APPENDICES H - I FINAL REPORT FOR GREENWOOD CHEMICAL SITE GREENWOOD, VA RAPID RESPONSE CONTRACT NO. DACW45-89-D-9516 DELIVERY ORDER NO. 31 Submitted to: Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Omaha, Nebraska Submitted by: OHM Remediation Services Corporation Glen Alien, Virginia OHM Project 11112 AR30I*066 APPENDIX H ANALYTICAL REPORTS! CONFIRMATION SAMPLES FINAL REPORT FOR GREENWOOD CHEMICAL SITE GREENWOOD, VA RAPID RESPONSE CONTRACT NO. DACW45-89-D-9516 DELIVERY ORDER NO. 31 Submitted to: Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Omaha, Nebraska Submitted by: OHM Remediation Services Corporation Glen Alien, Virginia OHM Project 11112 AR30l*067 Analytical Services Corp. ANALYT1CAL REPORT CLIENT: OHM Remediation Services Corporation Virginia Division ATTN: D. Bottoms PROJECTS 11112 - USAGE Greenwood Chemical S AMPLE (S): DA72 SAMPLE TYPE(3)1 Solid ANALYSIS PERFORMED: Conventionals and Organics DATE RECEIVED: July 18, 1992 JOBLINK(s): #609904 This report is "PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL" and delivered to, and intended for the exclusive use of the above named client only. Analytical Services Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for the reliance hereon or use hereof by anyone other than the above named client. Reviewed and *~~~/~^? ^^7 -» / / Approved by: -_______/ ^- ^^/^l**~*^__________ Date 7/^?/9 Thomas E. Gran, Ph.D., Vice President / / • P.O. Box 1404 • Findlajr.Qhtt4S839-1404 • 419-123-3526 PROJECT NARRATIVE The following items relate to the samples and analytical data contained in this report. o All sample results are reported on an as received "wet weight" basis. o Note any and all comments at the bottom of the tables in Appendix B and/or Appendix C. o ASC will retain samples for a maximum of thirty (30) days after completion of the analysis, samples will be held for a longer period of time, if appropriate arrangements are made in advance. A nominal disposal charge of $5.00/ sample will be imposed for unreturned samples. QR30d069 APPENDIX A DATA SUMMARY REPORT NOTE: The GC/MS screen data is included in Appendix B. tao'! ! flR30l»070 cCO* or- *-* , •* *• / FM uB Q ft, i Htt o ua | C/) O | M i tn«-tt-i 0* nr*ffl*nn nnnmm nnrtmn mmmnm mnnnm Mmmnn en P^ ^^ ^* ^^ ^* QD ^D **^ 8 0*30*0 VV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV V M 8 O fc 9 9 4f J SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS SSSSS S M f 4f5 -4 ^^ ^N ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^**^^^^^^^^ ^^ «• 4 O C 9 O 9 9999 99999 9 9 999 99999 999*9 9 999 9 9 9 i 4» SOO D *fi O S 8 I 6 B SBBBB BBBBfl BBBBB BiSBS SBSBB B W •3B 9s • * 5 £<H 4* • 8 • PrH H •" u 1 ifeoii07l aH • W £ *+. * OOO 9 >t WO O • : - ft, S "SLO • ———— B*4 S *"•• F TJ0 c0 "S u0e0 4r* e0 oay s 5 a 00 *> e JB4« sl^^ft °° "P w M (^ :"'**4JS f ^ C 1 fi O4^4^4JM 0 £ 0 O 0*O a O 4^ 0 0 *HO0C »*40flQ 9d)V9ftp^OC 60 *D ^ u M a _j £ ^4 3 "a S 0 f S £*o 4 S *J 8 8 2 s "So 5 S3 « u •*• o *> • 4» U ••UMfcl B -W 2 f b* ^OOOO -H 1 ** « T3 49060 ** e>* O * 4 4! 8 **40CJ3JS M0PtOd fl ^ pH ^ *H O(*)fl" 0>CBVH A |. s •4S* icn « *>c0oc<o «-5 c «H o c c p4*9 p O9 p« OO-w S HS ao u O-H-H-^-S u u Hu u »nr7|0 i j i « e « «§« G+M J 7* cu ifl 9oO c H4'p>iHBlalaooOi-t-H 0 Q OOMHt4H^H<HO*o o jsjs TtHf <-AIII4 O O O IQ iiM c « M( >i>«-!•-i ( s>tt^Hv MO £E >«f >l C ^40 tf 0141460 14 M ^ ^ ^ ^ O O W O O rtW rt d V 0 A J3 £ JS JS 93 B 41 4) *VU^'H.-' j{ XO. g <«Sm OOOOO OcNn^o QH^IHH U4IOHH MMMMX X CM CO CM r* O CM U W i 1 ^^^—^ a ao UJ a - 0 o3 I 0«0 Q in «•!«•« 2££22 2221**1** «*»<n<nf>*n 1252122 men *0k • ** ***** ***** * .*** ** SrfHdH araoto VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV V V to 8** »*•*•* d O* ^^ Oft ^^ ^A Oft ^K Oft Oft Qft • O* Oft O* Oft Oft Qft C^ Oft Q' O*99 a n 0 « 41 MM > JQ 4 O B O Oft O* Oft Oft Oft Oft ^^ Ol Dft Oft Oft Oft Dft Oft Oft Oft O* Oft Oft 9Oft9 3as 4-S|B* s ao U9 | g'g'fg'g' sa^as aaaaa aaaaaa s to -5 2 0 >* 3t 9 0 -441 w C 2 £ 9 ft-4 4 * JS H 0 ftl~4 39 41 i 1 Ef, M SW 0 90 B 9 < ft4j 4 6 B 90 M 101 B* * 0 4 4 -4 U O i • B JS JS >*9 9 0 u MO •H O4>4> 99J3BB3 • 4199 CB4144^4 H 90 O 09 4 4 9J5ft >M 9 H 9B.3 H 14 B JS J5 0-UO "H G gg 4 T) O O 09 41 41 9 U 9 U M 99 9 |^4J^HH^ 0 9BOaft4l H M M 4 U « >i J3 JS>iB 0 09^00 0 fl BB 0^41 O O.B4 M U^J3 U U M 0 0 ^ . 0^34 J"^^ 0 0>OOO 0«2 •§ 9 •H O >il 41 410<M £ J54119-4J3 J34 M U MM v J >i 41 41 -CO 9 0140 O O0I«4O 0410 O 33 ^-> 4 0414 H H Oft ••< •HOBO*** -*4 0i-4 ^ r*l *4 3 B *4 C «-4 1 1^*0 14 14UB1414 UOJ3 £ JSlJt O 9 I9d CNJ3 >i«H H 0 4OH H4O0CI B M > »4*4HB* *OJE3ei 1^414^41 1 9-H 0 4 >»>i>i9«-l <M 4 4 0H CMJSHJSfH IN^HSO O Ot M J3JSAU » *MM3 % -O 1 O - *>'>'«' <n??* 41 Q 9 9 41 *• » 0 0 O » • fc« * 14 * *-3 -rf >< * O !E !£ !