Research. Debate. Impact. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Table of Contents MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMEN 6 OUR MISSION 11 IMPACT GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNANCE 15 DEMOCRATIC VALUES 18 JUDAISM AND DEMOCRACY 20 SOCIAL INTEGRATION 22 ELECTIONS 2013 26 PUBLIC OPINION 28 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT 31 IN THE NEWS 39 AWARDS AND APPOINTMENTS 41 SELECT PUBLICATIONS 45 OUR PARTNERS 49 OUR LEADERSHIP & TEAM 53 FINANCIALS 57 MEssAgE fROM ThE PREsidENT Arye Carmon At the beginning of the year I announced my that first encounter. George was quick to intention to step down as President of IDI lend his support and typically eloquent in his after twenty two eventful years at the helm of reasons for doing so: Israel’s challenge, he this extraordinary organization. It is for others said, was how to maintain an open society to summarize the achievements of my tenure. under conditions of permanent siege. And Here I wish to salute the contributions of an Institute dedicated to figuring out how to two outstanding individuals who helped me do that was an excellent idea. George swiftly launch this endeavor two and a half decades became my closest advisor. And his role ago and have been my partners ever since. has only grown with time, as he went from being honorary chairman of the Institute to First, Bernie Marcus. Simply put, IDI’s success serving as founder and active chair of IDI’s story would not have been possible without International Advisory Council. IDI is blessed Bernie’s vision, generosity, and steadfast to have George at the helm of such an commitment over the years. On a personal extraordinary team of global ambassadors. level, Bernie has been a true friend and an unfailing source of wise counsel. On an It is rare for a founder to preside over a institutional level, he has been the ultimate smooth transition to his successor. I wish to benefactor: generous, thoughtful, and thank my board chair, Amir Elstein, and the genuinely open to partnership with other other members of the search committee, philanthropists who share his passion for for guiding us expertly through this critical Israeli democracy. The State of Israel and process over the course of the last year. I am the Jewish people are deeply indebted very proud of our board’s selection for the to Bernie and to the Marcus Foundation next President of IDI. Yohanan Plesner, who for strengthening Israel’s democratic served as my assistant in the early days of the foundations. Institute, embodies all the qualities that I prize in our scholars: he is smart, passionate, and My second partner in this endeavor has deeply committed to making Israel a better been George Shultz. I went to see George at place. I am confident Yohanan will do an Stanford shortly after he stepped down as outstanding job and wish him every success Secretary of State in 1989. I remember vividly in his new position. 4 As I have promised Yohanan and my Yitzhak Levy, who has done an outstanding colleagues at IDI, I will continue providing job institutionalizing our commitment to my guidance and support, as needed, in the impact. I would like to take this opportunity years ahead. to bid farewell and good luck also to Senior Fellows Avi Ben Bassat and Anita Shapira, as In the pages that follow, you will find an well as to our former COO Oshik Feller. overview of IDI’s activities in 2013. The outcome of the January elections reflects Finally, I would like to salute the growing the continuing disintegration of Israel’s number of individual and institutional party system and a political system in crisis. donors, both in Israel and overseas, who are Nevertheless, a number of opportunities responsible for an increasingly significant rose for impact in fields ranging from share of our budget. It is comforting to see political reform to changes in the status quo the extraordinary diversity among the ranks between religion and state. At the same of our supporters. You are living proof that time, we have continued to invest in long- when it comes to ensuring Israel’s future as a range efforts to strengthen Israel’s Jewish Jewish and democratic state, we are capable and democratic foundations, as reflected in of setting aside our differences and acting the launch of a pioneering multi-year study together for the common good. of proportionality in government decision- making and in the start of an experiment in deliberative democracy with thousands of citizens all working together to draft an Israeli declaration of human dignity. Arye Carmon In closing, I wish to welcome incoming Senior Fellows Yotam Margalit and Yuval Feldman— likewise symbols of the generational transition underway at IDI—as well as Dan Landau, the new head of our policy implementation division. Dan succeeds Rabbi 5 MEssAgE fROM ThE Bernie Marcus InternatiONAL ChAiRMAN I have been proud to witness and support see new donors both in Israel and in North the growth of IDI from a small start-up America taking a stake in IDI and look forward twenty-three years ago to Israel’s premier to years of fruitful partnership building a policy institute. The thinking that guided the stronger, healthier democracy in Israel. founders of IDI is just as valid today as it was This year marks a milestone for IDI. The two decades ago. The future of the Jewish founding President and visionary for the people depends on Israel’s survival. And Israel Institute will be transitioning into a new role cannot survive without good government. It’s as Yohanan Plesner assumes the Presidency. that simple. It was over twenty-two years ago that I Yet political reform requires determined met Arye as he helped me understand the leadership, considerable time, and a window dynamics of the Israeli system of government. of opportunity that doesn’t open every This not only led to him inspiring me to invest day. It also requires a plan of action and the in his vision, but to join him on a journey of resources necessary to put it into effect. trying to be an asset to the future of the State After many years of hard work, IDI today has of Israel. We not only owe this great patriot carefully thought out answers to most of the our thanks, but look forward to his continued big questions facing Israel domestically. The research and involvement in strengthening ability of the Institute’s leaders to translate the fabric of Israeli society. He not only has their insights into impact depends now more created a legacy for the Institute, but we all than ever on our ability to help them build a owe him our deepest thanks. broad, non-partisan coalition of supporters who will supply the necessary financial resources and advance the Institute’s cause in the halls of government and among Jewish elites around the world. I am delighted to Bernie Marcus 6 MEssAgE fROM George P. Shultz ThE ChAiRMAN Of ThE InternatiONAL AdvisORy COUNCiL Shortly after stepping down as Secretary and thank him for his role in building an of State, I joined IDI’s leadership because I impressive institution that will continue to believed then and still believe that Israel’s play an important role in Israel’s democratic biggest challenge is to maintain an open future in the coming decades. society while existing in a state of conflict I am delighted that the good work IDI has with its neighbors. Over the years, IDI done over the last two decades is now has proven itself equal to that challenge. becoming better known. And I am proud Whether one considers the overhaul of the to have played a small role in promoting national budgeting process, the tremendous IDI to the world through the creation of the investment in political reform and the Institute’s International Advisory Council constitutional process, or the sustained in 2009. Over the last five years, we have and thoughtful advocacy on behalf of civil established a formidable group of prominent liberties and good governance, Israel is a thought leaders from around the world who better place for IDI’s efforts. now advise the leadership of IDI on an annual I wish to congratulate Arye Carmon on his basis and provide an international perspective many achievements over the last two and for their efforts. The Council's newest member a half decades at the helm of IDI. Arye is a is Lord George Weidenfeld, to whom I wish visionary leader of a rare variety. He not only to extend an official welcome. Everyone who has a clear vision of Israel as “a city upon a has attended the Council’s meetings with the hill” but also possesses the skills to translate leadership of IDI comes away encouraged by that vision into a plan of action. Over the the quality of their work and the passion and years, he has demonstrated a rare ability to dedication of the Institute’s scholars. I hope mobilize the best people in the service of a that Israel’s friends and supporters around the great cause. And he has exhibited an even world will take this opportunity to learn more. rarer quality: the ability to identify and seize moments of opportunity in order to make incremental progress towards the realization of a grand vision. I salute him for his efforts george P. shultz 7 MEssAgE fROM ThE Amir Elstein ChAiRMAN Of ThE BOARd I am pleased to present this report of IDI’s Strategic Planning Committee, who has asked activities in 2013, my first year as chairman to devote her time to managing McKinsey of the board.
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