17099 Shoreline inventory_new.qxd 9/12/2005 11:54 AM Page 1 Appendix A-3 17099 Shoreline inventory_new.qxd 9/12/2005 11:55 AM Page 2 Exhibit A-3 2805 St. Andrews Loop, Suite A Pasco, Washington 99301 (509) 546-2040 Exhibit A-3 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Shoreline History .........................................................................................................1 1.2 Present Shoreline Conditions .......................................................................................5 2 M ethods and Approach Methods and Approach..........................................................................................................9 3 Agency and Tribal Com m unication Agency and Tribal Communication.......................................................................................9 4 Inventory Requirem ents and ata Sources Inventory Requirements and Data Sources..........................................................................10 4.1 Inventory Documents .................................................................................................11 5 Shoreline M ap Segm ents Shoreline Map Segments .....................................................................................................14 6 Shoreline istinctions Based on Existing Land Use Shoreline Distinctions Based on Existing Land Use ...........................................................30 7 Shoreline Areas efined by Environm ental Features Shoreline Areas Defined by Environmental Features .........................................................32 8 Future em ands and Use Future Demands and Use.....................................................................................................45 9 Restoration Plan 9.1 Degraded Columbia River Shoreline Areas (West to East) .......................................49 9.2 Restoration Opportunities...........................................................................................51 9.3 Restoration Priority and Possible Funding.................................................................52 9.4 Existing Kennewick Shoreline Restoration Projects and Funding.............................55 10 Recom m endations- Prelim inary Environm ental esignations Recommendations – Preliminary Environmental Designations ..........................................56 City of Kennewick i Table of Contents Exhibit A-3 Exhibits Exhibit 1: Kennewick Shoreline Study Vicinity Map ................................................................6 Exhibit 1a: Kennewick Shoreline Study Site Map .......................................................................8 Exhibit 2a: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (1 of 3)................................................................15 Exhibit 2b: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (2 of 3) ...............................................................16 Exhibit 2c: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (3 of 3)................................................................17 Exhibit 2d: Kennewick Shoreline Study Levee A and Clover Island.........................................18 Exhibit 2e: Kennewick Shoreline Study Levee B.......................................................................19 Exhibit 3a: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (1 of 3)................................................................20 Exhibit 3b: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (2 of 3) ...............................................................21 Exhibit 3c: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (3 of 3)................................................................22 Exhibit 3d: Kennewick Shoreline Study Levee A and Clover Island.........................................23 Exhibit 3e: Kennewick Shoreline Study Levee B and Environmental Features ........................24 Exhibit 4a: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (1 of 3) Future Land Use - Zoning.....................25 Exhibit 4b: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (2 of 3) Future Land Use - Zoning.....................26 Exhibit 4c: Kennewick Shoreline Study Park (3 of 3) Future Land Use - Zoning.....................27 Exhibit 4d: Levee A and Clover Island – Future Land Use - Zoning.........................................28 Exhibit 4e: Kennewick Shoreline Study Levee B and Future Land Use - Zoning.....................29 Exhibit 5: Kennewick Shoreline Study Restoration Opportunities ..........................................54 Exhibit 6: Kennewick Shoreline Study Preliminary Environmental Designations ..................58 Figures Figure 1: Potential Future Development for the Kennewick Shoreline between the Cable and Blue Bridge ...............................................................................................................47 Figure 2: Clover Island Draft Master Plan...............................................................................48 Pictures Picture 1: First Automobile Bridge (1922) ................................................................................3 Picture 2: River Drive ................................................................................................................3 Picture 3: Columbia River before the McNary Dam (UDAT, 2003) .......................................4 Picture 4: Columbia River after McNary Dam (Looking Towards Clover Island/Pasco).........4 Picture 5: Rural Land Use within City of Kennewick Urban Growth Boundaries..................32 Picture 6: Environmental Feature Area 3A..............................................................................34 Picture 7: Environmental Feature Area 4A– Trash Collector at Kiwanis Camp Ground Wastewater Channel – Shoreline Segment A ..........................................................34 Picture 8: Environmental Feature Area 4B – Wetland Shoreline Segment B .........................36 Picture 9: Environmental Feature Area 4B – Wetland Shoreline Segment B .........................36 City of Kennewick ii Table of Contents Exhibit A-3 Picture 10: Environmental Features Area 2C –Golf Course Shoreline Segment C...................39 Picture 11: Environmental Features Area 2C – Driving Range Segment C ..............................39 Picture 12: Environmental Features Area 4D – Levee Shoreline Segment D ...........................41 Picture 13: Environmental Features Area 5D – East End of Clover Island Segment D............42 Picture 14: Environmental Features Area 6D– Residential Area on the South Side of Duffy’s Pond Segment D........................................................................................43 Picture 15: Environmental Features Area 3E – Levee Section East of Clover Island and Cable Bridge Segment E ...................................................................................................44 Picture 16: Riprap ......................................................................................................................49 Table Table 1: Agency Contacts......................................................................................................10 Table 2a: Key Document and Relationship to the Ecology Checklist.....................................12 Table 2b: Documentation and Relationship to the Ecology Checklist ....................................13 Table 3: Shoreline Segments .................................................................................................14 Table 4: Shoreline Area Distinctions.....................................................................................30 Table 5: Restoration Opportunities........................................................................................53 Table 6: Summary of Land Use and Ecological Function within General Shoreline ............... Map Segments .........................................................................................................56 References City of Kennewick iii Table of Contents Exhibit A-3 City of Kennew ick – Shoreline M aster Program Shoreline Inventory and Assessm ent Report 1 0 Introduction The City of Kennewick (City) established their Shoreline Master Program in 1974 consistent with the requirements of Chapter 90.58 RCW and guidelines prepared by the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology). Since the mid 1990’s Kennewick has been planning under the provisions of the Growth Management Act (GMA) and as required, protecting critical areas through a Critical Areas Ordinance. Guidelines and requirements under both of these regulatory programs have changed recently, and as a result, the City has undertaken updates to both sets of regulations. The process within the new Ecology Shoreline Master Program Guidelines (January, 2004), includes elements of agency and public involvement, assessment of data and establishment of a shoreline “inventory,” a process to designate appropriate protective regulations and restoration programs, and a requirement for a shoreline restoration plan as appropriate. The purpose of this Report is to provide the baseline inventory of shorelines as required by the guidelines. The inventory includes the following elements: ° An inventory of shoreline conditions including land use, public access, and environmentally sensitive areas; ° A map portfolio of these data layers displayed at the appropriate scale, and ° An analysis report that analyzes the information and data collected as it relates to development of an effective Shoreline Master Program. 1 1 Shoreline History Kennewick’s industry, culture and history are tied to the Columbia River in many ways. The Columbia River shoreline in Kennewick was first used by the local Tribes as a place to
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