418 THE WANNAMAKER, SALLEY, MACKAY, AND BELLINGER FAil!ILlES' GENEALOGIES AND MEMOIRS 419 I have selected July 20 in honor of my wife, Lillian Bruce ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES (Salley) Wannamaker, whose birthday is on this date. All other Aberhalt, Thomas, 179 Allen, goods by fortune's hand are given; she is my special blessing and Aboynet-.3d Earl of, 227 Columbia Woodruff, 183, 184 the peculiar gift of heaven. I marvel that God made her mine, Adam, t-rank, 199 David E., 148 for, when He frowns, 'tis then she shines I Adams, Dorothy, 187 Mrs. Alfred, 241 Howard Beson, 71 J.D., 151 Lilla Vjola, 71 "Sail forth into the sea of life, Margaret, 25n Maj., 193 0 gentle, loving, trusting wife Name, 22 Wesley Broune, 71 And safe from all adversity Nathaniel, 25n W. H. H., Jr., 71 Upon the bosom of that sea Adden, Allmond, Helen, 107 Thy comings and thy goings be I Annie Henrietta, 151 Allston, Martha, 22 For gentleness and love and trust Frederick, 82 Amacher, Jacob, 114 Prevail o'er angry wave and gust; Aelfthryth, Lady, 203 Amaker, And in the wreck of noble lives Agatha, Princess, 203 Adam, 42 Something immortal still survives." Ahren, .\dam Perry, s. of Adam Julius, 149 Amaker and Mary Dudley, Hereditary honors are a noble and splendid treasure to Julius, Jr., 149 42 Aird, Adam Perry, s. of Adam Perry descendants. However, let us not forget that: "Nobility of birth is ~fargaret de Ia, 204 Amaker and Augusta Zim­ like a cipher; it has no power in itself, like wealth or talent; but it Matilda, 204 merman, 42 tells with all the power of a cipher when added to either of the other Weyland de Ia, 204 Adelia, 43 two." Albergotti, Am:mda, 43 Amelia Moss, 67 Annie, 43 Amelia St. Claire, 68 Annie Blanche, 43, 62, 306 "He that to ancient wreaths can bring no more, Charles Dantzler, 43, 62. 306 Augusta Amanda, 43 From his own worth, dies bankrupt on the score." Charles Dantzler. Jr., 43, 62 Bettie. 43 Clara Vincent, 62 Caroline, 43 "We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as James :Me-Aloin, 68 Caroline Augusta, 43 James McAlpin, Jr., 68 Catherine, 42 seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and that what came Jesse Clifton, 62, 306 Charles. 43 to us as blossom may go to them as fruit." Jesse Oifton, Jr.. 62 Henrietta, d. of Adam Amaker .T ohn Schmidt, 67 and Mary Dudley, 44 "We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; Kittie Erwin, 68 Henrietta, d. of Adam Perr" In feelings, not in figures on a dial. ~fary Beulah, 62 Amaker and Au~tusta Zim­ We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Marv Rebecca, 68 merman, 43 Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best." St. Claire Browne, 68 (Amaka), Jacob, 179 Washington McAlpin, 62, 306 John, 43 Washington McAlpin, Jr.. 62 ( Amaka), John, 179 William Greer, 62, 278, 306 (Amaka). John, Jr., 179 William Greer, Jr., 62. 