P BE C CTS Vol. IV, No. 3 PublishedBz by and for the Students of Boone Junior College, Boone, Iowa December 21,1959 B.J. C. Chorus Rehearses Every Thursday morning 34 junior college students raise their voices in song as a part of the Boone Junior College Chorus. Under the direction of sophomores Darrell Fagen and Judy Tornell they are accompanied by Mrs. Kathryn Thompson. Officers elected for the year include Darrell Blaess, president ;vice-president. Bar- bara Anderson; and secretary-treas- urer, Glenda McCambridge. Mrs. Mari2n Tisdal- is the advisor. The chorus is planning on going Christmas caroling this winter and also taking part in the school Christ- mas assemb!! where they san; 'Winter Wonderland,' 'What Child Is This?,' 'Angels We Have Heard on High,' and 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas.' Also on the year's pro- gram is the Music Festival which the L chorus is planning to attend. This festival will be held at the Keokuk Junior College on March 15th. Jr. College Students Participate Last year the chorus Christmas caroled at the three old people's in Adult Swimming ~ctivitk homes in Boone and participated in the Christmas assembly. Fifteen Boone Junior Colle~estu- and nine o'clock. Dr. Cummings, who The Boone Junior College was host dents, including 12 boys and three is a local optometrist, has charge of to the other junior colleges last win- girls. are participating in Monday the Monday night swimmers. He is a ter for the annual Music Festival night swimming at the Boone High Red Cross approved instructor who which was held in the Boone High School pool. has had much experience locally and Auditorium. About 400 students took Besides the 15 B. .I. C. students. while in the Navv. part under the direction of Stanford t5ere are nine adults enrolled in the At the present time, according to Hulshizer, Director of Drake Uni- weekly activity. Dr. Cumminqs, there is not much versity Choirs. Activities of the swimming session organization in the class due to much include water basketball, tag, diving. time spent with lessons. But he antici- and lessons for the non-swimmers. pates organized games, diving: and ORCHIDS TO- Non-swimmers are restricted to the lessons in the near future. shallow end pf the pool, while the Enrollment in the class is offered Vicki Leater-for her imaginative swimmers are free to take part in the to all Boone Junior College students angel decoration on the lower hall various water sports. and all adults wishing to participate. bulletin board. One of the students participatin: in Judy Tornell-for helping the stu- the swimming session is a post-polio dent body over the bloopers in the patient. Her exercises are the same as DATES TO WATCH tree-lightinq assembly. those instructed and recommended December 21 : Christmas Party Mrs. Thompson-for doing the by the Sister Kenny Foundation. December 23 : Holiday honors on the piano. Instructions are given by Dr. Jack through January 1st Us-for getting this paper out on Cummings between the hours of seven time. 7 BEAR FACTS December 21, 1959 MISS FLORENCE GROVE Recipe for a Letters to the Editor The new instructor taking over the On occasion this paper will publish duties in the B. J. C. library is Miss Good Yearbook letters by j.c. students or faculty mem- Florence A. Grove. Ingredients : bers. Letters must be signed in full "I was very favorably impressed but the name of the writer will be with the school library and student A well balanced staff, withheld when published, if so re- attitude," was Miss Grove's comment Art work by Mrs. Porter, quested: concerning her new position at B. J. C. Pictures of organizations, Although actually attending high A dedication page, DEAREDITOR: school at Roland, Miss Grove claims Title page by Mr. Matson. Did anyone attempt to dance or get Ames as her home town. She holds a a chance to dance at the Thanksgiving B. A. degree from St. Olaf College Help from Mrs. Hartley, party November 24th? in Minnesota, and an A. B. S. degree Advice from Mrs. Tisdale, If someone could dance or even in Library Science. Her library ex- A nice looking cover, enjoy himself in spite of the loud periences include Britt, Roland, and Ads from the community. yelling, record changing, junior high Manly High Schools, as well as serv. Mix together the above ingredients acting individuals it was amazing. ing as head of extension work with until well organized. Add a pinch of It was those few individuals who were the State Traveling Library. fun for flavor. Divide batch into al- making it unpleasant for the majority. ternating layers to be baked at the Instead of asking for more dances publishing house in Texas. When re- and parties, why not ask for more New Form of turned, inspect and proudly