1880. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2673 Helfferich & Sons, and of George C. Buchanan and others, of Ken­ Mr. DAWES. The same joint resolution which passed the House tucky and Ohio, for the passage of the bill (H. R. No. 4812) amending must have passed the Senate. There could not have been two reso­ the internal-revenue laws-to the Committee on Ways and Means. lutions. That may be a mistake of the RECORD, but it oa.nnot be Also, the petitions of G. Holterhoff, of Schmidlapp & Co., of otherwise than the same resolution. There may have been a mistake .Amann & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, for a revision of the revenue laws in copying. relative to the tax on whisky-t o the same committee. Mr. BECK. I do not know the fact; I have not verified it . ~ Also, the petition of the Iron Molders' Union of Lorain, Ohio, for Mr. DAWES. I wish to call the at tention of the Senator from Ken­ the passage of House bill 4327-to the Committee on the Judiciary. tucky to a little error in the RECORD as reported. I did not inquire Also, the petition of Charles N. Parat and others, for the removal of the Senator, as I am reported there, whether he was opposed to of the duty on foreign newspapers and periodicals-to the Committee the resolution; I inquired of the Senator if he objected to the word on Ways and Means. ' "nation." I am reported as inquiring of the Senator if he was op­ Also, the petition of James Morrison & Co. and othen;, citizens of posed to the resolution, and he said no. I inquired of the Senator if Ohio, for the removal of the duty on salt-to the same committee. he objected to the word "nation," and the Senator's response is re­ Also, the petition of Nathaniel Ropes and others, representing the corded there, but it is applied to a different question from what I put. candle manufacturers of the United States, against the reduction of I was desirous of ascertaining from the Senator whether it was an the duty on crude glycerine-to the same committee. objection to the resolution that it was a presentation of the desk to the "nation," and I understood the Senator to say that was no objec­ tion on his part. Mr. BECK. I have only to say that the Senator from Massachu­ IN SENATE. setts a.eked me if I objected to the resolution as it was. I understood him to ask that. I do not think he said anything about "nation" or FRIDAY, April 23, 1880. "United States," or anything else like that. • Mr. DAWES. My interrogatory to the Senator was whether he Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK,°D. D. objected to the word "nation" in the resolution. The Senator, of THE JOURNAL. course, speaks as he heard me. I had no idea that the Senator would be opposed to a resolution drawn in words that were acceptable to The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read. him. My ouly desire was to ascertain whether the Senator from Ken­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair wishes to call attention to that tucky objected to the use of the word ''nation." part of the Journal which relates to the first amendment offered by The VICE-PRESIDENT. The only resolution passed upon the the Senator from Mf.line [:Mr. BLAINE] to the Army appropriation bill. subject-matter was a joint resolution from the Honse of Represent­ It makes the Senator from Vifginia [Mr. WITHERS] to have assigned atives. a reason for his point of order, which was not according to the fact. Mr. BECK. It appears from the RECORD that it passed the House He stated generally that he raised the point of order. Then the Chair in one form and the Senate in another, which would be an improper inquired of him upon what ground it was, and he went on to specify thing. some grounds which the Chair thought were not tenable grounds, SMITHSONIAN REPORT. but the point of order nevertheless was well taken according to the rule. The Journal should state the fact that the Senator from Vir­ Mr. HAMLIN. I wish to enter a motion to reconsider the vote by ginia did not at the outset assign any reason for his point of order. which the Senate yesterday concurred in the amendment of the House He stated generally "the point of order." of Representatives to the concurrent resolution of the Senate for the Mr. WITHERS. That is correct. publication of the Smithsonian Report. