r » Krend plans Cut enrollment or new faculty evaluation quality of education By MIKE LIFTON Staff Writer Tm not for that’-Kerr In the next three weeks, stu­ By JOHN MAYBURY dents will have a chance to gripe Editor publically about the kind of in­ and struction they have been PAUL DOUGLASS getting—and get results. News Editor Jeff Krend, ex-editor of EL BERKELEY—A general atmosphere of uncertainty looms over GAUCHO, is presently involved Berkeley this week with many speculating, but no more, as to what in the intricacies of putting Governor Reagan will do next. M out a new version of the old At a luncheon Wednesday, UC President Clark K err outlined Faculty Evaluation Guide. what adjustments and cutbacks have already been implemented as The purpose of the Guide, . , a result of the prospect of a according to Krend, is twofold. substantial budget cut. First, it will provide profes­ Incorporation «Recruiting (of new pro­ sors with reactions from fessors),*’ he announced, »4s students who have taken their virtually stopped at aU cam­ courses. 'should wait’ puses.** With budget resources uncertain, the University is CLASS GUIDE By GARY HANAUER hand-tied to make any definite The second purpose, Krend Staff Writer offer. The University has also went on, is to allow the stu­ (Last part in a series) asked fo r a $12 m illion cut in dents to find out what their John Doty, rancher and farm ­ faculty salaries, it was dis­ fellow students thought about er, has lived in the Goleta closed. When asked if a cut a course they want or need to. Valley throughout his 47 years. meant dropping faculty, Kerr take. Currently, Mr. Doty is an active replied, »T h e re is the usual To accomplish these pur­ member of the Committee for turnover but some professors poses, Krend has completely County School District Re­ just may not be replaced.** C AN T KEEP AWAY— Ex-EL GAUCHO Editor Jeff Krend, journal­ reorganized the method of com­ organization. Kerr predicted that «there piling the Guide. ism still permeating his veins and sinews, will be in charge of the »»Goleta doesn’t have any w ill be deeper cuts on bigger (Continued on p. 8, col. 4) new Faculty Evaluation booklet to be published soon. cohesion right now. It should campuses to finance the growth be pulled together,»* Doty be­ of the developing campuses.** lieves. »»Maybe we should ln- Berkeley’s summer quarter corporate-but we should wait,** may also be scrapped or re­ he notes. duced. By the time the budget Voting is the process by which com es out, he explained, it Doty hopes the Valley can decide would be too late to plan the the question: «Incorporation is summer quarter. a very real possibility. I think Kerr termed the money in voting is an equitable, demo­ Special Funds a «windfall** and EL GAUCHO cratic way of resolving the is­ stressed that if these funds sue.** w ere .used up there would be Santa Barbara, Calif. Thurs. Jan. 19, 1967 On February 14th voters of no visible means of support for the Santa Barbara High School next year. District, encompassing most of The alternatives seem to be, the local area, will decide a says K err, either to cut en­ question which might be related rollments or reduce the quality to the incorporation issue. Doty, o f education and the univer­ R O T C purged at Boston; a former trustee of the Elwood sity »And of course I’m not School District for 16 years, for that. I’m against tuition.’» is a member of Y es On Unifi­ Reagan has found out that cation’s Steering Committee. he couldn’t impose tuition as 'propaganda’ or education Y.O.U. seeks to make the Goleta Governor, Kerr stated. The Re­ and Santa Barbara high school gents must Impose tuition. But areas independent of each other. since the Governor is a Regent, By SUZY CARTER tary hierarchy beyond the Uni­ mitted the UCSB cadet. *That*s The upcoming election will de­ he could support it. Staff Writer versity’s control...»» saying, in effect, that ROTC is cide the issue. At the Regents meeting being While it is expected that the Responded Colonel Dewey: not academically accredited.** held today and tom orrow, some voluntary Reserve Officer’s "No. The University of Cali­ Dewey noted that UCLA has INDEPENDENT SYSTEM expect a vote of confidence Training Corps (ROTC) at Bos­ fornia and the United States discontinued its Letters and « I f we had our own school for Kerr from the Board. Rea­ ton University will lose its Arm y are under contract. My Science list, and expressed hope system, incorporation might be gan may attend the meeting academic credit and curricular boss is the Chancellor of the that «UCSB will do the same, possible. Right now we*ve got and call for the question. But standing next month by a faculty University. Policy is dictated which w ill rem ove that lim i­ our own water system,»» Doty Kerr said he would be a little vote, Colonel Dewey of UCSB by the Department of the Army tation as far as ROTC is con­ observes. surprised to see a vote this ROTC is confident that «there with the consent of the Univer­ cerned.