630 W. Silver Lake Road, S., Traverse City, MI 49685 Phone: 231.943.4633, Fax: 231.943.8886 Web Address: www.stpatricktc.org Email Address: [email protected] Office hours: Mon-Fri: 9am—Noon & 1pm—4pm Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 30, 2018 IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK Sunday, September 30th, Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Pantry Sunday” 9:00am—MASS Special Intentions of the Parish 10:15am—Rosary led by the Knights of Columbus/Day Chapel 11:00am—MASS Perrie Knorr by St. Patrick Music Ministry Monday, October 1st 6:30pm—CCW Meeting/Social Hall Tuesday, October 2nd 10:00am—12:00pm Food Pantry open Wednesday, October 3rd 9:00am—MASS Deceased Members of the Fehley & Lipinski Families by Carol Lipinski 6:00pm—Faith Formation/Adult Faith Enrichment/Social Hall 6:00pm—CRHP Continuation Committee Meeting/Conference Room Thursday, October 4th, Saint Francis of Assisi 9:00am—MASS Daniel Kachnowski by Lori Taylor 10:00am—12:00pm Food Pantry open 6:00pm—Music Ministry Practice/Church 6:00pm—Marian Devotional Group/Day Chapel Friday, October 5th, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Priest 9:00am—MASS Amanda Rode/Healing by Joe & Gania Rode Saturday, October 6th, Blessed Marie Rose Durocher, Virgin 5:00pm—MASS Paul McCallum by CRHP Women Team 4 Sunday, October 7th Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time “Life Chain Sunday” “Holy Rosary Sunday” 9:00am—MASS Medford Sattler by Geraldine & LeAnn 11:00am—MASS Special Intentions of the Parish 4:00pm—Pray the Rosary Coast to Coast/St. Patrick Church Coffee & Rolls Sponsored by Pastoral Council Following Both Masses LIFE CHAIN SUNDAY IS ONE WEEK FROM TODAY GOD RECOGNIZES US AS PERSONS BEFORE CONCEPTION, BEFORE BEING FORMED IN OUR MOTHER’S WOMB AND BEFORE BIRTH: “Then the Word of the LORD came to me, saying, before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a Prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:4-5. (NKJV) St. Patrick Mission Statement We share the Good News of Jesus Christ through Word, Worship and Action. We minister to the Spiritual and Life needs of our brothers and sisters. St. Patrick Church September 30, 2018 CCW FALL BAZAAR Pray the Rosary for our Nation Holy Rosary Sunday Saturday, Oct 20th October 7, 2018 10:00am-7:00pm Come pray the rosary with the nation on the first Sunday of October. The Knights of Columbus will Sunday Oct 21st be leading a rosary starting at 4pm along with 10:00am-2:00pm thousands of other people across the nation at the same time for the healing of our nation and church. For more info go to: is in need of donations of new The Silent Auction Rosary Coast to Coast.com items and gift certificates for services, food, mer- chandise etc. Please contact Paula Leavey at 231- 499-9287 or 231-640-2371. Flyer/Sign Advertisement for GRANDMA’S ATTIC: Needs kitchen items ( in St. Patrick Fall Bazaar 2018 good condition), house wares, trinkets, gadgets. NO CLOTHING PLEASE!! Please place items in clos- et by pop machine in social hall. Please contact Everyone knows that to have a successful fund- Christina Vera at 231-492-6937. raiser, you need to have lots of people attend the fundraiser. The key to attendance is advertis- ing. The annual Fall Bazaar is the biggest fund- WANTED ITEMS : Jewelry, scarves and purses for raiser for St. Patrick CCW. We need your help with the Jewelry booth. Please contact Julie Lamie this important advertising task. Signs and flyers @231-421-3946 Please place items in tote by St. will be available in the vestibule of the Church over Patrick statue. the next several weeks. Please take one and help spread the news of our upcoming Bazaar. Please record where you are putting the flyer/sign so ef- Please label which booth the items are for. forts don’t get duplicated. Thanks so much for pro- moting the Bazaar (October 20 & 21, 2018). Hope to see you all there! Canning Season is Here!!! The CCW are preparing for their Fall Bazaar Country Store ST. PATRICK ROSARY GARDEN WRAP-UP! and are in need of the following items: We can all feel that cool fall air blowing through the trees announcing the return of crisp tempera- tures and changing leaves. St. Patrick’s gardens behaved beautifully to all that hot summer weath- 1/2 pint or pint jelly jars er. The gardens were in constant bloom and the Lids bushes grew beyond expectations this summer. Rings We hope that you took some time to enjoy the Lemon Juice Church grounds. The Committee sends thanks to Fruit Pectin (powder) all the secret gardeners who weeded or watered Sugar the flowers. We appreciated your efforts! We will Fruits & Vegetables (any kind) put the garden to rest by the end of October and pray for gentle winter weather for the gardens and Any questions, please contact Susan Glass for all St. Patrick’s