Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-12-07 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 784. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/784 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CII Issue 15 December 7, 2016 In this issue... Campus News, page 2 Xavier sponsors families in need Cincinnati features BY RILEY HEAD 'HSDUWPHQW RI -RE DQG )DPLO\ UDLVLQJ PRQH\ WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ 6DQGHUV D ÀUVW\HDU UHVLGHQW LQ Cincideustch Christ- Staff Writer 6HUYLFHV WR DVVLVW IDPLOLHV LQ ;DYLHU·V+ROLGD\3URMHFW .XKOPDQ+DOOVDLG kindlmarkt in ;DYLHU LV ZRUNLQJ LQ SDUWQHU QHHGGXULQJWKLVKROLGD\VHDVRQ 3DUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH SURJUDP .XKOPDQ+DOO'LUHFWRU6DPDUD VKLS ZLWK WKH +DPLOWRQ &RXQW\ 2UJDQL]DWLRQVDFURVVFDPSXVDUH LV QRW UHTXLUHG EXW LI D JURXS *DLWDQH[SODLQHGWKDWVKHDQGKHU Fountain Square ZDQWV WR SDUWLFLSDWH LW FDQ VLJQ 5$·VPDGHWKHGHFLVLRQWRVXSSRUW XSE\FKRRVLQJDSUHIHUUHGIDPL DODUJHIDPLO\RI VL[WKLVVHDVRQ Campus News, page 3 O\VL]H,WWKHQUHFHLYHVDZLVKOLVW ´$ORWRI WKHVHIDPLOLHVDUHLQ IURP D IDPLO\ LQ QHHG WKDW LW LV QHHGDQGZHÀJXUHGWKLVLVDZD\ Students for an In- SDLUHGZLWK ZH DVD.XOKPDQKDOOFRPPXQL formed Society or- 2UJDQL]DWLRQV DOO RYHU FDP W\ FDQVXSSRUWDIDPLO\µ*DLWDQ ganized a demon- SXV KDYH GHFLGHG WR MRLQ 7KH VDLG ´$OWKRXJK QRW HYHU\ UHVL stration for Standing UHVLGHQFHKDOOV%XHQJHU+XVPDQ GHQW PD\ EH DEOH WR VXSSRUW IRU Rock DQG.XKOPDQDOODGRSWHGDIDPLO\ SHUVRQDOUHDVRQVVLQFHZHKDYHD DQGWKH6WXGHQW$WKOHWH$GYLVRU\ EXLOGLQJ RI DOPRVW UHVLGHQWV &RPPLWWHH ZRUNHG WR JHW DOO ZHKRSHUHVLGHQWVDUHDEOHWRVKLS Campus News, page 4 ;DYLHU VSRUWV WHDPV WR SLWFK LQ LQDQGVXSSRUWµ This week’s Police DQGHDFKDGRSWWKHLURZQIDPLO\ 7KLVRSSRUWXQLW\DOORZVVPDOO &OXEVDQGRIÀFHVDFURVVFDPSXV HUFRPPXQLWLHVZLWKLQFDPSXVWR Notes feature anoth- KDYHDOVRMRLQHGLQWRVXSSRUWD ERQGWKURXJKWKHKROLGD\VHDVRQ er broken elevator IDPLO\$YDULHW\RI PHWKRGVKDYH ZKLOHLPSURYLQJWKHVXUURXQGLQJ EHHQXVHGWRWU\WRUDLVHPRQH\ FRPPXQLW\EHIRUHOHDYLQJIRUWKH .XKOPDQKDVKRVWHGDEDNHVDOH VHPHVWHU Campus News, page 5 ZLWKDÁRRUE\ÁRRUFRPSHWLWLRQ ´:H NQRZ WKHUH DUH PDQ\ DQGKDVDOVRDVNHGIRUGRQDWLRQV UHVLGHQWVZKRZLVKWRJLYHEDFN Fans mourn Brazilian WRWU\WRUHDFKLWVJRDORI WR WKH FRPPXQLW\ EXW PD\ QRW soccer team killed in ´, ERXJKW VRPH WUHDWV IURP NQRZKRZWRJRDERXWLWµ*DLWDQ plane crash WKHEDNHVDOHDQG,WKRXJKWLWZDV VDLG´6KRSSLQJIRUWKHJLIWVDQG DUHDOO\FRROHDV\ZD\WRPDNHD KDYLQJ JLIW ZUDSSLQJ SDUWLHV DO Photo courtesy of rachelsnodgrass.weebly.com GLIIHUHQFHIRUVRPHNLGVWRKDYH ORZVHYHU\RQHWRJHWLQYROYHGLQ ;DYLHU·V&HQWHUIRU)DLWKDQG-XVWLFHVSHDUKHDGHGWKH+ROLGD\3URMHFW Op-Ed, page 6 D EHWWHU &KULVWPDVµ 6\GQH\ WKHVSLULWRI WKHVHDVRQµ Trever McKenzie be- lives this winter break is much needed Jazz trio rounds out music series BY KEVIN THOMAS RQHV HTXLSSHG ZLWK R[\JHQµ KDYH JUHDW H[SHULHQFH ZRUNLQJ DVRQHRI WKHWRSWKUHHMD]]DO Op-Ed, page 7 Staff Writer DFFRUGLQJ WR D UHYLHZ RQ WKH ZLWKXQLYHUVLWLHVµ EXPVRI WKH\HDUE\NPR,DQG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO0XVLF1HWZRUN 7KH %DG 3OXV KDV KDG H[SH Down Beat D PDJD]LQH GHGLFDW “Bleeding heart lib- 7KH ÀQDO QRWH RI WKH ;DYLHU 0XVLF 6HULHV ZLOO EH D SRVLWLYH 3ROLQD %HVSDONR GLUHFWRU RI ULHQFH ZRUNLQJ ZLWK XQLYHUVLWLHV HGWRMD]]DQGWKHEOXHVJDYHLW eral” Max Bruns sur- RQH DV 7KH %DG 3OXV ZLOO FRPH WKH;DYLHU0XVLF6HULHVVDLGWKDW )URPWRWKH\VHUYHG IRXU VWDUV $OOHQ 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Edited by: Luke Byerly December 7, 2016 Campus News [email protected] BSA pushes for current, challenging curriculum BY HANNAH PAIGE MICHELS education and experience. uncovered about