ISSN 1017 - 6187 AFRICAN HERP NEWS ISSN 1017 • 6187 NO. 22: MARCH 1995 CONTENTS AFRICAN HERP NEWS EDO'ORIAL............................................................................................................................................... 1 roUKIB BA.A. SYMPOSIUM: BIODWERSllYAND CONSERV.A.110N OF AFRICAN HERPETOFAUNA ...................................................................................................... 3 HERP-INFO............................................................................................................................................. 10 MADAGASKAJl ADVENTURES .......................................................................................................... 12 HERPETOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF AFRICA SHORT COMMUNICATIONS I NEWSLETTER A third g,encration biological classification system R.B.Yeadoa .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Cladistics at the edge of its meadow'? J.C....,.._ ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Unusual mortalities of Angulate Tortoise Chersina angulala juveniles along the west coast of South Africa EJLW. Burd ........................................................................................................................................... 27 On the occurrence of the Eastern Dartsnake Hanirhagerrhis nowtamia in Zululand c.v.e..s-r............................................................................................................................................ 29 l'ollsiblc Banded Sea Snake &een off South African cast coast R.B. Yeadoa .............................................................................................................................................. 30 Report on a co1lcction of amphibians and reptiles from the Northern Cape and Namibia M.F. Bates................................................................................................................................................. 31 UFE HISTORY NOO'ES Pp;iaphabuadspa-sus; Diet, canrubalism and behaviour. R.M.. Douglas .....................................41 Agama aculeata aculeala: Size and Reproduction. M.F. Bates ......................................................43 Agama ac"1eala aculeata: Avian predation. G.V. Haaper & M. Barser..................................... 44 Cltamadeo dikpis dilepir. Reproduction and Cannibalism. M.F. Bates & R.M. Douglas .......... 45 Vanuws niloacus niloacus: Siu. WJ>. Haacke & D. Crofts ...........................................................45 ~ amea: Size and Reproduction. M.F. Bates ............................................................... 46 DuboTia lulri1c lulri1c: Reproduction. G.V. Ruper & W.R. Branda ..............................................47 Psamnwphis sibiJans brevirostris: Hissing. F. Brandstaetter ............................................................ 48 PlriJot/tamnus angolauir. Diet. G.V. Haagner.................................................................................... 49 T1tdotornis capassis capoasis: Reproduction. G.V. Haagner .......................................................... .49 Naja mdanolt:uca: Coprophagy. M. O'Shea ...................................................................................... 50 Causus rltombeanJs: Cannibalism. O. Bourquin ................................................................................51 GEOGRAPWCAL DISTRIBUl"ION Co/opus woltlbffgii wahlbergii. D.G. Broadley & G.s.A. Rasmussea .............................................. 52 Plalysaurus maculatus maculatus. D.G. Broadley.............................................................................. 52 1'yphJops $Chinzi. M.F. Bates .................................................................................................................53 Teksccp,u obtusus. M. Vesely, D. Modry & P. Necas ....................................................................... 53 BOOK.REVIEW I Endoglyph.s and other major vawmous snakes ofthe world. A ch«klist by P. Golay et aJ. Revic,,,,cd by: W.R. Brandl ................................................................................................................... 54 DECI.JNING AMPHIBIAN POPUIATIONS TASK fflRCE.......................................................... 57 MARCH 1995 NO. 22 HERPETOLOGICAL BOOKS AND JOURNALS............................................................................. 58 CONGRESSES AND SYMPOSIA ........................................................................................................ 60 BA.A. COMMJTI'EE ELECI1ON ...................................................................................................... 