Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-9-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 519. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/519 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Moitly fair Through Tuesday, *f' ' - A Little Cooler W* *- v w-\JLsj*mf-*y-\m, SIXTEEN PAGES 4 Hunters Dead In MinnesotaBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS was hit in the stomach by gun- topsy is scheduled. Four hunters were killed and shot. When the boy didn't return Richard Carlson, 18, Minne- more than a dozen wounded in home by late afternoon Satur- apolis, died in a Minneapolis shooting accidents on the open- day, his parents notified sher- -hospital today of a chest wound South Viet iff's officers, who sent out suffered Sunday while hunting ing weekend of tbe Minnesota ~ deer season. Another hunter was searchers. /) with two companions in north- missing and feared drowned. A CAP plane spotted the body ern Anoka County. Barrage Kills Charles Midthun, 15, of Trom- Sunday afternoon. Crow Wing John Ostrander, 56, Duluth, maid, Minn., was hunting alone County Sheriff Charles Warn- was fatally shot in the head by in his home area some 15 miles berg said apparently Charles a companion, Knute Chalstrom, northeast of Brainerd when he shot himself accidentally. An au- 56, Duluth, when a deer ran be- tween them in early morning U.S. Captain fog sue miles west of Barnum SAIGON, South Viet Nam Sunday, Carlton County Coroner CAP). — A Vietnamese mortar Robert Barr reported. barrage meant for the Commu- nist Viet Cong killed a U.S. Harlen Heinricb, 13, of Carver Army captain Sunday night and was fatally injured late Satur- wounded another American, day by a .410 shotgun he pound- reliable sources reported today. ed against a hunter's car while The captain was the 220th apparently scouting for deer (Sandy) right. Atty. NEW SENATOR HERE? . .. Four top officials of Minne- governorship to Lt. Gov. A. M. Keith, American to die in combat in with a six-year-old brother near sota's Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party attended Saturday's Gen. Walter F. Mondale, second from right, and Agriculture Viet Nam since 1961. Carver, the Carver County Minnesota-Iowa football game at Minneapolis and speculation Secretary Orville Freeman also are Senate possibilities when He was identified in Washing- sheriff's office reported. Officers on a successor for Sen. Hubert Humphrey involves all feur. Humphrey becomes vice president. (AP Photofax ) ton as Capt. Agriverto A. Gar- said the boys' parents did not Gov. Karl Rolvaag, left, could take Senate post, leaving cia, 31, of Laredo, Tex. know Harlen had taken the gun. Two Vietnamese officers were Donald Christiansen, 30, Inter- killed in the misdirected bar- national Falls, a father of four rage and six other Vietnamese children aged 3 to 9, was be- wounded, the sources said. lieved drowned in Rainy Lake Properly Tax while on his way to open a deer Expect* Nixon The rounds reportedly fell on hunting camp on Saginaw Bay. Many the government unit as it waited A search, begun after compan- in an ambush laid for the Viet ions found bim missing Satur- Bill Before Cong near Due Hoa, about 18 day, located This overturned miles northwest of Saigon. canoe and a life preserver. The two Americans were with GOLDWATER SWIMS ... Sen. Barry Goldwater, va- To Help Rebuild GOP about 60 Vietnamese infantry Authorities gave these ac- Badger Soloiis cationing at the Hotel Royal Caribbean in MontegojBay, comeback. feller of New York were most troops on a night patrol. counts of critically wounded WASHINGTON (AP) — Many strong 1966 MADISON, Wis. Mf i—A correc- Jamaica, is shown during a swim. Goldwater said he would influential Republicans across Nixon, the 1960 presidential frequently mentioned as pros- tion in a bill granting property The sources said the unit hunters: the country expect Richard M. nominee, and GOP Govs. pective leaders of this come- called for the mortar fire on a rest and do some fishing. The Arizona senator arrived by Mrs. Melvin Witthus, 36, Gay- tax relief to the elderly is one private plane Saturday afternoon with his wife and six others. Nixon to play a leading role in George Romney of Michigan, back in an Associated Press of the major items of unfinish- suspected Viet Cong emplace- lord, listed as critical at Uni- survey. (AP Photofax) rebuilding the GOP for what William W. Scranton of Penn- ed business facing the fourth ment. At least one round fell on versity Hospitals. She was hit in A. Rocke- most of them think will be a sylvania and Nelson The survey, reaching