Regional Group #27 April 2018 Volume 49 Issue 4 The Trials and Tribulations of Henry’s Farm Tractor Story By Dave Wyss n 1917 Henry Ford said “I want to company was “Henry I lift the burden of farming from Ford and Son” and short- flesh and bones and place it on steel ened to “Fordson.” and motors.” Ford was fifty-three and Some of the early trac- on his way to becoming one of the tors like “Fordson” had a richest men in the world by producing disturbing tendency, if his assembly line produced Model T the plow hit a large Ford. enough rock, the plow Henry Ford revolutionized the tractor would stop and the trac- industry when he employed mass tor would try to keep Keystone-France production assembly lines to build his going. Many tractors first tractor. With his assembly tech- would pivot on the drive wheels, flip food shortages caused by the loss of niques Ford could offer his tractors at over, and kill the driver. farm laborers from England and Ire- lower prices. International Harvestor By 1928 fewer and fewer Fordsons land in World War I. came out with the Farmall using Ford were being sold so Henry lost interest techniques, but also offering the abil- Ferguson became knowledgeable in tractors, and got out of the agricul- ity to cultivate row crops. with tractors, especially the Fordson, ture equipment business. He stayed while working with the (MOM), partly Ford tractors were built in Cork, Ire- out of the ag business until 1939, and because the British government or- land under a different company, sep- entered with a new partner, Harry dered Ferguson to cure the rearing arate from Ford Motor Company. The Ferguson. problem. Ferguson hired a team of Henry George “Harry” Ferguson was superior mechanics to design a plow In This Issue born in Northern Ireland on Novem- to prevent this problem. Producing ber 4, 1884. In 1902 at 18 he joined tractors in Cork, Ireland was costly for Henry’s Farm Tractor ...................................... Pg 1 his brother Joe in a car and bicycle Ford because all the tractors sold in repair business in Belfast. In 1904 he the US were at least 3 thousand miles President’s Letter / Minutes ............................ Pg 2 began to race motorcycles. In 1909 at away from the factories. Production Farm Tractor continued/Sunshine Report...... Pg 3 Hillborough he made a monoplane was transferred from Cork to England taking his first powered flight in Ire- RERG #27 Swap Meet Flyer ........................... Pg 4 in 1922. land, traveling 130 meters. Event Calendar ............................................... Pg 5 Harry Ferguson was also producing In 1914 with World War I starting, tractors during this period. He devel- Minutes continued/ Birthdays ........................ Pg 6 Ferguson worked with British Ministry oped a plow suitable for the Fordson Membership Information .............................. Pg 7 of Munitions (MOM) food production Model F. His very first system was program. The British imported all made with Eber and Sherman. He Photo/Art of the Month ................................. Pg 8 available US tractors to eliminate founded this Continued on Page 3 Page 2 From The President: t’s April and that means two things: Fortunately, we’ve had members step up I free pizza at the next meeting; and to serve as secretary. Julie McClain has getting ready for the club’s Swap Meet in offered to be secretary at the regular May. This will be one of two times this meetings and Charlene Trabucco has year that we have free pizza at our offered to be secretary at the Board meetings and it’s always popular so you meetings. While a little unorthodox, this know meeting attendance will be high. should serve the club very well. Barbara Haen has also volunteered to serve as back The other thing we’ll be doing at this -up secretary as needed. Thanks to all of meeting is getting flyers to hand out and you for volunteering. It’s great to be in a post at various local businesses and sign- club where folks are so willing to meet the ing up for the tasks necessary to run the club’s needs. Swap Meet. The major tasks are laying out the field on Saturday then on Sunday park- And, now it’s your turn to step up and help ing the cars and trucks and selling coffee with the Swap Meet as so many of you and pies, etc. This Swap Meet is the fund- have done in the past. See you at the next Sadly, we recently lost two long-time raiser for our club and, along with your meeting. members: Beth Carpenter and Eileen Raw- dues, provides the means to run the club son. As you will read elsewhere in this events throughout the year so it’s im- newsletter, Beth passed away after