306 Julia Thomas, 43 William Greer, III, 62 Louisa, 43 Aldrich, Mary, 43 A. P., 194 Thomas, 43 Isabelle C., 132 Ander~on, Alexander, Clifford, 247 Earl of Buchan, 304 Elizabeth, 247 Mary Stuart, 155 James Lanier, 247 Pope. IV, 203 Mary, 247 6th Earl of El!lington, 227 Pearl, 107 Alfred, the Great, 203 Ruth, 247 Algatha. Lady. 203 Andoley, George, 115 Alger, James, 14 Andrew, Allen, Anna (Anne), 196, 231, 234. Abbye Teed, 71 251 BELLINGER FAMILIES' GENEALOGIES AND MEMOIRS 420 THE WANNAllfAKER, SALLEY, MACKAY, AND 421 Beecher, Bellinger, Andrew, Banks, Henry Ward, 249 Charles, s. of Edmund Bellin­ William, 231, 234, 251 Houser, 57 Thos. K., 249 ger and Mary Cussings. 16, Ann, Queen, 96 B:trnes, Behling, 189 Archibald, Earl of Forfar, 226 Abigail, 196, 235, 236 271 Charles, s. of Wm. Cote&worth Argo, Mary Beulah, 62, 306 Thomas, 235 Mr., 271 Pinckney, 192 Armstrong, Mary, 248 Barnett, Sally~ (Sarah (Sallie) Charlotte Fraser, 192 Arthur, Elizabeth Parks, 159 Alberta, 80 LaKoche), 296 Claudia :Margaret, (see Arx, Maria von, 58, 64, 65, 195, 197 34 Ddcher. James, 13 Claudia M. Northrop), 183 Ashburn, W. W., 243 Marie, 68 Belinl!eham, Cotesworth 'Pinckney, I91 Ashe. Barnwell, Alan de, 11 Cotesworth P., Jr., I91 Col. John, 288 Ann, I3, 15 Name, 11 Edmund, the First, 28 )lame, 9, 15 Elizabeth, 22 Walter de, 1I Capt. Sir Edmund, 1st Land­ Sam, 288 Name, 16 William de, 11 grave, 12, 16, 18, 19n, 20, 28, Ashford, Mattie, 40 Barrett, Rev. L. E., 283 Delk 183, 188, 190 Ashley, Victoria Virginia, 130, 132 Barron, Archie, 73 Barbara Ella, 37, 62, II2, 252 Edmund, 2nd Landgrave, 9, 13, Athcling, Barrot, Arthur, 179 Brittain, 252 15, 16, 18n, 19n, 183, I88, 190 Edward, 203 Barton, Dr. Georl!'e W., 37, 112 Edmund, 3rd Landgrave, 16, Margaret, 203 Belle, 36 Dr. George Washington, 252, 26, 27, 183, I86, ISS, 191 Atkinson, Ella McDonald, 246 Mrs. E. R., 166, 167 253, Edmund, 4th Landgrave, 15, 16, Ayala, Frances, 71, 72J..ft86 James, 252 27, 186, 189 Gabriel, 287 G. Marion, 80, lSJ Jane Bruce, 37, 62, 112, 202, Robert Gabriel, 287 Edmund, s. of Edmund, 4th Basey, Adrian, 234 203, 252 Landgrave, I6, 189 Wilson De Hart, 287 Bates, John, 252 Ayer, Cornelia, 36, Ill Adele Buchanan, 154 John, Esq., 252 Edmund, s. of John Skottowe, Bailey, Catherine, 136 Rev. John Blanton. 37, 62, 112, 183, I84, I94 A., 46 Elizabeth, 154 202, 203, 235, 252, 253, 306 Edmund, s. of Joseph, I86 Emma, I39 Florence Wannamaker, d. of John Blanton, Jr., 37, 62, 112, Edmund, s. of William, 186, Eunice Helena, I4, 22 I92, 193 Mary, I37 Francis David, 154 252 Florence Wannamaker. d. of Lillian Wannamaker, 37, 62, Edm. Carnot, I93 1Ir., 276 William Tertius Ca_pers. 154 112, 252 Name, 22 Francis David, 15I, I54 Bell, Edmund Cussings, 8th Land- Phebe, 228 Francis David, Jr., I54 grave. 189 Baillie, Agne.s, 83 Edmund Cussins, 190 Alexander, 21 Janie Salley, 154 Benton, 145 Edmund F., I7, 190 Ann Elizabeth, 21 Lily E., 39, 129, 162 W. B .. 193 Edward Bohun, 192 Mamie Wannamaker, 154 Bellamy, Timothy, 19n Edward Edmund, 192 Colonel Kenneth, 2I Mannie. 137 Bellinger, Baker, Rev. Edward Edmun~ _191, 192 Elizabeth, I3, I83, 188 .Olive, 154 Anita Legare, I87 Edw. Edmund, s. of wm.4 Rezin Wesley, 154 Ann (Anne), 10, 12, 13, 188 Frederick, 192 Harriet, 38 Ruth, 154 Ann Duncan, 184 Mary Ann, I20 Sarah Wannamaker, 154 Eleanor B., 183 Name, 9 Ann Louisa, 190 William Tertius Capers. 