*» Bob Murray is the current early. is no indication that the Uni­ sity.»» While dissatisfaction with leader of the Goleta Incorpora­ Some are speculating that versity of California will drop The ROTC student questioned ROTC is widespread among tion fight. »*I*ve known him K err him self may be thinking it.»» offered a differing opinion. (Continued on p. 8, col. 1) (Continued on p. 8, col. 8) (Continued on p. 8, col. 2) Bitter, campus-wide debate »The actual agitant is Major • ■*. m m m at the private university in Prosser from the Sixth Army, Boston over the merits of the who is under no University con­ program sparked the move to­ trol. He’s the close link between ward abolition of ROTC »s status the Arm y and ROTC, and he th ere., handles the administrative Boston University NEWS, the end.»» student weekly, published a Cadets at Boston supported three-page attack cm the Uni­ ROTC as representing «lead­ versity’s Army-Air Force ership training»* rather than cadet program in its first issue »»indoctrination. *» o f the year. The UCSB cadet argued that One dissenter made an edi­ ROTC fulfill *s the purpose of torial comment that ROTC’s »»indoctrination»» rather than academic status on campus was ‘»leadership training.»» «privileged.»» Colonel Dewey responded that A UCSB student involved in the training in leadership offer­ the ROTC program agreed with ed by ROTC would be »»definite­ the attack «in the sense that ly applicable in civilian as well they’re In the same categoryas as military life.»’ the industrial arts; they don’t As of the past year, ROTC teach anything academic. has not appeared on the Letters «L a s t quarter they taught and Science study list at UCSB. us the organization of the army, This means, according to this quarter it’s how to instruct Colonel Dewey, that while the in military things.»* program counts in the student’s He also critized the quality grade point avegage and study of the instruction: »The people load, it does not count toward who teach ROTC often have little the 180 units required for grad­ ability.»» uation, »T h is means that the student MILITARY HIERARCHY in ROTC must take more than Boston University’s dissi­ 180 units to graduate,*» Dewey dents claimed that ROTC is commented. AS YE REAP—Some or the <4eadershlp training" naught by ROTC that is »Applicable «propaganda issued by a mili­ *q wasn’t aware of that,»»ad­ in civilian life** is exemplified by Saturday bayonetting practice. î 9 , 1967 World News I CAMPUS i IEWS 1 “ MACHINE” CAUSES DEATHS ing in their cells because of fear Three persons, for whom a of retaliation by some 100 to Regents' lecture Hungry Eye-V KCSB Log man-made kidney was their only 150 Black Muslims and “ hood­ Sculptor George Rickey, one Isla Vista League’s coffee The next best thing to having hold on life, are dead in Min­ lums’* trying to organize a house, the Hungry Eye-V, opens courtside seats at the UCSB- neapolis. The machine broke general strike. of three Regents* Lecturers an­ nounced earlier this month by this Friday night in the Tower UCLA basketball battle Friday down. The trouble at the maximum Room of Francisco Torres, fea­ night is to tune in KCSB-FM and Dr. Claude Hitchcock, Direc­ security prison started this Chancellor Vernon I. Cheadle, will discuss “ Depersonaliza­ turing the Four Chords, UCSB hear the game live from Pauley tor of the Medical Research weekend when about a dozen tion in A rt” this afternoon at vocal group. Pavillion. Join Donn Bernstein Foundation which operates the convicts were fired from mess 4 in Campbell Hall. Being the culmination of sev­ at 7:45 for Warm-up, followed machine, announced the deaths hall jobs. eral month’ s planning, the cof­ by Larry Logan, Tom Goward, this moniing. Tw ice a week the One convict was knifed to Rickey was trained as a his­ fee house w ill operate each and Peter Meyerhoff bringing victims would journey to a death and another was wounded torian and a painter, though he Friday night from 9-1. you all the action. KCSB-FM’s hospital where their blood was Monday apparently during an has earned his distinction pri­ Discounts on food and drinks new expanded sports coverage filtered through the artificial argument over whether they marily as a sculptor and writ­ will be offered to IV League will be broadcasting future kidney machine, a very should go back to their jobs.
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