INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2018 [ 1 ] [ Malawi / Bax Lindhardt ] Abbriviations 2 05 Programme Results 19 01 Introduction 4 06 Partnership for Change 45 02 DCA in Numbers and 07 Engagement in Denmark 51 Financial Management 7 08 Achieving Change through 03 Reviews, Evaluations and Consultations 13 Cross-Cutting Commitments 55 04 Organisational Changes 15 09 Quality Management and Accountability 61 [ 2 ] INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2018 Abbreviations ACF Action Contra la Faim EAPPI Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in ACPR Annual Country Programme Report Palestine and Israel ACT Action by Churches Together EC European Commission AVR Armed Violence Reduction ECHO European Civil Protection and CA Christian Aid Humanitarian Aid Organisation CaLP Cash Learning Partnership ECOSOC Economic and Social Council CAN Climate Action Network EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal CAR Central African Republic ERW Explosive Remnants of War CARs Corrective Action Requests EU European Union CBO Community Based Organisation FBO Faith-Based Organisations CCD Collective Cash Delivery FCA Finn Church Aid CDMC Community Disaster Management Committees FCS Food Consumption Score CEDAW UN Committee on All Forms of Discrimination GBV Gender Based Violence Against Women GDPR General Data Protection Regulation C4C Charter for Change GIS Geographic Information System CHS Core Humanitarian Standard GOAT Getting Our ACT Together CMDRR Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction GPDR Global Partnership and Donor Relations CO Country Office GRF Global Results Framework ¨ CoP Community of Practice HCT Humanitarian Country Teams COS Church of Sweden HEAT Hostile Environment Awareness Trainings CP Country Programme HMA Humanitarian Mine Action CRRF Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework HPG Humanitarian Policy Group CSO Civil Society Organisation HR Human Resources CSI Coping Strategy Index HRBA Human Rights-Based Approach CSW Commission of the Status of Women HRMA Humanitarian Response and Mine Action DAI Development Alternative, Inc. (DAI) HRD Human Rights Defenders Danida Danish International Development Assistance HQ Headquarters / Head office DCA DanChurchAid IDP Internal Displaced People DDR Disarmament, Demobilisation and IATI International aid Transparency Initiative Reintegration ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies DFID Department for International Development, IDP Internal Displaced People Government of United Kingdom IED Improvised Explosive Devices DKK Danish Kroner IGA Income Generating Activities DKM Danmarks Kirkelige Mediecenter IHL International Humanitarian Law DMDP Danida Market Development Partnership IHRL International Human Rights Law Programme IRIN Original humanitarian news and analysis DRC Democratic Republic of Congo IS Islamic State DRR Disaster Risk Reduction ISIS Islamic State of Iraq and Syria DUF The Danish Youth Council JCP Joint Country Programme JLI Joint Learning Initiative SDGs Sustainable Development Goals KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau SFPs Security Focal Points KOI Key Outcome Indicator SGBV Sexual and gender-based violence KPI Key Performance Indicator SIDA Swedish International Development LGBTQIA+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender queer, Assistance intersex, asexual SIR Security Incidents Reported L2GP Local to Global Protection SO Strategic outcome MA Mine Action SPHERE Minimum standards in core areas M&E Monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian assistance MEAL Monitoring, evaluation, accountability TOC Theory of Change and learning UJCC Uganda Joint Christian Council MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (= the National Council of Churches) MRE Mine Risk Education UN United Nations NCA Norwegian Church Aid UNDP United Nations Development Programme NFI Nonfood item UNGP UN Guiding Principles on Business NGO Non-Governmental Organisation and Human Rights NU Folkekirkens Nødhjælps Ungdom UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner (DCA’s Youth Organisation) for Refugees OCHA The United Nations Office for the Coordination UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund of Humanitarian Affairs UPR Universal Periodic Review ODI Overseas Development Institute USAID United States Aid for OD Organisational Development International Development OPT Occupied Palestinian Territories WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene P4G Partnering for Green Growth WLRO Women’s Labour Rights Organisation PA Partnership Agreements WHS World Humanitarian Summit PaRD International Partnership on Religion VSLA Village Savings and Loan Association and Sustainable Development YWAP Young Women Active in Politics PAT Partner Assessment Tool PC Programme Coordinator PRI Project and Programme Related Information PSS Psychosocial Support PSE Private Sector Engagement