£ Gfi v4 ^4 £4 &4 E>4 ^4 ^4 (4 ^4 (4 f4 ^4 ^ 9 M ^4 A -)JR30U072 APPENDIX B QUANTITATIVE RESULTS CONVENTIONAL DATA (CV10) Company Name Facility Sampl« Point ASG Sample No. OHM REMEDIATION SERVICES CORPORATION 011112 DA72 JIS150 ——————— *^*_ Saaple Detection Blank Batch Compounds Results Limits Results Number Halogens, Total as CL % ND .100 ND Q1I981 Phenols mg/Jcg ND .974 ND Q2I9S8 TOTAL VOLATILE ANALYSIS, MS, (HVOO) Company Name Facility Sample Point ASC Sample No, OHM REMEDIATION SERVICES CORPORATION 011112 DA72 JI81SO Sample Detection Blank Batch Compounds Results Limits Results Number rag/kg mg/kg mg/kg Acetone • ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Aero la in ; ND 2.37 ND Q2V1794 Aery lonit rile ND 1.18 ND Q2V1794 Benzene ' ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Bromoform ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Carbon disulfide ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Carbon tetrachloride ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Chlorobenzene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Chlorodibromomethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Chloroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Chloroform ; ND .473 ND Q2V1794 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether ND .473 ND Q2V1794 3-Chloropropene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 l,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Dichlorobrocnomethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1, 1-Dichloroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,2-Dichloroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1, 1-Dichloroethylene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1, 2-Dichloropropane : ND .473 ND Q2V1794 cis-l,3-Dichloropropylene ' ND .473 ND Q2V1794 trans-1, 3-Dichloropropylene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 D ibromomo thane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Ethylbenzene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Ethylene dibromide ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Ethyl acetate ND 4.73 ND Q2V1794 Ethyl ether ND .473 ND Q2V1794 2-Hexanone ND .473 ND Q2V1794 lodomethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Kethyl bromide ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Methyl chloride ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Methylene chloride ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Methyl ethyl ketone ND .947 ND Q2V1794 Methyl-iso-butyl ketone ND 2.37 ND Q2V1794 Styrene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,1,1, 2-Tetrachloroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,1,2, 2-Tetrachloroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Tetrachloroethylene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Tetrahydrofuran ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Toluene , • ND ! .473 ND Q2V1794 1,1, 1-Trichloroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,1,2-Trichloroethane i ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Trichloroethylene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1 , 2-Trans-dlchloroethylene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Trichlorofluoromethane • ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,2, 3-Trichloropropane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,1, 2-Tr ichlorotr if luoroethane ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Vinyl acetate ND 2.37 ND Q2V1794 Vinyl chloride ND .473 ND Q2V1794 Xylenes ND .473 ND Q2V1794 ftR30l*075 TOTAL VOLATILE ANALYSIS, MS, (HVOO) Company Name Facility Sample Point ASC Sample No. OHM REMEDIATION SERVICES CORPORATION 011112 DA72 JI8150 Sample Detection Blank Batch Compounds Results Limits Results Number mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND .473 ND Q2V1794 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 473 ND Q2V1794 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 473 ND Q2V1794 fiR30t»076 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS BY GC/HS, (MVOO) TENTATIVELY IDENTIFIED VOLATILE SCREEN RESULTS FACILITY: 11112 SAMPLE IDENTIFIER: DA72 ASC SAMPLE NUMBER: JI8150 Retention Estimated Time Concentration CAS # Compounds (min) (mg/kg) No chromatographic peaks were present with an area greater than 10% of the internal standard RR30U077 APPENDIX C QUALITY ASSURANCE DATA AR30i»07* SUMMARY OP ANALYTICAL METHODOLOGY Parameter Reference Method Conventional Phenols (soil) SW-846 9065 Halogens, Total as CL ASTM D808-81 Organics Volatile Compounds by GC/MS SW-846 8240 080;! a; ftR30i*079 METHODOLOGY REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials. 1985, edition. CAWf Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes.
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