THE CHATTAN'OOOA NEWS; CHATTaVOOQA, TF.VV., FRfDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1010. STAR JOCKEYS GIVEN THE WOMAN WORKER PUNCH BAG AS BRAVES ALLOWED TO SET-DOW-N BY BOARD TRAINING FOR WORKADAY BOUTS START SEASON EARLY uy KATHKRINB FLAHERTY ' Star Amateur"Xthlete of Pacific Coast ' ' LYKE AND FORE-HAN- D LOFTUS, TO BEGIN TRAINING BE ARE BARBED. y 1 TORE RIVAL CLUBS. , 1 .F3 . of Officials Action Creates Ban Johnson Confers With Sensation in American Ruppert Over Successor Turf Circles. to Herrmann. New York, Feb. 14. Officials of the New 14. club had no to York, Feb. John Heydler, Jockey explanation! president of the National league, yes offer today for the down of I aettlng terday upheld the contention of ehksfsafcetv Jockeys Johnny Loftus, Lawrence Katharine Flaherty In a session President George W. Grant, of trie with "" Takaa V I Lyke and E. Forehand. Loftua and tha bag before ooino out into Boston Nationals, that the Boston eonaaeaice, 1 club should to curl am mi imri.fv Lyke are two of the country' great the workaday world to put her train- be granted permission Uakvihalr. Makes It Ibi ing into in bouts of start training on March It instead a H est riders, Loftus ridden the practice the iif. ally comb or brack having Listen 1 of waiting until March 2S, the official Taoanaas of eoiorad horse of A. K. Macomber last sea- - date selected CAR Hll erf All for National leagrua BUSINESS Jotm il.AlM rid son. while L,S'ke waa you glrla who work?: mWI. hahr in the employ cluba to begin their prepara- Keeps Ibe cleaa, or commander J. K. Ross In Are your lungs, heart, muscles and training k.aseaaHyssrtiiaMa' but sot tick u early tions. , In view of the fact that the the year and later was connected nervea in Condition to keep life'a re Boston dnwiMt w wffl wad bi bounds and Brooklyn teams play their yw witn the Brighton stable.. from awatting you on the game in Boston on IV, .aoateceipislKa. The fact that Lyke waa criticised nose 7 opening April ,TS Wsaled-Wr- ita tor Tl for poor horsemanshio on several oc four days before the regular season Try yourself out on the punching opening, Heydler changed a recent VW Oiiwtnl Ce casions last summer partly explain! oeg. A really constructive aid to aUariaeaaaa, Ala. me Dim unaer which he has been decision that all clubs must atart but Loftua conald. Tent mlnuntea with the bag will training on the same date ana no- placed,-- generally show the business man who realizes - erea me Dest norse" in the Mucom-be- r whether or not you are In good tified the Boston and Brooklyn clubs stable, has received no such crit physical condition; whether or not mat tney may start Alarcn 19 with more time ''- set-dow- n out a that now, than ever, icism, and his comes as a your lungs get enough aid to keep incurring penalty. surprise In turf circles. your blood red and your heart la Heydler also notified the presidents The stewards of the Jockey club it of the National league clubs that in ismoney,and economy in labor pumping properly. view of a verbal be adopted the gelding rule and amended Most glrla don't tbelr muscles understanding the weight acale. Dates were awarded give tween the national association and the great need of the hour. as follows: proper valuation. Many of them August Herfmann, chairman of the Bowie, Havre' don't even know whether they have national the National April deCrace, are commission, Apru ib-i- rimuco. May 7; any, where they and what they're league considers the national agree .:o;j juice United Hunts Racing association good for. ment In force until further notice and It will pay you to viait us anoxamino tht oar. will (spring meeting), May r The punching baa; enlighten that all negotiations with minor you, first through the aoreness that league clubs must be made in accord whitens skin to ance with testltfle softness and disuse, then its provisions. Tho HauUflo ooot is unusually low. MEMORIAL FOR GRANT through tha exhilaration that comes President B. B. Johnson, of the with muscular proficiency. American league, conferred yesteroay with Col. Jacob !sl Make beauty lotion Association te Perpetuate Memory of After all, we work largely with our Ruppert, president Major League Star. whether our of the New lork Americans, and at home for few cents New Tork, Feb. 14. At a gathering body, labor la mental or member of the commission to select of baseball patrons and newspapermen manual. And even tha best brain a new chairman for the national com hare yesterday, the Capt. Edward functions at a disadvantage in . Grant memorial association, was or- MdK mission. :mm tha Juice of, two lemons ganised for the purpose of ''providing poorly cared for body. shoulders, making Impossible that Heydler said he and Johnson had bottle containing three ounces a fitting memorial for a soldier who Bag punching la second only to flabblness ao embarrassing to women talked over the butl Auto Coispaiiy 1 A. chairmanship,. Cmzais 1L . 