154 Anne, 192 Eleanor Margaret, 34, 36, 57, Baldwin, William Wannamaker. I54 Annie, I91 lli, 128, 162, 183, 195, I96 I. 203 William Wannamaker, Jr.. I54 II, 203 Arline, I9I Eli7.abeth, d. of Sir Edmund, 9, W. T. C., 36 Augusta, 192, I93 12, I3, 15, 188, 189 B::~liol, John, 2I6 L .. Ballentine, John, 252 Baxter, Victoria 156 Burnaby Bull, I90 Elizabeth, d. of Edm. Bellin­ Ravley now Bailey, Roi?ert. 179 ) Burnaby Bull, s. of Edmund, Dalloch, Baynard, Mrs.. (nee M1ss Whaley · ger and )fary Lucia Bull, 27, Sir Donald, 24n 27, 189 189 Name, 24n 201, 257, 259, 268, 303 Carnot, s. of Eustace St. Beaufort, Elizabeth, d. of Edmund Bel­ Bamberg, Effie, 151, 155 Pierre, I92 linger and Elizabeth Butler, Bane. Jane, 203 Carnot, s. of Lucien, I90 John de. 203 Carnot, s. of William, I92, I93 188 Clan-Ranald, 24n d. Ranald, 24n Beaumont. Dr., 193 Caroline, I93 Elizabeth, of Edmund Bel­ Beauregard. General, 243, 244 Caroline Amanda, 192 linger and Mary Cussinp:s, B:~nks, I6, 189 Bertie, 57 Beckham, Rev. W. A., 57 Caroline Matilda, 19I Ella Louisa, 36 Beckwith, name, 53 Charles, s. of Edmund Bellin- Elizabeth, d. of Edmund Cus­ ger and Mary Lucia Bull, 27, sings Bellinger and Harriet 189 Crider, I89 422 THE WANNAMAKER, SAIJ.EY, MACKAY, AND BELLINGER FAMILIES' GENEALOGIES AND MEMOIRS 423 Bellinger, Bellinger, Elizabeth, d. of Edward Ed- Bellinger, Bellinger, John, s. of Sir Edmund Bellin­ Mary, d. of Carnot, 193 mund, 192 .. ger and Sarah Cartwright, Susannah, d. of Wm. Bellinger Elizabeth, d. of W1UJam, 192, 12, 13, 188 Mary, d. of Edmund Bellinger and Elizabeth Cussings, 15 193 John, s. of Dr. John Skottowe and Mary Lucia Bull, 189 Susannah, d. of Wm. Bellinger Elizabeth Townsend, 190 Bellinger and Eleanor Mary, d. of Edmund Bellinger and Harriet Fields, 192 Ellen, d. of Carnot, 193 Kenney, 183, 194 and Elizabeth Butler, 188 Thomas, s. of Edmund Bel­ Ellen, d. of Richard, 11 John, s. of Richard, 11 Mary, d. of Edmund Bellinger linger and Elizabeth Butler, Ellen Catherine, 73 John A., 184 and Mary Cussings (see 188 Ellen Kenney, 184 Mary Cussings Fishburne), John Rice, 191 186, 189 Thomas, s. of Edmund Bellin­ Emily, 192 John Skottowe, s. of George ger and Sarah Cartwright, Eustace, 193 Salley, 72, 184 :·.fary, d. of Edmund Cussings 12, 13, 16, 188 Eustace St. Pierre, 189, 19~ Bellinger and Harriet Eustace St. Pierre, s. of Luc1en, John Skottowe, s. of Rev. Crider, 189 Walter, 11, 12, 183 190 Lucius, 184, 185 Mary Augusta, 193 Wayne, 191 Eva Ames, 191 Dr. John Skottowe, 183, 194 Mary Cecilia, 190 Wm., s. of Carnot, 193 Francis F., 190 John Skottowe, Jr., 73 Mary Eliza, 192 Wilham, s. of Edmund Bellin- Joseph, s. of Edm. Cussings ger and Mary Lucia Bull, 27, George, s. of Edmund Bellinger Mary Elizabeth, 192 186, 189, 191 and Mary Lucia Bull, 9, 15, Bellinger and Harriet Mary Isabel (Isabella), 183, 27, 189 Crider, 186, 189 186 William, s.
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