62 HERPETOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF AFRICA African Http News 22: March 19'JS F...Wl"5 The HAA ia dedicated to the study and conservation of Africaa ~ and EDITORIAL amphibians. Membenllip is open to U)'Olle witb an interest illl tbe Africa berpetofauna. Members rcc:enic the JOllnlOJ of the He,petological .Assodaao,t ofAfl'ka This issue of African Http News was due to be sent out in December 1994, but as a (which publishes review papers, raearch artidca, short communialtiolll and boot R:Sult of various delays, it was fmalized only in Man:h 19'JS. Members can, however, ~ - subject to peer review) and African Http News (HAA Newsletter) which loot forward to receiving an additional two issues of the newsletter this year. includes short communications, life history noces, gcograpbical clistribuaoe eota, venom and snakebite ~es, short boot reviews, bibliographies, husbandry bints, The Fourth H.A.A. Symposium on African Herpeu,iogy will take place later this year at St announcements and news items. Lucia in KwaZulu Natal. The fmal dates for the symposium are 23-27 October 19'JS. Orty Bourquin and his team of symposium organiurs have been rather busy ananging Edilor'1aoee: things, and apart from papers, posters and slide shows (see list on pages 7 to 9), there Articles will be OOlllidered for publication • Shon Communicatiolll prorided they are will be a variety of other attractions during the symposium, e.g. a visit to the St Lucia original and ~ DOC been publisbed elsewhere. Crocodile Centre, an evening cruise boat trip on Lake St Lucia, and a "frog twitching" sessioa. It all sounds quite marvellous! Bearing in mind that the only time H.A.A. The views and opinions expressed in articles are not neceaarily tbolc of tbe P.ditor. members are able to get together is at symposia, why not make a special effort to attend this year's meering? Although we are not able to host regular meetings on Artidel and news items appearing in.African Http News may be reprinted, provided tbe account of the widespread distnbution of our members, our symposia more than mate author's name and newsletter reference are given. up for it! 1)pise: I would also like to draw your attention to the Nilllh Mtttu1g ofthe African Amphibian Mn H. de Villiers, National Museum, Bloemfontein. Worlcing Group to be held in Bristol, England, rrom 9 to 13 September 1996. Arrangements for this symposium are still at an early stage, but interested parties can COMMl'ITEE OF 1llE HERPETOLOGICAL contact the organiur, Prof. Richard Tmsley, at Bristol UniYcrsity. The eighth meeting was held at Watert>erg Plateau Pad in Namibia during January 1994, and in my ASSOCIATION OF AFRICA opinion, was a very worthwbile experience. CHAIRMAN AND NEWSIErl'ER EDITOR HA.A. members are reminded about the nomination of candidates for the Exceptional M.F. Bates, Department of Herpetolo&y, National M111eum, P.O. Box 266, Colllribution to African Herpeu,logy award (see p. 24 of African Herp News 20). Any Bloemfontein 9300, Soutb Africa. number of candidates from any country may be nominated by any fully paid-up H.A.A. member by means of a written proposal and brief motivation S\lbmitted to the SF.cllETARY/TRFASU)lER Olairman at least six months in advance of the St Lucia symposium. Remember, F.L F..,...__, P.O. Box 20142, Duman Nortb 4016, Soutb Africa. depending on the HA.A. Committee's decision, and even if proposals are made, it is not a necessity to present the award at any particular symposium. COOPl'ED JOURNAL EDITOR P. le F.N. Moaoa, J. Ellerman Museum, UniYcrsity of Stellenbosch, Private ea, It is once again time to elect a new HA.A. Committee. African members are urged to XS018, Stellenbolcb 7600, South Africa. submit nomination forms (included with this newsletter) to likely candidates. Regrettably, members have shown little inteR:St in previous HA.A. elections. I ADDfflONAL COMMJITEE MEMBE~ therefore urge you to play a more active role in this year's election. After all, it is your E.11.W. Bunl, Scientific Services, Otief Directorate: Nature & Eaviroameatal inteR:Sts that are at stake here. Members are also welcome to submit in writing to the Conservation, Private Bag S014, Stellenbosch 7ti00, South Africa. Chairman any suggestions they may have concerning the running of the Association, as O. llouqllia, Natal Pub Board, P.O. Box 662, Pietermaritzburg 3200 Soutb Africa. well as any comments about the journal or newsletter. R.C. Boyeoct, Malolotja Nature Reserve, P.O. Box 1797, Mbabane, ~land. J.C. ..,..._, 14 Mordern HOUie, Harewood Avenue, Loadoa NWl 6NR, Enpnd I am pleased to say that this issue of African Http News contains several Life History (temporary address). and Geographical Distribution notes, many of which were
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