* 1 9 0 4 « 1 9 0 5 * AM ERICAN BAPTLST M vS vSIONARY UNION TREMONT TEMPLE. BOSTON CONTENTS PAGE The A merican B aptist M issionary U nion ..... 3 Organization . ..................................................................3 Membership ..................................................................................... 4 O fficers..............................................................................................4 Board of M a n a g e r s ................................................................. 5 Executive C o m m it t e e ........................................................ 6 Executive Officers........................................................ 6 Collection Districts and District Secretaries .... 6 Mode of Support . ..................................... ......... 7 Sphere of Action ........................................................................... 7 Departments .................................................................................... 7 Financial Condition .................................................................. 8 Financial S t a t e m e n t ........................................................ ......... 8 Auxiliary S o c i e t i e s ........................................................................... 9 Statistics for Baptist Churches in United States and Territories . 9 Statistics for Baptist Churches Known as Northern Baptist . 9 Medical Workers ...........................................................................10 Moneys Used in Mission L a n d s ........................................................ 10 Stations of the U nion, with N ames of M issionaries and Statistics 11 Burma .................................................................................... 11-14 A s s a m ............................................................................................. 15, 16 South India — Telugus . ............................................... 16-18 China ............................................... ......... 18-20 J a p a n ..............................................................................................20,21 A f r i c a ............................................................................................. 21,22 Philippine Islands. ......... 22 E u r o p e ........................................................ ......... 23 Resume of Statistical Tables ....... 23 Missionaries Under A pp oin tm en t........................................................ 23 Institutions for Higher E d ucation ........................................................ 24 Illustrated L e c t u r e s ...........................................................................24 Missionaries of the Union, with Post-office Addresses . 25-36 Missionaries not now in Active S e r v i c e ......................................36 Wills and A n n u i t i e s ................................................................... 36 Helps for W o r k e r s ...........................................................................37 Periodicals ..............................................................................................38 Maps of M ission Fields Philippine Is la n d s ............................................... ......... 39 Burma ........... 40 A s s a m .................................................................................... ......... 41 South India— Telugu Country ...... 42, 43 C h i n a ..............................................................................................44, 45 Korea and Japan ......... 46, 47 Africa — Congo Independent State . ..... 48,49 Asiatic and African Mission Fields............................................... 50 Epoch-marking Dates in Mission History, third page of cover. EASTERN PRINTING AND ENGRAVING COMPANY 25M-7-04 19°4 THE HANDBOOK The American Baptist Missionary Union Headquarters, Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., U. S. A . P. O. Box 41 Cable Address: " Tavoy, Boston" ORGANIZATION N the early part of the last century the position of Baptists in America was obscure and humble. Practically unorganized, they were widely scat­ tered, and without facilities, in those days, for easy communication among themselves. The formation of the English Baptist Missionary Society, which had taken place in 1792, and the early efforts of the pioneer mis­ sionaries in India had, however, aroused a deep interest in this country, so that considerable money was raised and sent to their a'd. The interest thus awakened and fostered was accentuated also by the reading of letters from Dr. W illiam Carey, which appeared from time to time in the Massachusetts Baptist Mis­ sionary Magazine. W hen in the early part of 1812 a company o{ five young men was set apart for service in foreign lands, and sailed from our shores, a deep impression was made upon °ur Baptist people although the