GOP and final session of the 1963 Wis- the unit . the head by a stray shot while officials in all sections of the consin Legislature opening this An investigation was being bunting in northern Itasca Coun- nation, disclosed little enthusi- afternoon. : made. ty Sunday. asm for another presidential *~ WHO'LL CONTROL PARTY? race by defeated Sen. Barry Thirty-one of the legislature's "It was terribly sad," said J oh nson Reviews John Heider, 68, Thief River Goldwater. There . were many 133 members are retiring or another American adviser, "but Falls, hunting near that com- suggestions that he yield control were defeated in Tuesday's elec- it was just one of those-things munity Saturday when he was of the party machinery as the tion. They'll be sitting as "lame that can happen. It was night, struck in the back, just above result of the shattering impact duck" lawmakers, to be replac- and it is always more dangerous the heart, by a stray bullet. ed by newcombers in January. then. But we will continue with Defense Budget Clair Bartels, Minneapolis, ofJEj^Mdent Johnspn's land- Republicans The "correction to the property these operations." ' shot in the stomach by bis broth- tax bill will make it clear that A U.S, spokesman announced er Loren while hunting in Nixon, who campaigned ac- only persons with annual in- two other U.S. Arm} officers heavily wooded country north of tively foi^Goldwater , was men- comes- of $3,000 or less are eligi- were wounded by shell frag- With McNamara Reiner Saturday. ble for tax relief. The tioned by Republicans from all change ments while piloting an armed JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) for about half of all federal Delbert Anderson, 36, Grand was endorsed by the Legislative Divided on sections of the country as a man helicopter against Viet Cong po- — President Johnson meets spending, will have a decisive Rapids, critically wounded when Council in September. to be reckoned with in the next sitions southeast of Saigon today with Secretary of Defense impact on whether or not he his automatic shotgun went otf The session was expected to four years. A U.S. Army enlisted man Robert S. McNamara as he achieves his goal for the fiscal as he set it against a tree while end by the end of the week. Oklahoma State Chairman was slightly wounded while as- pushes his campaign to keep year that begins next July 1. hunting near Coleraine Satur- Some 277 items are pending John W. Tyler* commented: "I sisting in clearing a booby- ' day. and it's doubtful that many will next year s federal budget un- Future Rule think we're going to see an aw- trapped area 100 miles west of der $100 billion. be cleared by the time the 1963 Saigon. These other wounded were By LOUIS HARRIS ful lot of Mr. Nixon real quick. I listed: ' legislature adjourns. McNamara was invited to be In the painful reassessment that must surely take place, think he s the only man who can In Saigon, opponents of Sonth pull the party together." A blU to abolish Wisconsin's Johnson's guest at the 400-acre New Premier David Craven, Minneapolis his rank and file Republicans feel that last Tuesday's defeat was bounty on predatory animals Viet Nam's new civilian govern- LBJ Ranch to discuss Pentagon left arm shattered by a blast mora a setback for Goldwater conservatism than for the over- South Carolina State Chair- and to appropriate the $360,000 ment made plans for further budgeting that will be crucial to from his shotgun as be tried to man J. Drake Edens Jr. said all cause of Republican conservatism. biennially for the establishment demonstrations despite a gov- the over-all federal spending get into a tree near Hinckley According to a survey of a cross-section of GOP voters, Nixon "is the man you have to of county conservation ernment show of force that Saturday. " Robert L, projects plan destined for delivery to Of Japan taken a few days before the election, there is a sense in Re- watch in the party. will be considered by the Agri- checked them Sunday. Howard Swanson Pierce, Wisconsin national com- Congress in January, , 17, Sand- publican ranks that Barry Gold- culture" stone mitteeman, observed that "Nix- Committee. Flying west from Washington , shot in the foot with his water was as much a radical The Judiciary Committee will own rifle while hunting in north- as a genuine conservative . Now on looks good," in party for- When Honeymoon' s with VMcNamara was Deputy tunes at this point. Wisconsin study a bill to create a Supreme Secretary of Defense Cyrus Takes Over ern Pine County Saturday.
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