LOYALTY-·- PROGRESS -.- ART-'- ~.:......., THE: MEN 'WHO MAKE MOTION PICTURES Copyrighted, 1921, by the AMERICAN SOCIETY Ot<' CINEMATOGRAPHERS. VOL. 2. NO. 14 LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA, J'ULY 8, 1921 TEN CENTS A COPY AT THE THEATRES GEORGE LOANE TUCKER BUSINESS AND WEEK OF JULY 4 -MIRACLE MAN THE CAMERAMAN ALHAMBRA - "Man, Woman, It was not my privilege to By Rene Guissart Marriage." Photographed by know Mr. Tucker personally yet Mr. Outssart is known as one of FL. Lyman Broening and Wil- I feel sure that I can appreciate the most artistic, best paid camera- man in the industry, His thoro liam M. McGann, members of in a measure at least, the worth understanding of camera and lab- the A. S. C. of the man. Men are known oratory work extends back to the CALIFORNIA - "Cold Steel." and borne in mind after they early days of cinematography in have departed this life, solely France, his native land. Photographed by E. S. Depew, After coming to America, he was member of the A. S. C., and by their works. The Memorial connected with Eclair, Fox and Al- John Thompson. Service held at the Brunton lan Dwan. Later he was associated CLUNE'S BROADWAY - "A Studios, Sunday, June the 2Gth, with Maurice Tourneur productions, was beautiful and inspiring. Mr. where he attracted considerable at- Kiss in Time." Photographed PhOtograph of the Spi'rograph disc. Frederick Ward, a Brother tention by his work on "Woman," by William Collins. It is 10 ~ inches in diat/wter and will "Milady's Garter," "The Life Line," GARRICK-"Through the Back Gont(~~n between 1200 and 1300 pic- Lamb, in the course of his re- and "Treasure Island." He has Door." Photographed by tures, which with the saving space in marks. said of Mr. Tucker that photographed Anita Stewart and titles will be eqwivalent to 100 teet in "He was good and kind." No Bessie Barrtscale, and has just fin- Charles Rosher, member of 1"011filrn. higher tribute can be paid the ished "The Lying Truth," with the A. S. C. Marion Fairfax Productions. He is character of any man. This w H8 at present phqtogt-aphtng "Omar the GRAUMAN'S - "Beau Revel." THE "SPIROGRAPH" not only Mr. Ward's personal Photographed by' Henry Tent Maker," under Director James tribute but the expression of the Young. Sharp. By H. Lyman Broenino regard and esteem with which GRAUMAN'S RIALTO - "The Regardless of the various con- he was held by his associates Looking at the making of pic- Woman God Changed." trivances placed upon the mar- and all with whom he came in tures from whatever angle we HIPPODROME - Monday- ket during the past ten years for contact. To remember his char- may, we must always remember "An Arabian Knight." Pho- the furtherance of the motion acter is the heritage of those that primarily it is a business, tographed by Frank D. Wil- picture in the home, there has who knew him best, but what he and of this business the pro- liams. been little or no success towards has wrought is the heritage of ducer is the head. In the pres- HOLLYWOOD - Monday - this end. the millions who knew him only ent condition of production in "Boys Will Be Boys." Photo- In the course of a few months by his works, America, competition with the graphed by Marcel LePicard, time the very latest idea in cheaper, foreign-made film ne- The production of the Miracle cessitates reducing the cost of member of the A. S. C. hom" projection will make its Man is a miracle in itself. Only Tuesday and Wednesday- appearance in all parts of the production. The producer must a master hand could have mold- maIre-his picture-cheaper, Here "The Passion Flower." Pho- Uniced States ana Canada, and ed the characters thru whom the tographed by Roy Hunt. it is expected will run a close story of regeneration comes to is the problem which confronts Thursday, Friday, Saturday second to the phonograph in us, for none of the cast has ever him and which he must success- fully solve if he is to continue -"Peck's Bad Boy." Photo- popularity. given a like characterization be- graphed by Alfred Gilks. A large manufacturing plant fore or since the release of this making pictures. To do this he Sunday - "A Tale of Two is being equipped at Irvington- picture. T,he theme and the ap- must reconstruct his method of working. Worlds." Photographed by on-the-Hudson, by the Urban peal of the Miracle Man is un- Norbert Brodin, member of Motion Picture Industries, Inc., usual but its production has When the producer has a good the A. S. C. and under the guidance of Mr. been most unusual. Other pro- organization he