PEATbRES FOOTBALL BROADCAST SCHEDULE FOOTBALL CHART THE RADIO TATTLER By EARLE ENNIS MICROPHONE GOSSIP GRACE S. MICHIE-KGO By MONROE R. UPTON PERSONAL PICK-UPS By GYPSY TOPICS OF THE TRADE A PAGE FROM THE NBC WOMAN'S MAGAZINE OF THE AIR PROGRAMS 1PICTURES " THE LEADING RADIO GUIDE OF THE PACIFIC COAST" If Radios Could Blush If they could-there would be a lot of blushing going on in San Francisco these days. And it wouldn't be "HOT MAMMA" songs responsible, either. They'd Blush with Shame Because the exquisite East Indian laurel wood, triple screen -grid AM is out -performing them in every department. Of course they cost more than many radios-but they're worth it. They're for those who can afford the best. +4. Ask Your Crosley Dealer -++ Exclusive California Distributors KNELF-RFAANsTain"INCORPORATED 121-131 RADIO EQUIPMENT 135-139 Ninth Street West 17th St. San Francisco aK Los Angeles "Amrad forArt's Sake THE JAMES H. BARRY CO. .4E30' SAN FRANCISCO BROADCAST WEEKLY (FORMERLY RADIOCAST WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 1922 AS BROADCAST PROGRAM) AJ URB AI N, Publisher PUBLISHED ON THE FIRST DAY OP ENTERED AS251 CLASS EACH WEEK BY MAT TER, MARCH 25.1923, BY THE POST OEFICE, SAN FRANCISCO.CALIFORNIA BROADCAST WEEKLY TINDER ACT OP MARCH 3.1879 PUBLISHING COPYRIGHT, 1929 BY COMPANY BROADCAST WEEKLY PACIFIC BUILDING, PUBLISHING COMPANY 821 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 10 CENTS THE COPY FROM ALL NEWSDEALERS TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 5271 BY SUBSCRIPTION 83.00 PER YEAR Vol. 8 San Francisco OCTOBER 12, 1929 Los Angeles No. 3 THE EDIOR'S PAG rir HEATRE managers once fought the informs us is because the department is not I radio on the theory thatit would de-protected from damage suitsin the event plete box office returns.Sport promoters, the findings of the department are found to in similar manner, battled against the pick-be erroneous.A government that doesn't up microphone on the baseball and football dare tell the truth to the public creates the field on the theory that the public would effect of extreme wobbliness! stay home and take its sport synthetically by means of the loudspeaker, in preference to attending the game.In these opinions,PTHE radio commission has again author- both theatrical men and sport backers had ized station synchronization tests. By failedto takenintoconsiderationcertain this is meant the simultaneous operation of psychological aspects of the case which theytwo or more stations on the same wave now fully realize. Radio is a non-competitive channel. Two ofthe Columbia network factorin business.Itisa stimulator ofmajor stations-WABC at New York and markets.It creates demand and increases WCAU at Philadelphia-have been selected public interest.The proof lies in the factfor the tests.The theory is that if the two that between October 12 and January 1, notstations are perfectly synchronized neither less than 60 football games will be broadcastwill bother the other. Any choir leader who by variousstations on thePacificCoast has tried to get two sopranos to sing the alone.Heaven only knows what the totalsame song together can tell the radio ex- for the whole United States for the entireperts that it can't be done.Even a perfectly season will be.People who never saw atuned married couple who manage it for any football game in their lives have been in- length of time, get their pictures in the news- duced to go by the color and atmosphere paper.While the tests are under way, thou- that trickled into their homes via the loud-sands of poor fans will be suffering and speaker. blaming their receivers for the whistles and moansthatarereallyduetowavering WE ARE prone to criticize the radiosynchronization. commission for its failure to accom- plish anything ofa lasting nature inthe NOME idea of the cost of broadcasting radiofield. This condition, however, ap- may be gathered from the figures to hand pears not to be confined to this one com-from the Crystal Palace studio of the Sixth mission but to be a generalsituationat Annual Radio World'sFairatMadison Washington, whatever the cause may be. Square Garden, which just closed. The pro- We have this week the spectacle of the De-grams alone cost the astonishing sum of partment of Commerce announcing that the $300,000 for six days only.This was wholly findingsinthe New Mexico plane crashaside from exhibition costs.And yet one which cost the lives of eight persons will benever hears the plaint from artists and mu- kept secret. This, the department generouslysicians that they are overpaid. 