parishioners! Until next (231)-342-8465 spring……. Barb Cummings, Bev Town. Marlene Moreno , Liz & Gary Clous and Mary Meernik Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 30, 2018 Financial Report—Week 9/16/2018 Sponsor of the Week! 234 Envelopes & Direct Deposit $9,798.00 We want to acknowledge our Children’s Gifts 15.82 sponsor of the week. Loose Cash 589.00 Weekly Total $10,402.82 Brent’s Home Restoration & New Construction Income Total 2018-2019 (Week 12) $153,072.51 We urge you to please patronize our Sponsors. DIRECT YOUR DOLLARS Oleson Receipts We have $127,121. in Family Fare register re- We hope you are saving your Oleson receipts! For ceipts already toward our Second Goal of every 5000 points we receive $50. Please continue $150,000. Please continue to put Family Fare re- to drop them in the “Big White Box” marked ceipts in the container in the hallway off the vesti- “Oleson’s” by the coat rack across from the bule near the restrooms. Thank you! restrooms. Thank you. ******************** DIRECT YOUR LABELS Parish Staff 943-4633 Family Fare has a new house brand of products called OUR FAMILY. For every 500 UPC’s not logos Pastor Rev. Greg McCallum ext 202 collected, we receive $25.00. We need the labels Critical Care Catholic Chaplain Deacon Rene cell 499-8030 with the UPC Code. They can be put in the second Homebound & Hosp. Ministry Deacon Rene home 499-8030 Parish Secretary Sue Korson ext 201 container in the vestibule near the restrooms. Bookkeeper Dave Basler ext 203 Thank You. Maintenance Director Curt Britten ext 204 Director of Liturgical Music Laurie Plichta ext 205 Youth Ministry Coordinator Stacey Popp ext 207 Director of Religious Education Sherrie Clutts ext 217 THANK YOU!! A big THANK YOU to all who donated eye glasses Ministry to the people in Guatemala. Thanks for partnering Altar Servers Teresia Moreno 357-4910 Arts & Environment Laurie Plichta 342-0206 with us! Baptismal Preparation Jacqueline Hoenscheid 883-7117 Wilfred and Kirsten Saldanha Children’s Liturgy of the Word Barb Grewe 269-4464 CRHP Parish Representative Debbie Ritchie 218-1424 DCCW/Women’s Guild Karen Youker 269-3458 Hidden Treasure Series Mary Meernik 313-348-3812 Durable Medical Equipment Ministry Kern Burden 276-3344 Finance Council Nick Agostinelli 941-4873 Tuesday, October 23, 2018 Food Pantry Mary Clulo 943-7954 Lisa Schaub 946-1445 GTACS Advisory Board Theresa Andrews 640-2213 9:30am—11:30am Funeral Luncheon Tanya Struble 275-7216 Knights of Columbus Bob Glass 342-8464 Marriage Couple Sponsors Herb & Barb Lemcool 943-9040 St. Patrick Social Hall Men’s Club Jim Scrivener 943-4929 Mothers in Christ Theresa Andrews 640-2213 “Saints” St. Simeon and St. Anna Pamphlets & Media Ministry Barb Benson 943-9285 Nancy Burt 276-9433 Parish Nurse Jacquelyn Collins 218-1268 Presenter will be Dannie Brzezinski. Pastoral Council Barb Benson 357-1004 Respect Life Jeannie Stricker 943-8004 Right to Life Sherrie Clutts 943-4633 Safe Harbor Joanne Willis 943-5087 Please contact Sue in the Parish office if you will Senior Spirits Kasia Parcia 632-8206 be attending. Sunshine Greetings Maxine Steinmiller 276-9550 Ushers Tom Richards 947-5334 Veterans Carol LaCross 906-250-5040 Wellness Ministry Barb Wilson 276-3243 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 30, 2018 Liturgical Ministers for NEXT WEEK– October 6th & 7th, 2018 Please Pray Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time For Barbara Roach, 5:00pm 9:00am 11:00am Evelyn Hammond, Altar Chris Moore Finn Ritchie Angelina Wilkins Tom Hammond, Jim Servers Jonah Moore Molly Ritchie Hammond, Sandy Belle Pedroza Wing, Donna Poliski, Refugio Moreno CiCi Pedroza Tony Fortuna, Laura Sabol, Amanda Joe Robertson (Capt) John Baynton (Capt) Lucsy, Andrea Ushers Doug Gallagher (Co-Cap) Jerry Kalena Teagen,, Alex Webb, Month of Matt LeBlanc Brenda Denninger, October Bob Moler (Capt) Larry Kabot Pat Pahl (Co-Capt) Traci LeBlanc “BabyGeno”Lafave Steve Doherty III, Laura Coleman Jim Allen Buddy Bothwell Craig Gulseth Lyndia Timbs, Sophie Kathy Lofquist Matt Breimayer Pat Trombley Cobb, Joan Richards, Kern Burden Dave Kjeldgaard Jim Smith Mary Wabegijik, Baylor Robertson Mark Blonshine, Erich Zimmer, Elizabeth Clous Jan Zolik Sheryl Graves Johnnie Wagener, Greeters Gary Clous Roger Graves Jacob Cabinaw, Daniel Zolik Dennis Russell, Lynn Baumann, Jim & Debra Barth, Lottie Legeret, Lucy Lectors Robert Moler John Wyrwas Kathleen Richter Herman, Tony Kathleen Parcia Peter Zirnhelt Patricia Gallagher Bischof, Jacqueline Clark, Joe & Lori Taylor, Lillian Rose Christine Combs Abigail Gross Barbara Benson Bloss, Sadie Binford. Eucharistic David Combs Arlene Ogden Brian Vos Janet Williams, Ministers C y n d i & K e v i n Charles Fricke Mary Schaub Jean Baynton Gloria Fricke Marcia B.
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