a long portant. These events include tours, free John Girman bout with cancer. In addition, Eileen also pizza nights and the holiday banquet died of cancer recently. She was serving as among other things. Once again, organiz- secretary for the club at the time as she ing the Swap Meet is in the capable hands has done in the past. You could never of Dave Peterson and Carol Rasmussen is meet nicer people. Our thoughts are with handling the food court but the club needs their families. We will miss them both. you to sign up and help with making the Swap Meet a success. Minutes of General Meeting Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Birthdays: Brian Clary winner for Item 3: Dave Peterson discussed the March. upcoming V8 Swap Meet in May. Take The meeting was called to order at 7:05 flyers. Signup sheets at our April pm by President John Girman. Old Business: Clothing report to come meeting. It’s Free Pizza Night! from Mike Buegeleisen. The Pledge of Allegiance was observed. Tours and Events: Rick Tamagno an- New Business: Introduced by John Gir- The Minutes of the Meeting: (February nounced various events. See the news- man. 13th) Were approved as reported. letter for the latest on tours and events. Item 1: Announcement made regarding Members in attendance: 52 Cars and Parts For Sale/Needed: Frank the passing of several members. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Brian Wheeler needs a ‘35 pickup windshield Item 2: President John Girman an- Clary was well received. He discussed hinge. nounced the Early Ford V-8 Foundation the dollar amount of scholarship and Tech Tips: Jess Todd had a Top Loader is raffling a 2018 Ford F150 truck. Tick- raffle funds. He reminded us to pay our transmission question. Tom Johnston ets are $100 each and they will only sell dues if we haven’t already. suggested a person to call. 1200 tickets. He has the applications New Members and Guests: None this available. Tech Tips and Information: None evening. offered this meeting. Continued on Page 6 RG #27 REDWOOD REVIEW APRIL 2018 Henry’s Farm Tractor, continued from Page 1 Page 3 company in the United States in 1925. By 1942 the Ford Ferguson had cap- Sources: The Ferguson-Sherman Corporation, tured 20% of the tractor market com- 1. A Tale of Two Henry’s and Their located in Detroit, produced a plow pared to IH’s 40%. Ford Ferguson had Tractors, by Brian Witt. with a “Duplex Hitch” system suitable reached 100,000 units in the field. The for the Fordson line tractors. 2N (2 for 1942) was introduced be- 2. Ford-Ferguson Tractors, by Bill cause of the wartime shortages. The Ferguson came up with the idea of Ganzel. tractor was produced with steel mounting the plow both low on the wheels and without starter or genera- 3. Classic Farm Tractors, by Robert N. drawbar and up higher in a triangle tor to save on crucial materials. It was- Pripps. arrangement. If the plow hit a rock n’t long before copper and rubber underground the increased force were sufficient and most 2Ns were would transfer onto the upper link built with rubber tires, generator and point. That would force the front of starter. They were much the same as the tractor down rather than up. He From Pam Johnston the 9N. took the idea a step further adding a hydraulic mechanism to easily raise Ferguson wanted to increase tractor and lower the implements and auto- production to a million tractors a year. I’m sorry to have to report that we matically control the depth of the A questionable accounting study, after have lost two lovely ladies who were plow. He built a few of the tractors in Henry Ford’s death, showed the com- long-time members of our club. England in partnership with David pany was losing money on the hand- Elizabeth (Beth) Carpenter passed Brown Company but sales never took shake deal with Ferguson. Henry Ford away after an eleven-year bout with off. II announced 1947 was the last year of cancer. She and her husband Ted have the agreement and another company In 1938 Ferguson demonstrated his been Ford enthusiasts for many was taking over the sales of the new tractor to Henry on Fords Fairlane Es- years. She was a very devoted mother Ford 8N. Ferguson sued for patent in- tate Farm. Henry was so impressed and grandmother who loved to sew fringement in the amount of $350 mil- with the demonstration he was back in many gorgeous quilts, some of which lion, and after years in court the settle- the tractor business, with a handshake were given to some of our ment was for $9.25 million. Then Fer- agreement to produce a Ford Fergu- lucky members over the years.
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