"East Haven't "East Haven's Own Own Newspaper" ITbe £aet Haven Citisen Newspaper" VOL. I., No. 17 EAST HAVEN, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937 PRICE 5 CENTS Stone Church Local Post Passes Baptises 13 PROMINENT IN FIRST GRADUATION OF E.H.H.S. Inspection Service Last Sunday Children's Day was The National Headquarters of the held at the morning service of the American Legion has originated an Old Stone Church. Thirteen chil­ inspection service to check the ac­ dren were baptized by Dr. Edwin tivities of all posts and ascertain D. Harvey, interim pastor of tlie whether or not they are on their church, with the aid of Mr. E. A. toes. This inspection is divided in­ Cooper, senior deacon. to five main groups as follows:— The children baptised were as fol­ Post Organization, 10 items; Mem­ lows: Paula Gale Andrews, daugh­ bership, 5 items; Americanism, 3 ter of Mr." and Mrs. Paul A'ndrews; iteriis; Community Service, 12 Jerry Gordon and Joyce Irma Olson, items; and Miscellaneous, 9 items. ton Johnson, and Henry John In all there are 61 questions which Martin Olson; Robert Christopher must be answered and all these rep­ Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril resent individual moves and activ­ Wood; Carol Wilson and Audrey ities for the benefit of the Post and Jane Redtield, daughters of Mr. and the town at large. Mrs. Leslie Redfield; Clifford Fred­ The Harry Bartlett Post, No. 89, erick, Marilyn Lois and Norma American Legion, of East Haven, Miller De Wolf, son and daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. De Wolf; passed the test with a score of Thomas George Bowden, son of Mr. practically 100 per cent, the only ac­ and Mrs. Alfred Bowden; Douglas tivities not scheduled being rated Bowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- as not effecting the efficiency of the , las Bowden; Dorothy Shaw John­ organization. The Post has no son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- junior baseball team, no musical or­ ' ton Johnson, and Henry John ganization and does not have any Graver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry special initiation for new members. J. Graver. The Post is to be congratulated upon the e.xcellent showing made. Previous to the baptism, Mr. Wallace Coker, clerk of the church, read the letter of acceptance of the S. A. L. Hold Rev. Wm. H. Nicolas, as pastor of the Old Stone Church Convention S. P» Bradley At Hartford Succumbs At 78 (From The Hartford Courant) The first separate convention of Col. Seymour P. Bradley, 78, the Sons of the American Legion member of an old East Haven fam­ in the state of Connecticut will be ily, died Monday in Middletown. held in Hartford, Saturday, June 19, Thg. body is now at Beecher and with Detachment Commander E. Bennett's, awaiting afrangtm'erits Gilbert Martino in charge,. ,oi ar­ for the funeral, which will not be rangements. ' ; held for five days after his death ac- The convention will open at ,9 a. 'cording to instructions given by m. at the State Capitol, with John, him. J. Baird in charge of registration. Colonel Bradley was the son of At 10 a. m. an inspection of the the late Charles William Bradley The above students took a prominent part in the Graduation and Class Day Exercises of the East State Capitol will take place with a tour of the entire building. The and the late Sarah L. Tyler'^Bradley. Haven High School during the past week. convention will be called to order by His father was a blacksmith in East Reading left to right: Robert Johnson, Class president; Robert Hartman, vice-president; Slyvia Detachnjent Commander Martino in Haven 60 years ago. The Bradley Abrams, secretary; Alfred Dohna, treasurer; Merritt Thompson, chairman Class Day Committee; Harry homestead was located on the Hall of the House of Representatives Kiernan, chairman Class Dance Committee; Truman Surprenant, chairman Class Ring Committee; Ralph at 11 a. m. andi the boys will be ad­ northwest corner of the present Flynn, chairman Class Motto Committee; Daphne Young, chairman Class Flower Committee; Elwood Eastlawn Cemetery. Colonel. Brad­ dressed by Department Commander Scobie, chairman Class Gift Committee; Grace Rocco,Editor-in-Chief of Class Book; and Gordon Stevens, William J. Miller of the American ley's father held many offices of Business Manager of C'^'s Book. trust here such as postmaster, se­ Legion and other prominent citi­ lectman, justice of the peace, mem­ zens. A box lunch will be served ber of the Board of Education, and Christ Church by members of Rau-Locke Au.xiliary chairman of the Democratic town BREVITIES 7 Local Students at 12:30. The Squadrons, following committee. Presents Festival luncheon, will form on the Capitol grounds for a parade which will be Educated in East Haven schools The Harry R. Bartlett Post, 