?W!psp5l®!i' T V .,'• I/:- . ‘.-; • . ' ..... ‘ ‘Y '•, • Y • ‘ ^ PA6E SIXTEEN MONDAY, MARCH 11, 191# ATcrafe Daily Net . Press Rqli For the Week Ended - . L,\ .* MTareVt, 1957 The Weather -• I ^ W:,: ./...-^ ^ereeeat o( V. 8. Wootbor 1 Th« tinooln PTA will m««t thla 12,664 ■ ' / evMilng at 8' o'clock In the achool FMr, dtoilaioUiig' wtoda, aooler ^woutTown ayauffllbrthl®: Anipwktt' tram Suicide Club -M em ber e( the A iidlt N^ike site «ili show, a film entitled Bnreou •( Circulation toaigan Low S8«:TB«ayeiii^ MlMtUmomoh Tribt, No. .88, "Nike In the Defense of America.” ipUA Wedneeday. High near M. lORM,, wiU meet Umlrht ^ fi .’a social time with refreshments X^ives^ Bond BAKED BEAN M onch6$ter—^A City o f ^Village Charm o’clock ' Ih Tinker Hell. Peet will follow. / Sp o n s o r e d BY W.8.C.8. Bechema’ night, will be ot^Mrrved To Canipaign UNITCD METHODIST CH URCH . ' VOL, LXXVI, NO. 137- -(SIXTEEN PAGES) end Carl Xrita- and his board of • The March meeting of the Hol- . r o u t e 44A'BOLTON , MANCHESTER,^ CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 12, l957 (daaalfled Advertlaing on Page 14) great dtlefa of the Mate of Con' llher PTA will be held Tuesday PRICE FIVE CENTS nectleut-wili make A visitation. A evening, at 8 o’clock in the school The’ Suicide Boys Club, p boys Saturday, March 16~-5:30 P.M. and A:30 P.M. ham dinner will be served after Siudi^ripm. A brass band will be basketball club of'the YMCA dur­ thd meeting. the main attraction of the evening. ing the years of 1839 to 1943. have ^ ADULTS $1.50 - i CHILDREN 16c Children interested in instrumental donated 1.100 t| the building fund Reservations—TEL. MI 8-8824-Ml 9-1863 The Auklllary to Anderson-Shea, music are invited to attend with pf the Manchi .er Memorial Hos- Baked Hun, Baked .Beans, Potato Salad, Coleslaw! or Foot, No. lOM, V rw , will meet their parents. ■ ^ . pital.. • Rolls, Homemade Apple Pie, CoBee. ^ tomotrow at 7:8h p.m. at the Post ----- ' W The funds were made available Home- Nomination and election Charles C. HathAway^bf Del by the cashing of, a Series', P War l a n .bf officers ^ 1 be an important Norte, Colo., sprl' of Russell B. Bond 'that the club purchased on part of the. buslneas session. Hathaway, 364 Porter St.. Has Feb. 8, 1944, out of funds that i been appointed ranger in charge were left In the treasury of the The lianchester Ttallan Amerv of Umesfone Distriet of Black club when the various members.of loan Society, Ihc., .Will meet Satur*' Hilla Im ional Forest, S. D. He has the club entered the service of our day night at 8 o'clock at the club­ beeirasslgned to the ranger sta- country. The bond wws a Series house.- Following the buslneas m at Deadwood, S. D.-, and will F bond because the club was in­ Washington, March 12 (/P )* 8 o i^ « ^ would aubmit. to the Se- corporated, and ran for 12 years cret Sorvicc Ue detector; meeting, a oocia' time will be held.- move his family to their new before maturity. -Mayor Terry D. Schrunk of I home immediAtely... Members of the club were Wal­ Portland,T, 1, j Ore., swore today;' ” No;i.uir,’’ Schrunk. replied.' s to Move into Gaza ter Backifs. Alton Cowles, Thom­ j "After conslderaOon and after Gibbons Assembly, Catholic as Davis, Robert Pregln, Louis he never received payoffs \ Physfaf m i Ladies of polumbus, will hold a Oenovesi. Howard, Holmes. Ray­ YEARLY ON HEATING COSTS from pinball machine oner- »P«n‘iinK U <*•>’■ arojmd here, in communion breakfast in S t James' mond LUcas, Harold Mikolelt, ators hnntlnoffpra and oam- “P^n'o" thla will be aettled in School cafeteria March 34, fol­ aiqrs, oooueggers ana gam Oregon courta. i ’ll reat on Joaeph Napoli, John Pavelach and biers. 'that." ', Mental igu9 lowing the S o’clock Mass. The LoUis Tuttle, The members feel I k e S e n d s guest speaker will be <the Rev. Under oath J ^ o re Senate in-^ • jifundt Commented that in hla that the building fund of the local veatigatora S ifh runk anawered; opimo„ the Juatice Department Bernard Killeen of Rt Justin's hospital is a worthwhile cause FUEL queationa first put to him - at a , would alto be Involved because, parish, Hartford. Tickets are and ^vlll benefit everyone that The front wheela of this'pickup truck were- lipped ir? c v ri^ rM u n d n a ld , "It is evldpnt some- Aide to Tell! available from the chairman. Kitty Tfirght have 'a lise lol* Us'faciliUi OaUan*- he balked at completing. UNEF^Units^ C'Uldo, and her committee. chassis of the vehicle as the result of a headop collision wHh the "We feel that it is. a privilege body has committed perjury