1 . , . ... T ihard White, abake well, and made the supreme sacrifice In France, swimming for Its health benefits for after 40, and generally increasea the uuiii took uie siana mar. nomine: eve a quarter of the beat for a baseball player who was a credit women. pint to lovo of life. v could be done pending the action of .tag and akin whitening lotion. the game,, for a patriot and for a makes the committees two man. 4 It the eya and brain alert To apar confidently with the wal appointed by the complexion beauaner, at rery, name Broad and Seventh Streets ' Capt. Grant, who was killed In the It inaplres confidence and gives polae; loping forces of life and your Job. leagues to a chairman. V email cost. forest October 4. wsa a 1779-358- r grocer baa the lemons and Argonne jalfl, keeps tha figure trim and youthful; learn how to hit tha punching bag. Phones Main 3 member of the New York Nations! tha muscles of arms Dreadful Cough Cured. rug atore or toilet counter will league teem when he enlisted. Several strengthens and deftly and hard. aevere ounces communications from officers A cold is often followed by t three of Orchard brother - tor a few oenta. Massage this and soldiers of the 807th infantry were rough cough for which Chamber lotion Into the face, read at the meeting, all of them offer- lain's Cough Remedy has proven es- y fragrant financial eld to the memorial. valuable. Mra. F. W. , anna and bands eacb day and ing pecially Olsen, John J. MeGraw. of tha New Tork Marysvllle, Mo., writes: "About two bow tan, redness, sallowness, club, was elected president of the asso Heydler Keeps Faith re and wind barn dleappear and ciation. Bern Crane waa elected secre years ago my little boy Jean cought clear, toft and rosy. white the tary and John B. Foster, treasurer. a severe cold and coughed dread- becomes. Teal It Is harmless. (By George H. Butler.) . xxurpny, in explaining hia pur. fully for days. I tried a number of Announcement from New ork today cnase. says: "'mere is going to be a cough medicines but nothing did him DIXON WINS MATCH to the effect that President revival in the game; I wanted to get any good until I gave him Chamber- Haydler back In baseball. lain's Frank Treed Loses Out In Tl at Kan, of the National has I felt I would be Cough Remedy. It relieved his ess league instructed, better satisfied to have an Interest cough right away and before he had City. all ciubs . LOOKOUT Kansas City. Feb. 14. Harvey Dixon. in his circuit to respect the in the Cubs and I acquired ot-.e- That finished taking one bottle he was of Oronogo, Mo., yesterday defeated verbal agreement between the ma Is all there la to it." cured. I think it Is Just fine for child- ? Frank Troeh of Vancouver, Wash., jors and minors, will be received There a ren. ROOFING CO: In the is general feeling in Chi (Adv.) American amateur champion. with undisguised Pleasure by the cago mat may as- match In the fifteenth an .smaller Ban aiutpny largely ? A. T. Kolan nual midwinter treo ehootlnff tourna organisations. When sume control of tha Cub machine. prop; ment. The men tied for first place Johnson and Heydler refused to sign Despite his unpopularity of several SCHULTE NOW PILOT with 114 taffeta eaoh and In a shoot-o- ff baseball'a new Magna Charta at the years ago there is no denyins- - that each got Zt or 25, the Mtasourian win- New York meeting at waa fearod by he Is one of the shrewdest men who Veteran Will Handle Blnghamton Club In shoot-ef- f, . 21 to St. Sheet Metal and Fur- ning the. second some that the majors intended to ig ever entered baseball. During hit re This Season. nore the agreement and wags war gime the Cubs won four National Blnghamton, N. Y., Feb. 14. Frank on the minora ' Schulte, former Cub player and later nace Work Of All . Indirectly notwith league pennants and two world ser with the PLAN PUBLIC SHOWING thafr - I Washington Americans, signed standing the fact Gurry Heir lea. a contract to manage the Blnghamton Kinds. mann, as chairman of the national team of the International league yes- Auto Club Will Present Good Reads commisaion, afflxed his signature to Tho National InterefflloRlate Golf terday afternoon.
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