the Staff Writer Rhandi Wallace, junior and history of Xavier, BSA member, says Xavier could this would be a huge While weeks have passed since improve by adding studies of mi- step forward on try- racist images originally surfaced norities into the curriculum. ing to push for a on Xavier’s campus, Black Student “If we’re going to go to a more multicultural Association (BSA) is making school where we value diversity and racially sensitive strides to keep the conversation but are not actually requiring our form of equation.” current. Having met with Father students to learn about those Doolan said. Michael Graham and talked with things...we’re not going to be able “You need to put historians, BSA aims to make the to live up to the standard that we emphasis on how conversation about action and not hold ourselves up to,” Wallace severe and real, the just discussion. said. key word being real, According to senior Jeremiah On Wallace’s point, Pennebaker these biases are.” Pennebaker, President of BSA, added that Xavier should have Wallace suggests the organization has met with race, gender, and sexuality be key having readings for alumni and advisors and has plans in everyday studies and not just LQFRPLQJ ÀUVW\HDUV in the works for changes they’d LQ FRXUVHV VSHFLÀFDOO\ WDLORUHG WR centered on issues like to see on campus. diversity. of justice. “We truly believe that Xavier “Have the everyday business In regard to is in an interesting place where class talk about how there are rac- Xavier’s Jesuit val- they could take the next step and ist practices that prevent black ues on justice and be one of the pioneers in creat- men and women from getting solidarity, Wallace ing a racial dialogue and racially into certain positions in business. said, “It’s impor- just school that pushes the enve- Talk about gender and wage gap tant to let students lope on the teachings of racism,” in everyday economics classes.” know what they’re Photo courtesy of Facebook.com says Pennebaker. “We are trying to Pennebaker said. getting themselves Xavier’s Black Student Association is looking to enact palpable change in the curriculum. hold Xavier to its core values of “Race and gender applies to into before they educating the whole person.” each subject, no matter what start [at Xavier].” “Regardless of the school’s de- it’s going to happen again,” Pennebaker believes Xavier subject it is,” Pennebaker said. “BSA will be holding cision regarding the disciplinary Wallace said. needs more than a select few “[Diversity] has to be a perva- the university accountable,” process for the parties involved, To cap off one of its most courses in diversity. “There sive thing so that everybody’s Pennebaker said. “This is not any future policy being held, successful semesters to date, needs to be an expansion of how learning about it, it’s not just an something we will let just go we have plans for any type of BSA will wrap up this year we teach and what we teach.” extracurricular.” under the rug and forget about situation they have...We are very with an open mic tonight in the Pennebaker said. On implementing more diver- next year. We will be constantly well-prepared for any future Arrupe Overlook at 6 p.m. BSA Speaking on behalf of BSA’s sity studies in the core curriculum, making sure the university holds hurdles that the university, or holds meetings Wednesdays mission, Pennebaker emphasizes junior and BSA Vice President itself up to these standards.” otherwise, may throw our way.” from 5-7 p.m. with a new meet- the importance
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