can estimate KINEMA - "The Sky Pilot." Charles Urban, inventor of the ductions have taken more time. the cost of a picture to within a Photographed by L. W. celebrated "Kinemacolor,' (the Other productions have cost few thousand dollars. The aver, O'Connell and Gus C. Peter- first process of color photogra- more, while others have made age weekly overhead is between son, member of the A. S. C. phy in films). The new device more money because of the ad- ten and fifteen thousand dollars, MIL L E R ' S - "Pardon My of Urban's has been patented in vertising campaign back of according to the type or style of French." all countries and will be known them, but aside from those who prod uction. as the "Spirograph." MISSION - "Dream Street." had some part in their making. These many years the pro- The original idea was conceiv- Photographed by Henrik Sar- they are forgotten. Since the ducer and cameraman have been tov and Fred Chaston. ed by one Theodore Brown, a birth of the industry not one well known trade journal editor far apart in the business of NEW APOLLO - Monday and picture a year has been made making pictures. The camera- Tuesday - "The Traveling of London. Brown's first model that will live. "They lack ap- was purchased outright by Mr. man has been chosen for his Salesman." Photographed by peal." Who has seen the Mir- photographic ability. His re- Karl Brown, member. of the Urban in 1907. Ever since then acle Man and gone away unre- he has been developing it to- sponsibility has been limited to A. S. C. warded, - unmindful that he his negative and the artistic Wednesday - "Trust Your wards perfection. carries something with him he The Spirograph embodies the side of the production. Never Wife." Photographed by Joe did not possess before. has he been chosen for his busi- Brotherton. very same general principles as (Continued on Page Four) Defects can be found, surely. ness acumen. Never for his Thursday - "To Please One In what work of man can' they financial ability or as a factor Woman" Photographed by North." Photographed by not? But the effect! Therein in the working methods of an William C. Foster, member of Thomas Rea. lies the reason why this man's organization. the A. S. C. TALLY'S - "Sacred and Pro- work will live. It mav be that A cameraman is often en- Friday - "The Marriage of fane Love." Photographed by some day the Art galleries of gaged for a single picture, does' William Ashe." Photographed James C. Van Trees, member the world will have on exhibi- not know the story, is not con- by Jackson Rose. member of of the A. S. C. tion with other works of art, sulted in regard to the style of the A. S. C. WINDSOR - Monday - "The examples of what has been best photography. and because of the Saturday-"The Ghost in the Dollar a Year Man." Photo- in this most wonderful art of lack of confidence on the part of Garret." Photographed by graphed by Karl Brown, all. And I feel quite sure that the producer, cannot take ad- Fred Chaston. member of the A. S. C. the Miracle Man will be listed vantage of opportunities to save Sunday - "Puppets of Fate." Tuesday and Wednesday- in the catalogs with the name time. Photographed by John Ar- "Mama's Affair." Photo- of the producer, George Loanr We all know that there is nold, member of the A. S. C. graphed by Oliver Marsh. Tucker. lunch wasted time on production NEW SYMPHONY - "Foolish Th ursday - "Blackbirds." John Leezer, June 27, 192J. and this costs much money. We Matrons." Photographed by Photographed by Arthur also know that thousands of OLD TIMER HERE Charles Van Enger and Ken- Quinn. feet of film are taken and never neth C. MacLean, member of Friday - "The Education of Gilbert Warrenton has de- used, due to lack of planning the A. S. C. Elizabeth. " serted little old New York and and .orrranization. A camera- PANTAGES (7th and Hill)- Sat u r day - "The Little returned to the fold, but as we man of ~_manyyears' experience, "The Sin That Was His." Clown." Photographed by know Gilbert so well we will having' worked with many di- Photographed by Edward Van Faxon M. Dean, member of not guarantee his stay here. rectors, should have the confi- Buren. the A. S. C. But it's a pleasure to see him dence of his employer. If such PANTAGES (Broadway)- Sun day - "The J ucklins." even if but for a short time. a cameraman has the script "Her Lord and Master." Photographed by Paul P. He's a real member in New and takes his job seriously he SUPERBA - "Wolves of the Perry. member of the A. S. C.
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