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal will be corrected in that The VICE-PRESIDENT. The motion will be entered. respect. Mr. HAMLIN. The chairman of the Committee on Printing is out Mr. KIRKWOOD. Yesterday morning the Chair presented to the of bis seat, and I cannot confer with him; and I enter the motion to Senate resolutions of the American Numismatic and Archreological save time. Society of the city of New York, in favor of the admission of classi­ EXECUTIVE COMllUNICATIONS. cal antiquities free of duty. My recollection is that the memorial The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from the was la.id on the table, but if I heard the Journal correctly, it is stated Postmaster-General, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the there that it was referred to the Committee on Finance. Will the Senate, information relative to a suit against the postmaster at New Clerk please refer to it T York for damages arising for the use of a patented instrument for The VICE-PRESIDENT. It appears by the Journal that the me­ canceling postage-stamps; which was referred to the Committee on morial was referred to the Committee on Finance. Post-Offices and Post-Roads, and ordered to be printed. Mr. KIRKWOOD. I desire to call that matter up some time dur­ PETITIO~S AND MEMORIALS. ing the morning hour for a few minutes this morning. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a letter of George W. Bruner, of It Mr. TELLER. ought not to have been 1·eferred, as the bill has Mo~tgomery, MiRsouri, relative to the original bounty of Charles Ma­ been reported. honey, late private Company E, Twenty-fourth Missouri Volunteers; Mr. KIRKWOOD. That is an error. The memorial was ordered which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. to lie upon the table for the reason that the bill to which it relates Mr. SLATER presented resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of had been reported from the Committee on Finance and was in pos­ Astoria, relative to appropriations for the Willamette and Lower Co­ session of the Senate. The Journal should be amended so aa to show lumbia Rivers and the bar at the mouth ·of the Columbia River; that it was laid on the table and not referred to the committee. which were rflferred to the Committee on Commerce. · The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal will be so corrected, and as He also presented resolutions of the Board of Trade of Portland, corrected will be approved. Oregon, respecting appropriations for the Willamette and Lower Co­ ACCEPTANCE OF JEFFERSON'S DESK. lumbia Rivers; which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. BECK. Mr. President, yesterday when the House joint reso­ He also presented the petition of Johnson, Rees & Winans, M. C. lution relative to receiving the writing-desk of Mr. Jefferson wa-a be­ Moore & Co., and 125 others, citizens of Walla Walla, Washington fore the Senate, I called the attention of the Sena.tor from Virginia Territory, praying an appropriation of $250,000 to begin the construc­ [Mr. JOHNSTON] to the fact that a clause of the resolution before the tion of a breakwater at the mouth of the Columbia River; which was Senate read in these words: referred to the Committee on Commerce. That this precious relic is hereby accepted in tlLe name of the nation, and that the He also presented a petition of citizens of Wasco County, Oregon, same be deposited for· safe-keeping in the Department of State of the United and a petition of citizens of Clatsop County, Oregon, praying for an States. appropriation of $250,000 to begin the construction of a breakwater And I inquired if it would not be better to have the relic accepted at the mouth of the Columbia River; which were referred to tho "in the name of the United States." The answer was: Committee on Commerce. :Mr• .JOHNSTO!Q". The resolution comes from the House as it was adopted there. ·Mr. VEST presented a resolution of the Chamber of Commerce of It is just in the form it was adopted there. I suppose it is right because it is ex­ the city of Saint Louis, Miss.ouri, in favor of an appropriation by Con­ actly what tho fact is. gress to construct reservoirs on the headwaters of the Mississippi I turned to the RECORD this morning accidentally and I found the River and its tributaries to increase the depth of water so as to ad­ joint resolution introduced in the House by Mr. CRAPO identical in mit the passage of light-draught steamers at all seasons of the year; language to the resolution which passed the Senate, except the sec­ which was referred to the Committee on the Improvement of the Mis­ ond section of the resolution, which reads thus: sissippi River and its Tributaries. And be it further resolved, That this precious work is hereby accepted in the Mr. INGALLS presented a memorial of citizens residing in the west­ name of the United States, and the same be deposited for safe-keeping in the De· ern part of Kansas, remonstratin~ against the passage of the bill partment of State of the United States.
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