1 ZPP Meeting Hall, Warangal ZPP Warangal, Hanamkonda Details of Preparation Year of Preparation : 2019 14/05/2019 Details of local Bodies : 1. Municipal Corporations 2. Municipalities 3. Nagar Panchayats 4. Cantonment Boards 5. Zilla Praja Parishads 6. Mandal Praja Parishads Net Number of Electors : Male Female Other Total 58 88 0 146 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled 1 Mandal Praja Parishad Dharmasagar Hema Gudivenuka Devender Mandal Praja Telangana IFM0291369 1 F 25 Gudivenuka H Parishad 15/08/1983 99 DEVUNUR Dharmasagar Photo of దదవవవదర the Elector హహమ Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available గగడడవవననక పరరషత 506 గగడడవవననక ధరరససగర Karamchand Badhraiah Kaleru Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680459565 2 M 98 Kaleru F Parishad 23/07/1971 99 MALLAKPALLY Dharmasagar Photo of భదయయప the Elector కరవచవద Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available కసలలరర పరరషత 796 కసలలరర ధరరససగర Komala Pesaru Kumaraswamy Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680168094 3 F 77 Pesaru H Parishad 08/03/1974 99 thatikayala Dharmasagar Photo of కకమమరసససమ the Elector కకమల పపసరర Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available పపసరర పరరషత 97 ధరరససగర Laxmi Jaligapu Durgaiah Jaligapu Mandal Praja Telangana HMM1890672 4 F 25 H Parishad 06/04/1966 99 DHARAMASAGAR Dharmasagar Photo of దనరరయయ the Elector లకడర జలగపప Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available జలగపప పరరషత 256 ధరరససగర Page : 1 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled Laxmi Ramanareddy Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680234417 5 F 39 Vallapureddy Vallapureddy H Parishad 24/08/1966 99 NARAYANAGIRI Dharmasagar Photo of రమణ రరడడడ the Elector లకడర Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available వలల పపరరడడడ పరరషత 144 వలల పపరరడడడ ధరరససగర Mahendar Ramdas Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680090034 6 M 85 Perumandla Perumandla F Parishad 16/11/1969 99 saipeta Dharmasagar Photo of రసమదదస the Elector మహహవదర Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available పపరరమమవడల పరరషత 923 పపరరమమవడల ధరరససగర Narmada Akarapu Raghuththam Mandal Praja Telangana HMN1923275 7 F 89 Reddy Akarapu H Parishad 05/09/1981 99 PEDDAPENDIYAL Dharmasagar Photo of రఘగతతవ రరడడడ the Elector నరరదద Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available ఆకసరపప పరరషత 77 ఆకసరపప ధరరససగర Rajitha Ravula Venkat Reddy Mandal Praja Telangana IFM0296723 8 F 30 Ravula H Parishad 03/07/1978 99 DHARAMASAGAR Dharmasagar Photo of వవవకట రరడడడ the Elector రసజత రసవపల Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available రసవపల పరరషత 585 ధరరససగర Page : 2 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled Sampath Kathi Venkataiah Kathi Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680222379 9 F 43 H Parishad 04/05/1968 99 VELAIR Dharmasagar Photo of వవవకటయయ the Elector సవపత కతత Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available కతత పరరషత 753 ధరరససగర Shekar Jogu Chendraiah Jogu Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680330036 10 M 81 F Parishad 12/06/1967 99 ELUKURTHY Dharmasagar Photo of చచవదయయప the Elector శశకర జజగగ Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available జజగగ పరరషత 218 ధరరససగర Shobharani Kalva Komrelli Kalva Mandal Praja Telangana HMN2215481 11 F 45 H Parishad 15/05/1984 99 SODASHAPALLY Dharmasagar Photo of కకమరరలల the Elector శశభరసణణ కసలస Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available కసలస పరరషత 105 ధరరససగర Supraja Gurrapu Rajendra Prasad Mandal Praja Telangana IFM0613117 12 F 29 Gurrapu H Parishad 14/08/1987 99 DHARAMASAGAR Dharmasagar Photo of రసజజవద ప పససదప the Elector సనపజజప Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available గగరరపప పరరషత 41 గగరరపప ధరరససగర Page : 3 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled Swarupa Jampaiah Mandal Praja Telangana HMN1351725 13 F 6 Devarajula Devarajula F Parishad 18/07/1986 99 peechara Dharmasagar Photo of జవపయయ the Elector ససరరప Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available దదవరసజల పరరషత 185 దదవరసజల ధరరససగర Swathi Battu Yadaiah Battu Mandal Praja Telangana IFM0422477 14 F 46 H Parishad 03/06/1986 99 MALLIKUDURLA Dharmasagar Photo of యమదయయ the Elector సససత