PSEA Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse RE Risk Education RTA Road Traffic Accident SALW Small Arms and Light Weapons SAM Security Access Manager SC Safer Communities SCLR Survivor and Community-led Crisis Response [ 4 ] INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2018 [ Nepal / Jakob Dall ] 01. Introduction A key highlight in 2018 was the finalisation and DanChurch- country programme (CP) portfolio. In addition, DCA COs Aid (DCA) board approval of the new four-year International that were previously organized under either a Development Strategy 2019-2022. This was the culmination of a process or a Humanitarian division transitioned to a coherent and which has engaged significant parts of the organisation at consistent CP structure under a harmonized management country office (CO) level and in DCA headquarters (HQ) as with all DCA CPs adhering to a unified set of systems, well as our partners, the partner group representatives and procedures and tools. the DCA board. To strengthen and complement the new International Strategy, a new Global Results Framework As this report will show, a larger proportion of DCA activities (GRF) organised around the three Global Goals, to Save are now implemented in fragile and conflict-affected Lives, Build Resilient Communities and Fight Extreme countries and communities. Because of this, DCA in 2018 Inequality, was also developed. We decided that for the allocated additional resources to strengthen its ability to reporting of results and achievements in 2018, we will prepare, manage and learn from security incidences and already for this annual report take point of departure in the threats to DCA, partners and communities. Since January GRF. This is one reason why the report for 2018 is organised 2018, a full-time global security advisor has reinforced and presented differently than previous years; another is and supported that a culture of security management and the introduction of a new online reporting system designed duty of care is manifest at all DCA COs and at DCA senior to respond to the DCA GRF which was rolled out during the management level. preparation for the 2018 annual report. During the last four years, DCA has, both at the global As a multi-mandated organization, DCA addresses both strategic level as will be seen in the new International immediate humanitarian needs as well as longer-term Strategy (2019-2022) and through our CPs, reinforced our development needs. Working in the nexus and strengthening cooperation with the private sector. The primary focus for integration and synergy is also crucial when responding to all of our private sector cooperation is to strengthen the larger-scale, protracted crises in countries like Ethiopia, access to markets that are inclusive and provide relevant Uganda, South Sudan, Myanmar and Libya. To further opportunities for poor and marginalised communities to this approach, in 2018 DCA continued the integration of diversify livelihood options and income. This is achieved Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) and Emergency Response through partnerships with private sector entities in Denmark disciplines into one HQ support and coordination unit as well as in the countries where we work. Experience to under unified management. This also increases sharing date has shown that trustful and constructive cooperation of technical and operational resources from across requires dedicated staff both in Denmark and at our CO sectoral disciplines in cross-functional advisory teams level, including at Secretary General level. During 2018, we and reorients HQ technical advisory functions towards therefore decided to create a Private Sector Engagement supporting an increasingly diverse and decentralized DCA (PSE) unit that directly reports to the Secretary General [ Nepal / Jakob Dall ] to further optimize and strengthen the dialogue and Affairs (MFA) (2018-2021), in 2018 DCA decided to further cooperation with the relevant private sector actors. increase its focus on innovation and co-creation with communities, partners, and relevant private sector In 2018, the humanitarian and development sector stakeholders. At the organizational level, several initiatives came under significant global pressure to ensure and moved the organization towards a more strategic and implement strong accountability mechanisms to protect comprehensive approach to innovation: a dedicated right holders and prevent the abuse of power. Because of staff function for innovation was established, a cross- our organisational commitment to a human rights-based organizational innovation task force was created, and a approach and our obligation to promote and enforce new DCA Innovation Fund supported 11 innovation projects accountability at all levels of our work, DCA had already with funding from DCA’s Strategic Partnership Agreement from January 2018 decided to allocate resources
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