distribute co-operation and college students who among student body. When making act like college students? Recreation this yearbook omit losing- ads, un- A J. C. Student willing members, and forgetting to Being Added meet deadlines. Tree-Lighting The smell of fresh paint and a sign, If the above directions are properly Ceremony Held "KEEP OUT-PAINT NOT DRY" indi- followed a good yearbook will be produced. Delta Tau bought and decorated cated to the students of B. J. C. that our tree which graced the assembly their recreation room, a converted last Monday, December 7th. It was coal bin, was having its face lifted. MR. JACK PORTER set up and adorned on the preceding Since the basketball team did not -'Although my duties are light, thel; Sunday. The assembly began at 9:30: materialize, the money usually appro- are pleasant, and I have hopes of with tree lighting by Jack Kelly, Pres- priated to that activity has been re- continuing instructing at B. J. C." ident of the student body, and group allocated to provide more and better This was the comment of Mr. Porter singing. Coffee and doughnuts were facilities for the recreation of the regarding Boone Junior College. Mr. served later by the BEARFACTSstaff B. J. C. student body. Recent acquisi- Porter, who also teaches math at from a table decorated with a Christ- tions with that money have been some Boone High School, instructs a mas motif. new cards, ping pong table, paddles small class in calculus. and balls, and checkers. After completing high school at A modern definition of a bride is a To provide boards for the checker Bloomfield, he spent four years in girl who discovered that where there's players, the cement shelf has been re- the U. S. Navy. after which he re- toast there's smoke. painted grey and 13 red and black ceived his B. S. degree at Parsons boards painted around the ledge. College in 1954. Keosauqua H. S. was Ted Bass has done most of the work the site for three years of instructing NYSTROM MOTORS of rejuvenating the room. before coming to Boone in 1957. Mr. By the Water Tower The new ping pong table will be- Porter received his M. A. degree in come the center of activity as the math from I. S. T. C. in June of this CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH . IMPERIAL ping pong tournament gets under way Year. Quality First Used Cars soon. Although it was unfortunate Even though Mr. Porter is com- that B. J. C. will not participate in paratively new at junior college in- intercolleqiate basketball, "It is an ill structing, he feels that junior colleges wind .. ." have a definite place in higher edu- THE CITIZENS The improvements in the recrea- cstion. tion room, and the new additions to NATIONAL BANK its facilities provide another step in BOONE : IOWA the growth of B. J. C.'s total program. BEAR FACTS Published by and for the student body of Boone Junior College. Boone, Iowa IOWA ELECTRIC EDITOR : Betsy Belhaxsen. MAKE-UP EDITOR : Anna Longhenry REPORTERS: Carolyn Erickson, Ken Howard. LIGHTAND POWER Quality Groceries and Meats ADVISOR: C. W. Schaeffer. PRINTERS : Sunstrom-Miller Press. ,ember 21,1959 BEAR FACTS I Has True Meaning of Christmas Been Lost? The Editor Speaks With only a few days remaining William Heitkamp: "Very much Eighteen years ago December 7th' before Christmas, do you think you so. Christmas has practically van- Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The majority of us were very young then; ( know the meaning and have the real ished in its true sense. Too much spirit of Christmas? Here is what emphasis has been placed on the ma- a few of us were not even born. We some j.c. students had to say when terial idea of big. lavish gifts. One have no recollection of the tragic in- asked if they thought the true mean- small gift given with the Christmas cident that threw our country into inp of Christmas had been lost. spirit should be sufficient. We should turmoil and sent the world plunging Paul Nally: "If it hasn't been lost place more emphasis on the religious into the second World War. it certainly has strayed from the theme of Christmas." Dave Garroway on the radio recent- meaning that people a few years ago Bonnie Richter: "Yes. partly. In- ly commented on that fateful night; gave to it." stead of celebrating the birth of Christ he thinks many older people have Gary Bass: "Yes, the joyful re- it has become a commercialized forgotten it, too-at least its import. ligious meaning is being replaced by Christmas with the emphasis on Santa He remembered as a boy asking a a drastic financial problem." Claus." senior citizen what he recalled of the Gerry Raettig: "Yes, the true mean- Darrell Fagen: "Yes, I think we Battle of Gettysburg.
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