బటటట Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available బటటటట పరరషత 470 ధరరససగర Vanamala Oruganti Yadagiri Oruganti Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680066556 15 F 99 H Parishad 10/06/1979 99 dharmapuram Dharmasagar Photo of యమదగరరర the Elector వనమమల Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available ఓరరగవటట పరరషత 791 ఓరరగవటట ధరరససగర Vasantha Shika Ravi Shika Mandal Praja Telangana IFM0513093 16 F 90 H Parishad 24/07/1986 99 peddapendyala Dharmasagar Photo of రవ the Elector వసవత షషక Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available షషక పరరషత 610 ధరరససగర Page : 4 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled Venkatalaxmi Kanakaiah Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680267014 17 F 17 Jodumunthala Jodumunthala H Parishad 04/11/1972 99 kammaripet Dharmasagar Photo of కనకయయ the Elector వవవకట లకడర Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available జజడడమగవతల పరరషత 51 జజడడమగవతల ధరరససగర Vijay Kumar Venkataiah Mandal Praja Telangana AP382680276699 18 M 21 Mekala Mekala F Parishad 13/06/1970 99 MUPPARAM Dharmasagar Photo of వవవకటయయ the Elector వజయ Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available మమకల పరరషత 335 కకమమర ధరరససగర Yadagiri Billa Venkateshwarlu Mandal Praja Telangana IFM0616094 19 M 15 Billa F Parishad 25/09/1989 99 velair Dharmasagar Photo of వవవకటటశసరరల the Elector యమదగరరర Ghanpur (Station) మవడల పజజప (Sc) is Available బళళ పరరషత 577 బళళ ధరరససగర 2 Mandal Praja Parishad Geesugonda Ambika Srinivas Mandal Praja Telangana JWL1195270 20 F 163 Bommagani Bommagani H Parishad 09/09/1983 104 MPPK onnatha Geesugonda Photo of Patashala శరనవసస the Elector అవబక Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available బబ మరగన పరరషత 724 బబ మరగన గగసనగగవడ Page : 5 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled Bhaskar Kamani Machaiah Kamani Mandal Praja Telangana MWT1291277 21 M 144 F Parishad 19/10/1975 104 ZPHS Geesugonda Photo of మమచయయ the Elector భభససర Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available కసమన పరరషత 577 కసమన గగసనగగవడ Dhanalaxmi Dude Dudaiah Dude Mandal Praja Telangana MWT2271104 22 F 166 H Parishad 02/01/1977 104 ZPHS Geesugonda Photo of దనదయయ the Elector ధనలకడర Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available దదడద పరరషత 120 దదడద గగసనగగవడ Kalavathi Muntha Rajaiah Muntha Mandal Praja Telangana AP392670036199 23 F 180 H Parishad 02/05/1978 104 M P P S Geesugonda Photo of రసజయయ the Elector కళళవత Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available మగవత పరరషత 582 మగవత గగసనగగవడ Kavitha Veeragoni Rajkumar Mandal Praja Telangana AP 382710435226 24 F 152 Veeragoni H Parishad 05/08/1982 104 ZPHS Geesugonda Photo of రసజ కకమమర the Elector కవత వరగగన Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available వరగగన పరరషత 727 గగసనగగవడ Page : 6 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of which No. and Name where and Slno in Part Photo Part Elector Surname elector is a elector is enrolled where elector is member enrolled Manjula Pulicheru Raju Pulicheru Mandal Praja Telangana TVR0786170 25 F 172 H Parishad 24/03/1983 104 GP Geesugonda Photo of రసజ the Elector మవజల Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available పపలచదరర పరరషత 614 పపలచదరర గగసనగగవడ Ravinder Mugala Ilaiah Mugala Mandal Praja Telangana MWT2288165 26 M 142 F Parishad 02/05/1981 104 MPP UPS Geesugonda Photo of ఐలయయ the Elector రవవదర Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available మగగల పరరషత 405 మగగల గగసనగగవడ Saritha Namindla Sampath Mandal Praja Telangana MWT1046572 27 F 151 Namindla H Parishad 02/06/1982 104 ZPHS Geesugonda Photo of సవపత the Elector సరరత నమవడల Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available నమవడల పరరషత 666 గగసనగగవడ Srinivas Kanuganti Yakaiah Mandal Praja Telangana MWT2262061 28 M 169 Kanuganti F Parishad 02/11/1982 104 M P P S Geesugonda Photo of యమకయయ the Elector శరనవసస Parkal మవడల పజజప is Available కననగవటట పరరషత 117 కననగవటట గగసనగగవడ 3 Mandal Praja Parishad Hanamkonda Page : 7 of 37 Electoral Registration Officer Part No.: 1 Slno. First Name & Relation Rel. Sex Name of Local Name of State, AC PartNo. Part Name Epic Number in Surname of the Name & Type. DOB Authority of
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