young volunteers were of another denomination. W hen the news reached this country some &wo years later that two out of these five men, Adoniram Judson and Luther Rice, had accepted Baptist views and had appealed to them for support in their missionary undertaking, they were 19°4 THE HANDBOOK 19°5 profoundly moved, and rallied at once to the work. Luther Rice returned to America, and the direct result of his efforts was the organization, at Philadelphia, May 18, 1814, of “ The General Missionary Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States of America for Foreign Missions,” popularly known as the Triennial Convention. It is a significant fact that the call to engage in foreign missionary work was the first thing that led to organization and unity among the Baptists in this country. In 1845 the southern Baptists withdrew because of a difference of opinion on the slavery question, and in 1846 the name of the soci­ ety was changed to The American Baptist Missionary Union. The headquarters were established at Boston, Mass., in 1826. A summary of the work of the Union, as it is carried on today, will be found in the following pages. MEMBERSHIP 1. Any church which has made a contribution to the Union during the year may appoint one annual member. 2. Churches may appoint one annual member for every $50 contributed above the first $50, provided that no church be entitled to more than ten annual members. 3. Any Baptist association or individual which supports a missionary may send one annual member for every $50 contributed through the Union. 4. Any one may become an annual member by the payment of $10 dur­ ing the preceding financial year. 5. Any one may become an honorary life member by the payment of $50 during one financial year, and such members have a right to vote in the meetings of the Union so long as they continue to be annual contributors to the Union and members in good standing of regular Baptist churches. 6. All missionaries of the Union are members during their term of ser­ vice. OFFICERS President . WILLIAM A. M UNROE, Massachusetts Vice-presidents . I W . W. KEEN, M.D., Pennsylvania I H o n . FRANCIS W. PARKER, Illinois Recording Secretary . r ev. HENRY S. BURRAGE, D D., Main« 4 19°4 THE HANDBOOK 19°5 BOARD OF MANAGERS P r o f . WILLIAM ARNOLD STEVENS, Chairman. R e v . E. P. T U LLER, Recording Secretary. Class I. Term Expiring 1905 Ministers Laymen P. Bonney, Portland, Me. W. T. Stott, D.D., Franklin, Ind. W . W. Keen, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. H. M, King, D.D., Providence, R. I. E. J . Lindsay, Milwaukee, Wis. E. A. Woods, D.D., San Francisco, Cal. Churchill H. Cutting, Brooklyn, N. Y. G. C. Lorimer, D.D., New York, N. Y. Prof. William Arnold Stevens, Roches­ E. M. Poteat, D.D., Greenville, S. C. ter, N. Y. Wayland Hoyt, D.D., Philadelphia, Pa. O. M. Wentworth, Boston, Mass. C .M .H ill, D.D., Oakland, Cal. Richard M. Colgate, Orange, N. J. B. L. Whitman, LL.D., Philadelphia, J . H . Chapman, Chicago, 111. Pa. Edward Judson, D.D., New York, N. Y. Women C. H. Hobart, D.D., Pasadena, Cal. Mrs. Horace A. Noble, Buffalo, N Y. W . P. Walker, D.D., Huntington, W. Mrs. Alexander Forbes, St. Louis, Mo. Va. Mrs. Wm.H.Spencer,Skowhegan, Maine J. S. Holmes, D.D., Worcester, Mass. Mrs. E. W . Bucknell, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. James Sunderland, Oakland, Cal. Class II. Term Expiring 1906 Ministers 0 . A. Barker, Taunton, Mass. Wm. N. Clarke, D.D., Hamilton, N. Y. J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., New York, N. Y. Rev. E. P. Tuller, Detroit, Mich. A. A. Barnes, Indianapolis, Ind. C. R. Henderson, D.D., Chicago, 111. S. W . Woodward, Washington, D. C. J . F. Elder, D.D., New York, N .Y . J . B. Thresher, Dayton, Ohio Henry F. Colby, D.D., Dayton, Ohio 1. J . Dunn, Keene, N. H. Rev. C. A. Cook, Bloomfield,. N. J. George G Dutcher, Brooklyn, N .Y . L. L. Henson, D .D ., Providence, R . I. G. W . E. Barrows, Bangor, Maine Wm. m . Lawrence, D.D., Chicago, 111. Women E. E. Chivers, D.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. C. A. Hobbs, D.D., Delavan, Wis. Mrs. D. R . Wolf, St. Louis, Mo. H. L. Stetson, D.D., Kalamazoo, Mich. Mrs. W m . Lindsay, Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. J . B. Hoyt, Stamford, Conn. Laymen Mrs. W . R . Brooks, Morristown, N. J . L. W . Hawley, Brattleboro, Vt. Mrs. Levi T. Scofield, Cleveland, Ohio Class III. Term Expiring 1907 Ministers Laymen T. E. Hughes, Minneapolis, Minn. f • S. Henson, D.D., Boston, Mass. A. D. Brown, St. Louis, Mo. Lemuel C. Barnes, D.D., Worcester, Samuel A. Crozer, Upland, Pa. Mass. Prof. G. M. Forbes, Rochester, N. Y. N y ^uke^mann> Rochester, Edward Goodman, Chicago. 111. Isaac Carpenter, Omaha, Neb. Sylvester Burnham, D .D ., Hamilton, N .Y . E. M. Runyan, Portland, Ore. G. W . Nicholson, Bridgeport, Conn.
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