89, Graduate From reviewed at the City Hall by Mayor and a graduate of Hillhouse Hjgh American Legion, will hold their an­ Tomorrow, June 19, the Christ Spellacy and other city officials. School, Colonel Bradley entered the nual outing on Sunday, August 8. N. H. High School Episcopal Church will hold a Straw­ Following the parade exercises will Sheffield Scientific School in the The Sunday School of the ' Old berry Festival and Food Sale in con­ be held at the Shell in Bushnell class of 1883. He studied civil en^ Stone Church will hold their annual Seven East Haveners graduated nection with the 148th Anniversary Park. They will include massing of gineering but did not graduate. He picnic at Lighthouse Point Park on from New Haven High School of the Church. It will be held on colors, salute to the flag, and re­ later became a teacher in the U. S. Saturday, June 19.. Trolley cars will last evening, June 17, with a the grounds of the Rectory, 60 High marks from distinguished guests. Military Academy at Wes, , t . Point„, , I leave the Church corner at 9:30 a.m. class of 1100, in the Arena. They Street, from 3:30 p. m. to 6 p. m. If After these, exercises there will be New York and also taught m New, ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ g p^ T,,^ {g^^ture are: Miss Lois Miller, of 63 it rains it will be held in the Rec­ a Drum Corps exhibition by Sons of tory. York State. of the day will be a baseball game Bradley Avenue; Miss Marjorie the Legion Corps. He was a member of David Hum­ between the married and single Burgess, of 18 Bartlett Road; The combined organizations of the phreys Branch No. 1, Sons of the men. Miss Jean Rowland, of 383 Church are sponsoring this affair to­ Prizes are to be awarded to the American Revolution. He was the Thompsori Avenue; Miss Evelyn gether with the .president of each best appearing squadron in the line last surviving member of the family. The choir of Christ Episcopal Thompson, of 99 Frank Street; association heading the committee. of march, for the best alKLegion A sister. Miss Antoinette Bradley, Church will sponsor a card party Mr. Allan CMsholm, of 64 Brad­ Everyone is welcome to come, so Junior drum corps, for the best Le­ who resided with him at 32 Burwell on Thursday, June 4, at the home ley Avenue; Mr. Jack Colbum, of turn out one and all. gion sponsored junior drum corps, Street, died several years ago of Miss Charlotte Sperry, of 202 32 Cosey Beach Avenue, and the best drum major, to the best all- His ancestry goes back to some of Hemingway Avenue, at 8 p. m., the Donald and Robert Peat, of lawn of Doctor Brinley in High Legion junior drum corp in compe­ the earliest families of East Haven,. proceeds to be used toward repaire South End Road. Street. Among the many interests tition and the best Legion'sponsored Branford and Saybrook. The Brad-'to the church organ. The commit- Congratulations. will be a food sale, music, entertain­ junior drum corps in competition. lev family was for years connected tee is as follows: Mrs. George ment, refreshments and door prizes. The same rules will apply as at the with Christ Church. Colonel Brad- Evarts, Mrs. Harold Boyd and Miss meet during July and August, but Mrs. Forrest E. White, of Kimber- department convention. ley served for many years at Christ Charlotte Sperry. will resume meetings in September. ly Avenue, spent the past week in Church as a vestryman, and there p^^ ^^^Q ii„g\ meeting of the sea- Boston, Mass., attending the re­ • There will be a meeting of the Habits of Beavers is a window on the east side of the son of Momauguin Lodge, No. 138, Library Board on Tuesday, June 22. union of her class of 1919 of the When beavers are tv/o years old church which is a memorial to mem­ Boston City Hospital. A. F. & A. M., Monday evening, a There will be a meeting of the they are driven from the family bers of the Bradley family. Master Mason degree will be con­ territory. This forced emigration oc­ Board of Selectmen and the Board Prairie Plant Is Compass curs in the spring, just previous to ferred, after which those present will of Finance this evening. repair to the Legion Building for a If you are ever lost out on the the birth of the young to the parents. Pipe Liine Crosses Desert The children of High, Sanford and praries a compass plant will help As a consequence of this, a beaver An oil pipe line 1,200 miles long, social. you. In exposed places its base colony is necessarily limited to a from Iraq (Mesopotamia) crosses Sidney streets and Tattle Place, will leaves stand upright with their' The East Haven Business and Pro­ maximum of 14 animals, since lit­ the desert to feed Britain's navy sponsor their tlu"rd annual outdoor edges pointed approximately north ters of more than six young are on the Mediterranean.
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