here.' adjacent sedan. So. great wsaa the force of impact, the truck,^ The mayor told the Seriate ♦ After Schrunk's testimony, Com­ to make this donation," a spokes- PRODUCT OF STANDARD OIL CO! OF NEW JERSEY RackeU ..Inveatlgating Committee The WCTU will meet Tuesday Woman Hurt originally heading south, was spun completely aroundl' (Herald man said. mittee Counsel Robert F. Kennedy O f D o c tn n e l*T- ^ o to by Oflhra). he walked out on the test because- read into the record another affl- On Frontier a t lOtSO a.m. at the South Meth­ 24 T40UR IURNER SERVICE he felt the -Secret Service had "a da-vit relating to the charge that odist Church. The Rev. Carlton FOR NIGHT BURNER SERVICE CALL MI 5-4845 or 9-2429 Washington, March .12 (/P) Critically by Ml'S. Bai-nstey’s condition as "still fishing expediUon lined up" in-ad-^ Schrunk, \vhlle sheriff in 1956, re­ Cairo, Egypt, March 12 <Jp)‘ P. Daley, minister of^the United ^^UBt order 300 gallons or more the day before you want deliv­ ministering It. ' ,''7 ' ceived a 5500 "payoff” to halt a —President Eisenhower Sent Methodist Church of'Bolton .Aill critical.” St. James^ Ladies f AiBoTY^TijrLriW The dapper mayor also said he —An Egyptian official said The front of the Barnsley sedan ery and pay driver at time of delivery, . raid on the 8212 Cilub where-gam­ Ambassador James P. Rich­ Aff fir«Mst~llwirD8«irR to guest speaker. A poUuck Idnch- Bolton Crash I PRESCRIPTIONS Z felt ha was posed with "some very bling was suspected. today he understood Egypt eon will be served at noon with was caved in by the, impact of the Will Hear Doctor 1 tricky questions apparently aimed ards to the Middle East today bMf|y Siw gHi Foiiiiig Mrs. Lucy Reid, Mrs. Ralph Pers- collision and the truck, also was I "SAFELY FILLED’’ } fil l Ny our Signed by Kennetii Lindholm, t( idiscuss with the govern­ plans to send only administra-^ TANK>'OW at trying to make' me flunk the identified aa a Portland police­ tivfc units into the contro­ Vhen you are run-down—low son and Mrs. David' C3>ambers. Bolton, March 11 (Special)— A extensively damaged: The George Dr. Htidegard Maierhofer of COOPERATIVE test.'," — * ments of 18 nations his plan spirited, have sleepless nights— . hostesses. A business meeting will Manchester woman was critically i vehicle was not badly damaged. man, the affidavit asserted that versial Gaza Strip. He said he “nerves”, poor appetite, lack en­ Austria will be the guest' speaker ► Arthur Drug Stores i Dial ' Anawem All Questions Lindholm saw Schrunk and Clif­ for buiidfr.g new defenses foUpw at 2 p.m. injured in a S-vehicle crash Satur­ Police said Humphrey will ap­ at the meeting of the Ladies of doubts the Egyptian govern* ergy—don't let it get you down. pear in Justice Court March 19 to The Senators then asked ford O. Beniiett, operator of .the against the pressures of So­ Just what you may need Is day -afternoon about 4 p.m. oh Rt. St. James’ tonight. Ml 9-3740:^^ OIL COMPANY Schrunk ail the questions he had club talking on the street. ihent intends to move ihili- ■ PBRRIZAN. the NEW reeon- S t M argaret’s Circle, No. 380, 85 a half mile from the Manchester answer charges. The meeting will be held in St. 881 CENTER ST.. AT WEST CENTER ST. refused to answer for the Ue de­ viet communisni- structivc Tonic. Helps you fortify Daughters of Isabella, will meet ■ It said that another officer, In a departure .statement Rich-^ tary forces there in the im-> your Blood -with plentyplei of Iron Itne. .lames’ School following . the tector. He gave negative answers j Richard Sutter, walked across the tomorrow at 8 p.m .In the cafeteria Mrs. Harold Barnsley, 68, of 206 Novena and I>nten devotions. to all of them, dealing with Wheth­ ards declared that Uie President mediate future. for more. energy and etrength. of St. James’ School. Y Offers Classes OLl IE'S street to talk w-ith three police­ had- instructed him "to present The official made tha cotnmant Qlvee you needed Iodine with the Porter St., suffered severe skull Dr. Maierhofer will give a er he had taken payoffs from men standing there. eieentfal Bi and Bt .Vitamins, and Wrist injuries when the car short talk on Conditions in Austria gamblers and boPUeggers. and discuss his proposals to pro­ after Ck)l. Salah Oohar, head of Calcium and Photphorogs. The Reynolds'. Circle of the AUTO BODY The affidartt said that Sutter, mote peace, freedom and econornic the EgypUan Paleetine Depart- in which she was -a passenger was In Oil Painting and will answer questions from Sen.
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