3 Own a MAJESTIC and You Own the Air! Learn the amazing difference-today-between ordinary radio and the sharp single -channel selectivity of the powerfulMAJESTIC. Askit for performance no other radio can give. Learn the thrill of a set with the power to bring in one station at a time-and only one! Aphone call now to your nearestMAJESTICdealer will bring a set to your home at once. TUNE IN MAJESTIC THEATRE OF THE AIR Over Columbia Broadcasting System-Stations KFRC and KMJ- every Sunday evening, 6 to 7, Pacific Standard Time. Headliners of stage and screen. FINER 01111 TONE )0' POWER Detection and the new -45 tubes plus four tuned stages of radio frequency enable Majestic to produce the most powerful and selective radio set ever built. Abso- lutely no hum and no oscillation at any wave length. Jacobean period cabinet of Amer- ican Walnut. Doors of matched butt walnut with overlays on doors and interior panel of genuine imported Australian lacewood. Escutcheon MODEL 92 plate, knobs and door pulls finished $167.50 in genuine silver. Less Tubes Wholesale Distributors Frederick H. Thompson Co. Holmes & Crane 1131 Mission Street, San Francisco 291 Fourth Street, Oakland, Calif. Kimball -Upson Company 607-11 K Street, Sacramento RAM" TATTLER By EARLE ENNIS FrHE next radio development promised usanywhere.Such a set will not only copy .11 is the pocket receiver, by means of which,signals from the next state, but the far side at home or abroad, we may keep in constantof the country as well. They have not yet touch with the world. The idea completelybeen developed sufficiently to permit of voice ruins the hermit business and already num-reception, but that is just an inch or two bers of old gentlemen who have livedin distant.It will soon be no more trouble for uncombed peace and security in the moun-a man's wife to raise her voice and remind tains for years are preparing to get a shavehim, in the depths of his office, that he is to and return to civilization, their day of retire-bring home a veal's running -gear for dinner, ment ended. than tocall a maid in from the kitchen. * * * In fact, no man will be out of touch with The idea of the vest pocket receiver was his home or his office until his batteres run tried out in Paris when Eiffel tower began down. broadcasts of a financial and news nature. * * * The French built their receivers into small Of course fashion designers will leap with prayer books-a crystal detector, a tuningjoy at the prospect. They will design neat coil and one ear -cap which hung over thelittle bonnets with a flap over one ear, de- personal listening post by a loop. A morn-signed to conceal the ear -cap of the radio ing on a Paris boulevard resembled an earlyreceiver. We will probably wear a cap most mass. Well -dressed gentlemen were every-of the time, and a small receiver in a belt or where, their eyes cast down, a prayer booka pocket. We will be able to buy re -fill bat- open in their laps.It was a touching picture,teries at every cigar stand. Instead of buying but it had nothing to do with religion. Thean extra on a street corner, we'll know what's gentlemen were listening to stock reports going on because it will be pouring into our from the Bourse. collective ears all the time. * ** * * * The idea was not so successful with the These little portable receivers are going to crystal detector.Someone was always jog-change a number of things. With time sig- gling an elbow just as a fortune came true nals broadcast every few minutes from this in Condensed Milk or Powdered Steel, andand that station, we won't have to carry the listener would miss the great moment.watches or have a clock in the home. The Then again it rained a great deal in Parisportable is going to ruin the clock business. and a gentleman with a damp crystal would It is going to end the need for newspapers. miss a rise in Flapjack Preferred or a drop in It is going to force announcers to speak so Contaminated Haywire. As a result a num-we can understand them. It is going to make ber of temperamental gamblers shot them-us loyal and patriotic because the President selves by mistake when the information wentof the United States will be in personal touch wrong on their portable sets. with us, and we'll know exactly how he feels * * * about everything.In fact, the portable re- All this caused the radio manufacturer toceiver will just about make a new world frown on the portable set and to discouragefor us. itsuse.But it was impossible to do this. * ** The public likes everything small and com- Think of the joy that a woman will get pact-fountainpens,automobiles,women, out of motoring along a highway and having opera hats, folding -beds, apartments, taxes,her attorney pour the news into her ear by etc.
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